The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 32


"If you are Yichuan Hanxing, I will sell my account immediately. I will disappear forever." I stared at him and said word by word.

Du Hanchuan was stunned: "You hate me so much."

"Yes, I don't want to see you again. You said you are Du Hanchuan, no, Ichikawa Hanxing, right? I'm going to play the game now, and now I'm going to play the speaker online with you!"

I said it decisively, and at the same time I took out the mobile phone from the bag, but it turned out to be reversed. I tried to turn it over and it fell to the ground with a loud, piercing noise. I squatted down to pick up the phone, and a wave of overwhelming nausea came up again, and I shook my body twice. Du Hanchuan stepped forward to help me, I grabbed his lapel and made gestures to vomit, but before I could hold him firmly, I was stopped by the flying little bun.

Little Baozi supported me, nodded repeatedly to Du Hanchuan: "I'm sorry, Senior Du, Pianpian is too drunk." Then he took me back to the bathroom.

I squatted in front of the toilet and vomited wildly for an unknown amount of time. All the girls passing by pinched their noses and made a detour.

When I got home that night, I didn’t do any tasks in the game, and I didn’t even have the energy to click on it. I opened WeChat, sent a lot of random things, and then fell into a deep sleep.

I saw a lot of things in one night, some in the game, some in reality, some in high school, and some recently, there were Du Hanchuan and Ichikawa Hanxing, there were scenes where debts snowballed, and there were scenes where the whole family resolved The scene where the problem was restored to freedom and reunited... When I got up, I found that everything was a dream.

It took me at least five minutes to open my eyes smoothly the next afternoon.

I have always had a problem with drinking, that is, when I am drunk, I seem to think clearly, and I don’t look too drunk, but when I really sleep, I can’t remember anything.

What happened yesterday

I held my head that was about to burst and tried to remember.

Yes, I met Du Hanchuan at the school celebration, and found that his voice was a bit like Yichuan Hanxing, so I sent a message to Yichuan Hanxing, and Yichuan Hanxing said that he was frying steak at home. Then a group of our classmates went to eat hot pot and drink.

I can't remember anything about it after that...

I rubbed my temples, picked up my mobile phone that had been knocked to the ground by me in my sleep at some point, and opened my WeChat. This is WeChat for games. Yesterday I actually sent these contents to Ichikawa Hanxing:

"Honey, I drank some wine, I may not be able to speak clearly now, you have to forgive me. Do you know that I once loved a boy in reality. He made me believe in love, and made me not believe in love at all After breaking up with him, I chose to only believe in marriage, and I plan to only want marriage in the future, and stop talking about love. But, a girl like me, with no responsibility and nothing, can really manage a family well... "

"You sure can." He replied.

"But I'm bad, you don't know how bad I am..."

"Nonsense, you are excellent, I believe there is nothing you can't do well."

"You don't understand... I like you very much, but I'm also afraid."


"There is a good saying: If you don't want to experience great sorrow, then don't experience ecstasy. I think every day when I'm with you, my mood goes up and down, it's scary..."

"Pianpian, I think you are a little drunk. Let's talk about these things tomorrow, get some rest early, and contact me tomorrow, Ann."

Seeing this, I wanted to kill myself with a hammer - what the hell was I talking about when I was drunk, crying.

I couldn't bear to read these stupid chat records anymore, I hesitated for a few seconds, and made a voice call.

The other party answered in seconds: "Pianpian, are you awake?"

"Ok… "

"Is your body feeling okay, get up and eat something?"

Hearing his gentle voice, I feel more and more that his voice is very similar to Du Hanchuan's, and there are a lot of overlapping points between them. But yesterday when Du Hanchuan gave a speech, Ichikawa Hanxing did have an alibi. I still have some doubts: "Honey, where are you?"

"At home."

"Which city is your home?"

"Home in Beijing."

"Can you turn on the video and show me the scenery outside the window? Don't show me what you look like."


Yichuan Hanxing hung up the voice and made the video call again. I held down the camera to prevent him from looking at me, and I saw him point the camera to the window. I can feel that Ichikawa Hanxing’s hand is very steady, the camera does not shake, and he can clearly see the scenery outside the window, which is completely different from the continuous rainy day here: the sun outside the window is very strong, shining in a small park, and the yard is sparsely populated There are a few pagoda trees planted on the ground. He lived on a low floor, and he could see someone walking their dog in the yard. There is a river running through the city in the distance, the sun shines on the river, but because of the camera, only a misty white can be seen.

I have never been to Beijing, but obviously, this is a northern city that exudes a sense of vastness and atmosphere in the hot summer, not the overly refined Shanghai.

I felt an indescribable sense of loss and strangeness, but at the same time I breathed a sigh of relief: "The environment is good. Does your community have a river?"

"This river is actually allocated to the country."

"Ah, is that the moat of Beijing?"


He raised the camera up slightly, and I saw a dense forest on the other side of the moat. I was surprised: "Yes, are there still so many trees in Beijing?"

"That's Yuyuantan Park. I used to go there when I was young. At that time, the entrance fee was only 50 cents, and the inside was very big. I like to eat the roasted ham sausage inside, and I have to eat at least two sticks every time. I used to like to eat in Looking at the fish in the moat, there are also many people fishing there. I am so greedy, sometimes I tie a line with twigs to make a small fishing rod, but I have never caught it.”

"Huh? Is it because of impatience?"

"No, because there is no hook. I thought I could catch fish by hanging the bait on the line."

He said this in a serious tone, and I couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that my dear Xiaoshi is also very silly and naive sometimes."

"It used to be silly and naive, but now, it's very pornographic and violent."

I couldn't help but think of Yichuan Hanxing's various killing scenes in the game, and snorted: "Yo, I've positioned myself quite accurately. It turns out that a big guy like you also had such a cute childhood. I thought you were young He grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, the kind who will take the lead in bullying children."

"If I knew my Pianpian at that time, if someone bullies you, I will definitely take the lead in bullying you back." Before I could answer, he walked around the room with his mobile phone for a while, arrived at the balcony of the living room, and pointed the camera at the target again. Outside the window, "I'll show you this way. It's also the place I loved to go when I was young..."

We chatted for more than an hour, and in the end we both consciously followed the rules of the game and didn't show our faces on camera. But he told me a lot about his childhood, which made me feel closer to him.

Gradually, the tension caused by seeing Du Hanchuan again relaxed. The unpleasant and painful feeling yesterday will definitely fade away with time.

It's nice to fall in love with someone else again. Even if he only exists in the game world.

Finally, Yichuan Hanxing cleared his throat, and called out in a low voice, "Pianpian."


"These words may be a bit out of bounds, but I think I still need to tell you." He sighed, "Although we will not run away, I will always be with you until you get married and have children, until you no longer need Me. At that time, I will leave silently and send you my best wishes."

I was a little surprised: "Why... Why did such a paragraph suddenly appear."

"when are you getting married?"

I thought about it, and gave an answer casually: "After I graduate."

"After you graduate, it will be more than a year. When you get married, you probably won't play games anymore, right?"

"Not necessarily, maybe you can play when you're married."

"I won't look for cp again, after all, I want to live with my husband."


"We can still be together for more than a year. It's good." He paused, as if convincing himself, "One year is quite a long time, not short."

He spoke very calmly, but I could only feel the sadness in my chest. I gritted my teeth and let myself say in a relaxed and happy tone: "Honey, I don't want to hurt you, but game cps are considered old couples even if they last for more than three months, and very few of them can last the first half of the year. Don’t talk about one year. If you are thinking about what will happen in one year now, why not think about how we can persist for one year. Maybe no one will play this game by then.”

"Then if you want to play other games, I'll go with you."

"Okay, okay, we played Taohua Wanjie at a different time, and we have never had the experience of opening up wasteland with you. At that time, we can upgrade and play dungeons together, build a guild together, and take pictures on the new map together... It feels very good to think about it. Great."


"We will have good memories, and we will become the most suitable CP. At that time, we can create the myth of Phoenix Dance and Yichuan Hanxing again."


"...Why are you talking so little all of a sudden?"

"I will accompany you until you get married. If you still want me after marriage, I don't mind being your mistress."

"Let me go, Boss Han, your three views!"

"I've said it all, I don't have three views. If your husband is not good enough for you, if you get divorced in the future, it's a big deal that we will fall in love at dusk in the future."

"Wow, don't curse me for divorce, okay?"

Although the tone was joking, tears had already filled my cheeks. I quickly wiped my face with the back of my hand, held my breath to prevent myself from making a nasal sound, and continued to pull myself together and said, "Let's talk about it later. We were just together, and it's normal for you to be hot on my head. But the game is very fast." , Playing for three months may be easier than talking about reality for three years, and by then we may be like friends."

"I can't imagine that I will see you as a friend one day. For you, I think it may be five, six, or even a lifetime, and the enthusiasm will not fade away."

"Enthusiasm wears off, trust me. Time will dilute everything."

"I don't believe it." He said firmly.

"Are you so good at talking about love?" The voice is good, I'm already in tears here, but I can still pretend to be a happy tone, "Let's think about how to maintain the relationship for a year, this seems to be the most something difficult to achieve.”

"As long as you don't give up on me, I will still be there in a year. Even if you marry someone else, as long as you don't give up on me, I will always be here."

"Really, will you always be with me..."


In fact, I know that the reason why he is so enthusiastic about me is only because of the aura of phoenix dance.

In Taohua Wanjie, what is the image of Fengwu Pianran? The carefree daughter of a rich family, the god of battle among the people, the female boss who will never admit defeat and has a strong sense of justice. Under such an aura, it is not surprising that there is a strong love. Just like Zheng Feiyang was strongly attracted to me at the beginning.

But he would hold back because of my lows.

I believe it is even more so for Yichuan Hanxing. He originally approached me with the goal of "beating the number one in the server". Once the mystery is out, knowing that I'm far from his fantasies, his enthusiasm will fade.

But I don't want him to be disappointed. Since there is no rush, there is no deception, and it is good to let him love this illusion.

In fact, although we verbally say that we still have one year to go, in fact, after one year, I don't know where I am, whether I can still live rationally and well.

I have a sister with severe depression who has auditory hallucinations. I remember that when we talked, she got sick for the first time and told me that she saw the boy she liked in junior high school in the bedroom, and that boy died in a car accident long ago. Since then, she has increased the dosage of the drug and lost her reproductive function, but if she stops the drug, she will not be able to maintain a normal life.

I am only moderately depressed, and the dose of medicine is not large. The doctor said that as long as I actively cooperate with the treatment, I can recover. But as soon as the drug was stopped, I always had the idea of suicide, and I would find a way to commit suicide with a headache, which seemed to be more dangerous than this sister's auditory hallucinations.

Since I found out that I have depression, I haven't looked forward to the future for a long time.

However, after chatting with Ichikawa Hanxing this time, although I cried a lot, I suddenly had expectations.

I'm starting to look forward to next year.

After a year, I should still be fine.

If you don't cheer up, you can't go to the next game with him to open up wasteland.

It may be that I exude a very confiding temperament. Back in the game at night, as soon as I went online, I received a bombardment of private chats from Wu Ge. Seeing that the number on the little red dot is 27, I knew that this matter must be related to emotional entanglements.

Sure enough, most of the 27 comments were about her ex-husband, and a small part was about Liang Xiaoxie. Although she tried hard to complain about how superb her ex-husband is recently, I still got the point precisely: what she cares most about is the cold war with Liang Xiaoxie.

Because of the quarrel with him, she didn't even bother to do one-stop tasks these days, and she didn't have much time online. But when you go online again, you will find that the account is like a snail girl. The daily book, weekly book, pvp activities, time-limited activities, points activities, etc., have all been cleared without landing. It's just that Liang Xiaoxie no longer helped her raise her combat power as before, but put the materials she got in the package and let her decide by herself.

The two of them have been getting along coldly and separated from each other until now.

Brother Wu is indeed too dependent on Liang Xiaoxie. According to her description, Liang Xiaoxie helped mediate the conflict between a little sister she had met before.

"Haha, Wuwu, why do I feel that your anchor is like your boyfriend or father. It's nothing to quarrel now, it can exercise your independence. Think about it, if one day his contract with the game company expires, What do you do?" I typed this sentence, thought about it, and added, "No, you can change to another anchor. It's just a matter of spending money on gifts. We have nothing, and we are not short of money."

[Private chat] Brother Wu is me: he won't leave. He signed a five-year contract with Lei Chi, even if he didn't broadcast Taohua Wanjie, he would broadcast other games. It's just that I'm a little unhappy with me now, and he won't give up this job.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Has he started broadcasting these days

[Private chat] Brother Wu is me: I don’t know, it should be broadcast. Their contract stipulates that they must broadcast at least five hours a day. Xiaoxie has a bigger name, but it takes at least three hours.

[Private chat] Qing Wu Pianpian: Don't you have a good relationship with him, you talk to him every day, so it's okay to talk about this conflict

[Private Chat] Brother Wu is me: it's not just voice, we have video every day.

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Video? With Liang Xiaoxie

[Private chat] Brother Wu is me: Yes.

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Is it a face-to-face video? Or facing the game screen, the kind where he teaches you how to play

[Private chat] Brother Wu is me: face to face.

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: ... You two are amazing wives.

[Private chat] Brother Wu is me: Why is it amazing, we have both met, and the video is normal.

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: No, no, I have used the anchor before, and I have had conflicts with the anchor, but my anchor is doing what he is supposed to do, and I will not contact everyone after it is done. It may be that you are his biggest boss. He really treats you differently. The music played in the live broadcast room is all your favorite. He always considers you first in everything he does. Now he is still chatting with him during non-working hours, and he also plays Video, this is the top VIP service.

[Private Chat] Brother Wu is me: I am the only one who gives priority to ghosts! He is ignoring me at all now!

After comforting her for a long time, she said she was fine, and replied perfunctorily, "Yeah", "Okay", "It makes sense to lie in a big hole", in fact, I know that she is not in a good mood at all. I was curious for a moment, so I logged into the homepage of Leichi Game Live with my mobile phone, wanting to see what's going on with Liang Xiaoxie.

I scanned the most popular live broadcast rooms at the top, but I couldn't find Liang Xiaoxie's name. I thought he wasn't broadcasting, so I scrolled down two pages, and was about to turn off the interface, but found that his live broadcast room was very low.

The title of his live broadcast room used to be: "Xiexiejun: Top melee melee expert, let's fight fiercely, fight for hegemony in all worlds!" He often broadcast ten hours a day, but now it has been changed to the default "Peach Blossom Ten Thousand Worlds-Liang Xiaoxie's Studio".

I clicked in and took a look, and found that the broadcast time was almost three hours, but he didn't turn on the camera, didn't speak, only the game interface.

He was driving four numbers, one was helping the boss in the new area to fight the battlefield, the other was playing dungeons for the big boss in the old area, and the other two were hanging up. No one spoke in the chat channel of the live broadcast room, except for the crackling sound of the keyboard on his side, he did not give any explanation. After a few seconds, he whispered, "Welcome sister-in-law." No more text.

He tortured and killed the players of the enemy faction like crazy on the battlefield, and he was very serious this day, playing the skills of a top operator in the Ten Thousand Worlds Contest. If you can score, every move, back attack, combo rhythm, and dodge technique can be scored above 9.5, which makes me want to applaud in front of the computer. A layman may not be able to see how he operates, but judging from the reactions of the hostile players killed by him, it should not be difficult to see his level: they all became angry, chasing him to kill him all over the screen, and wanted to accuse him and flank him , were all killed by him beautifully.

The anchors are like the genies in "Aladdin", possessing the power to blow air every second, every second of every day, but because of the control of the master of the magic lamp, they don't have the freedom to do whatever they want, and they don't enjoy the thrill of killing.

The anchor who operates at will under the boss's behest is really scary. When meeting Liang Xiaoxie who is in a bad mood, the opposite is bad luck for eight lifetimes.

However, no matter how powerful the operation is, most fans in the live broadcast room still like the host to be more funny. Hearing him speak, a fan said: "Why doesn't the anchor turn on the camera, I want to see a handsome face."

A big V fan said: "Xiaoxie didn't turn on the camera before, but only started to turn it on this year."

At this time, the large boss he was operating entered the live broadcast room, and said straight to the point: "Xiaoxie, is there a bug in the popularity of your live broadcast room? No one is there. It took me a long time to find it."

"Welcome, Brother Zhu." Liang Xiaoxie said mechanically, without further text.

When the live broadcast time reached three hours, he said, "Today's broadcast is over," and exited the live broadcast room.

I told Brother Wu what I saw in the live broadcast room, and Brother Wu sent a lot of angry expressions: "The self-willed and depraved guy, it is useless to win sympathy from me! He has humiliated me! ! Said I have too many CPs!! I can’t get over this stalker!!! If he doesn’t apologize, let him do it!!!”

It's not easy for outsiders to care too much, and with the state of the two of them, I give up trying to persuade them to make peace...

Then, I took Yichuan Hanxing, who was on the phone as a corpse, and three partners in the gang to do a dragon mission. After I finished, I threw the three members of the gang into the safe zone, and took Ichikawa Hanxing's number to the capital to do the task of Qixi Festival.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the system announcement showed the following prompt:

Cangxue Wutong gave white clothes a bouquet of 9 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to be together with each other, and the love is as pure and sweet as honey.

Cangxue Wutong gave white clothes a bouquet of 9 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to be together with each other, and the love is as pure and sweet as honey.

Cangxue Wutong gave white clothes a bouquet of 9 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to be together with each other, and the love is as pure and sweet as honey.

A Chinese Valentine's Day bouquet costs 188 yuan. If you want to be on the system announcement, you need to brush at least 9 flowers. Cangxue Wutong brushed a lot of flowers for Baiyi, 9 flowers each time, and kept brushing for a long time.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Cangxue Wutong likes you, right now, I'm very happy with this green tea show.

[Team] Qingwu Pianpian: Hey, are you there

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: When I first came here, I saw such an eye-catching scene.

[Team] Qingwu Pianpian: Don't bother with them, we just don't want to show off.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Why

How to say, when a person is doing something, if the goal is to gain the approval of others, the participation and influence of others will become greater. This is the essence of water that can carry a boat and overturn it. Couples who show affection hope that others will recognize their love. The more they show off, the greater the degree to which other people's words can affect their feelings. If you don't say anything, the only ones who can determine the relationship between two people are themselves. If you talk too much, when they have conflicts, negative comments from others will quickly tear them apart. To show off is actually to hope that others will participate in your love, and if the love of a couple is too good, naturally there will be no shortage of people who sincerely bless you without malice, but at the same time there will also be people who do not sincerely bless you and are full of malice. villain. Once this kind of person is involved in love, the future is dark.

[Team] Qingwu Pianpian: Well, I think it's better to really love someone, don't say it, and don't allow people other than true love to enter their world. After all, there is a certain probability that the onlookers will have malicious intentions.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: It makes sense.

[Team] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Yes, it's good to control your own feelings. We just want to be happy, not show off.

But people in the world naturally don't have as many people as I thought, they only express their respect for local tyrants.

[World] Tomato, I am seaweed soup: There is a lemon fruit on the lemon tree, and there is only me under the lemon fruit. Tong Shuhao, this taste of love makes me sour.

[World] Mr. Napkin: The rich will eventually get married, and the poor will witness it with their own eyes.

[World] Qiuyue moon: I use Krypton in all the confessions, my uncle Tong is domineering. How many rounds did this take

[Horn] Bai Yi: Thank you, husband. You don't know how lucky I am to have you. May this Qixi Festival, you and me, me and you, we...

As soon as her words rolled to "we", special effects of golden fireworks and pink flowers suddenly appeared on the full screen, making me close my eyes subconsciously. Then, Bai Yi's words were scrolled down by another bright pink golden characters. It will block the player's flower delivery announcement, which is a priority privilege only for emergency announcements in the whole server.

But this Qixi Festival also has an official show of affection, which also has the same effect—announcement of sending flowers that can be seen on all regional servers and platforms of Taohua Wanjie.

Because of the high price, only two people have signed up for the activity so far: one is the second brother who just ran with the first girl in the new district, and the other is the uncle in the old district who is actually married and cannot give love to the future.

It is also because of the high price and the many 818s. Every time this scrolling screen appears, the players in each district will hold their breath, and seriously look at which boss is so embarrassing.

I think this kind of full-service show affection function is very unreliable, cheating money, high-profile, I don't know how much people want to find a sense of presence to do this kind of thing.

Then, I saw the system prompt:

Yichuan Hanxing sent Qingwu Pianpian a bouquet of 999 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to spend a lifetime of boundless love and forever love.

It was also night in the game at this time, and the fireworks were everywhere, illuminating the entire capital in mottled splendor, and gradually dyed it into colorful colors. Yichuan Hanxing was standing in front of me, tall and straight, motionless. The evening wind blew gently, raising his long hair and the hem of his black clothes.

There are scattered red buildings in the city, and there are thousands of miles of cold rivers outside the world. He is a star in the world.

The scrolling lasted about a minute, and the world exploded with countless "fuck", "Boss Han is dispatched", "Yichuan Hanxing is awesome", and another relatively inconspicuous system announcement:

Cangxue Wutong gave Bai Yi a bouquet of 9 Tanabata flowers, wishing to be together with each other...

This passage failed to complete successfully, and the golden fireworks and pink flowers appeared again.

System Announcement: Yichuan Hanxing gave Qingwu Pianpian a bouquet of 999 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to spend the magpie bridge together with boundless love and love forever.

After finally waiting for the flower delivery effect of Yichuan Hanxing to end, the relatively inconspicuous system announcement appeared again:

Cangxue phoenix tree is given to Bai...

System Announcement: Yichuan Hanxing gave Qingwu Pianpian a bouquet of 999 Tanabata flowers, wishing each other to spend the magpie bridge together with boundless love and love forever.

Later, Cangxue Wutong was not given away at all, and only Yichuan Hanxing and my name were left floating in the center of the screen.

My face turned hot and cold, and I was so ashamed that I couldn't even type, and I wanted to pretend that I was disconnected. Ichikawa Hanxing sent it off for a long time, but didn't get any response from me, so he played two speakers and said:

"Dancing lightly, mine."

"Qing Wu Pian Pian, I love you."

I immediately sent him a team voice: "Young man, are you too rebellious and insist on going against me?"

The hustle and bustle of the night market can be heard from the stereo speakers, which belongs to the elegant joy of this capital city. He was still standing under Hualou with the flag fluttering, just so close to me. It seems that the distance between us is no longer the 1,120 kilometers between Shanghai and Beijing, and is no longer the obstacle of secularity and destiny, but just a few steps away.

We are so close. Get close enough to step forward and hug him.

His response was a 999 Tanabata bouquet. When the phrase "Love forever" disappeared, he swiped the horn again:

"Pianpian, I love you."

[World] Your head will be crushed with scissor legs: Our gang has a good name, if life is like seeing you for the first time... Brother Han is stuck. Distressed. Wish 99.

[World] Mr. Napkin: Pianpian, Brother Han, 99.

[World] Senior official: Lao Han, I have been written by those strange girls and your little yellow text for so long, I am almost desperate, thinking that I will be tied to you in the customs service. Our sister Pian is my savior. Stop talking, wish 99.

[Trumpet] Qingwu Pianpian: The dog food is ready, is the mess finished? I love you too I love you too. I'm sorry, Boss Han drank fake wine, so I dragged it away. I wish you all a happy Tanabata.