The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 38


[World] Broken Bridge Flying Snow: What's the situation? The new Pian God kills the old Pian God

[World] Lazy and small: Is there a new melon

[Speaker] Brother Wu is me: It’s a big deal, isn’t it a bit too much to buy an account? You spent 350,000 to buy someone else’s account that has been played for a year and a half, and you still kill someone’s trumpet? Are you crazy

[World] Qiuyue moon: She doesn't need to sell it. After selling the account owner, she will not be her anymore. The new account owner can play however she likes, and it is not the turn of passer-by bb.

[World] No brother is me: The teacher in black is bb stupid again, your mother will increase the price of vegetables.

[World] Bai Yi: Wuwu, you are a girl, so it's not good to talk like this...

[World] No brother is me: Bailianhua, if you bb your mother to buy vegetables, the price will increase.

[World] Bai Yi: Speechless. vulgar.

[World] Black Clothes teaches nmsl: White Lotus, this is the rhythm of forgetting the pain when the scar is healed, so it dares to jump into the world. excellent.

[World] Cangxue Wutong: You really have the ability to play a trumpet. There is a kind of large size.

[World] Xiaolong: It's really embarrassing to be killed by your own tuba. So which one is Pian Shen, a human being or a...

[World] Ziyi: Pfft, of course it is. If you play a first-level title and call yourself Yichuan Hanxing, no one will treat you as the boss. The numbers are all sold, so don't get involved in the dispute anymore, otherwise it feels a bit forced to add drama.

[World] Heiyi teaches nmsl: Haha, Caiyi Sanji Sanguan is always so weird, I hope you find a bunch of friends who only have feelings for you.

I learned from Beauty Boom that the fact that I was killed by my tuba was quickly posted on the forum. Regarding the identity of the new account owner, there were heated discussions on the post bar, and there were all kinds of speculations, but the new account owner never revealed a word.

However, no matter how much they argue, I feel like I am dissociated, it is difficult to concentrate on playing games, and I go to bed early and get ready for sleep.

Before going to bed, I received a voice request from Ichikawa Hanxing.

"Did you go to bed so early today?" He was a little surprised.

"Well, I was beaten into autism by my own tuba. I want to rest early."

"It seems that Queyang and his boss are not doing evil. You are finally willing to sleep at the normal time." After a while, there were footsteps, water, and bedding rubbing against Yichuan Hanxing. The voice said, "I just took a shower, and I'm a little tired today. Let's all go to bed earlier."

"Okay. What have you been up to today?"

"Just go to work normally. One of my subordinates made a mistake, and the team head came to complain to my leader. It took a while. But the problem is not big, and I will cover them."

"Haha, is Boss Han also such a defensive boss at work?"

"Of course, I am the only one who can teach my people. Don't even think about it for others."

"Interesting, you haven't worked for long, have you already had subordinates at such a young age?"

"That's because of the support of my parents, without whom it would not have been possible to get promoted so quickly."

I laughed out loud: "There are not many people who admit that they rely on their parents so frankly. Your brother Han is still a social brother Han."

"It is a fact that the height at birth determines the upper limit of height in life. They gave me such a high starting point, so that I don't have to start from the grassroots. I am still very grateful to them."

"Okay, okay, you young master who was born at the finish line, are you a little princely?"

"Of course I do. I have a princely disease."

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of Du Hanchuan, who was just positive in high school and English teacher. Do you feel that you have a special fate with this kind of two-year-old boy? I cleared my throat, trying to save his three views: "Actually, I think what good parents can give their children is not direct money or platform, but excellent life experience. Like your parents who achieved great success Finally, chatting with you for an hour may save you ten years of struggle, let you approach him infinitely, and even surpass him."

Speaking of this, I thought of my father.

In my life without maternal love, my father has always worked hard to treat my rebellious daughter tenderly, and at the same time be a strict life mentor, guiding me in the future direction. Many things he said are enough to make me think deeply and work hard. Whenever I don't know what to do, I am always the first one to ask him for advice. The collapse of my life now has a lot to do with the loss of his spiritual pillar.

"Well, beyond, then I'm still far behind. The old man is still very powerful, and he has done a lot in this life."

"I don't know what your parents do, and it's not easy to ask. But I think one of their greatest achievements in life is education. What kind of excellent parents are they who can cultivate such a positive, optimistic and strong child like you .”

"Ah, where, how can..."

Did I get it wrong? He's actually a little shy? This cheeky brat is actually shy? I suppressed a smile and said, "Every time I am in a low mood, I feel better when I chat with you. My dear, you are really contagious, like a little sun."

But soon he adjusted his state, and continued like a normal person: "I am optimistic, but I am not a good person. I kill people all day long. If my dad knows what I do in the game, he will He was so angry that he was sent to the hospital."

"Hahahaha, you also know that you look like a snake in the game."

"Otherwise, in my life, I have to spend my time maintaining interpersonal relationships. I have to deal with a group of colleagues and subordinates who are older than me. I don't want to think so much in the game. If I feel uncomfortable, I can just hit and spray. If the game is also I'm as tired as life, why are you still playing games?"

Hearing this, I feel like I know him better, but at the same time I'm getting closer to the edge of the box.

Turns out he was just like me. We all wear masks and play a different version of ourselves in the game. I began to wonder what he looks like in life, what kind of face he has, what kind of habits and small movements he has, and what kind of expression he puts on when he speaks with such a nice voice...

But the fantasy should end here. I didn't inquire about his family background, and changed the subject: "You have such a strong work ability, there should be quite a lot of girls who like you."

"Yes, there are quite a lot of girls who like me."

"Then you haven't met anyone you like in your life?"

He became a little angry: "Let me tell you, Pianpian, don't think that you keep yourself out of the matter, as if we are just CP in the game, you can separate your relationship with me. I like you now, and I only like you in the game life, If you ask me if I have met someone I like, is it sick?"

He said it so confidently and frankly, but it made me cringe a little: "Didn't we talk about it at the beginning, games and reality are separated... You said the same thing yourself..."

"I said so, and I know that you rejected Cangxue Wutong because he always coveted your reality. I don't want to covet your reality, and I'm not someone who is so hungry that I need to find a girlfriend in the game." On the other end, He was silent for a while, "But the game and reality, I can't tell the difference. Really, I'm sorry Pianpian, I can't tell the difference."

From knowing him to now, this is the first time I have heard him speak in such a desperate tone. But I still cheered up, turned over, and said softly: "Thank you for liking me. I'm so happy."

"Then give me a wheat kiss."


In the past, we usually played the game when we had a voice call, so this is the first time that we have devoted ourselves to chatting with him.

After chatting, both of us were sleepy, but we didn't hang up the voice, but fell asleep connected to the mic.

I woke up once in the middle of the night. The lights of tall buildings turn the city into a sea of stars. The dim light slanted into the bedroom, and the sound of the car was isolated from the glass window. Hearing Yichuan Hanxing's even breathing and looking at the empty bed, I hugged the pillow tightly and moved my head closer to the phone.

Afterwards, I slept extremely well. Instead of having insomnia or hyperactivity in the middle of the night, I slept through the night. After waking up, I found that the voice between myself and Ichikawa Hanxing was interrupted due to other application levels, and the conversation time was 479 minutes. Instead of opening my eyes and opening the game like before, I lay on the bed for an entire hour, searched for the news of the latest art exhibition, replied to a few work emails that had been delayed for three months, and read the entertainment gossip to see Hou Manxuan's latest news. Just released a new album, and replied to the messages from friends and family on WeChat in Life.

After Hou Manxuan received my reply, he responded with a bunch of weeping expressions in seconds: "The missing person has finally returned, my Pian, how are you?" Then I chatted with her for more than forty minutes until she went to It stopped after the notice.

During this period, Yichuan Hanxing got up and sent me a "Good morning baby" message, and then went to work.

I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror for a long time, and found some details that I hadn't noticed for a long time: the dark circles under my eyes were heavy. The skin was dry to the point of peeling, and the color was pale without blood. The hair grows below the waist, black and straight like a Sadako, and the bangs have long been out of style. Now they are parted in the middle and blown to the sides of the cheeks, sticking to the cheeks, making people want to shave the whole head. The pajamas and pajama bottoms did not match and had been worn for four or five days. Because I have no breasts, I don't think it will affect me if I don't wear a bra for a few months.

I closed my eyes tightly for more than ten seconds, and then opened them again, only to feel the rough flaws on my body become more conspicuous.

It's too sloppy...

So, I entrusted the account to the anchor, took a shower, and dug out the mask that I hadn’t used since August last year from the refrigerator to check that the time hadn’t expired. I put it on for 20 minutes, took a nap for a while, and got up. Moisturizing skin care and applying barrier cream, the whole complexion looks much better.

Then, I went downstairs to match clothes and make-up, and went to the Pudong barber shop to get my hair done for three hours. I cut my hair short, permed my bangs and ends, and dyed it an English gray coffee color. I was satisfied at the barber shop. I walked around and took a few photos of myself. I just saw two girlfriends having afternoon tea nearby in the circle of friends. After greeting them, they decisively pulled me over to chat for an afternoon.

Then, the three of us went to the mall to buy some new dresses, took pictures in various Jun Ji-hyun-style poses, and the three of us photoshopped together for an hour. She rubbed her cheeks and looked at the Jiugong grid one by one, immersed in her own beauty.

During this period, Yichuan Hanxing has been chatting with me. When I replied to his text messages, the two girlfriends laughed indecently. I raised my head in horror: "Why..."

"Ha, who is this boy?"

"What the hell, how do you know it's a boy?" I gasped, "Women are scary!"

"We don't know anything else, we only know that you are in love."

"That's right. When you were with Zheng Feiyang before, you never showed such an expression. Hurry up, who is this boy?"

I looked up to the sky and sighed: "Ah, no, it's just game CP... You guys know game CP, the kind you don't meet."

"Beauty Pianpian, you are so crazy, do you need online dating when you grow up like you?" My best friend touched my forehead with the back of her hand, "Do you have a fever?"

"Let me tell you, if you want to date online, you can do it, don't run away!! My ex-boyfriend, you know, Pesticide knows—" At this point, another girlfriend cut her neck with her hand.

Three women and one drama, we chatted until the evening, and I felt so relaxed when I got home, lying on the bed and continuing to admire my photos. I poked my apple-muscled face in the photo with my fingertips: "What a beauty, huh?" After being intoxicated for a long time, I felt that something was missing, so I sent the photo to Yichuan Hanxing: " Today's selfie, isn't it beautiful!"

I pretended to be inadvertent, but in fact I knew that I had taken another step forward inadvertently.

"My baby is so beautiful." He replied quickly, "It's over, it's poisoned."

"Haha, you are exaggerating!"

Even so, until this moment, I didn't feel like my day was complete. In the evening, I read a book for a while, went to the game and recharged 2 648, and went to sleep after playing with my combat power.

When I woke up the next morning, the sun was very warm. I looked at myself in the mirror with a completely new hairdo, and I felt very happy. So I changed into a set of beautiful clothes and went downstairs to paint with an easel, brushes, palettes and paints. There are some flowers and plants. Later, because the weather was too hot at noon, I came back with the half-painted plant sketches.

I logged into the game and played for a while, trying on Tiangong Yunying, and I always felt a little unsatisfactory. So I let my character stand on the top of the tower in the capital, looking up at the starry sky with messy fireworks, and danced a square music and dance on the spot.

I was moved by her graceful posture. I composed the picture against the new frame and completed the line draft in one go. There is no hesitation in writing, so the composition is clean and neat.

The eyes of ancient Chinese women are always unique, charming and exquisite, and they are still eager to talk, which also requires the deep affection of the painter.

After coloring, the brush is swiped lightly, and the light and dark changes of the skin are hazy, and the buildings and starry sky are detailed and fine. Clouds and mists are described in fiction, characters are described in real terms, and the cloud shadows and smokes of the heavenly palace draped over the body blend the two together. The grass is rendered in blue and white, the details and edges are outlined in heavy colors, and the branches are drawn in white.

I have always had a problem with painting, that is, I don’t like to stare at one place to outline details, and the direction of painting is also a bit out of touch. I can paint wherever I like. When I was young, I was criticized by my teacher for being unorganized, and I never repented. Today, this old problem got worse. I want to paint wherever I like, but I can’t paint enough. As a result, because of my anxiety and enthusiasm, I was so absorbed in the painting that I even forgot to go to the bathroom.

When I couldn't bear the urination, I got up and glanced at it, and I was stunned.

The painting is almost finished.

Moreover, I was really impressed by the beauty of the painting style.

After stopping for more than a year, I didn't have any hands-on skills, but was full of passion. I was worried that I would feel sorry for myself, so I took a picture of the painting and sent it to Yichuan Hanxing, asking him what he thought of this picture.

After two minutes, he replied: "Beauty, the brushwork of a master. And it's still a young master. Lei Chi hired an illustrator with such strong skills? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"This is what I drew!!"

"Haha, I don't believe it. My baby is just a baby who doesn't do his job properly."

"It's true! I drew it!" I originally wanted to send him the line draft to prove it, but I remembered that I drew it in such a hurry that I didn't even save the line draft, so I could only emphasize again that I drew it by myself.

"Really, are you so powerful?"

"For Tiangong Yunying!"

"... You have some promise, okay?"

Until before the wedding, I didn’t play many games. Instead, I went out for dinner with my girlfriends, studied makeup and fashion matching, took my easel to the park to draw pictures, and spent a happy end of summer vacation—I submitted an application to the school , I plan to go to class as soon as school starts in September. I can be regarded as a repeater. When the time comes, I have to integrate into a new group, which makes me a little timid, but more expectant.

I really don't have the ability to solve the family affairs, but at least I can calm down and live my little life well.

Moreover, thinking of Yichuan Hanxing's company in the days to come, I feel more and more that real life is also full of hope. After the family affairs can be completely resolved, maybe he and I can meet and get along with each other...

On Sunday night, the Wrathful Dynasty and Ruoru Chujian announced their alliance, and the gang channel was full of joy.

Half an hour before the wedding, I waited for the arrival of the sedan chair and NPC in my house. The world is even more lively, and a large number of players come to the top of the northern border to participate in the wedding across the server:

[World] Mr. Zhao: Qingyun Pavilion, a group of Jagged Danqing in the 33rd district, sent blessings to Boss Han and Big Brother Pianpian, and the wedding was overjoyed! A hundred years together!

[World] Su Qingmo: The gods and couples send blessings to the whole district. Congratulations to Yichuan Hanxing and Qingwu Pianpian for their wedding. Congratulations to 99!

[World] Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: My mother, I can't even read the words clearly when swiping the screen, it really is my idol's wedding.

[World] Yinglan: You are late in District 41, I wish sister Pian a happy wedding.

[World] Senior official: You have checked your eyes, you have met the right person. Come on, Pianpian, Laohan.

[World] Liangxi: Golden Crow Tishuang sent a congratulatory message. Our No. 1 chasing the Great Demon King failed hahaha. She is a buffoon. Congratulations to Pian Shen for finally marrying the Great Demon King. Wish 99.

[World] Carrot Yoyo Yoyo: District 11 sent a congratulatory message, wishing the strongest male god and strongest goddess in the world to be happy for a long time, and every day is like a newlywed!

[World] Brother Wu is me: I'm lying down, the wedding scene is jammed, these people are still setting off fireworks and firecrackers, I've dropped a hundred times! Ma Dan! Don't let it go, can you, eat dog food quietly!

Many of the guests were old friends I met across districts, and there were seven of them in the first place alone. Looking at their blessings, I was very happy, but also a little flustered.

In fact, I haven't played many games these days, and it's impossible for me to play this game for a lifetime. But as long as I leave the game, Ichikawa Hanxing and I will lose contact. Now their blessings are so true and touching, can we really be 99 in the future

If you don't want to experience great compassion, don't experience ecstasy.

I'm so happy now, I don't know what will happen in the future...

I told Yichuan Hanxing about this concern.

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Pianpian, take it easy, we will be together for a long time. Now I don't just think of you as a game cp, you are my girlfriend in the virtual world, and my online dating partner. You are different from everyone else.

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Haha, can you still stipulate this way? Why does it feel like the scope has expanded

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Didn't we agree? Even if you go to play other games, I will go with you, we still have a lot of good future.

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: What if I don't want to play anymore? What if I want to run my real life well? I'm sorry, it's a bit inappropriate to talk about this now, but I'm really panicking now...

It took him a long time to come back.

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Are you scared

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Yes.

In fact, I hope he can say the phrase "Pianpian, we can meet and see, I will try to give you more future". However, his reply really disappointed me——

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Don't worry. I won't force you to run now.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Really, I don't believe it.

It took another two minutes before he replied again.

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: It's true. In fact, I am not single, I have a fiancee.

At this moment, my heart sank, and I read his sentence many times as if I couldn't understand Chinese. But I felt like I was struck by lightning, and the words could not be converted into meaningful information and sent to my brain.

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Now believe that I won't force you to run away.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Well, I believe it. But I am very strange, since you have a fiancée, why can I find you anytime and anywhere? Are you not afraid that she will discover my existence

Although the text was written calmly, my scalp was numb all the time. I don't know what kind of mental motivation supported me to finish typing these words.

[Private chat] Ichikawa Hanxing: Last year I proposed to dissolve the engagement, but the parents of both parties strongly opposed it, so it was delayed until this year. I mentioned it again at the beginning of this year, and my attitude was firm. My parents let it go, but her parents disagreed, saying that we should work it out again, so it has been delayed until now. I have always had a relatively distant relationship with her. We basically don't meet in private when my parents are away. She can't interfere with my life.

I didn't reply to him, and I don't know how to reply.

[Private chat] Ichikawa Hanxing: But recently I also figured it out, if you don't marry the person you like, you are the same as anyone else. There is nothing wrong with marrying her. Anyway, the family is strong, so it is good to be a wife.

Seeing the phrase "the family is strong" and the parents he mentioned, I feel that all my energy in the past few days has been drained instantly.

Even Zheng Feiyang would think my family situation is a hot potato now. I really don't recognize myself so much that I feel that there is still a possibility for me and Yichuan Hanxing...

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian: That's how it is. So when do you actually plan to get married

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: When you get married, I will get married.

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Haha, as expected of Boss Han, you can even set your own wedding time. Aren't you afraid that the other party will urge you to marry

[Private Chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Let's not talk about this. I have no expectations for this marriage.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: Then you should also know that I don't have too many requirements to find a cp, only two: one, don't rush. Two, being single in reality.

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Pianpian, you are not single in reality. Why are you so serious about feminism.

The matter has come to this point, I don't want to explain to him that I don't have a boyfriend in reality, it will only make me more embarrassed.

[Private Chat] Qing Wu Pian Pian: You are wrong, Mr. Han. I'm not feminist, I'm hegemonic.

I switched maps with my eyes closed, wore the phoenix coronet and Xiapei, rode the fastest mount and flew to the Sansheng tree. With the last of her strength, she said softly to him: "You don't have to wait for me to get married, you can go now."

Click on the NPC option.

Seeing the prompt box, I hesitated cowardly for more than ten seconds.

Even now that I hate him to death, I still like him.

It can even be said that I have fallen in love with him a little bit...

However, is love bottomless? If you love someone, can you give up your dignity and become a third party? I know that many girls in the game don't mind that CP has girlfriends, wives and even children in reality. They always seem to clearly state: "Games are games, reality is reality. I only care about him in the game, reality doesn't matter. "But in fact, they all know that their cp will admit in the game that they have a wife in reality, but they will definitely not say that they have a wife in the game in reality. If the man's wife finds the game, these girls can only walk away in despair.

Yichuan Hanxing told me that even if I actually have a boyfriend, he can still be my mistress. He is a kind of lover with unrighteous views. I admire him for being able to do this for love.

But I can't be like him.

The blessings in the world are still going on in full swing. I know that for a big shot like Ichikawa Hanxing, if I click on this application and his face is disgraced, we really have no turning back, and even turn against each other.

What will happen if you offend him? It should be miserable.

But I don't care anymore.

I love him, but I can't give up my principles and bottom line for him. Even if it hurts so much that I want to die now.

I closed my eyes and clicked "OK".

System Announcement: Two minds are different, but it is difficult to get one mind. Qing Wu Pian Pian and Yi Chuan Han Xing broke up the relationship between husband and wife, and after that, they were separated from each other, and each was happy.

On Sansheng Cliff, there are ninety springs, and peach blossoms dance lightly. The petals fell silently into the clouds, and the chirping of birds resounded through the edge of the cliff. The scenery of the cliff made me feel chills all over my body. I didn't watch the world, when someone yelled "What kind of reverse melon is this?", I blocked the world's voice.

Voice requests kept ringing on WeChat, I hung up the phone and blocked Yichuan Hanxing.

When he called, I hung up and sent him a text message: "Never have to contact me again. Goodbye." I also blacklisted his phone number.

Then the world is quiet.

Even though it was the scorching heat of August, I was so cold that my fingers were shaking.

Surrounding Sanshengya Cliff, the light bird sound rang for fifteen minutes, and it was the last sound I heard before I turned off the game.