The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 56: A sigh


Gu Han was also waiting for him at the foot of the peak.

"Shangdefeng probably won't ask you for questions in a short time, or Master Bai will be angry. I won't ask where you went that night either."

He said to Liu Shisui: "Because we know that this matter has nothing to do with you."

Liu Shisui never told anyone about Jing Jiu's murder, nor did he say that he went to find Jing Jiu that night.

But Gu Han and Ma Hua could naturally guess that he went to find Jing Jiu that day, but they misunderstood the reason why he refused to tell.

Gu Han said: "After a while, something will happen, and you will suffer some grievances at that time. You should be mentally prepared."


Liu Shisui just didn't know how long that time would be, one year or two or three years

"The masters and colleagues in Qingshan Nine Peaks can ignore worldly affairs, cut off emotions, and devote all their time and energy to their own cultivation, but don't forget that it is because of us that we ensure that they can practice peacefully. Liangwang Peak has been fighting and fighting with the enemy outside the Qingshan for years, exhausting all means."

Gu Han looked at him and said: "Those fellow disciples were seriously injured, and their path of cultivation stopped, and some even died tragically. Compared with them, what are our grievances?"

He was very proud and treated his disciples very harshly, almost harshly, but he was really kind to Liu Shisui.

Because both he and Guo Nanshan placed very high expectations on Liu Shisui.

Liu Shisui said: "I understand, I am willing to do anything for Qingshan."

Gu Han patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stay hard with Master Bai at Tianguang Peak, see you at Liangwang Peak in a few days."

This sentence obviously has a deep meaning. I don't know how long it will take to live.

"Shangdefeng was in Chaliu when he was ten years old. I heard that he left his cave that night, but no one knew where he went."

Zhao Layue looked at Jing Jiu, but didn't see any emotion such as worry on his face.

Jing Jiu thought that this little girl really has a helper in the Nine Peaks, but she doesn't know which peak it is.

"He came to me that night," he said.

Zhao Layue said, "Aren't you worried?"

Jing Jiu said, "I told him that I killed that person."

Zhao Layue stared at his face, as if trying to find something from his face.

"Aren't you worried?"

The words for the same two questions were exactly the same, but the meaning she wanted to express was not exactly the same.

Jing Jiu didn't answer her question directly, but said, "Bai Rujing protects his weaknesses, and Liangwangfeng protects his weaknesses even more. He is a natural Daoist just like you, and the master will not let Shangdefeng mess around."

Zhao Layue said: "The goal of Shangde Peak is Liangwang Peak, and even the leader. Even if we can't find out anything, it's good to lose some face."

Jing Jiu didn't answer, obviously not interested in discussing this matter.

Zhao Layue said: "Are you really not interested in these things, or do you have Zhizhu?"

Jing Jiu was a little helpless, and said, "What I want to know more now is why you talk more and more after you came to Shenmo Peak?"

"Because I have too many problems in my heart."

Zhao Layue did not evade this question, and said, "For example, I always thought you would ask me that question, but you never did."

Yuan Qijing said that everyone has ghosts in their hearts.

Jing Jiu didn't know if Zhao Layue had ghosts in her heart, but she knew that she had many problems.

For example: Why did Zuo of Bihu Peak kill her

Because she was looking up something.

Why does she have to go to God's Moment Peak

Because she was looking up something.

"All right."

Jing Jiu looked at her and asked earnestly, "Why do you think Master Jing Jing didn't succeed in ascension?"

I don't know if the fog is as deep as a cloud or as thin as a fog.

The white turbulence flows out from among the peaks, follows the terrain to the town, and gathers here.

People in the town and tourists have different emotions about the beautiful scenery, and the hot pot side in the restaurant is still full of people.

No one could see that, high in the clouds and mist, there was a flash of sword light passing by at high speed.

There is a wild forest in Yunji Town. The trees are not very dense, but they are growing very well. In late spring, the green leaves are like strings of copper coins, shaking everywhere.

The wind blows the green trees, the smoke and dust are slightly made, and the red light suddenly fades away.

Zhao Layue put the Forsi Sword in her sleeve, let go of her hand, and said to Jing Jiu, "It's here."

They were in front of a big tree at this time, and the ground was covered with fallen leaves from previous years. It looked very ordinary, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"That underworld disciple's realm is very low. It was a bit strange to stay in Yunji Town at that time."

Zhao Layue looked at the ground and said: "Although the three-thousand-mile ban was issued at that time, it is a bit strange that Master Meng killed him with a sword without asking. But I didn't pay much attention at that time. His corpse came here, and at the moment when Grand Master flew up, something happened suddenly."

Jing Jiu asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Layue looked up at the peaks in the clouds and said, "I heard a sigh."

Jing Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Sigh?"

"Yes, that sigh is full of regret. It seems that there is an infinite nostalgia for the world, and it may be regret, but... there is also a feeling of incomparable satisfaction."

Zhao Layue said: "I'm pretty sure that disciple from the Underworld Department is dead, and there is no one around, so where did this sigh come from?"

Jing Jiu said, "Are you sure you heard it?"

Zhao Layue said: "That sigh sounded directly in my mind."

Jing Jiu was silent.

"I was looking there at the time."

Zhao Layue looked into the distance and said.

The clouds and fog were so heavy that it was impossible to see the appearance of the peaks clearly, but Jing Jiu knew that she was talking about Shenmo Peak.

He put his hands behind his back and looked there quietly.

"Sometimes I wonder if that sigh came from my uncle."

Zhao Layue said: "At first I couldn't believe it at all, but now I am more and more sure, since I am the disciple of Chengjian chosen by my uncle, and since he has kept the Forsi sword by my side, then when I leave this world At that time, will you leave me some information just like leaving the sword manual to you?"

"I think you're thinking too much."

Jing Jiu said, "I want to see that underworld disciple."

The blood-like sword light illuminated the entire dense forest, and the extremely sharp Furth sword quickly dug a big hole in the ground, exposing the corpse of the underworld disciple.

Several years passed, but for some reason, the corpse did not decompose, and still maintained its original appearance, but shriveled a little, looking like a dehydrated leaf.

Jing Jiu untied the iron sword, pulled the corpse aside, and asked, "Why didn't you burn it with sword fire?"

Once Qingshan disciple enters the Zhitong realm, he can ignite the sword fire.

Zhao Layue was an outer disciple at the time, but she should be able to do it with her talent.

Master Meng asked her to dispose of the corpse based on this consideration.

"Because I thought something was wrong at the time, I kept the corpse and put some soul-relief stones in it."

Jing Jiu used his iron sword to push aside the black jade-like stones next to the corpse, looked at the deformed, waxed face, and remained silent for a long time.

This face was foreign to him.

He used his sword consciousness to check the corpse of this underworld disciple several times without missing anything.

Then, he discovered a problem.

There is a hollow deep between the brows of this underworld disciple.

That hole is very small, and it is not where the people in the underworld store the soul fire, so what is it used for

Jing Jiu noticed that the hole was very smooth, and from the shape, it looked like a ginseng fruit.

It appears that someone has lived in it for a long time.

(It was mentioned in the WeChat official account before the book was opened that the road to the sky will be a very simple story. Whether it is characters, structure or temperament, it is difficult to write because it is simple. Now it seems that the completion is not bad. The whole plot The advance is exactly twice as fast as I expected, or it is twice as fast as I used to. It is really not that complicated. Just watch it happily and happily. If there is a reversal in the future, everyone will be happy when the time comes. Oh, good, shake hands, it’s Monday, please vote for recommendation.)