The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 36


[Gang] Cloud Spare Tire: ... ? ? ? ?

[Gang] Mr. Napkin:? ? ? ? ? ?

[Gang] The beauties explode:? ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !

Really dumbfounded.

I was lying on the ground, and seeing my tuba standing still for a few seconds, I jumped up and flew towards the resurrection point on a dragon.

Is this trying to abuse me at the resurrection point? I hesitated for a moment, and clicked on Resurrection with a testing mentality.

After appearing at the resurrection point, I didn't take drugs to replenish blood.

Sure enough, after the protection time passed, another black shadow appeared on the ground, and I took another backstab.

System prompt: You have been killed by Feng Wu Pianran. Your experience loss is 1%, equipment durability loss is 5%, and your equipment [Blood Soul Bracelet] has been damaged.

[Gang] The leader of my gang, Qing Wu Pian Pian, was killed by Feng Wu Pian Pian in the Sea of Thousand Monsters, and the blood soul bracelet +16 has been damaged.

I jumped a few times and flew to the tree, and I couldn't see the figure in a blink of an eye. But I know, she should hide somewhere, and when I revive, she will give me another backstab.

The friends in the gang naturally reacted greatly.

[Gang] Ah Shen: Is there something wrong with the big brother who bought the account? Buy someone else's account and kill someone else's trumpet

[Gang] The beauty explodes: It should not be a big brother, it should be a big sister! Obviously someone from the Red Clothes School bought it! Pianpian had just killed Hongyi a few times, and she couldn't wait to open her tuba to take revenge. "You kill me, I'll kill you with your heart and blood!" How cruel!

But I don't think this is like the style of the red dress.

First of all, she is unlikely to buy a number. Hongyi has always looked down on players who bought accounts, and would rather be beaten to death by those who bought accounts than to maintain her incomprehensible dignity as a first-hand account owner.

Secondly, based on my understanding of Hongyi, she has 100% strength and will try to show the effect of 200%. If she bought an account for 350,000 yuan in one go, it is impossible not to publicize it, and it is impossible for her to keep the account silent for so long. It is even more impossible to kill me and not speak.

And it has been a month since this account was sold. During this month, the new account owner kept a low profile and never said a word.

At least, Hong Yi didn't buy it himself. The series of behaviors of this number are very strange, I am more inclined to buy a number is a boy.

[Gang] Maple Leaf is my eyesight℡: Obviously, the mentality of buying an account is out of balance. Originally, people wanted to buy the No. 1 account of the whole server to pretend to be aggressive, but I didn't expect this deity to come back with a small account, and the sense of presence is so much stronger than her. She was upset, so she killed sister Pianpian to vent her anger.

[Gang] Ah Shen: Why don't you change your name if that's the case? It has always been called Feng Wu Pianran, everyone must be thinking about Feng Wu Pianran.

[Gang] The beauty explodes: Hey, look at it! That number took refuge in Hongyi!

I clicked on the leaderboard to see, and sure enough, the name of the gang following Feng Wupian changed to "Red Clothes Sect".

It seems that this number is indeed not bought by Hongyi or Hongyi's relatives and friends. If they had bought it, and they held such a large size, they wouldn't have joined the Red Clothes Sect until now.

In fact, it is very possible for anyone to buy my number. After all, Taohua Wanjie is Lei Chi's main game, there are many big bosses, and it is normal for a new district boss to buy a number from time to time. If it wasn't for the new account owner chasing me to kill, and the operation is still so six, I really don't wonder who bought it. Well now, it's an unsolved case.

In any case, being killed by yourself is still very depressing. If I had known today, I would regret not selling my account. Go straight to Yichuan Hanxing's appointment, see you under the peach in the capital, love the three-living tree, go to Ruoru like seeing you at the beginning, get married consummately, and be a male and female double demon in the northern realm, it's not very good...

Later, I saw on the leaderboard that Wanwanjiang's ranking had suddenly risen a lot, and my conditioned reflex was to click on her panel to look at the attributes, only to find that it was Mu Shang's account, but it was changed to her name. After inquiring with ABCC, I found out that Mu Shang and Wanwanjiang stopped playing the game after they remarried, and lost their account to Wanwanchan. People from Fengyumeng asked him on WeChat why he stopped playing. He said that the game was boring. In the end, he lost his money, his time, his job, his girlfriend, and it was so boring. In the future, he will manage his real life well, pass the exams that he failed in the previous two years, and help his father manage the company.

Wanwanjiang cried so much because of this, and said that she would help Mu Shang play his account and wait for his return. But when she boarded Mu Shang's account, she found that he had two trumpets, one called "Favorite Beauty Pianpian" and the other "Beauty's Memory", and his tuba was still parked in the Foyue Maple Forest. That was the place where he and Jiaren Pianpian had their first date, and Jiaren Pianpian posted twenty-six pictures in the game space.

Wanwanjiang was so angry that she swears in the gang on the spot, but she patiently rubbed Mu Shang, and asked Mu Shang to change the phone number and email address binding to hers, and the account would belong to her. She changed her name and took refuge in Hongyi. After washing her face with tears, she became a hero again, and also gained a high battle horn.

To be honest, I don't think Mu Shang likes the beautiful woman Pianpian that much. It's just that under my contempt and after being tortured by Wan Wanjiang, the beautiful woman Pian Pian, who is stern and soft, and actually obedient to him, appears very kind. She is a white moonlight that illuminates the many memories left for him in the world of peach blossoms. But even if they get back together now, they still won't be together.

[Gang] Welcome to the Devil Advocate to join the gang!

[Gang] Cloud Spare Tire: ... ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Gang] Mr. Napkin:? ? ? ?

[Gang] The beauties explode:! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !

[Gang] God: I'll go, boss!

[Gang] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Hey, little devil, what are you doing

[Gang] Devil's Advocate: Breathing.

[Gang] Qingwu Pianpian: ... I was asking why you came to our gang.

[Gang] Devil's Advocate: I don't like such a stupid Yazi like you.

[Gang] Qingwu Pianpian: Well, thank you, the little devil, who came like an angel when I needed help the most, and gave me the greatest care and help.

[Gang] Demon Advocate: Well, Pianran is still very smart.

The little devil has never talked much. His occupation is Luo Lun, which is also an unpopular one-on-one occupation. We didn't say a few words, and he continued diving, as if he was not in the gang.

Not long after, Brother Wu sent me a screenshot of the chat on WeChat.

It was a screenshot of the small group chat, and one person said: "Don't complain, Ouhuang Xiaostrawberry in the new district recently, Xiaoxie's new boss, gave her gifts in the tens of thousands and tens of thousands, and you can send her so much! Can’t forget it. Sigh, it’s okay for the anchor to accept gifts, but I’m full of pimples in my heart. You said, we made him famous, and now he runs away when he sees a rich girl. Is it decent? Especially It's Brother Wu, I don't know how much red envelopes I gave him in private. He still doesn't care about Brother Wu."

Brother Wu sent me a voice message, and the voice sounded very low: "Pianpian, at the beginning, I was just like Ouhuang's little strawberry. I was crazy about Xiaoxie, and gave him a lot of gifts. This year, I gave him fewer gifts. Yes, I think it's good to maintain the old friendship, but in the end he still has to live. For me it's a friendship, for him it's a job. See Xiaoxie's new Boss, I feel like I've been abandoned..."

I thought for a while and said, "Do you want me to talk to Xiaoxie? I think he still cares a little bit about your argument last time."

"Don't, don't, don't, don't. I've already found a new anchor. You're right, Pianpian. An anchor is an anchor. They work for us, not to accompany us. Too much dependence on them is a waste of your time , is also disrespectful to them.”

"Who is your new anchor?"

"I found three of them, and they were all very efficient in their work. But they were not very satisfactory. The first anchor I hired was good at playing magic, but not very good at playing wolf warriors. I dare not let him play cross-server pvp. He didn’t even know how to add the attack buff in the first copy, so he just went straight up. He couldn’t catch the hatred of the boss. It’s okay to move. But I taught him even the tricks—this is embarrassing, because these Even the tricks are taught by me. The second anchor can play wolf warriors, but he is only good at one-on-one, and the teamwork is a mess. Buffs can be added, but I don’t know how to add them under special conditions of specific occupations.”

She sent me a few screenshots of her WeChat chat with "Peach Blossom Ten Thousand Worlds anchor Ran Ran", the name should be her note, the conversation is as follows:

"Hello boss, what service do you need, boss?"

"I want to find someone to help me play pvp and take care of daily tasks."

"No problem, boss, I will take care of all of these. I have been broadcasting Taohua Wanjie for a year, and I am very experienced."

"You play Wolf Warrior, right? How do you charge?"

"Yes, I'm good at Zhanlang, Tianyun, Yaoxiu, and Xiannian. Zhanlang is the best. It's 3,000 yuan a month, okay?"

"Yeah, it's reasonable, yes. Then I will send you my account, and you can use it to see if my Wolf Warrior account can play well, and if you can, I will host it for you." Brother Wu sent him the account password.

"Good boss. Don't worry, boss. Basically, anchors of our level have similar operations, and the winning rate is also similar. Whether you can win or not depends mainly on how the number is. As long as the board is not bad, I can basically help you with more fighting power Win pvp."

Five minutes later, the host replied: "Um, so you have no boss..."


"No boss, Liang Xiaoxie must be better at fighting than me...Let me take over his job, I'm a bit big, don't blame me if I can't play well."

"My embarrassment, didn't you say that the operations of the anchors are similar!"

"Well, I'm referring to an anchor of my level with more experience in operation, not Liang Xiaoxie... Liang Xiaoxie is a professional e-sports player, we can't compare with him. You I can still take care of the number, pve or anything is fine, but pvp may not be able to achieve his kind of effect."

Brother Wu ended the conversation with a bunch of sweaty expressions.

She sent me another voice message: "This is one of the best Wolf Warriors anchors I can find so far. However, he just sent me this message when he just got on my account. I'm so speechless..."

"Hahaha, there is no way, Xiaoxie is too strong, a great anchor who is worth the money. Seriously, let me help you talk to him?"

"No! Really don't go, don't go if it's my friend! I will never bow to this bastard who looks down on me!"

"Okay, okay..."

An hour later, I called in the gang to join the Qixi festival event, and the devil's advocate was the first to apply for the team.

After I passed him, Ichikawa Hanxing's name soon appeared on the application list. After passing him, if I call someone again, no one will apply again. It turned out that the three of us were in the team for this Chinese Valentine's Day event, and the scene was very embarrassing.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Wife, I heard that someone drove your tuba to kill you? @Qingwupianpian

Well, why did he suddenly call me wife... Is he a little concerned about the little devil

[Team] Qingwu Pianpian: Yes.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: I always thought it was bought by a dead person, but today it is alive. I asked someone to find out who the new account owner is. Captain give it to me, I will bring it.

I gave him the captain. In fact, he once thought that he would kick the little devil away and tell him not to get close to his wife. In the end, he didn't. He just quickly led the team to do the task, and even took the initiative to talk to the little devil.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Brother Devil also came to help my wife, thank you.

[Team] Demon Advocate: No thanks. Pianran is my old friend, I should help her. If I can help Brother Han, I will be very honored.

[Team] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Wow, you two actually know each other.

[Team] Demon spokesperson: Brother Han is famous outside, and everyone in the world knows it.

[Team] Ichikawa Hanxing: Brother Devil is the number one Lauren in the server, and he has also admired him for a long time.

[Team] Demon spokesperson: I actually wanted to ask a long time ago, Brother Han, did your pet's training have long been considered as good as the character's intelligence

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Yes, 744 Mo Dao intelligence is enough, and it will overflow if it is higher. Your agility is also well matched.

[Team] Qingwu Pianpian: Hey, Ghost Lian's agility threshold is also 732, the faster the better, isn't it the same for all professions

I'm actually very interested in this topic. Working with data has always been my passion and pride. However, neither of them answered my question.

[Team] Demon spokesperson: My agility is actually high, because I still need to pay attention to dodge in single battles, and it is useless to be so high-sensitivity in team battles... If I can help Brother Han to fight in the future, I will refresh it.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: You have considered team battles, yes. We can now form three elite teams.

[Team] Qing Wu Pian Pian: The three elite teams, do you mean the three of us one by one

[Team] Devil's spokesperson: Brother Han, don't you plan to join forces

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Look at what the Red Clothes Sect will do next, and it depends on what my wife thinks.

God, how embarrassing. One is my CP, and the other is my old friend, why are they chatting more enthusiastically than me...

Moreover, they seemed to be thinking about things for me, but both of them treated me like a transparent person, and continued to chat over my question on their own.

However, the situation in the private mailbox is another story.

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Honey, come and kiss me.

[Private chat] Demon spokesperson: Pianran, didn't you hate Ichikawa Hanxing very much before, why do you want to form a cp with him now...

I first replied to Ichikawa Hanxing with a "what?", and then to the devil's spokesperson, "he is actually a nice person and treats me very well".

[Private chat] Devil's spokesman: I think you guys got married too soon, you should re-examine his personality... Ichikawa Hanxing has a good reputation among boys, but I don't know much about women. I'm always worried that he's plotting against you...

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: No, he doesn't draw anything from me. We made an appointment not to show up.

[Private Chat] Devil's Advocate: Hmm, that's right, after all, it's Mr. Han... He should be colder than ordinary men...

Before I typed out the word "yes", I saw Yichuan Hanxing's new private message.

[Private chat] Ichikawa Hanxing: I miss you all the time when I go to work. I want to hear your voice, I want you to breathe for me.

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: What are you talking about! ! ! ! Stinking rogue! ! ! !

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: What kind of clothes does my baby wear today

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: ... Just an ordinary pink home dress.

[Private chat] Ichikawa Hanxing: What color underwear are you wearing

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Ahhh! ! ! Your scale is getting bigger and bigger! ! ! ! Stop it! !

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: How big is it? I just asked you to tell me the color, and didn't ask you to turn on the camera to show me.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Hurry up and stop talking! ! !

I have been deceived by Ichikawa Hanxing's name and voice before. No one ever told me that he was so flirtatious in private. It's so rude, this man is so rude! I covered my face and my poor heart, feeling sorry for myself for no reason.

However, no matter what is said in the private message, the two of them in the team are always talking about serious help and combat power...

After the event task was completed, the devil's spokesperson voluntarily withdrew from the team. I said that there is a Milky Way on the map of the Qixi Demon Show, and told him to go with me.

Yaoxiu is illuminated by a crescent moon, with fifteen miles of water and fifteen miles of moonlight. An arch bridge spans two hillsides covered with purple trees, looking down at the Milky Way. On the arch bridge, the lights in the pavilions flickered in the blue-purple night. Looking from the bridge into the distance, billions of stars flowed smoothly, forming a phosphorescent plain.

We sat on a huge banana leaf boat, rippling above the Milky Way. A lantern hung on the prow, beating playfully slightly.

In the voice of the team, I instructed Yichuan Hanxing how to stand and how to swing, and at the same time, I was rowing a boat to take screenshots happily. He is obviously not interested in taking pictures in the game. Every time he receives an instruction from me to pose, he quickly picks up topics that he is interested in, such as what color is Nene.

I have been avoiding by changing the subject, but no matter what topic I turn to, he can answer my question accurately, and then talk about his persistent Nene again. Finally I couldn't bear it anymore, and said calmly: "Student Han Xing, you are actually the reincarnation of Babaozhai."

"Babaozhai? Who is that?"

"Baidu by yourself."

"I don't want Baidu, you tell me."

"It's just a little old man in the manga. He has three heads and has peerless martial arts, but he loves to steal girls' panties. Every time he steals panties, he will cover his head with a cloth and tie a bow in the middle of the man. abnormal."

"Isn't that cute?"

I took a deep breath: "Honey, how old are you?"

"twenty five."

"You're already like this at twenty-five!!"

"Isn't it the age of youthful vigor?"

"Speaking of fresh blood... When we formed the devil's spokesperson just now, were you a little emotional?"


"Nonsense, you must be jealous. You've never called me wife before."

"Not jealous."

"You're just jealous."

He was silent for a few seconds: "If a boy came after me for my baby, of course I would be a little defensive. But I believe in you, so I won't be jealous."

"Believe me… ?"

"Well, trust me, you've got your heart and soul for me. Just like I have for you now."

I was slightly taken aback, and laughed: "Yes, yes... There is a telepathy between two people who love each other. I also believe that you only like me now, so even if you are number one now, I don't worry about other women The child will steal you."

"No girl can take me away, Pianpian. My whole being and heart belong to you."

He spoke very sincerely, and there was a kind of fate-like affection in his tone. This sentence directly hit the soul crit...

My heart was beating very fast, and I didn't know how to answer for a while, so I just sighed and lay down in front of the keyboard, closing my eyes and listening to his breathing quietly, enjoying the sweet moment that was about to melt me away.

Then, he said sternly: "So, you see, I love you so much, should you..."

"No, I won't tell you what color Nene is."

"Okay, so should you..."

"I won't agree with you either."

I didn't pay attention to what he said next, being distracted by the talk of the world:

[World] Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: Ah, has the No. 1 player changed

[World] Zixiao's leg hair: Brother Han is actually overtaken, will Pian God regain his status as soon as God returns? Is this the rhythm of being crushed by a wife

Click on the leaderboard to see, sure enough.

1 Phoenix dancing gracefully, 164183, Red Clothes Teaching

2 Yichuan Hanxing, 163428, Dynasty of Fury War

3 Devil Advocate, 133432, Dynasty of Fury

4 Cangxue Wutong, 131734, Red Clothes Teaching

5 Red Clothes, 129317, Red Clothes Teaching

6 Brother Wu is me, 126138, if you see me for the first time

7 Daguanren, 126103, if you see it for the first time

8 Qing Wu Pian Pian, 120983, Dynasty of Fury War

9 Never forget the rain, 212, a small garden in a vest

10 Ziyi, 110774, Red Clothes Teaching

"Is the person who bought my big size a devil? He raised 4000 combat power so quickly?" I was amazed at first, and then blinked, "No, she has hardly been on the account in this month, which means that this account It’s deserted, and many things haven’t been clicked. Now that I’m back, it’s easy to raise a big wave of combat power. Is this account alive?”

"Maybe I was busy with other things before, but now I finally remembered to play."

At this moment, our two boats passed through the bridge hole, but I also saw a female ghost chain with red driving standing on the bridge. I couldn't help sitting up straight and said, "Honey, look at the bridge."

"She's looking for you. Baby, stay here and don't move. I'll check with her." After speaking, he jumped lightly from the boat to the bridge.

When the boat slowly crossed the bridge, I heard the sound of swords galloping, and the large flashes of skill light made people's eyes hurt. Feng Wu Pianran and Yichuan Hanxing on the bridge had already started fighting.