The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 42


Du Hanchuan and I looked at each other, seeing that he was about to say "Yes", I quickly stepped forward, covered his lips, and shook my head desperately.

Du Hanchuan froze for two seconds in astonishment, nodded, waited for me to let go, and took my hand covering his mouth, pressed it on his chest, and said: "There is no such person here, go and find someone else." Let's look for it somewhere."

His hands were bigger than I thought, and his body temperature was slightly higher than mine. I wanted to pull my hand back, but he stretched out his palm and clasped my fingers, then slid his hand down, and never let go.

Zheng Feiyang responded, the sound of footsteps faded away, and then there was only silence outside the door.

Du Hanchuan said in confusion: "This person is the project leader of "Peach Blossoms and Worlds", why didn't you tell him you are here?"

I twitched my hand again, and he clenched it tightly, paused, and let go as if he had figured it out. So I took a step back, lowered my voice and said, "It's my ex."


"Yes, and it's Cangxue Wutong."

"Cangxue phoenix tree?" Du Hanchuan looked at me incredulously, "The Cangxue phoenix tree in our district?"

"right… "

"Wait, wait for me to clear my mind." He folded his arms, bowed his head and thought for a while, "So, have you been green or green?"

"He wanted to flirt with me in the game, but I didn't succeed in real life. Then after we broke up in reality, he gave up flirting with me and started flirting with Baiyi. He and Baiyi should not count as flirting with me, because they flirt with each other. Not long ago, I still wanted to be with me in the game."

Du Hanchuan frowned, propped his chin and nodded, he didn't know whether he understood or not: "Your circle is really chaotic. However, I'm right about one thing."

"What's up?"

"Your ex-boyfriend and you really aren't the same family."

"It's not bad, his family seems to be pretty good in Xi'an, and he opened a small company."

"A fruit stand with a business license can be regarded as a company. Do you believe his one-sided words, or the son of the big boss who has his personal information?" Before I could answer, he had already smiled, "If he really has He said it so well, so he won’t be working hard here at this age.”

"What is this age, you are young."

"That's necessary. I'm only twenty-four, and I'm a little fresh meat."

Seeing the radiant smile on his pretty face, I admit that the Yangou gene inherited from my mother is about to move. But thinking about why he was so proud and happy about something, I couldn't help but twitched the corners of my mouth: "Du Hanchuan, why do I think you're a bitch?"

"Is there? No."

"You are bitching Zheng Feiyang."

"No, no. We are 24-year-old little fresh meats. We don't need to fuck a 30-year-old uncle. After all, we have never experienced the feeling of being 30 years old. We can't fuck if we want to."

It's so obvious, I'm afraid I'd be a little silly to pursue it further. I twitched the corner of my mouth again: "That's right, you told me you were twenty-five last time."

"I said it on purpose. In order not to let you guess who I am."

"Wow, you bastard, what kind of mentality do you have to say so brazenly..." I was halfway through when the door slammed.

Then, with a "click", the door of the meeting room was pushed open. Du Hanchuan and I looked towards the door at the same time.

Standing at the door was a tall and thin man, wearing a sky blue T-shirt and black trousers, and wearing the watch my dad gave him. His cheeks were narrow and long, the bridge of his nose and eyebrows were as high as a mixed race, with a slight aquiline hook. He was originally smiling, but after he looked at us, the smile gradually disappeared with astonishment. As a result, his countenance became slightly aggressive. He stared at me and said word by word: "Hao, Pian, Pian?"

"Ah, um, Zheng Feiyang, how are you?"

"Morning Manager Du." He looked at Du Hanchuan, showed a soft smile, and then looked at me, "Hao Pianpian, why did you come to Lei Chi? Do you still know Manager Du?"

I glanced at Du Hanchuan out of the corner of my eye, and he was also looking at me with a confused face, as if he was waiting for me to give orders. But Zheng Feiyang is a man who changed his destiny through wisdom. Before we could open his mouth, he opened his mouth slightly and suddenly realized: "You are a phoenix... no, dancing lightly."

I hesitated for a while, and figured out that Zheng Feiyang is not easy to fool at all, so I simply gave up struggling, and tried to build up the muscles on my face, trying to make a smile: "Well, I am Qing Wu Pian Pian. Are you Are you in charge of contracting illustrators?"

I'm so embarrassed.

Embarrassing to replace him.

Although his expression is not exaggerated, I have already read from his eyes that various marquee performances are going on in his mind, and at the same time, I should still recall whether he has ever fallen in front of me.

Fortunately, he didn't know that I knew he was Cangxue Wutong, otherwise he would probably want to dig a hole to get in now.

"Yes." He cleared his throat, glanced at Du Hanchuan, and showed a British smirk, "Come on, let's go downstairs to discuss the signing."

I go out with him. As soon as he went out, he pulled me aside and whispered: "Pianpian, aren't you in a lawsuit, and you smashed Fengwu Pianran while playing a game? Also, you know our prince too?"

I took a step back and kept a distance from him: "How do you know that Fengwu Pianran is my number?"

"Please, this is the game I am in charge of. Feng Wu Pianran is our biggest client. Of course I know who she is. Whose ID card did you use for real name authentication? They are both thirty-seven years old."

"Don't worry about it. In my situation, I can't use my ID card."

When it comes to real-name authentication, I suddenly remembered that Zheng Feiyang and Bai Yiben should have jumped to Lei Chi during the time before the show. Before that, he was chasing me in the game, and then he gave up suddenly. It turned out that it was probably not only because I said that the family was in debt, but also because he saw my real-name authentication information...

"Then what's the matter with you and Du Hanchuan?" He asked this question twice, probably because he was so curious that he didn't notice that Du Hanchuan appeared behind him.

"Of course it's the game." Du Hanchuan walked around him, walked to my side, and put his arms around my waist naturally, "I married her in the game, and I'm almost catching up with her in reality."

I pushed his hand away and looked at him with disgust: "Who is married to you? Let's leave early, okay? The game is not together, and reality has not caught up."

And Zheng Feiyang is indeed an expert in expression management. He listened to us with a loving smile on his face, and he couldn't detect any emotional waves on his face.

Later, the three of us directly talked about cooperation in the conference room.

As expected, game companies are very rich, and they actually paid 50,000 yuan for a detailed character design. Needless to say, this kind of contract, sign it. However, before Zheng Feiyang was going to print the contract, Du Hanchuan changed the electronic version a bit: deleted several clauses that were unfavorable to painters, added several clauses to protect painters, and changed the price of a single work from five to five. Ten thousand was changed to one hundred thousand.

He then printed it himself and gave it to me to sign.

I hesitated, but never wrote: "This... is too expensive. One hundred thousand is the kind of extreme fineness, which is too extravagant for making games..."

"Of course it doesn't mean that you have so many fans as long as you paint. When you finish the painting, you have to advertise. We won't lose out on this business." Du Hanchuan raised his chin at the agreement, "You are still hesitating What's the matter, hurry up and sign. If you miss this village, there will be no store here."


I was about to start writing, but he blocked the contract with his hand: "Get me out of all blacklists first."


After the contract was signed, I left the Lei Chi Building alone, but Zheng Feiyang followed, patted my shoulder and stopped me. After a while of greetings, he got into the topic:

"Pianpian, I think the crown prince is chasing you so fiercely now, and it's not good to disturb his elegant mood, but as your ex-boyfriend and a friend like a father and brother, I still want to give you a piece of advice: Our Young Master Du is not a worry-free person. As rich as his father is, he has as many romantic debts. He had a fiancée before, and the two of them even planned the engagement banquet, because they saw a beautiful girl at an offline event of "Peach Blossoms" , I went to the game to chase after him, I don’t know if I caught up, anyway, not long after that, he and Director Du quarreled in the company because of the divorce.”

"Offline event?" I thought hard, "Is it... the Valentine's Day event this year?"


"How do you know about this?"

"My colleagues know everything. He said that he lost his soul at the event that day. He couldn't listen to nine out of ten sentences when others talked to him. It was very abnormal."

"What does that girl look like?"

"I don't know. At that time, I hadn't worked in Lei Chi, but I only heard that she was quite tall, and she was wearing a bright red winter dress."

That dress is one of my favorites, so there is no need to recall the answer. My heart was pounding and I couldn't believe such a coincidence existed in the world. If what Zheng Feiyang said is true, then Du Hanchuan did know who I am early on, but he still insisted on being a game cp with me in the virtual world, and he also agreed not to run away... What is the reason

I tentatively said, "After that, he asked to divorce? Are you sure?"

"Well, the two things are close together, it must be because of the girl in the red skirt."

I remembered Du Hanchuan once said to me in the game: I know you are going to marry in real life. Your reality has nothing to do with me, I just want to get you in the virtual world, love you unreservedly, and I am satisfied.

Similar words, he said many times.

At that time, he already knew that I was Hao Pianpian.

Why do you still say such things...

Is he really giving up on my reality, or is he retreating, or both

"That's me." I said softly.

Zheng Feiyang was stunned: "You? But at that event, my colleagues said that the customer service invited you, and you didn't agree."

"I'm here. I don't really want to show my face, so I secretly bought tickets to go."

His complexion suddenly became ugly: "Oh, so it seems that the girl is you."


"Then does he know what's going on in your family? If he doesn't know, when he tells her the truth in the future, know. Tell him as soon as possible. "

"he knows."

"Yeah, I still don't think he's reliable." Zheng Feiyang flattened his mouth and shook his head, "He's very dedicated after chasing you in the game, he's willing to spend so much money for you, and he's very sincere. But Pianpian, the money is just his pocket money, which means nothing at all. Moreover, a boy can abandon his ex-girlfriend for you, and he can abandon you for the next girl. When you are with me, you always put yourself Well protected, I don't want you to get hurt - he's too young and likes new things, including women."

For Du Hanchuan, I am not new, and may even be the most boring heroine in his transition from high school to college.

Zheng Feiyang's words must have a sour element, but it is not completely unreasonable.

After returning home, I contacted the vice president of my father's company with a heavy heart, sorted out the list of Du Hanchuan's requests and sent them to him. Within two hours, all the data was received and sent to Du Hanchuan. He read it and said that he had a headache with word, and asked me to make a form for him. I honestly sorted out the Excel format and sent it to him.

After sending it out, I suddenly remembered that these are all the secrets of my father's company. Would it be bad for me to send them directly to others like this...

However, my sixth sense tells me that he is very reliable.

Intuition that this kind of thing is invisible and intangible makes people feel very bottomless. So, I told Hou Manxuan all these situations on the phone. She patiently listened to me, and smiled twice: "So Pianpian, what is your question now?"

"I obviously have shadows on Du Hanchuan, why did I tell him so many things, and I still don't think there is anything wrong with it."

"Do you need to ask? Because Du Hanchuan is very strong, you have nothing to be used by him. For example, if your family is in trouble, you will definitely not tell your secret to an old man who touches porcelain. But if Elvis Presley appeared in front of you at this time, you probably wouldn't mind telling him your secret too much."

"If Elvis Presley really showed up in front of me, I wouldn't tell him my secret, but I'd sleep all day and be woken up by being pinched." I said deadpan, " Can we give a less refined example."

"Well, let's say that you were very depressed and had no confidence in yourself, and the Queen of England suddenly told you that you have qualities that she can use in you. Wouldn't you feel very flattered and start your life again? "

I thought about it and nodded: "Well... yes."

"This is your mentality when facing Du Hanchuan."

I chatted with her for a while, the phone vibrated a few times, and a new WeChat message appeared. I just said goodbye to her and hung up the phone, opened WeChat and checked.

Du Hanchuan pulled me and three other people into the group, and said to each of them, "As I said in the conference call just now, my girlfriend's lawsuit is bothering you. This is a lawyer from one of the top three firms in the country, and you can ask them if you have any questions in the future."

So, after I greeted the three lawyers separately, Du Hanchuan started a group chat voice call and discussed the lawsuit with us for an hour and a half. In the end, they asked me about the specific situation of the company, asked me for scanned copies of various documents, and went to work on their own.

After hanging up the voice, Du Hanchuan and I added private WeChat messages to each other and dialed my voice again.

"Why did you call me your girlfriend in the group?" Before he could speak, I asked.

"Don't tell me you're my girlfriend, how can I get them to lower your legal fees? They're very expensive, and you usually have to make an appointment two weeks in advance for consultation. They're saving face now because they have a cooperative relationship with Lei Chi."

"Is that so, thank you. It was a great help."

"What's the matter with your suddenly soft and cute tone? Isn't my girlfriend so happy when you hear it?"

"No, no, Boss Han can't afford it."

"Actually, I don't even know what Zheng Feiyang was thinking, why he chose to leave you so short-sightedly. Even if all the debts are paid off, your part can be paid off by yourself."

"Me? Impossible, I'm just a painter..."

"You don't know this. Now most people are not struggling on the line of food and clothing, and their pursuit of spirituality is far more than before, so artists are becoming more and more valuable. For example, you post on Weibo The ancient world in my fantasy can be sold to a game company as a concept map, and you can add some settings to the current world view yourself, invest yourself, and label it with Hao Pianpian, saving advertising costs."

"Huh? Can you still do this?"

"Also, the four-frame comics you serialized in the past can all be adapted into cartoons. Cooperate with Station X, serialize to a certain number of episodes, and get sponsors to make movies. You invest a part of the movies yourself, commission, and then simultaneously promote yours. The game you invest in yourself. To pay off your debts, let alone ten years, you can always pay them off in three to five years."

"Movie?" I tilted my head involuntarily, feeling like I was listening to a bible, "I draw random comics and make it into a movie? Dear... er, um, dear fans will find it very funny."

He laughed twice, his voice was deep and deep, which made my eardrums go numb. It was rare for him not to expose me: "So unconfident?"

"To be honest, I have no idea at all, and there is no such partner looking for me." I reached out and rubbed my shoulders to relieve the embarrassing pressure.

"This is the meaning of my existence."

"Ah, do you want to help me?" Thinking of what to say next, I felt even more embarrassed, but out of curiosity, I couldn't help asking, " are so kind to me now because of the aura of first love Here, is it?"

He was silent for a while: "Yes. But it accounts for 10% at most. If after so many years, you become a big fat girl with a face full of flesh and acne, no matter how first love is, it won't help. You have to do it in other aspects How good you are, I can accept that you grow up like that... "

"So, do you think I'm pretty?" I asked calmly, but I was actually very nervous.

"Otherwise, it's not good to see who will fall in love with you."

I thought about it, and raised my eyebrows: "Hey, that's not right, I remember you told me before that you don't care if I'm pretty when you're with me, you don't care about your looks..."

"That's because I know you're beautiful, so why say it when I know it, lest you get carried away."

"..." I fell headlong on the bed, "You won."

"People must recognize themselves, know how good they are, and don't overestimate their value, thinking that no one is worthy of themselves. So, I will be so good to you, not only because you are my first love , but also because you are good enough."

"Hey... Suddenly it's numb."

"In terms of considering your future development, do you think I'm a one-way exporter? I'm not that stupid. We, Pianshen, are a small cash cow."

I sighed: "I wish I had known you sooner. I don't need to waste a whole year, a whole year of pain."

"Correct me. It is valuable for a boyfriend to comfort others when you are in pain, but a boyfriend who is really capable will not make you suffer at all. If you were with me from the beginning, you would never encounter this kind of situation. thing."

"Stop it, why are you starting boyfriend and girlfriend again?"

There was an urge to rely on him too much in my body, I shook my head and told myself not to be fooled by appearances for a while, this person is Du Hanchuan, no longer Yichuan Hanxing like a paper man.

I suddenly thought of another thing: "By the way, at first I bought the account of Jiaren Pianpian, and you found out so quickly that it was not me, but me. In fact, it was not because you saw the change in my account number, but because you checked through the background. data, right?"

"Of course, I can't just say that I asked for technical help. But are you stupid? There are so many accounts sold in a day, and bread adjustments are made. How could I recognize the boss Fengwu Pianran through the attributes of the account? You will believe what fools you."

I almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "I'm going to play games, I won't tell you anymore."

I hung up the call and boarded the game. I was in a good mood, and ordered takeaway while entering the game scene. As a result, as soon as I got back from ordering takeaway, I found that my character was dead.

System prompt: You have been killed by Feng Wu Pianran. Your experience will be lost by 1%, and equipment durability will be lost by 5%.

fine. normal operation.

I turned around the screen calmly, and found that Xinfengwu didn't appear around me, so I tapped to revive. As soon as I got up, another black shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of me. I quickly jumped up and wanted to escape, but she locked on to me and played a set of skills in a random manner.

The wind moved the bamboo forest, and the branches and leaves sounded softly. We fell into the pond under the moon, and we fought back and forth for more than ten rounds. This time is very strange, this person can't operate at all, not even the basic gameplay of Haunting Blood Shadow. I actually knocked out one-third of her blood, dodged her seven skills and one big move, and finally jumped onto the roof with ease, using my who is Wanjieguilian's first person volley escape skill to dodge Into the home.

[Private chat] Qingwu Pianpian: Isn't it the sun today

[Private Chat] Feng Wu Pianran: Stealing someone else's fiancé feels pretty good, doesn't it? :)

[Private Chat] Qingwu Pianpian:? ?

I had a bad premonition in my heart. But before I waited for her reply, there were already three consecutive speakers appearing on the scrolling position, each time getting louder:

[Horn] Ziyi: Yichuan Hanxing came to Shanghai to find you a room, did you have a good date

[Speaker] Zi Yi: Now that he has returned to Beijing, are you still reminiscing about the recent week of passion and singing every night

[Trumpet] Zi Yi: I'm calling you, dancing lightly, pretending to be a cabbage.