The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 76: Haizhou thousands of miles away


Everyone could see clearly that the young disciple of the Green Mountain Sect only had the realm of Chengyi, and he should have gone out to practice with his senior brother. Logically speaking, he was not Zhujie's opponent, but for some reason, when he said this, But people feel that as long as he draws out the sword, Zhujie will immediately splatter blood on the spot.

This is the sword power of the Green Mountain Sect

Zhu Jie's face turned slightly pale, because he was in a hurry to get through the joints, and wanted to get to know a certain servant next to Xi Wangsun, he came a little late today, and he didn't even know that someone from the Qingshan Sect was also here.

Hearing these words, he couldn't help feeling regretful and filled with resentment.

——The dignified Qingshan sect, why did you sit in that dark corner, and didn't speak from the beginning to the end, why did you pretend to be low-key

"I'm just talking nonsense, fellow daoists, don't blame me."

He said quickly.

Daze's Zuo Yushi smiled at Yao Songshan and said, "You have to change your mantra too, it sounds really scary."

Qingshanzong and Daze were friends, Yao Songshan nodded and said nothing.

Looking at this scene, Shi Fengchen sighed in his heart, flicked his sleeves, and changed the picture on the wall.

It was a map magnified many times, with red dots marking the location of each murder case, and then connecting them into a line.

Some ascetics asked puzzledly: "Those two devils turned from Shangzhou to Chaonan City, then went all the way north, and then turned westward at Yuzhou. Daquan, where are they going? What exactly do they want to do?"

Someone found a more difficult problem.

"Why don't they have swords?"

"We also find these two questions very strange, but there is no answer. I only know that if they follow this route, they will appear in Haizhou City in the next few days."

Shi Fengchen said: "If they still dare to commit crimes, wouldn't so many immortal masters be able to catch them?"

Qing Tiansi chose to place the encirclement and suppression in Haizhou, precisely because Haizhou is about to hold a Four Seas Banquet, and there will be many decent practitioners present.

"What if they come to Haizhou but don't take action?" someone asked.

Shi Fengchen was silent for a moment, then said: "Then we have to ask the experts from Xihai Suantian Pavilion to help."

The venue fell into silence again, and suddenly a voice sounded.

"This... Fellow Daoists, have you noticed that those two people... also killed many monsters along the way, and those who died..."

This sentence was not finished, but everyone understood what the man wanted to say.

—Those who were killed were not good people, such as the host of the Black Dragon Temple, Master Zhugui.

Everyone knows this, but no one speaks out.

When they found out that it was the young medical monk from Guocheng Temple who was speaking, they immediately took it for granted.

He Zhichong, the elder of the Kunlun School, took a look at the young medical monk.

Zhu Jie sneered, and said: "The case in Chaonan City started with the Sandu Sect fighting with the Guisi for the medicine. The Sandu Sect died, but the medicine fell into the hands of the Guisi. Of course, no one dares to doubt it. Guocheng Temple will be in collusion with those murderers, but the little master is saying something like this now, is it a bit inappropriate?"

The young monk was a little angry and wanted to argue a few words, but he didn't know what to say, his face flushed.

There is not much careful planning for this kind of thing, as long as Qing Tiansi finds out those two devils, ascetics of various sects just need to wait for the notice.

As for whether they will fall into a bloody battle, everyone is not worried. Even if the devil is already in the middle of no show, they have two masters of no show, He Zhichong, the elder of Kunlun, and Yao Songshan, the immortal master of Qingshan. What's more, this is Haizhou. Once the strong man of the West Sea Sword Sect makes a move, where can the opponent escape

Leaving Qingtian Si Yamen, the ascetics dispersed separately, most of them went to Xianju.

Lin Yingliang encountered such a thing when he went out to practice for the first time. He was inevitably a little nervous and excited, and said, "We must catch those two demons."

Yao Songshan felt something was wrong, but couldn't figure it out.

Seeing the two Qingshan Taoist friends going away in front of him, the young monk from Guocheng Temple was a little anxious, and said to the old monk beside him: "Master, why don't you speak? We clearly know who they want to deal with." , even if it is inconvenient to say anything clearly, you should tell the two people in front of you."

The old monk ignored it, thinking that the relationship between the Qingshan and the nine peaks is a bit complicated. Who knows which peaks the two fellow Taoists who helped him in Chaonan City the year before last belonged to. He was extremely strict with himself and his fellow disciples, what if he caused trouble to those two fellow Taoists after he said that

The young monk was still talking non-stop: "Xihai Suantian Pavilion's fortune-teller is best at deduction techniques, what should we do if we are really surrounded? Uncle, we have to find a way to connect..."

The old monk said: "Those two fellow Taoists don't need us to worry about it. Don't make trouble, just continue to practice closed mantra."

The young monk groaned, closed his mouth a little aggrieved, and groaned twice.

The old monk said: "When will I practice it? Naturally, it will be until we leave Haizhou, or until those two fellow Taoists leave Haizhou."

Outside the city of Haizhou, there is no one in Hanshan, and it is very cold.

The wind came from afar, and Zhao Layue stood by the cliff, her dress fluttering.

The childishness on her face was gone, and her eyes were calmer, or more determined.

She still has short hair, like a boy, but it's not so messy.

Looking at her back and thinking about what happened along the way, Jing Jiu felt a little emotional.

He didn't tell her where he was going, what he was going to do, or who he was.

He chose her in Chaoge City back then, and never cared about her since.

But she has never forgotten him, and he should give something in return.

In the past two years, he has been teaching her in his own way.

Tens of thousands of miles away, slaying demons and demons.

Walking, sitting and stopping are all practices.

Zhao Layue quietly looked at a lonely mountain in the distance.

Suddenly, a sword light appeared in her black and white eyes.

In the red and warm sky illuminated by the setting sun, a more intense red color suddenly appeared.

There was a muffled sound from the distant lonely mountain.

The red light returned through the air and disappeared into her palm.

The touch of red in the sky still exists.

Forth Sword, which had been stained with blood for two years, was naturally redder than the sunset.

"There are monsters that eat people so close to Haizhou City. I really don't know what those wastes in Xihai are doing."

Zhao Layue walked back to Jing Jiu and said.

The Qingshan School considers itself the most authentic swordsmanship in the world, and has always looked down on the Xihai Sword School.

Even if there is a sword god in Xihai, it will only make Qingshan disciples have a worse impression of Xihai Sword Sect.

Jing Jiu said: "This monster eats more than one-tenth of the people who died in the sea without catching pearls in a year."

The vitality beads produced in Xihai are more precious than ordinary crystals, and are distributed by the Xihai Sword Sect and the imperial court every year.

In order to fish for vitality pearls, an unknown number of fishermen die at the bottom of the sea every year.

In other words, the number of fishermen who died for ascetics to break through the realm was much more than the number of people eaten by this monster.

Zhao Layue understood what he meant.

Two years ago in Shangzhou City, Jing Jiu once said that cultivators must be ruthless.

"Where are we going next?" she asked.

After leaving Qingshan, she was the first to decide where to go, such as Baoshuju which is closely related to Bihu Peak, such as Master Meng's hometown. The shutter-roller who exposed her identity and caused Zuo Yi to kill her was also one of the clues, but that person had long since disappeared. But gradually, she found that her choice was actually Jing Jiu's intention.

Even after discovering this, she did not ask for a change as a senior sister, because in the process of walking, she gradually felt that no matter the walking itself, or those seemingly monotonous killings, or an occasional sentence, a glance Well, Jing Jiu was actually teaching her.

She wasn't sure what Jing Jiu had taught her, she didn't know where Jing Jiu wanted to go and what she wanted to do.

But she knew he had a purpose, or rather a purpose.

"right here."

Jing Jiu looked at Haizhou City in the distance under the setting sun, and said, "I came here to see someone."

Leaving Qingshan, traveling around the mainland for two years, killing more than 70 people and more monsters, he just wanted to see one person.

The two did not encounter any trouble when they entered Haizhou City.

When he was in Yuzhou, Zhao Layue should have obtained two real guides through his family relationship.

The first meal in Haizhou City is still hot pot.

This place is close to the West Sea, and the ingredients of the hot pot are naturally seafood-based, and it tastes good when paired with fresh malt wine.

Looking at the vegetable leaves that were about to boil in the soup, Zhao Layue finally couldn't help asking.

"You really think Yin San is still alive?"