The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 61: Liu Ada


On the west side of Bihu Peak, there is a group of temples in front of Baiya, where the teachers and students of Bihu Peak practice their immortal dwellings.

The peak master Cheng Youtian stood in front of the Ebbing Tide Hall, looking at the island in the middle of the lake in the distance, his brows were slightly frowned, a little worried.

He is a direct disciple of the previous generation of Bihu Peak Master, and he is not in the same vein as Lei Poyun.

For these years, he has been meditating in the hidden peak deep in the green mountain, but he only vaguely knew that something happened between the nine peaks, and he didn't want to face this kind of pressure at all. He didn't want to be snatched away by that old monster at Shangde Peak, he would never come back from Yinfeng and defeat Chi Yan before the Chengjian Conference.

The thunderstorm tonight is much more violent than expected, and I don't know what it means.

Bihu Peak has already lost two important figures, and they did not die in a battle with demons, they died violently.

Many Bihufeng disciples wanted to ask the master for an answer because they were aggrieved, but he forcibly suppressed them.

Could this be God's punishment? Because Bihufeng did such evil things

He looked at the hundreds of lightning bolts like spider webs in the night sky, and thought in awe.

Many people in Nine Peaks were also looking at Bihu Peak, admiring the rare beauty.

Only a few people can vaguely perceive the abnormal situation in Tianweili.

On the cliffside of Tianguang Peak, on the side of the fence of Shangde Peak, the tallest figure between the two green hills looked in the direction of Bihu Peak and remained silent.

Countless bolts of lightning leaked from the night sky, washed into a dreamlike appearance by the heavy rain.

Looking at such beautiful scenery, what are they thinking

If the white cat really made a move, even if he was different from ordinary ascetics, he might die.

Jing Jiu thought silently.

For him now, that white cat was too scary.

"I know you didn't take part in that, because you didn't have the guts."

For some reason, the more vigilant he was towards the white cat, the more casual his attitude was, and he seemed particularly confident.

"But if you still choose not to take my side this time around, then you know exactly what I'm going to do."

After saying this, he turned and prepared to leave.

On the surface, his words were still strong enough, and his movement of leaving seemed casual, without taking the white cat seriously.

But at the next moment, he knew that he was wrong, he forgot how meticulous the white cat's observation was, and this turning point seemed to come too suddenly.

Sure enough, the white cat suddenly raised its right paw, and waved it at him from a distance of tens of feet.

It is still very vigilant and careful, its claws are not straightened, and it seems that it is ready to withdraw at any time.

So its action looked very cute, as if it wanted to tickle Jing Jiu.

In fact, the action is pretty scary.

Stretching for dozens of miles in the night sky, the large net woven by hundreds of lightning bolts was suddenly pulled and deformed.

It was as if an invisible giant hand was scratching in the night sky.

Many lightning bolts broke from it, merged with each other in a very short time, and turned into a very thick beam of light, falling towards the green lake.

The cold light from the cat's claws easily tore through the dense rainwater and came to him.

At the same time, that extremely thick lightning bolt descended together with that cold light.

With a muffled sound, lightning and cold light hit Jing Jiu's chest and abdomen accurately, in no particular order.

There was no cry of pain, no scream, Jing Jiu was like an unconscious stone, he was directly blown hundreds of feet away.

He landed in the lake, and the splash was not loud, and the sound was even less likely to exceed the rainstorm.

The lake gradually calmed down.

The tranquility here refers to what it should look like in a heavy rain, those evenly painted waves.

The white cat left the palace and walked slowly to the lake.

The long hair that was wet by the heavy rain was drooping, but it didn't look embarrassed, but looked very majestic.

It looks like a beast king inspecting the territory, watching the lake quietly, focused and vigilant.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there is still no movement in the lake.

The vigilance in its eyes gradually faded away, giving rise to complacent and cruel emotions.

Suddenly, its pupils shrank into beans, and its body turned slightly to the right, ready to turn around and run away at any time.

Under the heavy rain, Bihu seems to be the same as before.

Gradually, a wave appeared on the surface of the water, and Jing Jiu came out.

In the rainstorm, one person and one cat confront each other.

Jing Jiu knew that the white cat didn't really want to kill him by waving its paw, it was just a test.

Of course, if he died directly, the white cat would be very happy.

Or, if it was sure that it was weak and ready to kill, then... it might actually kill him.

Cats are such animals.

When it needs to be fed by the owner, it can be very gentle and humble.

When the owner is unable to provide food, it will jump out of the window without hesitation and leave without any nostalgia.

What's even more frightening is that if you die and it has nothing to eat, then you will become its food.

The most frightening thing is that at that time, it will often start to bite from your head and face, the white hair is stained with blood, and the picture is touching.

Jing Jiu walked towards the white cat.

His breathing was very steady, and his steps were also very steady, except for the torn clothes on his chest, there was nothing unusual about him.

The terrifying lightning and the cold light from the cat's paw didn't seem to have any effect on him.

Looking at this scene, the white cat's constricted pupils showed strong puzzlement, and then uneasiness.

Why are you still alive? Why are you fine

Jing Jiu went to the white cat and squatted down, raised his right hand.

The white cat stared at his hand, trying to turn around and run away, but didn't move for some reason.

Its fur was all erected, and it looked extra vigilant because it sensed danger.

This kind of danger did not originate from Jing Jiu's strength, but from his instinct, or in other words, it was imprinted in his soul for countless years.

"Liu Ada."

Jing Jiu looked at the white cat and said, "After feeding you for so many years, is it still not familiar?"

Unexpectedly, this white cat would have such a strange name.

Jing Jiu's hand fell down.

The white cat turned its head and pretended not to see his movements, but its body was trembling slightly, obviously resisting the urge to run away.

Jing Jiu thought to himself that you are still as bullying, timid and sensitive as you were back then. Before you know the details of the other party, you will never dare to act presumptuously.

Thinking of these things, his hand had already landed on the white cat's head, rubbing it gently.

Jing Jiu touched the cat very skillfully.

His hand slid from the top of the white cat's head, over the neck to the back, until it passed in front of the tail like a breeze.

Then, he repeated this action again.

Repeatedly, as if it would never stop.

If Chi Yan or Mei Li and the others saw this scene, they would definitely not suspect that he was from Guocheng Temple.

He touched the heads of Liu Shisui and Zhao Layue in the same way.

This is just his habit and has nothing to do with empowerment or anything.

With his stroking, the white cat gradually stopped trembling, and its mood became much more stable.

Jing Jiu looked at the white cat and asked, "Are you worried that he is still alive, if you stand by my side, he will come to trouble you in the future?"

The white cat lay on the rain-wet grass, and didn't feel uncomfortable. Hearing this question, he still looked away, but his ears moved.

Jing Jiu understood what it meant.

—You are asking the question knowingly.

"So, between us, you decide to remain neutral?"

Jing Jiu continued to ask.

The white cat turned to look at him quietly.

—A pair of senior brothers who are perverted and terrifying like you, who do I dare to offend

"I see, it turned out to be the case."

Jing Jiu's voice was like the tattered white clothes on his body, drenched by the rain, and became a little weak.

He stood up and looked towards the palace under the cliff to the west, and said: "I'm afraid that kid Lei Poyun didn't know anything, but it's a pity that he died because of him."

The white cat thought that such an idiot would die as soon as he died, what a pity.

"I'll see you later."

Jing Jiu looked at the white cat and said.

The white cat glanced at him indifferently, meaning, you can talk about it while you live.

Jing Jiu walked towards the green lake, and soon disappeared into the water, never to be seen again.

The white cat turned back and came to a big tree.

The wild cats on the tree have long avoided it.

The white cat leaped lightly, like a ghost, to the top of a tree more than ten feet high.

It lay lazily on its front paws, not caring about the continuous rainstorm.

Looking at the surface of the lake, confirming that Jing Jiu had really left, the ferocious look in its eyes disappeared as soon as it appeared.

The thunderstorm gradually stopped, the soul wood in the temple sank automatically, entered the spiritual veins to nourish itself, and the island returned to calm.

The night clouds dissipated, and the sky full of stars appeared again.

The starlight fell on the green lake, and the green lake seemed to become a mirror.

The white cat quietly lay on the tree, looking at Bihu, the emotion in its eyes became warmer, and there was also some nostalgia.

Sure enough, the bark was not as comfortable as rubbing against his palm, it was warm and soft.

It suddenly felt a little tired.

Jing Jiu's current state is indeed very low, but the mental oppression it brings is too strong.

It yawned, opening its mouth wide.

The night sky was dim, the Silver Lake shimmered slightly, and the starlight seemed to be much less at this moment.

It's like being swallowed by someone.