The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 45


The so-called Zhenxiang slapping scene is probably what I did this night.

Later, Du Hanchuan drove me home, and his behavior was quite natural along the way, and he kept chatting with me about work and games. I acted very calmly, but I kept calling myself an idiot in my heart. Especially when I found that I liked to see him backing up the car with one hand, I felt that I didn't live up to it.

After the car stopped in front of the house, he also got out of the car, pressed me against the car door and kissed me for a while.

Although I had a relationship with him in high school, we were two little kids at that time after all, and the relationship mode was polite and restrained. It is different now, he is very active towards me, even if I push him away in the end, saying that it is getting late and I have to go home, he still holds me tightly in his arms, breathing deeply between my hair tip and neck: "Pianpian, I don't want to let you go."

I liked his voice very much at first, but now the whispering is so close to me that it makes people ecstatic like a voodoo.

After living for twenty-two years, it was the first time I knew what it meant to be together, to be inseparable.

It took seven or eight times to say goodbye before I was completely successful. I entered the elevator with fever in my ears, and saw in the mirror that my face had turned into a red Fuji. Therefore, when I got home, I avoided my mother's sight of "I know why you came back late at a glance", went into the bedroom, and called Hou Manxuan.

"So, what's your problem now, don't you like your relationship with Du Hanchuan?" Hou Manxuan said after listening to my description.

"I'm not in love with him!!"

"This is not love, so what is love?"

"It's very distressing because I don't want to be in a relationship... You know, I had too much psychological shadow in high school."

"Then why don't you try to communicate with him? Are you afraid to believe his sweet words?"

"… I do not know."

"By the way, Pianpian, what did you do from yesterday to today?"

I rephrased her question and began to recall: "I didn't do anything during the day, I just did wiring exercises in the morning, and then I was busy dressing up and chatting... Yesterday I drew two sketches and read two. When I was in Les Miserables, I bought powder, two lipsticks, two pairs of earrings, and a necklace online in the afternoon. Oh yes, I bought a vase in a boutique when I was wandering downstairs. After I came back, I painted for a while and then played games. went."

"It's very fulfilling. But why do you want to read "Les Miserables"? I haven't read this book, and it sounds like I feel depressed."

"Because it was written by Hugo. His books are very graphic and emotional. This kind of book can inspire me to create."

"I see, so you're drawing again now, aren't you? I haven't heard you mention it much."

I thought for a few seconds and smiled: "Yeah, since I participated in the illustration competition of "Peach Blossoms" last time, drawing seems to be no longer an obstacle. It's just that it may take time to return to the state of its heyday. "

"Not only that, but you also bought a vase." Hou Manxuan let out a long "hmm", "I don't read as many books as you, and I don't know what inspiration you can get from the book, but I know that people who can buy vases They are generally those who love life. How long has it been since you bought a vase?"

"I haven't bought it before, this is the first time I bought it..."

"What about the cosmetics? Did you start buying them again after 'Ichikawa Hanxing' became a game couple?"

"… yes."

"Do you think you have cheered up recently? Do you see hope in life again."


"Have you noticed, Pianpian, in fact, your life hasn't changed drastically, and your family affairs haven't made much progress, and the same thing is still going on in the game, right?" After getting my affirmation, she continued, "You The only change in life is the addition of Du Hanchuan."

I was stunned by her conclusion. After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that it made sense, and I couldn't refute it, so I could only raise my own doubts: "Can love have such a big influence? But, Du Hanchuan didn't comfort me... In terms of comforting me, he did a good job. Not as good as Zheng Feiyang."

"Du Hanchuan is definitely not as careful as Zheng Feiyang, nor is Zheng Feiyang who can coax girls. Before this setback, your eldest lady still had a serious temper. If Zheng Feiyang didn't have some unique skills to deal with girls, Even on his terms, he can't catch up with you."

"Zheng Feiyang's conditions are not bad. His education and work belong to the elite group. I always feel that I am a good match with him."

After getting my answer, Hou Manxuan's reply was just two chuckles. I said uncertainly: "No, don't you deserve it?"

"Let me just say this, without Zheng Feiyang, you can still meet a hundred or a thousand suitors like him. But without you, he can't catch up with the second Hao Pianpian. You and Zheng Feiyang Being together is because he treats you well and is willing to get married, isn't it?"

"Well, that's right."

"But let's not look at how well he does the details. We only look at his attitude and his handling of the overall situation. Do you think he is a person worthy of entrusting him for life? On the other hand, Du Hanchuan, regardless of his How did you scum before, he was not scared away when he heard about your family’s hundreds of millions of debts, but he wanted to give up his second-generation official girlfriend to marry you, two men, we can see each other."

I suddenly realized: "It makes sense! Manman, how can you see it so clearly!"

"Because you have everything from childhood to adulthood, even if you lose it, you will not feel extremely insecure about material things, so you will pursue spiritual things too much. Girls like you are too kind. As long as a boy treats you in every possible way, You will be very moved and fooled. But I am different. You know my family background, so I can’t think rationally about why I should work hard. Everything my boyfriend does, I will do it here It’s as if it’s been magnified by a microscope, and you can see it clearly.”

"But, didn't you and your boyfriend just get together? Can you be so rational?"

"Being with him just feels that I am old enough to fall in love once and go through a life process. I don't think this is love. Pianpian, I don't believe in love."

I grew up with Hou Manxuan, and I often meet her mother. She has no father since she was born, and her mother is a strict and violent woman who forced her to become a singer to earn money for the family at the age of fourteen, so she is more mature and stable than her peers. She told me before that she doesn't believe in love, she only believes in everything in her hands.

After chatting with her, I also felt a lot more awake, and went to the living room to chat with my mother for a while. At the end, my mother just nodded meaningfully: "Mom thinks that this best friend understands you badly, and what she said is what mother wants to say. Mom likes little Dule, a boy, and supports you two to play friends."

In the game, the Palace of Eternal Life has already started calling for everyone to prepare for the finals. If you see the strength at the beginning, it is because of Du Hanchuan's team. In fact, the gang's sense of honor is not strong, and it doesn't have the strong brainwashing influence of the royal family and the red clothes, so there are not many people, and it doesn't get any better after joining the gang. . But for a strategist like the Palace of Eternal Life, this is undoubtedly a challenging and fulfilling attempt.

After he proposed his plan to Yichuan Hanxing, Yichuan Hanxing actually ignored the blame and asked him to come to me directly, saying that his wife is better at these things, and he only knows how to fight.

So, after I discussed the preparations for the gang war with the Palace of Eternal Life, he began to put it into action.

He first registered the accounts of every mid-to-low player in the gang, helped them adjust the account attributes and pet attributes one by one, sorted out the missing materials for each account, and submitted resource application requirements to the officials. The senior officials then conveyed the high-level battles within the gang, and Ichikawa Hanxing took the lead in reselling the materials in the warehouse to low- and mid-level players at low prices.

After the account adjustment was completed, the combat effectiveness of the entire gang increased a lot. The Palace of Eternal Life did another battle statistics and team allocation, and used Excel to make a preliminary army organization, and arranged a small leader for each team, and asked them to lead the team through difficult dungeons, and get as many materials as possible to upgrade equipment. Then, every day he would arrange for them to go to the ring for 5v5 combat practice. At first he proposed to use the reward system, but I vetoed it, saying that using the reward system to strengthen gang cohesion would be counterproductive, and it would be best to volunteer.

Sure enough, the participation of the gang members was very high, especially the boys. When they heard that there was going to be a fight, and the fight was still due to the teacher in black, they were all gearing up and eager to try. The atmosphere inside the gang is great.

Of course, the Red Clothes Sect got the information very quickly, but they didn't say anything. On the contrary, their guild management and Gao Zhan also appeared frequently in the world, and began to collect all kinds of equipment and materials. The beauty Baobao told me that Cangxue Wutong is also rectifying the gang and making strategic deployments, but he is extremely low-key, probably because he is afraid that Du Hanchuan will find out his true identity.

The entire northern peak was in a stormy silence.

However, before this battle even started, the official announced a new announcement: the new Ten Thousand Worlds Tournament is about to start, and all regional servers with a level of 120 can participate. The regional points competition will start in early September and will be held in October knockout. Me, Du Hanchuan, the Devil's Advocate, Brother Wu, and high officials formed a team to sign up. The team members of the Red Clothes Sect are: Xinfengwu, Cangxue Wutong, Hongyi, Don't Forget the Rain, and Ziyi.

The strengths of the two sides are so equal that after our registration results came out, someone posted on the post bar immediately discussing which team from the northern border will win the championship.

The discussion was equally heated in another post: "Come on, let's all bet, guess who will win the next Server Champion". Some people said that the result is not important, anyway, these two couples are fighting. Another group of people said that Fengwu Pianran has changed people, and also hired an anchor, who is quite capable, and her strength may not be weaker than the former Fengwu. The result of her battle with Yichuan Hanxing is still worth looking forward to.

The game is very lively, and in reality, I am in a good mood. It just so happens that school starts a week after the gang war, and you can return to campus life.

However, during the preparations for the help battle, the leader of the list came to the door.

It was literally coming to your door.

Because I met her downstairs in my house.

On Monday morning, I went downstairs to buy breakfast for my mother and me. I was about to go upstairs with two cups of oden, when a spotless black A8 stopped in front of me. The car window rolled down slowly, revealing the face of a woman in her early twenties. She has shoulder-length black hair and wears a beige dress. She cannot be said to be beautiful, but she has good features and elegant temperament. There is no sense of age in the dress, it is conservative and decent.

"Is that Hao Pianpian? It's your big new buyer, surnamed Han, your CP's fiancée. Are you free? Let's sit down and chat."

To be honest, I was so scared that I couldn't produce emotions other than panic. I shook my head and said, "My family is still waiting for me, another day."

"Isn't your father still in the detention center? Where is his family? Mom came back from abroad?" She smiled slightly, waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I just want to chat with you, and I don't mean to hurt your father."

Thinking of Du Hanchuan mentioning that she is a second-generation official, in fact, I was already very confused, so I could only pretend to calmly return her a polite smile: "Miss Han has done so many investigations on me, so she came prepared. If I don't show face, I'm not funny. Then let's chat around here."

She didn't deny it either, got out of the car and closed the door, and took me to a nearby Starbucks. When she walked past me, she stopped and took a look at my shoes: "Are you so tall without high heels?"

I don't know if it's because I was prepared beforehand, but her smile makes people feel cold and indifferent, and there is no fault, but it makes people feel that it is difficult to develop a good impression.

I just noticed that she was a little taller than me. Although she is wearing high heels, this is not common among girls. I nodded and said, "Ah, I'm 1.72 meters."

"I'm also 1.72 meters. It's not easy. I met a girl who can talk without bowing her head. She is also a rich second generation. She is so beautiful and versatile. I really don't know what kind of boy is worthy of you. Add a WeChat later, I think the two of us will definitely become good friends."

I have quite a few friends of the second generation of officials, and their personalities are generally divided into two grades. They are either extremely lofty and difficult to deal with, or they are as oily as loach. This Miss Han miraculously has two qualities at the same time.

And I don’t know how many times I have heard her kind of flattery since I was a child. I used to take it for granted and enjoy it with peace of mind, and felt that I was worthy of such compliments.

I don't know if it's because of family changes in the past two years. I don't want to receive such compliments from strangers. I especially don't want her compliments. So, I didn't act happy or unhappy, I just hummed twice perfunctorily and finished.

We ordered coffee at Starbucks, and we fought to pay the bill for a long time, and she finally won strongly. I can only follow her to sit by the window.

"Do you have a boyfriend now?" She handed me the coffee, and thoughtfully offered a straw and a tissue.

"Thank you." I took the things she handed over, "Maybe Ms. Han knows better than me whether I have a boyfriend or not."

She smiled awkwardly: "I still haven't been able to hide it from you. Indeed, Pianpian, I pay close attention to you, because Du Hanchuan is really infatuated with you. The last time I saw him so infatuated with a girl was when he was studying in England. Time. But that girl is already married, and she is almost ten years older than Du Hanchuan—if I guess correctly, that girl is the third party who destroyed you and Du Hanchuan."

"No, I broke up with him at that time."

"Is that so? Anyway, Du Hanchuan likes you very much, I know it in my heart. But neither his parents nor my parents agree that he should terminate his engagement with me."

"Miss Han, it's the 21st century now, and parents' opinions are not the most important thing."

"Pianpian, I disagree with you on this matter. Think about it, so many women in ancient times may have never met a few men before they got married. They just obeyed their parents' orders and married into the husband's family that matched them well, but they still got Don’t you fulfill your husband’s lifelong responsibilities and commitments, and become a respected old lady full of children and grandchildren in your later years?”

"That is peace of mind at the cost of sacrificing freedom. Contemporary women don't live like this."

"Free love is precisely the source of such a high divorce rate in the contemporary era. Excessive advocacy of freedom, breaking the concept of family status, and being cheated by an unworthy man, he lost his heart and lost his body. What a shame."

"Miss Han, if you're alluding to me and Du Hanchuan, then I have to be honest: nothing happened between us. The trumpets you played in the game are pure rumors, and I can sue you for defamation."

She shook her head: "You misunderstood, I know nothing happened to you."

"You know you still let your girlfriend play that kind of horn?"

"I know nothing happened to the two of you. It was Ziyi who talked impulsively. I have already taught her a lesson. Once this kind of thing happens, the man pats his ass and leaves, and we women are the ones who are miserable. I have been right from the beginning to the end. You have no hatred, including asking the anchor to kill you, just to keep you away from this game, away from Du Hanchuan, to achieve your own goals—" She stirred the coffee with a spoon, and moved her eyes from the paper cup to me, "My purpose is also very simple. It is to tell you that he is not a good man to you, and I hope you stay away from him."

Seeing her firm eyes, I couldn't help laughing: "I don't know if Du Hanchuan is a good man, but I know you are a good woman. Good enough to let other girls leave this bad man, go yourself and save the common people .”

"No, no, I said, 'not a good man' is just for you. Why women think men are bad, because they give their heart and get hurt. And I don't need his feelings, all I need is his Marriage, our parents are the same. Pianpian, do you understand? I don’t love him, so with me, he can never be a bad man. You love him, so even if he makes a little mistake, with you It seems that they are all big mistakes that can make you collapse. A relationship based on such an irrational foundation cannot last long."

"Is there something wrong with my ears... Miss Han, you don't even want to try to find true love, but you plan to marry someone you don't love?"


She answered so decisively that I was speechless.

I looked at the tall buildings illuminated by the sun outside the window, took a sip of coffee, and wanted to calm down, otherwise I would feel that I had traveled to ancient times.

"Pianpian, Du Hanchuan is a man who makes women worry. No woman can make him single-minded forever. You love him so deeply now, and you just want to be with him wholeheartedly, but have you ever thought about his cheating after marriage? Are you ready to be cheated?" Miss Han smiled gracefully and said confidently, "After marriage, even if he has sex with his mistress in front of me, I can still ask them to continue with a smile. Then close the door and don't disturb him. Do you have such awareness?"

I opened my mouth, feeling like my jaw was about to drop to the ground, I just stretched out my thumb to her: "You are really awesome."

"Do you know how many times he quarreled with his parents in order to be with you? Lei Chi is about to lose billions in market value, and how many people will lose their jobs because of his whim. Have you considered it? Your family has already lost their jobs. With hundreds of millions of debts, can you bear more pressure? Pianpian, you are such a considerate girl, consider our position. Now that the policy is so urgent, the Internet industry has long passed the rising period, and the oligarchs are suppressing Under the current situation, the game industry is in a cold winter. It is really not easy for our two families to maintain such a relationship. Now his parents have made concessions and said they will persuade him again, but he is still stubborn for you. Do you really want to be so cruel? More importantly, considering what he did to you in the past... do you really think he deserves to have you back?"

As a senior game player, I was going to have a long speech with her about the future of the game industry, but after she asked the last question, I was dumb.

That thing has always been a knot in my heart.

I sighed: "I know what you mean, give me time to think about it."

She had a happy face, and her steady tone became a little more excited, and her tone was much faster: "I only want his marriage, and only the interests of the two families. These words are speaking to you on behalf of our two families. So, if you and him are really in love, as long as you persuade him not to break off the engagement, even if he is with you on our wedding night, I don't care. As long as Lei Chi doesn't fail, your family's debts won't be a problem. Even if he doesn't I agree, and I will definitely help you. But if he insists on retiring the engagement, can you imagine how much prejudice his parents will have on you? You may not be able to enter his house in this life, and you will only be able to play games at home for the rest of your life. You may never see your father again. We don't want such a result. Pianpian, promise me, think about it again, okay?"

Hearing her mention my dad, an unknown fire ignited in my heart. I raised my eyebrows and smiled: "Miss Han is threatening me?"

"No, I'm just telling you the result of following your instinct too much."

Threatening me with my father really hit me seven inches, but what my father said to me the most since I was a child is that people who are really threatening can only do things and can't say anything.

If she can really threaten my father's safety, she can use her actions to drive me to a dead end, and when I take the initiative to find her, she will talk to me about letting me leave Du Hanchuan.

In that case, I have no room to bargain with her.

Since she didn't do this, it means that she has no such ability at all.

Of course, what Miss Han said is not completely without merit. She has a pair of successful but wicked parents, which makes her more oily and brainwashed than her peers. However, she still can't hide the fact that she has said so much: she has lived quite smoothly until now. And now, she may not be so smooth sailing.

Ms. Han still has key information that she hasn't disclosed to me.

But she didn't say anything, I met her by chance, so there's no need to ask too much.

"Miss Han, I think what you said is very reasonable, and you also understand the difficulties of your two families. Love is the most unreliable thing, and my best girlfriend also said the same. Today you can marry a man because of love, when He gave his love to other girls tomorrow, and you will fall into a very passive situation, right?" Seeing her nodding her head like a slapstick, I sighed, "Living in this world, it's really not easy for us girls. It's time for me to be smarter, and I can't be too high-handed when I'm in love. I'll go back and think about it, everything is in the overall situation, thank you very much."

It's more oily, my dad is also quite oily. It's just that I usually don't like to learn from him. I'm an artist after all, so that's a bit unartistic.

"Pianpian, I knew you were a visionary girl." Miss Han looked deeply moved.

"Where is it, Miss Han has a unique vision, foresight and foresight, and she is very ladylike. I should learn more from you."