The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 24: nine nights


On the second night, Liu Shisui came to Jing Jiu's cave again, did not stay for too long, just said a few words and then left.

As a natural Dao seed that the entire Qingshan sect puts high hopes on, Liu Shisui is under too much pressure now. There are many equally talented disciples in the inner sect. Even if they are not as good as him, they practice harder than him. Not to mention, now that he is learning swords from Gu Han, he can often come into contact with those perverts on Liangwang Peak, so naturally he can't relax.

On the third night, Liu Shisui came to make Jing Jiu's bed and fold the quilt, and served tea and water.

Jing Jiu noticed that his left leg was somewhat inconvenient to walk, and then found a wound on the back of his neck.

"Have you been beaten again?"

Liu Shisui hurriedly explained: "It has nothing to do with Senior Brother Gu, it's the injury he got during the sword fight."

Jing Jiu didn't speak any more.

Maybe it was because he lied, maybe it was because he defended Gu Han in front of Jing Jiu, Liu Shisui felt that the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"Then... shall I go first?"

Jing Jiu ignored him.

A wind blew up outside the cave, and the sword light illuminated a corner of the night, and disappeared in an instant.

Jing Jiu raised his head, looked at that place, and remained silent.

He was well aware of Liangwang Peak's behavior style, and any disciple they liked would be strictly controlled, and Liu Shisui must be under great pressure.

On the fourth night, the small courtyard was pushed away again, but it was not Liu Shisui who came tonight, but the fat man who had met once on Jianfeng that day.

"My name is Ma Hua, and my name is very inconspicuous. I am ranked thirty-seventh on Liangwang Peak, and it is also very inconspicuous, but of course it is much more important than you, although you are more famous than me. You should be very clear about my purpose tonight, yes , I am sending a message on behalf of Senior Brother Gu San, I want you not to meet Shi Sui again in the future, you don’t need to speak in a hurry, I know you look down on this method, and as long as you don’t join Liangwang Peak, we have no reason to control you, But don't forget, ten years old is now learning swords with us."

Ma Hua looked at Jing Jiu with a smile and said, "Ten years old is punished by Feng Gui every day. The injury is not serious, but it always hurts. Why do you think it is necessary?"

Jing Jiu glanced at him.

Ma Hua went on to say: "At Nansong Pavilion, at the age of ten, he can follow you without cultivating Taoism, but you know that he can't make such a choice now."

Jing Jiu knew that what he said was true. As a natural Daoist, who would give up when he came to the Nine Peaks and came into contact with those long-awaited Daojian Jue

"Of course, we won't force him to make a choice."

Ma Hua said with a smile: "Actually, if he can't come to see you, you can definitely visit him."

The hidden meaning in these words is very deep, but to Jing Jiu, it is like a stone in a shallow stream, he can see clearly.

Jing Jiu was a little surprised: "You want me to enter Liangwang Peak?"

Ma Hua looked at him and said with a smile: "I have a different idea from Gu San. I don't care whether you take pills or how you entered the inner sect. I only know that you are so lazy, but you can still go so far. It can show that you are also a real genius, and what I like most in Liangwangfeng is a genius."

The problem is that Jing Jiu doesn't like Liangwangfeng.

He pointed to the outside of the cave, signaling to see off the guests.

Ma Hua's smile didn't fade away, on the contrary, it became bigger and said: "Interesting, interesting."

On the fifth night, Liu Shisui came.

Jing Jiu didn't see any trauma on his body, but he saw tiredness on his face and some hesitation in his eyes.

The cave was very quiet. Ten Sui finished packing up, stood in front of him, lowered his head and said, "Practicing sword is too hard, too much homework, I can't..."

Jing Jiu raised his hand, Shi Sui understood what he meant, and stopped talking.

"Cultivating the Tao requires concentration."

Liu Shisui raised his head and looked at Jing Jiu's profile.

Jing Jiu was reading the sword scriptures, looking very attentive.

Liu Shisui knew that he just didn't want to see himself.

The son is very lazy and never reads books.

On the sixth night, Liu Shisui did not come.

On the seventh night, he came.

On the eighth night, he did not come.

On the ninth night.

Jing Jiu raised his head and glanced out the window to confirm that it was getting late and he probably wouldn't come.

After that, he didn't look out the window again.

The days that followed were still so monotonous, with nothing to say.

The disciples of Xijiange practiced diligently, and more than a dozen disciples who entered the inner sect with him continued to climb Jianfeng every day. It is said that several people saw the hope of success, only Jing Jiu was still like in Nansong Pavilion, sunbathing every day. Looking at the sun, carefully put gravel in the pan, waiting for time to turn the vast ocean of spirits into the nutrients needed for the sword fruit.

So he became an outlier again.

But different from Nansong Pavilion, the Immortal Master Lin Wuzhi from Tianguang Peak was only responsible for answering the students' questions, and never cared that he never went to class.

The other disciples were a little curious at first, but after a period of observation, they found that he was just like the rumors, so they ignored him and didn't even discuss much.

After all, the way of swordsmanship is difficult and dangerous, and requires diligence and diligence. There is no time to care about others.

After a few days, a group of new disciples who passed the examination were sent in from Beihe Pavilion and other places, and several disciples also came from Nansong Pavilion, including Xue Yongge, Junior Sister Yushan and the young man surnamed Yuan from Lelang County. Master Lu's departure did not have much impact on them.

In Xijiange, Xue Yongge publicized Jing Jiu's laziness and bad habits, but unfortunately, he didn't get much response.

Junior sister Yushan and the boy from Lelang County defended Jing Jiu, and then made a special trip to visit Jing Jiu.

Jing Jiu still didn't understand, but he acted much closer than when he was at Nansong Pavilion.

He memorized Junior Sister Yushan's name, and invited her to eat two wild fruits with the young man from Lelang County.

That night, two apes came over the mountain and found that there was no fruit to eat.

Time passed slowly and peacefully like this.

Liu Shisui came secretly twice to help him make the bed, sweep the courtyard, and say a few words.

I don't know if it's because of too much pressure now, or because the practice is too hard, so he talks less and less.

After a few days, Jing Jiu learned from Junior Sister Yushan that the date of the Chengjian Conference had already been set, and it would be in the early spring of next year.

Calculating carefully, it is only half a year before the time of inheriting the sword.

This time at the Sword Bearing Conference, the most anticipated person is of course Zhao Layue, and it can even be said that everyone is watching. It is said that even other sects are discussing which mountain she is the sword bearer who has been pre-booked in advance. And in the end she will choose which mountain to bear the sword.

Besides Zhao Layue, the one who received the most attention was Liu Shisui.

Everyone is curious about the speed of practice of this natural Taoist.

Now that Liu Shisui's sword pill has been completed, if he can achieve the perfection of Shou Yi Jing and be eligible to participate in the sword inheritance meeting, he will definitely become the focus of all peaks' competition.

In that case, he will become the second youngest sword bearer in history.

The next morning, Jing Jiu left the cave.

He was going to find Liu Shisui.