The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 30


After the bandit in red rebelled, Cangxue Wutong and I deleted each other's friends.

I opened the WeChat Moments of the game, found a post posted a long time ago, found Cangxue Wutong in the comments, clicked on his profile picture, and checked the information. The area is indeed Shanghai. Zheng Feiyang's birthday is July 21st, and he turns 30 this month. Cangxue Wutong also just celebrated her thirtieth birthday.

Recalling that once I told Cangxue Wutong about my family’s debts, he asked me where I was, and I lied and said I was in Guangdong. He said that a friend of his in Shanghai was also in the same situation.

After a long time, it was not his friend at all, but his ex-girlfriend.

Zheng Feiyang and I met through work. He often needs CG illustrators in the game industry. When he asked me to draw illustrations for the games he was in charge of at the time, he pursued me fiercely. In the beginning, flowers, jewelry, romance and surprises kept coming. He has a gentle and humorous personality and is very good at pleasing girls, but this guy still has a bit of artifice.

I remember on the day of our first date, he picked me up in the SUV he just bought, and we chatted about the car, and asked me a question: "What kind of car does your dad drive?"

Thinking about it now, this question is a bit of a standard, and three key pieces of information can be expressed in one sentence: whether the parents are rich and powerful; , Jiangsu and Zhejiang wealthy businessmen; Land Rover, local tyrants, rich and powerful; sports cars, Shanghai-style trendy rich people; other cheap cars or no cars, they are similar, and points are deducted.

In short, this question is similar to a woman asking a boy "how much is the parking fee in your community".

Knowing that my dad drove more than one Bentley, Zheng Feiyang became more and more concerned about my family affairs. Whether it is a little good or bad, he will ask many details.

Zheng Feiyang's hometown is in Xi'an, his parents are divorced, and his mother has a strong personality. She is a well-known local real estate developer and has extremely strict requirements on him. The actual situation of his family is not as good as he described, but he can be regarded as a child who grew up in a wealthy family. So now that I think about it, it's reasonable for him to have requirements for the other half's family. But before experiencing this drastic change in my family, my views on love were still quite dreamy, and I was looking forward to unconditional love. He kept asking me some questions about my family situation, which made me feel a little concerned, so I told my cousin what I thought.

My cousin said that a boy from a good family does not want the good living environment of his hometown. He traveled all the way from Xi’an to Shanghai to develop, lived in a rented house, and was promoted so fast, so he was bound to want to make a name for himself. Then, chasing a Shanghai lady who is so much younger than him and has no similar growth experience, he is unlikely to be purely for love, and it is unlikely that he is only interested in your family background, both. It's not necessarily a bad thing for a man to have ambitions, it depends on what you think, sister.

Therefore, I was inevitably a little wary of Zheng Feiyang, and I was unwilling to have a relationship with him after dating him for so long. The reason was that my family was strict and I did not consider premarital sex.

I was actually a little guilty, because Du Hanchuan and I went to visit him in London when we were making peace, and stayed overnight in his apartment, and almost missed the shot. Du Hanchuan stopped at a critical moment, saying that he could not be responsible for me. The thing is, I didn't think there was anything wrong with handing myself over to him.

Combined with my various explosive behaviors after the breakup, I was injured like this even if I didn’t sleep. If I really slept, wouldn’t I cry like Meng Jiangnu. I'm still lucky.

Zheng Feiyang is a gentleman about this kind of thing and agrees to maintain a platonic relationship before marriage.

I originally thought that he was forbearing, it was an expression of loving someone, but who knew that he was a sullen person. We broke up completely at the beginning of this year, and three or four months later he and his current girlfriend lived together like glue.

He, who is engaged in the game industry, has such an online celebrity girlfriend out of thin air. Our mutual friends feel strange, thinking that they met at a type of event like aJoy.

This girlfriend is very good at playing on the Internet. When I first got together with him, I found out through various methods that his ex-girlfriend is Hao Pianpian, a well-known painter, and the daughter of a big entrepreneur. Therefore, I showed weakness to him, saying that I am inferior and not worthy of him. — After the two of them quarreled, Zheng Feiyang asked someone to complain, and all this information was passed on to me through my friends. I don’t know if it’s true or not, or if he did it on purpose so that I don’t have to feel like a loser.

Let's look back at the game history of his girlfriend Bai Yi.

When Baiyi started her service, she married a civilian top student who was quite skilled, but because she couldn't stand the other party controlling her too much, she divorced. When she was the leader of the Buddha Gang, because of her nice voice, she often broadcast live broadcasts to recruit people for the gang, and poached a pair of CPs who were very loving when they started the server from a small gang. In less than two weeks, she separated the couple and was with the man. The woman retreats. But she just gets tired of being with the man every day and doesn't agree to get married. During this period, the man said that she was having an affair with two men from the royal family, Gao Zhan, and felt that she was looking for a horse on a donkey many times, and wanted to have a death relationship with her, but she was comforted by her.

One of the two royal Gao Zhan men is an uncle who actually has an eight-year-old son. She told me that she is unreliable and always hangs on to him. Maybe she just likes the feeling of being pursued by boys. The uncle is an old fritter, and he chose another girl who he thought was simpler. At that time, Bai Yi felt very uncomfortable, and told the uncle, haven't we always been good, and I will marry you now. But the uncle didn't look back.

The other man, Gao Zhan, is a high-achieving student from the University of Hong Kong. He is handsome, from a good family background, has low EQ, and slightly lower combat power than an uncle, but his operation is at the anchor level, and he also serves as the royal family's strategic strategist and battle commander. This boy has a strong and unrestrained cp, which can be seen from the cp names they chose: the boy is called Changshengdian, and the girl is called Qiyueqi. The source is "Eternal Life Palace on July 7th" in "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", where "day" is a verb.

Baiyi ran into a wall with the uncle, took down the Hall of Eternal Life at the speed of light, and was torn down by the trumpet and the space on July 7 for a full fourteen days.

Both she and Huan Qiaoer belong to the kind of high-war male killer internet celebrity beauties who are good at falling in love, but the methods are different. Huan Qiaoer is good at being cute and coquettish, while Bai Yi is good at showing weakness and crying. At first, Bai Yi approached the Palace of Eternal Life, that is to say, she was beaten to the ground by others in a help war. She was so weak and helpless, and envied that the Palace of Longevity was so strong and managed the royal family so well.

Although the Palace of Eternal Life was important to the royal family, at that time the royal family was the only one at the top of the northern border, and it was impossible for him alone to manage it well. Running a big gang well is bound to be the credit of one family.

But after all, the Palace of Eternal Life is a little child who is still studying. Hearing what she said, there is naturally a sense of righteousness rising in his chest. He vowed to protect this weak woman like Bai Yinshuang. So from then on, every time we help each other, we don't see each other. He went to the White Clothes Gang to help her beat her enemies.

The royal family is so strong, the loss of one Hall of Eternal Life will not have much impact, so we send blessings to both of them.

But no matter how hard Changshengdian tried, Bai Yi still refused to get married. Her reason was that she was too weak, and she didn't want people to feel that she was hugging the thighs of the Palace of Longevity and the royal family, and she didn't want marriage to imprison their relationship to death. It wasn't until the later period that we helped the gang leader to make a bunch of messes, and got involved with the three gangs, the reason was that some of these small gangs had scolded Pianshen, and he and his brothers wanted to fight for their goddess, so Baiyi waited for the most important thing. One chance—she is one of the gang leaders of these three gangs. After the three gangs merged into one, she became the deputy gang leader, and as the deputy gang leader, she negotiated with a deputy gang leader of the royal family.

The deputy head of the royal family is Cangxue Wutong.

She has expressed her admiration and love for Fengwu Pianran to Cangxue Wutong many times, saying that Pianshen is the kind of goddess who does not have the pretensions of a big boss, and she hopes to become my right-hand man. I have always known that she is a good leader and a scumbag cp, so I hesitated for a long time whether to use this person.

Needless to say the advantages, she is such a salty fish, it is not all luck that she can get into the level of the Hall of Eternal Life to use all the resources of the guild to pay for her guild, and can get into the level of directly negotiating the battle with Cangxue Wutong.

The disadvantages are also obvious. She changed her cp like changing her number, each one was higher than the other, only her combat power and power were the same. It seems to be a defect in feelings and has nothing to do with gangs, but after repeated hesitation, I think that since a person can be so ruthless to CP, let alone his friends. Although the royal family is a fighting gang, I hope it will always be a warm family, and the atmosphere should not be affected by such people. In the end, I decided not to kill her, not accept her, put her aside, and focus on fighting with the gang leader and other members of the three-in-one gang.

We had a fight with the Three in One gang for almost two months. During this period, Bai Yi quickly won Cangxue Wutong's favor by showing weakness. After all, Cangxue Wutong has heard too many things like "I am a player of combat power, not a player of love", "It is impossible for you to want me to fall in love with those fools", "It is absolutely impossible to run now", etc. I think it is cool The flamboyant domineering remarks, in this situation, in the situation where the war is raging, meeting such a hostile girl who can cry, laugh, show weakness and understand love, his dead heart will probably die again , I feel more romantic.

The two of them stayed together every day. Although it was not made public, everyone felt that the Palace of Eternal Life had become a green prairie.

Hong Yi felt disgusted, because in her understanding, Cangxue Wutong would be my CP sooner or later, and Changshengdian was a cute younger brother. She wanted to kick Cangxue Wutong away, but was stopped by Ziyi. Ziyi said that the overall situation of the gang is the most important thing at this time, don't care how Wutong is messing around outside. Anyway, he was just playing around and didn't recognize the existence of Bai Yi. I think it is too much for Bai Yi to treat the Hall of Eternal Life like this, but thinking about the Hall of Eternal Life, he has also failed July 7th, and these are all private matters of their feelings, and they did not kill Bai Yi completely.

In this way, instead, Bai Yi sneaked into the group while Hong Yi was attacking me, hugged Hong Yi's leg, and plotted against Hong Yi, and came to attack me with Hong Yi.

The royal family was torn apart, and there were girls in the remaining gangs who couldn’t stand it. They once said on the post bar: "The reason for the rebellion of the Red Clothes Sect is really funny. They said that because Sister Pian caused conflicts between the royal family and the three gangs, so we should Beat Sister Pian instead? Come on, at that time, the leader of the gang wanted to fight with a group of boys, and used revenge for Sister Pian as an excuse to kill Comfortable and wanted to be a good person. Sister Pian was at fault? Everyone in the gang knew, Sister Pian Advise them every day not to be popular, go back to the safe zone, they will not be able to pull them. The other side said it was to protect the gang and eliminate bad women, and this side said it was to avenge the goddess Pianpian. Fuck you. The other side can't eliminate sister Pian, Sister Pian will die with just one skill, and she doesn’t need you to help her avenge her! Next time, she chooses a weaker girl to find an excuse for a fight, and choose Feng Wu Pianran as an excuse, even fools don’t believe it! Now Hongyi’s strength exceeds her strength too much The woman wants to dominate the district, and throws the pot to Sister Pian. To those who believe in red clothes, I want to say, the brain is a good thing, if you don't want it, donate it!"

But the gang members of the Red Clothes Sect were all intoxicated in the joy of being the first on the fire list, so of course they couldn't listen.

Cangxue Wutong is not just playing around like Ziyi said, he married Baiyi.

Now that Bai Yi is the leader of the Red Clothes Sect, she spends the least amount of money to play this game to achieve the highest experience, and she also got a high-quality boyfriend, which is worth it.

I forwarded this chat record of Red Clothes Teacher to Yichuan Hanxing. But his focus is very strange: "What does it mean to jump the cannon king?"

This is a word I coined with Hong Yi before. When the district was opened, there was a guy in our hostile gang who challenged very quickly, creating a big boss posture, looking for girls everywhere to meet. One was fooled, and he became a game romance and real bed partner with him for a period of time. When the game enters the middle stage, the advantage of the local tyrant will be strengthened by the naked eye, and the cost of confronting the royal family will increase significantly if he continues to play, so he throws his 30,000 to 50,000 Krypton account to Qingyuan, and let Qingyuan carry him He jumped to the new area and replayed the same story again. There are many boys like this in the game, most of them are small R players, we call them "jumping cannon kings".

I told this allusion to Yichuan Hanxing, and he sent a bunch of shocked expressions: "The city can play. Can a game play so many tricks?"

"Boss Han has always been a cloud player. He is too ungrounded. He doesn't know these things. In fact, it is because the feelings in the game are very untrustworthy, so I have always been determined not to go out even if I am single. , I don’t even think about meeting male netizens for dinner.”

"I don't see female netizens either. I used to play cp in other game groups, and I was dumped every time because I refused to meet."

"You don't come here, it's usually boys who want to run away, and there are no girls who want to run away, I don't believe it." That's what he said, but I think what he said is probably the truth. Even scum like Mu Shang is sent thousands of miles away. To be in love with a master of Yichuan Hanxing's level, girls will inevitably have fantasies.

"It's true, the last cp has cast a shadow over me. I went on a business trip to Hangzhou, and that girl knew I was in Hangzhou, so she was so drunk that she wanted to see me no matter what. After I refused, she played the horn in the game One-sided relationship with me. The next day, she apologized to me and reconciled. I thought, what’s the point of reconciling after the relationship has been announced, but she didn’t get along. She made a fuss about selling her account, calling me a scumbag, a bunch of crazy women, etc. I didn't figure out the situation, so I scolded me with her. After that, I don't want to find CP anymore, women are so troublesome."

"Why don't you see her?"

"I just play a game, I don't want to find a girlfriend through the game."

"Are you sure it's not because of your appearance? Hahahaha."

"Please, I'm handsome, okay? Don't try to lie to my photo, I'm the man you can't get in your life."

"Ouch, narcissist, who wants to see your photos." I laughed for a long time while holding the phone, then gradually stopped laughing, and sent another question carefully, "By the way, didn't you say that you never want to look for photos again?" Have you cp? Why are you looking for me?"

"The other party is typing" lasted at least five minutes before I received his reply:

"Because I did scumbag other girls once, and I don't think I'm a good man. But Pianpian, you are different from all the girls I know. Even if I can't get you in the real world, I still think that we can be together for a day. One day, one day is counted as one day if we can like each other with you. Life is so long, this is the last chance, I don’t want to miss you again.”

This sentence made my eyes water.

I wiped the corners of my eyes, and was about to ask him why he was so provocative all of a sudden, when he added another sentence: "You girls like to see boys say things that make your skin crawl, right?"


"Why did I form a cp with you, of course it is because you are Feng Wu Pianran. Do you still need to ask? It's a sense of accomplishment to be able to soak up Feng Wu Pianran, it's better than winning three demon spokesmen plus ten Cangxue sycamores in a one-on-one match." Moisturize."


"Think about it, not only did I defeat Feng Wu Pianran, but I also took her by force as my own woman. It's so cool."

"You are a snake spirit, my tuba is gone, who knew that your cp is Feng Wu Pianran."

"It's fine for me to enjoy myself, and I don't care what others think."


How on earth did this guy manage to make people cry, laugh, and half-dead from anger? I really wanted to crawl over the network cable and pinch his neck.

After chatting for a while, he told me that his mother was here and was going to do some housework. Because his mother has the highest status in his family, and he is extremely fierce. What he likes to say to him most is: "You barbecued pork bun, let me see you not accepting bowls for dinner, I will take you away from this beautiful world immediately! I can If I bring you here, I can take you away!"

I was amused by his imitation of his mother, and told him to go to work quickly, then turned off the screen of the mobile phone, staring at the lamp above the head in a daze.

I haven't known Yichuan Hanxing for a long time, but the two of us hit it off so well that we can finish talking in one night what other people may not finish talking in their lifetime.

I learned from him in the past two days that he, like me, likes to play games since he was a child. I don’t know how many computers he changed when he was a student. He often brought his friends to play computers at home. What accompanied our childhood growth is fairy sword series and the glorious Three Kingdoms series. Like me, he has a successful entrepreneurial father. But his dad is more reliable than my dad emotionally. He has always been dedicated to his wife and loves his son very much. He discovered the blue ocean of the Internet while playing games with his youngest son, so he switched from opening a hotel-style apartment to working in the Internet industry. That's why Ichikawa Hanxing has always maintained such a high degree of enthusiasm for the game and is proficient in playing it.

Just chatting with him, I can feel his admiration for his father. In this regard, the two of us are very similar. Even though Dad is in such a predicament now, and people in his family and friends have already begun to criticize him for how failed his life is and how many wrong decisions he has made, I still think he is a great man. The height of his life should not be determined by the current trough.

As for Yichuan Hanxing, I have to admit frankly that I like him very much. If I had met him two years ago, if I had been single, I would have felt we were a good match and dealt with our relationship more positively.

You can't rush with others, but I don't think you can't consider it with him.

But now, my life is like this.

I feel that I am not even worthy of Zheng Feiyang, let alone the brilliant Yichuan Hanxing.

So, when playing a girl who is good for him in the game, pretending that I am still my former self, and having a relationship with him like a prince and princess, I think there is nothing wrong with it.

His WeChat profile picture is Dorset's Jurassic Coast and Natural Limestone Arch, which I've been to. He and I even have the same favorite beach. Looking at our chat records again, I really feel that he is very close to me, so close that it seems that the two of us have no secrets, as long as I stretch out my hand, I can touch him.

However, he is so far away that I don't even know what he looks like or what his name is.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated. Brother Wu was the one who sent me a WeChat message: "Sister Pianpian, I'm so angry, Liang Xiaoxie is too much, do you think he is an uncle? He broke up with his girlfriend for half a year, is he still irritable? "

"What's wrong?" I replied curiously. But I think Liang Xiaoxie will not make trouble for no reason. Although he is about the same age as me, he is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed. One can tell that he is a child who has suffered hardships. Compared with him, Brother Wu seemed more heartless.

"You don't know, my shitty CP used to be jealous of him, displeased with him, saying that he is a good-looking anchor, a voice actor anchor, and I would help him with them unconditionally! Now he is actually standing on the opposite side of me, mad at me to death I'm done! I won't play this game anymore!" Obviously, her "fuck them" is a catchphrase infected by Ichikawa Hanxing.

In fact, Brother Wu's predecessor had entered a gray area when he was jealous of Liang Xiaoxie.

Game CP can be played now, but there are also some players who clearly distinguish the game from reality. Especially big R players like me, Yichuan Hanxing, and Brother Wu, play games either for the ultimate combat power, or for the greatest entertainment. We are more rational consumers, and we are food suppliers in the game's biological chain. The people we deal with the most are not individual players, but teams, affiliated forces, and high-level services of game companies. We will not be like Mu Shang and Jiaren Pianpian. Fall in love so much into the drama.

This is why the game boss 818 is always dominated by power disputes, and rarely dominated by bloody love and polyamorous love.

Everyone can afford love, but power is not.

Streamers are part of the game company's premium services. Liang Xiaoxie is not an amateur streamer who has turned from a player to a streamer, but a professional hardcore streamer who has transformed from a moba to a mm. The way he gets along with the bosses is very humane, not only makes the boss feel that he is a friend or a comrade-in-arms, participates in the game no more, but also keeps a proper distance from the boss, not intervening too much in the boss's private affairs, so that the boss can get The highest gaming experience.

Therefore, the relationship between Liang Xiaoxie and Brother Wu should be a typical relationship of serving and being served.

Brother Wu has serious femininity and has never served male bosses. Each of her seven ex-husbands is far inferior to her in combat power, and her thinking mode is also different from hers. In other words, she is talking about inter-class love in the game. Her ex-husbands would not understand her pursuit, that's why they even got jealous of the anchor.

In fact, the anchor belongs to the server and is a person in reality; cp is a partner in the game and a person in the virtual world. There shouldn't be any conflict and intersection between the two, and a dedicated anchor will not put his emotions into the game.

This is a good verification of what Yu Linglong once said: even in the game, it is necessary to be right.

But now, no matter how I question her, she won't tell me what happened between her and Liang Xiaoxie.

I clicked on the homepage of the Leichi Game Live App on my mobile phone, found and entered Liang Xiaoxie’s live broadcast room, and found that he had already downloaded it, and there were many comments left by fans in the historical chat records:

"Xiao Xie, don't be sad, we will be sad if you stop broadcasting..."

"Boss Wu just got emotional for a while, and it's not the first day you know her, her temper comes and goes quickly."

"What happened? Why did Lao Xie download it so early today?"

"Hey, Xiaoxie and Boss Wu are a little unhappy. Go to the fan group to comfort him. I've been calling him for a long time, but he hasn't said a word."

Turn on the playback of the live broadcast, Brother Wu is there all night. Just entered the live broadcast room and Liang Xiaoxie connected with each other, and she also played the brainwashing divine song "Big Brother Welcomes You" by herself: "Brother, Big Brother welcomes you / Thank you for coming to my place / Big Brother, Big Brother welcomes you / Waiting for the wind and rain to wait for you / He’s here, he’s here, he’s bringing gifts/He’s here, he’s here, he’s stepping on the clouds and he’s coming in/Big Brother Sky, Big Brother, Big Brother can stand up to the sky/Brother Wind, Brother Rain, Big Brother can call the wind and rain/This is my good brother/ He has a house and a car/Welcome my big brother again/Show some gifts Needless to say... "

While playing music, she gave Liang Xiaoxie a gift, which made the fans in the live broadcast laugh. Liang Xiaoxie interrupted her: "Wu Wu, did you receive the courier today?"

"How do you know, I received a LV platinum tourmaline bracelet this evening."

"Just receive it."

"Huh? I thought someone else sent it by mistake... This, is this what you gave me?"

Liang Xiaoxie in the camera smiled sarcastically: "I didn't give it to you, I just showed it to you."

"What a shame, Xiaoxie, you actually gave me a gift? I'm so happy, ho ho ho ho!" She let out a wild, unfeminine laugh, "But why! You are the anchor, I accept you The gift doesn't seem too good?"

Liang Xiaoxie's eyes were crooked, and a smile blurred like ink on his delicate face: "Thank you Wu Wu for being my boss for a year, today is just the first anniversary of our acquaintance. Everyone knows that Wu Wu Sent me a lot of gifts. Thanks to her, my mother recovered so quickly. So, no, this is just a small gift, not a respect. And thank you to everyone in the live broadcast room, my mother was discharged from the hospital recently, I made her a lot of her favorite dried tofu in honey sauce at home. I thought of everyone at the time, so I made a lot of them. You send me the address on WeChat, and I will send some to you.”

A fan asked a question, and Liang Xiaoxie read the question professionally: "'Dried tofu in honey sauce, puff, Xiaoxie is really from Suzhou. Isn't Boss Wu from Beijing? How did you meet?" Wu and I Nothing that Lei Chi saw when he held the Taohua Wanjie offline event."

"'Is Wu Boss beautiful?'" Liang Xiaoxie was taken aback for a moment, then smiled generously: "Of course she is beautiful, can we Wu Boss not be beautiful?"

Brother Wu didn't notice that they were discussing her appearance at all, and said excitedly: "Xiaoxie, Xiaoxie, do you have my share of dried tofu?"

"Yes. No nothing, you are too thin, eat more. And don't stay up late, drink more hot water when your body feels cold."

"Drink more hot water, why don't you ask me to drink more sulfuric acid." Brother Wu sighed, "Let me tell you, Xiaoxie's cooking is so delicious, he will get us a bunch of food every once in a while, He likes to deliver the takeout that others ordered to him to my house in the middle of the night, and I was fed into a ball by him, and he also said that I am skinny. I don’t think I am skinny, but blue skinny.”

Liang Xiaoxie laughed out loud: "Blame me?"

"It's your fault, it's your fault."

He even smiled with a sunny face, full of pampering: "Well, well, it's all my fault."

Originally the atmosphere was great, but forty-three minutes ago, the girl in red taught her to use the horn in the game to complain about Brother Wu, and Brother Wu complained about it in the live broadcast room, and asked Liang Xiaoxie to use her account to beat these trolls .

Liang Xiaoxie was silent for a moment, and then withdrew her smile: "Actually, nothing, although you said that cp is your partner who plays with you, and you don't care about anyone, but I still think you should pick and choose when you get married. Even crooked melons and jujubes will be given a chance." After speaking for a while, the live broadcast room was silent, and he called out again tentatively: "Nothing?"

After more than ten seconds, Brother Wu said softly, "Are you despising me?"

Liang Xiaoxie panicked: "No, how could I despise you. What I mean is that many troubles have something to do with your too much CP in the past..."

"I have too much cp?"

"It's not Wu Wu, you misunderstood me. I really think those boys are not good enough for you. You think Brother Han and sister-in-law are a good match. I think if you are looking for a cp, you should find a brother Han who is so reliable and capable boys, not with those…”

Brother Wu interrupted him angrily: "Oh, you still think I should be with Mr. Han?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant, how could you misinterpret it as..."

Brother Wu interrupted him again: "Xiaoxie, let's not talk about my business, let's talk about your business. When you competed with your rival anchor, how did I treat him? Hate him to death , to help you get the number one popularity. At that time, you told me that you were very grateful to me. Spending money is not a big deal, but my heart is a big deal. Knowing that I am so righteous to you, you will stand by my side no matter what. And How are you treating me now? You are afraid of offending other players, and even speak out against me, thinking that I am a woman who is always in love with Qin Muchu?"

Liang Xiaoxie wanted to say something at first, but he smiled and said helplessly: "In your eyes, I am a snobby anchor who only accepts gifts from you, right?"

The answer Wu Ge gave him was a long silence.

Liang Xiaoxie lowered his eyes and looked in the direction of the keyboard: "I'm not even a friend, am I?"

Brother Wu still didn't speak.

After waiting for a while, Liang Xiaoxie pursed her lips, took a few deep breaths, then raised her head and smiled at the camera: "I shouldn't have signed a contract with Lei Chi in the first place. I'm sorry everyone, I don't want to broadcast this game anymore."

Brother Wu sneered a few times: "Oh, good, good, it's all my fault now, isn't it? I forced Liang Da's anchor to stop broadcasting!"

But she didn't get any reply. Liang Xiaoxie downloaded it, and the video playback ends here.