The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 70: Surprise at the auction


In the mundane world, gold is naturally the most beautiful and valuable thing, but most of the people in Baoshuju are monks, so they are naturally used to the style of the world of practice.

The most common currency in the practice world is not gold and silver, but spar, which is more precious and rare than gold and silver.

Jing Jiu knew crystal stones, but he hadn't touched them much, because crystal stones were only useful for practitioners below Wuzhang state, and in terms of effect, they were far inferior to the pills he usually took.

As for Zhao Layue, since she was born, she has had an endless supply of pills from the green hills, and she has never worried about such things, so she looked at Jing Jiu and asked, "Do you have any?"

Jing Jiu shook his head.

The manager still kept a smile on his face, but his eyes became colder and colder.

Jing Jiu took out a pill from his sleeve and put it on the table.

The elixir was dark red in color, and it looked unsurprising, but after smelling it closely, it had a pungent smell similar to wormwood.

The steward was working in Baoshuju, so he was naturally well-informed, and was slightly taken aback. After confirming that it was what he was thinking, his eyes lit up.

Before he had time to seal the box, he found two teacups as quickly as possible, put the dark red pill in it, and wrapped it tightly with tissue paper several times.

It wasn't until he finished all this that his expression relaxed a little.

Zhao Layue's expression was slightly different. This elixir should be Xuancao elixir, not from Qingshan Zongshiyue Peak, but from Zhongzhou Xuanhua Mountain.

The steward looked at the expressions of Zhao Layue and Jing Jiu, and became much more respectful.

No matter where the weirdo came from, no matter whether Chaonan City is looking for you, as long as you can take out a Xuancao Pill, then you are entitled to be respected by Baoshuju.

The steward personally led the two of them to a private room on the seventh floor, whispered a few things to note during the auction, and left quietly.

This private room is also an excellent room in Treasure Tree Residence. If the people from ordinary practice sects are not elders, they will definitely not be arranged here.

Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue didn't know this, they opened the door and entered the room, and swept the surroundings with sword sense to confirm that there was no formation aura and no one was prying, and then they took off the gray cloth.

The furnishings in the private room are not luxurious, but they are definitely exquisite. There is a pot of sparrow tea on the table, which is still steaming. It must be freshly brewed when they left the first floor. There are several fruit dishes next to the teapot. With snacks, hot and cold towels are available, and two wooden signs are quietly placed on both sides.

In terms of details, Baoshuju is really good.

But Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue were not satisfied, because this private room was No. B room of Xuan Zi.

You must know that they stayed in Room A of Tianzi in the Shangzhou Inn last night.

"Why are we here?" Jing Jiu asked.

Of course, Zhao Layue didn't hide here to avoid the pursuit of the southern city defenders.

She said: "The current principal of Baoshuju is Lei Poyun's nephew."

It turns out that the background here is Bihu Peak.

Jing Jiu said, "Then?"

Zhao Layue thought to herself, are you asking this knowingly

"Bihu Peak lost two pieces of Thunder Soul Wood, and Lei Poyun went mad and died. These must have something to do with Master Uncle Feisheng."

She said: "If a person is dead, there will still be clues left behind. Lei Poyun must not dare to have ill intentions against his uncle. He must have been seduced by those big demons outside Qingshan. Baoshuju is the place where Qingshan communicates with the outside world. One of the channels, and the person in charge is his nephew, I think there should be a problem here."

Jing Jiu thought to himself that the devil might not be the devil, the outside of the mountain might be inside the mountain.

He asked again, "Why don't we go directly to the person in charge?"

Zhao Layue said: "Because he doesn't know how to speak, and even commits suicide when he sees us, so we can only observe and see if we can find any clues."

Jing Jiu felt very troublesome.

He really felt that there was nothing to investigate.

In the mountain village, he deduced and calculated for a whole year, and he has already figured out many things, but there is no evidence.

And there is no evidence for this kind of thing, only people.

Lei Poyun just stagnated in his realm, and wanted to regain his strength with that sword, so he was persuaded by that person.

Since you have to ask, it is better to ask that person directly. Just like that summer night, he went to Bihu Peak to ask the white ghost.

The question is how to find that person? You can't really eat all the hot pot restaurants in the world.

But Jing Jiu believes that as long as the other party finds out that he is still alive, they will definitely come to him.

At that time, he can directly ask the other party why he did this.

Just don't know when that day will come.

Tomorrow, or will it be countless years

Practitioners generally have to meditate at night, so the auctions of Baoshuju are held during the day, but the outer wall here has no windows, and it looks like night. The steward who presides over the auction stands on the first floor, and the sound is accurately transmitted to each room through the sound transmission method, and the pictures of the auctioned items are also presented in each room through the virtual mirror at the same time.

The guests who came to Baoshuju for the first time were inevitably a little surprised, but Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue were not interested. However, they had never participated in the auction, so they were a little curious about what would appear. After ordinary mountain spirits and elixirs, I feel even more bored.

Those who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy these should be ordinary wealthy businessmen or officials. For ascetics, things that are ordinary, but for them, they are elixir to prolong life.

The seventh round of the auction was going on, Baoshujuli finally became lively, Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue still didn't care.

The item in this round of auction is a box of calming ice chips.

Dingshen ice flakes are produced in Beijun, and there are not many of them, and most of them are controlled by the Zhenbei Army, which is hostile to the Fengdao Sect, so very few can flow into the practice world.

Just when the guests were about to bid, an old and gentle voice sounded.

"Everyone, we are medical monks from Moqiu, and today we take the liberty to ask for something..."

No one expected to see the eminent monk of Guocheng Temple in such an ordinary auction.

There were sounds of windows opening in the building, and then countless voices of greetings.

Zhao Layue was a little surprised. She went to the window and looked down. There were two monks standing downstairs, one old and one young. The monks' clothes were very old and washed clean. They didn't naturally reveal the meaning of dust like many ascetics. , but it gives people an extremely stable and trustworthy feeling.

After a while, the people who participated in the auction knew that the two medical monks of Guocheng Temple were invited by the Qingshan Sect to deal with the big monster in the muddy water. Going back, but those people who were frightened by the ghost-eyed dace have not yet fully healed.

Dingshen borneol is just a rare medicine to treat those people's needs.

It was a last resort for the monks of Guocheng Temple to ask for help, because everyone knew that they were... poor.

Many voices scrambled to ring out.

"Eminent monk, please rest assured, my Xuantian Sect will never participate in the bidding for this item."

"That's right, the Zihao Sect also responded to this discussion."

The steward of the auction house raised his hands to signal to the guests to be calm, then looked at the old monk and said solemnly: "Great monk, how can I stand by and watch the treasure tree house, the owner and the host have just sent a message , this calming ice sheet was given to Guocheng Temple by my Baoshuju."

Hearing this, there was a burst of applause in the building.

Suddenly there was a cold voice that was completely opposite to the atmosphere at this time.

"Since it's an auction house, you have to follow the rules. You gave it away before I even bid. Do you want Baoshuju to have your own signboard?"