The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 85: Kill without a word


It was Qing Tiansi's suggestion that Takesuke stood up to provoke the other party.

Qing Tiansi had already arranged for the guards to guard the surrounding area of Gushan, but he was worried that the opponent would escape with the sword, so he decided to do it on the cloud platform. There are many strong cultivators here, and there are even more strong ones from the West Sea Sword Sect. The only thing that makes Qing Tiansi scruples is that the Xihai Sword Sect may be unhappy because of the influence of the Four Seas Banquet, so the best way is to find a way to provoke the other party. , and may even become the biggest boost.

As for the best candidate, of course Takesuke, because he has a good relationship with the Xihai Sword Sect, and he can speak freely in the hall, and his words are really ugly.

"Or is it that you are too ugly? Someone cut a few times with a knife when you were a child, disfigured?"

"Of course, it's also possible that you were born beautiful, and you don't want to show it to others?"

"Hurry up and take off the hat, sir, I like beautiful girls, if you can really catch my eyes, I will definitely cherish you."

Takesuke kept talking, his words were extremely frivolous and humiliating.

The practitioners in the main hall felt a little strange, thinking how vulgar such words are, even if you are on good terms with the Xihai Sword Sect, wouldn't you be afraid to make your master displeased by making trouble like this? If you have any confidence... your brother is dead, and the imperial concubine has no friendship with you.

Zhao Layue remained silent, no matter how humiliated the other party was, she did not speak out to refute.

No one noticed that the two disciples of Qingshan Sect looked very ugly, Yao Songshan, who was born in Liangwang Peak, squinted his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly, ready to kill.

Xiang Wanshu from Zhongzhou School and Mo Xi from Shuiyue Nunnery were seated next to Qingshan School. They noticed the change in Yao Songshan's aura, and their expressions were a little chilly.

"Little girl..."

With extreme malice and mockery, Zhujie kept humiliating Zhao Layue.

Suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly.

A bright red light suddenly appeared in the clear and spacious hall.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air full of fragrance.

There was a hole in Takesuke's throat, and blood splashed out like a waterfall.

Feijian returned through the air, arrived in front of Zhao Layue, and disappeared in her palm.

It wasn't until this moment that Takesuke realized what had happened, with a look of shock and despair in his eyes, and he tightly covered his throat with both hands.

Blood flowed from his fingers, and the scene looked extremely tragic.

No one could save his life, Takesuke's face was pale, he knelt down slowly on the ground, let out a few bellows-like cries, and just lost his breath.

The hall was shocked, and many ascetics stood up and looked around, wanting to see clearly what happened.

Countless eyes fell on Zhao Layue, and there was a lot of fear besides shock.

She and Zhujie were more than a hundred zhang apart, yet she was able to kill him with one sword, and the sword was hidden in the palm of her hand.

According to the most popular Qingshan sect realm in the southern continent, wouldn't she have already entered the Wuzhang middle realm

Xiang Wanshu and Mo Xi looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's hearts.

This girl wearing a hat should be about the same age as him, but his level is actually higher than his own

Who is she? And what kind of sword is her flying sword? Has such a terrifying killing intent

"In broad daylight, how dare you commit murder in public!"

An angry voice sounded outside the hall.

The officials of the Qingtian Division finally appeared.

Seeing Zhujie lying in a pool of blood, Shi Fengchen's face was livid and his heart was extremely heavy.

Takesuke fulfilled his request and successfully provoked the other party, but... he failed to prevent the other party from killing violently.

This made him feel unprecedented frustration and great anger.

Shi Fengchen took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and said to the ascetics in the hall: "I want to teach all the immortal masters that this murderer wearing a hat is a key criminal wanted by the imperial court. He has killed nearly a hundred people in the past two years. Don't let her escape!"

The ascetics who participated in the Qingtian Division meeting in Haizhou City a few days ago reacted the fastest.

They got up from the table and called out their swords and magic weapons. The hall was full of killing intent.

Xiang Wanshu looked at Zhao Layue and raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he hadn't thought that this girl was actually a villain.

Mo Xi's gaze also fell on her, and Liu Mei frowned slightly, showing disgust.

To the surprise of the Qing Tiansi officials and ascetics, the two medical monks of Guocheng Temple did not move, and Zuo Yushi of Daze did not move, and what was even more surprising was that Yao Songshan did not move either. Isn't it the Qingshan Sect Liangwang Peak Immortal Master who is famous for his passion for war and hatred of evil

Killing Zhujie instantly with a sword at a distance of more than a hundred feet, Zhao Layue's display of strength is indeed extremely strong, but at this time there are a lot of strong people in the hall, such as He Zhichong, the elder of Kunlun, and Xiang Wanshu and others. Not to mention the home court of the Xihai Sword Sect, the elder who sits at the head is a master of the wandering realm!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Zhao Layue to kill Zhujie under such circumstances.

Her sword attack was too sudden.

Others would kill without saying a word, but she would kill without saying a word.

The most important thing is that no one would have thought that she would dare to kill someone with a sword in this place.

This is the important cloud platform of the West Sea Sword Sect. Although the formation has been suspended due to the Four Seas Banquet, killing people here is waiting to provoke the West Sea Sword Sect.

The elder of the Xihai Sword Sect looked at Zhao Layue coldly, and the sword sense with a strong pressure had fallen, covering her.

Until this time, Xi Wangsun still did not show up, nor did he make a sound.

No one knows that this strong man who mysteriously rose from the West Sea is quietly watching all this in the depths of the hall.

Everything is within his grasp.

He wanted to see how the two young men in hats would deal with the situation before letting them go.

"The blood debts of several nephews from Sandu Sect, you should pay them together today."

He Zhichong, the elder of the Kunlun School, got up slowly, looked at Zhao Layue and said.

As soon as his words fell, an extremely sharp moon wheel whizzed through the air, and slashed towards Zhao Layue with a fierce killing intent.

Suddenly, a flying sword greeted him from below.

The flying sword was brilliant and extremely fast, like a straight blue line.

There was a bang!

The moon wheel was cut by the flying sword from below, and flew obliquely back to the elder Kunlun, spinning in the air, making a humming sound.

Elder Kunlun's face was ruddy, his beard and hair were all stretched out, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his lips, he was a little embarrassed.

That flying sword was indeed tyrannical, but the level of the sword wielder was not higher than him, but he was unprepared, and suffered a dull loss.

He looked at the seat of the Qingshan Sect, and shouted angrily: "Yao Songshan, are you crazy!"