The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 1


"Farewell, you who are already someone else's husband..."

Posted by: Wuxin woman Time: July 1, 20xx 3:45am

I know that the whole world is discussing the finals of the hegemony right now, and posting such an emotional 818 post seems a bit ky. But husband, you know what? After the system announced that you and her were married last night, I realized that I didn't feel the greatest pain when it first hit. From the announcement to her name change, there was nothing but a blank in my mind, except for a slight suffocation, only a particularly dull feeling. I just feel like this is a nightmare and I'll wake up soon...

First post a picture of our wedding photo on the town floor.

Remember the day we had our first conversation? On March 4 last year, it was less than half a month since the district was opened. Playing this kind of game for the first time, I envied others to have apprentices, so I tricked and coaxed an apprentice who was even younger than me. I showed off and celebrated all kinds of things in the gang, and I was soon liked by you:

"Whose master can you be?"

I was so pleasantly surprised. Although your words are very poisonous, it shows that you not only know me, but also noticed that I am a piece of shit (… ).

You may not believe it when you say it, but I noticed you on the first day I joined the guild. Because at that time, most boys used the excuse of marrying their wives to do tasks to seduce girls. You have the most capital to flirt with girls, but you are studying how to improve your combat power. I think you are so handsome for being so serious.

So, taking this opportunity, I rely on you and worship you as my teacher.

You don't talk much, but you bring me into the team every day, no matter who bullies me, you will help me take revenge as soon as possible. I often shout slogans: "Master is too responsible, I am touched!!" But you always say: "You are so stupid = ="

Later, when our level was higher, some apprentices became teachers one after another. I felt very sad and said to you: "Master, can I not be a teacher?"

Your answer made me chuckle for a long time: "With all due respect, I never expected you to have the ability to become a teacher."

At that time, I didn't think about anything else, I just wanted to be with Master forever, just the two of us...

However, there will always be many Yingying Yanyan around the male boss. As your combat prowess gets higher and higher, more and more girls want to worship you as a teacher, and there are many high-spirited girls among them, which makes me feel restless every day. What impresses me deeply is that once I said to you, Master, my combat power is so low, will you not want me...

You said: "I don't care about your combat power."

"Why don't you care about my combat power?"

"I just don't care about your combat power."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Experience for yourself."

At that moment, my heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode. You started this, I was respectful to you, but I couldn't help but have bad expectations. Therefore, I am more wary of the girls around you than before, so that I talked nonsense later, offended your female apprentice Gao Zhan, and was killed by her in the wild.

I cry to you, but you blame me for not keeping my mouth shut. Sadly, I quit the gang, formed a team with the boy who always liked me to gain friendship, and threatened to marry him. You ordered me to withdraw from the group immediately and return to the gang, otherwise you will sever the master-student relationship with me. I was so frightened that I quit the group without saying goodbye. Then, I received your team invitation. You ordered to force follow the captain.

The screen switches to under the Sansheng tree. When I saw the dialog box that popped up, I was completely confused:

"Young man, your benefactor hopes to break through the shackles of morality, marry you, and love each other forever in the world where the peach blossoms are burning forever, and will never leave. Are you willing?"

I left it blank for thirty seconds until the dialog box disappeared. You impatiently made a voice: "What are you doing, be sure." You have a highly recognizable smokey voice, and your voice is hoarse, but even when you are giving orders, it is low and gentle.

"Master, Master..."

"Order. Do you want me to get you some from your account?"

The dialog box reappeared, and I closed my eyes and clicked. When I opened my eyes again, there were tears all over my face...

You made a voice call to me and asked why I was crying. I can't speak.

Husband, have you ever felt scared because you liked someone too much

I have. It was that moment.

Emptiness, helplessness, longing, dependence, despair, greed, etc., all kinds of emotions are entangled together, and they are already overflowing their chests, but even a hug has become the biggest luxury.

I don't know anything about you in reality, but I love you in the game so much.

Then you told me that you had seen my photo in the game space before you decided to strike up a conversation with me... So, did we fall in love at first sight

I was still studying, and I couldn't tell the people around me that I fell in love with the 27-year-old man in the game, so I could only confide in Tuer. She is also often touched by our love.

It's a pity that the strong will be humiliated, and the love will not last.

Because we cared too much about each other, we quarreled many times and got divorced three times, and finally reunited with heartache. After every divorce, you will coax me well in the most gentle way, but you are getting farther and farther away from me...

One day, I boarded my disciple's account and saw your chat history:

"Master, are you and Master a real boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Game couple."

"Hey, don't you plan to run away? I thought you two were very in love."

"We are the same as you and your husband, mission dungeon husband and wife."

"Master is so beautiful, is it just a task couple? Then what kind of girl does the master think is the type of girl he likes?"

"You are like this. Haha, I'm just kidding. Play your game and don't worry about me and your master."

When I saw this passage, I was so angry that I immediately questioned you. You call to explain, saying that you just feel that there is no need to let a third person know about your private feelings. But then I couldn't trust you anymore. That was the night we fought the most, and it was the fourth time I divorced you in the game. You begged in every possible way and apologized in every possible way, but I still remarry you with a soft heart. That day was really too hurt, I thought about it, no matter what happens in the future, I will never be separated from you again...

But I am determined, but you have changed.

After that, you are not only alienated from me. You talk ambiguously with the girls, let them ride a double mount with you, and even give your female apprentice Gao Zhan some love grass. In the end, this incident became a sharp knife that completely cut off our marriage. You said I made a big deal out of a molehill, but this has completely violated my principles! That's a prop for marriage proposals!

I admit that it was my fault that I got married and divorced with other boys on a trumpet account and deliberately angered you, but who is green and who is the first? !

I swore a long time ago that I would never go for a divorce again. So that day I told you that we were even, and we will get along well in the future, okay? You say you're willing to give it another last try. I assure you that I will never make any mistakes in the future, you did not reply, and you are offline. I woke up from my dream at three o'clock in the morning, entered the game, and saw a new system email in my mailbox: "Your husband sent you a letter of divorce." When I opened it, there was only one sentence written by you: I'm sorry, I Can't pass this level.

Then, I saw the system announcement that my apprentice gave you to love grass, saying: "Hug Shigong, everything will pass T_T, I will always be with you."

Then, I received another system email: "Your apprentice has betrayed the master, and has been a stranger to you since then. I hope the teacher will cherish it."

In fact, when the two of us were still together, my apprentice would often say brazenly: "I love you, Master." Just ignore the short-term unhappiness in the instinct...

After we divorced, she followed you like a dog's skin plaster, and even charged money to raise her combat power higher than mine. Every time she bumped into me on the street, she made a quick detour as if she saw a disgusting stranger.

That's ridiculous. Without me, my apprentice would have no chance to meet you. She pretended to be so innocent and cute at the beginning, but in fact, she already had a purpose. And your female apprentices just bully me for my low combat power. The one with the highest combat power has never called my mistress, and once said: "Senior sister, if other boys hook up with you, you shouldn't bother! If I were you, I wouldn't even give him a chance! Your greatest luck is to meet You should be content with such an excellent man as my master!"

If my combat power is very high, would she dare to speak to me like that? Do those girls dare to pity you every day in front of me, care about you and love you

It's a pity that these so-called female bosses put down their high-fighting stance to please you, but they all lost to my apprentice.

A group of silly women, go and call me my apprentice and teacher's wife.

When I mentioned the boss, I thought of the just-concluded Contest of Ten Thousand Worlds. I have always been a casual player, and I don't pay much attention to this kind of pvp competition. I only know that the top players in the whole server play very hard for it. Seeing Feng Wu Pianran's fiasco for the first time and selling her account, I also feel sorry for her. Pian Shen has always been my dream, because from the server launch to now, she has no messy rumors except for being tricked by her best friend. She has no love, no hatred, and is so strong that she doesn't need affection from her children. Even if she sells her name, it's not because of feelings, but because of dignity.

How I wish I could be as strong as her.

But now, I have been crying for more than three hours straight, my eyes are swollen and painful, my eyesight has deteriorated, and I am shaking while typing. I just feel that from now on, there is nothing to look forward to in the future.

I hate those girls who took you away, but I hate you even more.

You clearly said you would love me forever, why did you lie to me...

Honey, this is the last time I will call you that. There will be no more me in your life from now on.



Just to add, don't ask who the hero is, I just want to confide, and I don't want him to be ruined. Please don't call him a scumbag, I hope he and my apprentice can get along well.

Those who replied that I maliciously smeared them and threatened to kill me, please feel free to do so. I didn't name names, since the story written is different from yours, why do you want to be seated? But my ex-husband and his female apprentice have always attacked the enemy fiercely. If he no longer protects me and confronts me, I will indeed be afraid. Okay, come and kill, I'm afraid that I alone will not be enough for you to kill.

Those who said that I was not qualified to lift Feng Wu Pianran's shoes, and said that I deliberately cue her to start a fight, I was speechless. I really don't know the 818 between her and Boss Han, and I'm not from District 7. If you want to quarrel, please open another post to quarrel, okay? Anyway, in my eyes, she is the perfect goddess, so how can others be qualified to follow her, but I can't? Ha ha, neuropathy.

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