The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 28


The two kissed for a while in the game, and I took the initiative to end the action. Yichuan Hanxing didn't try again, and changed the subject easily: "So, why does Fengwu Pianran want to sell his account?"

"There are various reasons, it's hard to explain."

"It's not because you lose face to me, do you feel shame?"

"Hahaha, you just beat me by luck. If I give you the ladder, you will be able to get into the house, right? It's because of something in the gang, and you may have heard of it."

"I heard it a little bit, I don't know what happened between you and Hongyi."

In fact, the conflict between me and Hong Yi should involve many people and things. When the top of the northern boundary opened, I didn't play as hard as I did later. Hong Yi couldn't beat me at the beginning, but his combat power is higher than mine. Later, I was completely autistic due to family affairs, and I was very interested in games, and my combat power was like flying. After Hongyi was overtaken by me, there have always been two or three opener players who still remember that Hongyi was number one in the rankings. When looking back on the past, they will mention this incident from time to time.

She is a strong and self-respecting girl, always full of hostility towards girls who are stronger than her. Except Liang Xiaoxie and I opened the No Brother account, all the girls in this area who beat her were either defeated by her kryptonite, or they were sold by her by means of crowding out. The new account owner was either a pensioner, or she took him in as a younger sister. Brother Wu can't beat her by himself. She is Lingyu, and she is very strong in team battles. Even so, she will often think about Liang Xiaoxie's Brother Wu account, saying that Brother Wu is the host of a certain big anchor.

Now that I think about it, although she doesn't say anything, she still cares more or less about the remarks that she said from time to time that she used to be number one on the list and was surpassed by me. Therefore, she is also much harsher to me than to others. She will give purple clothes, white clothes and many things, but she asks me to give her the rare materials we got at the same time. As long as she speaks, I won't argue with her.

The first and second rankings in many districts are hostile relationships. A large part of the reason why I have a good relationship with her for a long time is that I am more accommodating to her. But the friendship gained through tiptoe efforts is unequal after all. After playing it, it’s just that the rare materials can’t satisfy her anymore. I occasionally found good things in the misty treasure hunt, and she would ask me to transfer them to her at a low price. For this part, I feel that it is a bit too much, because Piaomiao Treasure Hunting is a pure krypton gold game that does not rely on anyone. If I don’t need the things I spend money on, I can give them to her, but if I need them myself, I have no obligation to give them to her. Her, so I agreed several times, but found that she was too demanding, so I politely rejected her.

She didn't say anything, but she became more alienated from me, and her relationship with Ziyi and Baiyi was getting better and better. The three of them often took Cangxue Wutong to make dungeons without notifying me. I asked them why they didn't wait for me, and Bai Yi said, Miss Pianpian is too good to need us, but if you need us, we will come to work as soon as possible. Of course, I'm embarrassed to let them play for free in this situation, so I can only form a team with the lonely child who is the devil's advocate, just like playing a single player.

Therefore, Hongyi's dissatisfaction with me should have been born a long time ago, and the following things are just the fuse.

I roughly explained the past of the royal family to Yichuan Hanxing, and Yichuan Hanxing laughed twice: "Do you know what your biggest problem is?"


"No. Too strong, and too cold. Who is Feng Wu Pianran, the 160,000 boss, the weathervane of the top of the northern boundary. People who play Taohua Wanjie may not know the top of the northern boundary in District 7, but no one I don’t know about Fengwu Pianran. Why are you so obsessed with playing with them in a team? Don’t you understand the principle of high-ranking and few?”

"Red Clothes used to be my best friend in this game. We used to do everything together."

"Doing those things to you means that she has no place for you in her heart. And their gang of so-called red-clothed sect masters, whether they have high combat power or not, is indeed okay. But is it enough to make them so famous? ? Hongyi can be sought after like that now because she used to have the identity of "Feng Wu Pianran's best friend", and later had an additional identity of "the person who drove Feng Wu Pianran away". She herself, regardless of Whether it’s the operation or the number, I’ve never paid much attention to it.”

"Thank you Brother Han for your great affirmation of me, but I still want to say something that spoils the scenery... No one thinks that she drove me away. Most people think that I sold my account because I lost in the Ten Thousand Worlds Battle."

"Is that so? No. It's a pity."

"It's okay, it's pretty easy after selling it, at least I don't have to bear the pressure of public opinion anymore."

"Your idol burden is too heavy. Losing once in a while or being betrayed once in a while is not something to be ashamed of. There is no need to get rid of your account and start over again." Ichikawa Hanxing pondered for a while, "You are so interesting, extremely unconfident and Underestimating yourself, you still have the burden of being an idol.”

When he said this, I also fell into a long thought: "Did I... underestimate myself?"

"Isn't it obvious? I remember someone sprayed you once, as if they were framing you for being kept as a gamer or something. You slammed the horn and said, 'Sorry, I spent pocket money. Parents determine everything. You grow up in the gutter. A big spicy chicken won’t understand’, very arrogant, but I couldn’t help clapping my hands when I saw it. I always thought you were a confident girl.”

Ichikawa Hanxing has already beautified that troll's remarks. In fact, that person was killed by me twice in the team battle, and the original words he spouted out of embarrassment were: "Feng Wu bitch, you use your money from selling x to play games, does your godfather know?" Added a lot of insults to women.

I didn't expect this little episode to be seen by Ichikawa Hanxing, and I felt a little embarrassed. I wanted to tell him that my family is not that good, and if I really had such a good time, I wouldn’t be in the game, but after hesitating for a long time, I changed the subject: “Of course I am confident. The problem is that the red Yi may be a little different from me, but at that time she was already my strongest teammate, if I don’t play with her, who am I going to play with?”

"Of course it needs someone who is as strong as you."

"Pfft, you mean you?"

"Is there anyone else besides me?"

"I scolded you severely, Mr. Han Xing."

"It's okay. I'm open-minded and don't care about you."

I was amused by him: "Then my combat power is not as high as before, and I have sold all my accounts."

"That's a real problem, you're a weakling right now."

"I will work hard to catch up with the combat power."

"No, now that I have dominated the entire server, what do you need your combat power for?" Yichuan Hanxing said bluntly, "In this way, you will follow me from now on, kneeling and licking the big brother more, so that the big brother can feel comfortable licking, the big brother covers you."

"I'll go, you are sick!"

I directly suspect that this person has masochistic tendencies. After being teased by me, he looks a little happy instead.

However, I agree with a lot of what he said.

Many people, including the members of the Nu Zhan gang, only saw that Hanxing Yichuan was very happy with one against a hundred, but they didn't know that killing a hundred in a row was cool for a while, and he kept his name as a crematorium for a year. Leaving aside my size, Yichuan Hanxing has 160,000 yuan, and the people behind him are all 120,000 to 30,000 yuan. Maybe most people think that he only pays a quarter more than the people behind him, but it is not the case. Especially high combat power, the more you pursue the ultimate combat power and the details of the number, the more time and money you need to spend will double. He rushed up in such a short time, and his actual investment may be more than three times that of the people behind.

I have never wanted to argue with Hongyi whose account is more valuable and should give priority to obtaining those rare items, but in fact, my tuba is much harder to raise than hers. She has never pursued the ultimate, so naturally she will not know how unreasonable her request is.

After Ichikawa Hanxing said this, I suddenly felt enlightened.

"By the way, Brother Han, why did you want to play magic in the first place? Is it because after reaching the peak of combat power, it is more suitable for long-range range attack professions. I always think that assassins and fighters are not suitable for our combat power. Team battle output Too concentrated, it overflows."

"Yes. So I don't understand why you like to play ghosts so much."

"I have ghost refining soul."

"What is ghost refining soul? It's because ghost refining is better in singles. You want to beat me."

I felt a little hot on my face: " expose me like this and make girls lose face, you will be beaten, let me tell you."

"And then you still lose."

I hit the keyboard hard: "Duck!! I'll kill you!"

Yichuan Hanxing laughed again. His laughter was different from the gentle and cold way he usually speaks, it was so hearty and straightforward that I couldn't help but laugh too. Such laughter is not often heard in southern cities. I asked curiously, "Brother Han, are you from the north?"


"Where is the north? Hebei?"

"Why do you think it's from Hebei?"

"Hmm... because my classmates in Hebei speak very standard Mandarin, but they don't have any obvious local accent. Are you from Hebei?"

"No." Then there was no more text.

It's a little strange, knowing him for so long, he is rarely so passive. For other topics, he will give me the answer directly to the question. So, I tentatively said, "Then where are you from?"


"Oh...then you don't speak very Beijing."

What a coincidence, both names have the word Hanchuan, and they are all from Beijing. And although I can't remember Du Hanchuan's voice, I remember that he also spoke standard Mandarin, so that I never knew that his hometown is Beijing. Thinking about it now, I know very little about him. Apart from being handsome, tall and good at studying, I don’t know anything about his growth environment, family background, and relatives... That first love seemed to me too. Just falling in love with the feeling of first love.

"I can also speak very Beijing-style. It's just for work, I try not to use an accent." Yichuan Hanxing said.

"Wow, you're already working? So what do you do?"

"Working in an Internet company." Yichuan Hanxing laughed, "You're not still in college, are you, Mr. Pianpian?"

"I... I'm here."

"How old are you?"

"Junior." I lied... I don't know if I can go back to class next year. Alas, don't want to face all this...

"A bohemian and freedom-loving third-year girl, no wonder you are not only kryptonite, but also such a hot, idle young lady."

"I see that you also spend a lot of time online. You have no right to criticize me. You idle son."

He said confidently: "I'm here to accompany you, not to accompany you. I can't even play this game. But don't you have a boyfriend? Why do you still have so much time to play games instead of accompanying your boyfriend?"

"No, he's busy with work, we rarely see him."

"What does your boyfriend do?"

"Game planning. He plays games himself."

"Oh, planning is quite busy, and it's normal to get together less often. You two are really a perfect match. Why don't you play the game he planned?"

Of course, I can't say that this is the game planned by Zheng Feiyang, lest Yichuan Hanxing think I'm a trustee, so I can only say vaguely: "I also play the game he planned. I play many games, and Taohua Wanjie is my favorite. "

"I originally wanted to say that I am the only one for you in the virtual world. Since that's the case, I don't care what you do in other games. In Ten Thousand Realms, you only belong to me." Having said that, he changed into a long Winged floats, invite me to ride with you. I clicked to confirm, and he in the game stretched out his hand to me and led me to the float.

"...Brother Han, are your three views okay?" I was simply stunned by his remarks.

"I have never had any three views."

"I'm just curious how you manage to say this in a proud tone."

He didn't answer, but just took me flying on the sea of Penglai Island, passing through the thick clouds and mist, and greeted the dreamlike raindrops and flower petals floating on the fairy island. Then he said softly: "Pianpian, would you like to be my love?"

But since he abides by the rules of the game so much and there is no risk of running away, then...

"It's ok. Now I'm gone, and I've made enemies. It's not bad to have a big boss to cover me."

The last sentence I said was a bit too much, as if I was just fancying his name. However, instead of being angry, Yichuan Hanxing said firmly, "Don't worry, I'm here. I will protect you."

There's been a lot going on lately and I'm in a state of alert. When he said that, his heart melted...

But I didn't want to show it at all, and I said like a normal person: "After playing Taohua Wanjie for so long, I don't know how many boys have said to me, "Pian God seeks cover and protection", and no one has ever said it the other way around. I dare not say it. Brother Han, you are really the only one who has the ability to say that, I am moved."

"Now you know how easy it is for girls to play games."


"No matter how strong a boy is, as long as he has a heart for you, he will immediately become a defeated opponent."

"Hahaha, go away, I'm a woman who fights, so I don't want to get results in this way!"

That's what I said, but in the face of his positivity, I'm already a little overwhelmed... Forget it, it's just a game, this kind of feeling similar to being in love is part of the game experience.

In this way, Yichuan Hanxing and I turned on the voice in the game, browsed the map, looked at the scenery in the game, and chatted all night.

The two of us have been fighting against each other for so long, and there was no language communication before, but this conversation has completely opened up the conversation box, and we can't stop at all.

I have a lot of curiosity about how he plays.

For example mythical beasts. In fact, there are many talents and skills of the beasts in this game that are not used, and the matching of attribute points is also particular. The skill description of the Windfury Beast is "The owner's attack power can be increased according to the pet's maximum blood volume and attack power". Most players will not read these instructions, and click wherever they can upgrade. But I have introduced the buff attack power formula that the beast can increase to the owner before. The cost performance ratio of upgrading the attack power and blood volume of the beast with spirit stones is 1:5.7. When the blood volume of the beast reaches the full level, it needs 2200 spirit stones, and at the same time, the attack spirit stone level only needs to be raised to level 27, that is to say, only 385 spirit stones are enough. It is not impossible to upgrade further, and the price/performance ratio will become lower and lower.

However, there will always be a large number of gift packs of pet spirit stones given away in the discount activities of the mall, allowing players to click on all the attributes of pets. Even in Tiandi Taoyuan, most krypton gold players will still choose to buy the gift package as soon as they see it, which makes the combat power very high, but it does not help much in actual combat.

The first time I saw Ichikawa Hanxing's beast attack, and the level of blood volume spirit stones were 27 and 100 respectively, I was frightened. I am not afraid of local tyrants, nor are I afraid of ordinary top students, but very smart local tyrants make people very depressed.

This evening I asked him if he had considered the price/performance ratio of Lingshi long ago.

"Well, 1:5.7 for divine beasts, 1:4.2 for ordinary pets." Yichuan Hanxing replied in seconds, "Didn't you also figure it out?"

Sure enough, we two know each other best in this game. I used to tell people about these things, and they all said I took it too seriously. My teammates will just wait for me to come up with a new way to play, and just tell them directly.

"Brother Han must have done very well when he was studying."

"Is this boasting yourself in disguise?"

"Facts have proved that my calculation is perfect, without any mistakes. Ah, she is indeed a woman who has experienced many battles."

"My baby is smart. Fortunately, most of the girls' high schools don't have your research spirit, otherwise Liang Xiaoxie would be unemployed."

Speaking of Liang Xiaoxie, we naturally talked about Brother Wu. He told me some interesting things about Brother Wu.

As long as Ichikawa Hanxing's number does not meet me, even if it is set to auto, it is impossible to die on the battlefield. When I was away, his account was killed twice on the battlefield, and both times were killed by Brother Wu who asked to open the server to dominate the account. The first time he thought it was an accident, but after the second time, the screenshot of Ichikawa Hanxing being killed serially went viral in various Taohua Myriad Realms groups, he immediately changed the password and wouldn’t let her log in again, saying he couldn’t afford to lose this person .

The most advanced special effect for equipment enhancement is Ink Dragon, and only Ichikawa Hanxing and I have it in the whole server. For a senior official, this is almost impossible, but he still has the dream of pursuing Tenglong. Because the strengthening is based on the percentage increase of the basic attributes, every time he counted the ingots needed to strengthen the highest level, he felt that the price/performance ratio was too low for his combat power, and he bluntly gave up. So, Brother Wu said to him, in this way, let's set a simpler goal - to create an account that you can never die without Brother Wu. The official sent a row of sweaty emojis and said, "Wait, I'll open the equipment to see if it's strengthened..."

I was happy when I heard this: "Haha, does she know that you are so black on her?"

"Anyway, the old official and I agree that our teammate is Xiaoxie, and the old man himself is very enlightened, so he only buys fashion and mounts, and wanders around the capital."

As soon as he finished saying this, we just walked around the capital, and saw a beautiful girl from Tianyun with a high ponytail and red lips standing in a daze in front of the mount changer, with "Brother Wu is me" on her head . I laughed out loud with a "puchi": "Is she struggling with what mount to choose?"

"At this point, she should be hanging up the phone, and she is in Xiaoxie's live broadcast room."

I said go and have a look, so I logged into the live broadcast app and found Liang Xiaoxie's live broadcast room. Liang Xiaoxie controls the No. 1 player in the new district to play 3v3 single player rankings, and at the same time explains how to play. "No brother brother brother" with a row of shining fan signs is indeed among the top members.

In the video, Liang Xiaoxie still has that chiseled and skinny little face, with delicate eyes and heroic eyebrows, which indeed has a bit of Haruma Miura's shadow.

The way he speaks in the live broadcast room is a little different from that in private. He is more steady and tough, with the posture of a big-name anchor. Seeing Yichuan Hanxing and I enter the live broadcast room, he interjected: "Ah, brother Han is here. Welcome brother Han and sister-in-law Han."

Yichuan Hanxing gave Liang Xiaoxie a gift: "Xiaoxie, tomorrow your sister-in-law's number will also be adjusted for her."

"no problem."

Just as Liang Xiaoxie finished speaking, the voice of another girl from the north came from the live broadcast room. The voice was crisp and forthright: "Sister-in-law is already on board? Mr. Han, you are fast enough!"

"Yes, quickly call sister-in-law."

"No. Call sister-in-law more, and sister Pian, you are brother-in-law." The girl's voice instantly became cute, "Sister Pianpian, I am cute Wu Wu."

I typed in the chat channel and said, "Hey, why are you on the mic?"

Yichuan Hanxing: "She and Liang Xiaoxie talk to each other every day, and this place will soon become a double-anchor live broadcast room."

It was already 1:30 in the morning, but I didn't feel sleepy. From time to time, I chatted with Ichikawa Hanxing, and chatted with various water friends in the live broadcast room from time to time, feeling that the atmosphere was very pleasant.

I learned from Yichuan Hanxing that Liang Xiaoxie, as his name suggests, has a bit of personality. He was twenty-three years old and used to be a professional moba player. Later, because he needed money, Lei Chi paid a lot of money to buy Taohua Wanjie, but his popularity did not reach the explosive effect of their leadership. He operates well, has a strong sense of justice, can ignore the unspoken rules of the industry, and can help the boss rank first in various pvp rankings without the help of other main players. Many uncle anchors with fixed social circles are not his opponents. But also because of this, he offended many colleagues. After all, mm is not moba, and it is difficult to get ahead by relying on technology alone. Fortunately, he is very good-looking, has countless female fans, and his popularity is still in the top three anchors of Taohua Wanjie.

Among his bosses are many people whose krypton power is inversely proportional to their operations, and Brother Wu is the most serious one. She played late, and spent 30,000 krypton in the first week of entering the game. As a result, she was killed by a player with a 98 yuan fund and a 30 yuan monthly card during 1v1. This is simply the biggest miracle since the opening of Taohua Wanjie. The reason is that the person she hit was Yaoxiu, who moved first-rately. She was so charged that she couldn't move, and she didn't get a solid number, so she was grinded to death.

After the war, people in this rival gang laughed at her and said, "This boss spent 30,000 yuan? The money came from the flood, right?" Ten thousand krypton gold boss", the note is: "Taohua Wanjie is still a very delicate game that pays attention to fairness and operation. When encountering this kind of local tyrants who play games with their feet, we civilian players will also have a bright future."

She used to be a militant, and regarded Yichuan Hanxing as a strong enemy. She spent a lot of money and hired nine anchors to operate their gang's account for the sake of the gang. The result was a disastrous failure. It can be said that she is the worst boss in Taohua Wanjie. Afterwards, she didn't bother to struggle anymore, and after being persuaded by the high officials, she directly surrendered to Ruoru when she first met. So Yichuan Hanxing introduced her to Liang Xiaoxie.

Liang Xiaoxie had watched the video of her being tortured a long time ago, and felt that Brother Wu was not the richest among his bosses, but he was the one who needed him the most. He took Brother Wu's job without hesitation. At first, he taught her slowly and explained carefully. She seemed to be listening very seriously and adored him, but in fact she didn't listen at all. Every time he asked her to practice, she would buy cosmetics on Xiaohongshu.

In short, with Liang Xiaoxie, Brother Wu will no longer work hard.

He simply gave up the idea of teaching her to have fun, and played directly with her. Every time she sent a lot of crying emojis, she shouted: "Xiaoxie, help duck~~~~" He didn't even reply, and went straight to help her beat someone up.

As long as it involves game technology, Liang Xiaoxie is very good at it, and he can be called an all-round anchor. In addition to heads-up, he can also engage in pvp diplomacy, strategic deployment, command, 5v5/3v3 cooperation, the fastest clearance of five-star difficulty dungeons, mvp to grab field bosses... Even home decoration and fashion matching are better than girls, strong to male and female Difficult to distinguish. The civilian players and petty bourgeois players who offended the rebel gang in the early days of Brother Wu were also lured back to the gang by him with benefits such as bringing money and receiving rewards. In other words, it is Liang Xiaoxie's credit that more than half of the fighting scum like her who can't survive ten minutes can be mixed up to this day.

Brother Wu relied on him so much, so he didn't regard the live broadcast room as someone else's territory at all, and kept asking him various unreliable questions and requests:

"Xiao Xie, take a look at my newly bought mount, isn't it very suitable for the Qixi Festival?"

"Xiaoxie, you use my account to beat 0-9 violently, and he said today that I can't get married. I want to see you use the suicide knife from last time to kill him and kill him!"

"Xiao Xie, have you lost weight again? Are you hungry?"

Every Liang Xiaoxie answered with doting and patience. The service is too professional, worthy of the golden V25 next to Wuge fans. When I asked the last question, a boss in the live broadcast room said that he would order takeaway for the anchor. Liang Xiaoxie said that he had already sent him the address on WeChat. The boss said: "That's not right, Xiaoxie, don't you live in Suzhou, why did you go to Beijing?"

Liang Xiaoxie said with some embarrassment: "Cough, this is Wuwu's address."

"Xiao Xie, what are you going to do?" Brother Wu gasped, "Could it be that you have a crush on me and use such a vulgar way to curry favor with me?"

As a result, Liang Xiaoxie made a "cut" and looked at the camera expressionlessly in the video: "Thinking too much. It is obvious that the food is for you, and the slimness is for me. You can just be a chubby girl with peace of mind." She was so angry that she exploded, yelling that she was very thin, but it made everyone swipe the screen full of "hahahahaha".

I said in the live broadcast room: "Is Wuwu also a Beijinger?"

"That's right, Han and I are always from the same hometown, but he is not as straightforward as our Beijing guy." Brother Wu smacked his lips, "Every time I ask him to come out to meet Ji, he refuses to do it. Xiaoxie has seen it when he is on a business trip to Beijing." I've been several times."

Yichuan Hanxing: "Is it because I'm not happy, I refused very readily, okay?"

"Yes yes yes, the reason is 'I don't see a female netizen', sister Pianpian, look at him, he sees me as a female netizen. My heart is cold."

At this time, someone said in the chat room of the live broadcast room: "Who is Boss Han's CP?"

Liang Xiaoxie immediately read the question aloud, and completed the troubleshooting professionally: "My sister-in-law is a light dancer, and she is the second best ghost in their district."

"I used to think that Boss Han was not a love player, so today I heard that he found a cp and thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true. Congratulations, Boss Han."

Others followed suit:

"Wow, Boss Han really has a cp???"

"I'm broken in love. Seriously, I once heard the voice of Boss Han's team at Xiaoxie's place, and I've been so addicted to his magnetic voice that I can't extricate myself. I didn't expect him to be captured so soon... No more, ah, Everyone is gone."

"Is the person upstairs out of his mind? Why are you so obsessed? You're sick. Boss Han, we men don't speak secretly, are you gay? I would like to be the third."

Liang Xiaoxie read out the speeches of a few people, laughed to himself for a long time, and then said: "Brother Han is Brother Han, and everyone in the world knows about the formation of a CP. When will Brother Han and sister-in-law have their wedding?"

Yichuan Hanxing: "Baby, Xiao Xie asked you a question."

Qing Wu Pian Pian: "Yeah, I haven't thought about it, honey, you decide."

"Hello, friends in the live broadcast room. I am the Civil Affairs Bureau. I followed the smell of dog food and floated here." Liang Xiaoxie was serious for a while, and then added sincerely, "Congratulations to Brother Han and Pianpian, Remember to inform everyone when you get married, your wedding must be the most lively event in the whole world."

At the same time, Yichuan Hanxing said in the voice: "Come on, call my dear out and let me listen."

"I don't want it, it's to save face by calling you that in the live broadcast room."

Then, the two of us hung in the live broadcast room and continued to chat, from games to reality, and from reality to games. It wasn't until Liang Xiaoxie had downloaded the broadcast, the night outside the window had been gradually erased by the morning light, the number of vehicles increased, the street lights went out, and the sleeping Shanghai city began to wake up to blue-gray, I yawned and said it was time to sleep, and hung up the voice. Fall asleep.

I fell asleep beautifully, and I was awakened by the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. I got up and closed the curtains, and wanted to go back to sleep again, but when I saw the mobile phone with the screen on, I suddenly opened my eyes wide.

Oh my god... What did Yichuan Hanxing and I do last night...

After playing the game for so long, I have always been quite rational, keeping a distance from every player, and never explaining any information about my reality to anyone. How did I manage to chat with him for so long, even until dawn. What to do, are we moving too fast, will he think that I am not reserved, the kind of girl who is easy to be hooked, and who is so close to the boys I know in any game

It's over, it's over, I want to cry.

I lay on the bed, buried my face in the pillow, took a deep breath, only showing my eyes, and took the phone in fear.

"3 notifications" are displayed on WeChat. I pulled it away with my eyes closed and worked up the courage to open my eyes again.

The first two are messages sent by Yichuan Hanxing at ten o'clock in the morning:


"Get up and tell me."

The third one was posted just now:

"miss you."

I buried my whole face in the bed again, trying to hide the shy smile on my face, but the sound of laughing still couldn't deceive myself. Then I turned over, wrapped in the quilt, and said a word: "I'm awake."

Seeing "the other party is typing", I thought about it and felt it was not enough, so I typed again: "I miss you too." Followed by a smiling and kissing expression.

Am I being too active...

But we are already cp, take the initiative... nothing, right

Ah, never mind, it's just a game, not reality, if you like it, you like it, if you don't hold back, you don't hold back, why think so much! sent!

As a result, as soon as the message was sent, "the other party is typing" disappeared, and the WeChat screen switched to the voice call invitation interface.

My heartbeat was so violent that my chest hurt a little, but I was so excited. The sun is shining brightly outside, and today is a beautiful day.

I got through the voice.

"Miss me, don't you?" He whispered, as if whispering, so gentle that his bones were crisp. It's unbelievable that this is Ichikawa Hanxing who plays games with such a cold and cruel style.

"Yeah!" I got up and opened the curtains, let the sunlight fill the bedroom, and said with a smile, "Good afternoon, dear."

There was silence for two seconds. He seemed a little surprised, but he didn't ask much, but he quickly adapted to the further mode of getting along, and his tone became more gentle: "Good afternoon, baby. You just wake up, go and eat something thing."