The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 51


After seeing this passage, I began to admire Ms. Han from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what she is insisting on, but it is a special skill to be so persistent in marrying him without loving someone.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I felt that I didn't want to hate her, nor did I want to promise something that she couldn't be sure of, so I chose to ignore this news. Although it is still a little tempting to get back the more than two million yuan in the game that comes with your own tuba.

After that, she didn't ask me for a third time.

Two days later, my mother called me and told me that she had seen my father and that my father was considering signing a contract with Uncle Wang.

It turns out that every time Uncle Wang tried to discuss this cooperation with us, it was my uncle, the vice president, who approached us. Uncle asked a lawyer to go to the detention center to contact Dad. The information conveyed by the lawyer was based on the safety of the company, and he repeatedly emphasized the risk of going bankrupt or letting Uncle Wang's company acquire the family company. Because the company is in chaos now, and my father is in the detention center, I can't meet people, and I can't discuss with others. I may have lost some judgment, so I trust my uncle unconditionally, so that the cooperation with Uncle Wang's company has come to a halt. Now.

I learned from my mother that my uncle is loyal to the company, but he also has certain selfishness towards the company. He holds shares in the company. If I am also arrested, he will become a legal person. If the company is bought by a state-owned enterprise, he will definitely have no say in the company. Therefore, in the later decision-making, he did not consider the situation of my father and me, but tried his best to win people's hearts and keep the company, so that we all sank deeper into the mud pit.

In a blink of an eye, August ends and September arrives. The raging air gradually cools down, and the sun reveals the breath of late summer. The wind in early autumn passed through the university campus like a stream, dragging bright green leaves, washing the newly renovated teaching building, and spreading the slightly drunken smell of Oporto red wine.

The time of the game is both relaxing and nerve-wracking. I play so fast that I haven't experienced the feeling of walking in the wind for a long time.

So, when the warm wind brought the aroma of frangipani, Milan, and jasmine, shaking my wavy skirt, I couldn't help but take a deep breath and stay in place for a few more minutes. Then, I met my former classmates, they welcomed me with surprise, and wished me a year later than them to enjoy a happy junior year; I was also asked for directions by a freshman student, she looked up at me timidly, eyelashes There are glints of autumn sun.

I stepped on white short boots and carried a leather suitcase to the new dormitory.

I didn't go to class for a year, I thought I wouldn't be able to integrate into the group, but I didn't expect that on the first day I entered the dormitory, I easily got along with my roommates.

One of the roommates knew who I was, and also heard about the reason for my suspension from my senior sister. I was a little embarrassed and wanted to explain a few words, but she didn't care about this topic at all, but asked me all kinds of painting questions with great interest, and kept giving me thumbs up, saying: "The great painter is too good. "

The roommates will also discuss some distressing things in the dormitory, such as complaining about the scumbag ex, I used to be angrier than them, and took out my scumbag ex and slapped it hard. Now it sounds like they can understand them very well, but they no longer have too much emotional fluctuations because of it. When they talked about the hard work of studying, quarreling with parents, a lot of quarreling with the aunt on the side of the road, etc., I also felt like listening to a child crying, I just thought it was cute.

It was an experience I never expected.

After entering the mortal world from the illusory hell, it is like adjusting the difficulty of life from super hard to super easy. Therefore, all the troubles in the world have become trivial. Even if I am still in debt and blacklisted, I don't take it seriously. Instead, I cherish the easy and simple life now.

But the only bad thing about our dorm is that everyone except me has boyfriends. When they heard that I didn't have a boyfriend, they were very interested in introducing me. I wanted to see the new hit sci-fi movie, and they all said they had already seen it with their boyfriends.

I asked in the class WeChat group if there were any girls who wanted to go to the movies, and eleven male students came to make friends.

I don't go to the movies with boys other than my boyfriend, so after passing them one by one, I rejected them one by one.

Then, I posted a movie poster in my circle of friends and asked if there were any little sisters who wanted to watch it together. The girls didn't have time that day, so they could only make appointments on weekends, but I just wanted to go that night, and after waiting tirelessly for half an hour, only a group of boys signed up to go. I replied one by one asking them to be castrated first, and they all replied to some dumbfounding ghosts:

"Is it still too late to change sex?"

"Boys are supposed to be coolies, and you still want to be castrated. It's so unsympathetic."

"Actually, I am Miss Sister."

As a result, I didn't wait for the girl's invitation that night, and the boys who replied seemed to be short of the person I wanted to see the most.

Finally, some girls wanted to go see it tomorrow night. I was just about to ask her if I could move to tonight, when the girl on my lower bunk suddenly said "wow": "Look, there is a Porsche brother downstairs with a fairy face!!!"

The other two girls also exclaimed:


"Fairy looks?!"

I'm not interested in cars, but when I heard that the handsome guy's ears must stand up, I immediately poked my head out and looked out the window. However, when I saw the people downstairs, I almost fainted: the boy was wearing sunglasses and a pink shirt with low saturation. He wears high-waisted trousers, but the shoes are sneakers with stylish textures—I have seen this pair of shoes in his circle of friends, and they are embroidered with golden bees, which are unforgettable.

He was as white as if he had been photographed by a beauty camera, and his legs seemed to have been pulled by a video extension tool. He was lazily leaning on the car door to make a phone call, and he didn't mind being secretly photographed by passing students.

Then, my cell phone rang.

"..." I took a breath, "Du Hanchuan, what are you doing here?"

The tone is cold, but the jasmine outside the window almost bloomed all the way to my heart.

"Come down, I'm at the door of your dormitory."

"I saw it, what are you doing down there?"

"Don't you want to watch a movie, I'll take you there."

"I didn't clean up anything, you just killed me like this... Me, me, have you really been in love?"

"I haven't talked about it, so can you teach me?"

From so far away, I saw him smile, and snorted with the corners of his mouth: "Wait for me, come."

After I hung up the phone, my roommates were already throwing bell-like eyes and egg-like mouth shapes at me.

"Pianpian, is that your boyfriend?!"

"No, they're just friends." I waved my hand, "I said I only want girls, but I didn't expect him to come over directly, and I have a headache."

I find that I am sometimes hypocritical of a unique girl. Obviously what I look forward to the most is that he come to ask me out. Seeing that he is so happy that he wants to set off firecrackers, but when others ask, he still looks disgusted.

But when I got into Du Hanchuan's car, I realized that no one could compare to him in terms of hypocrisy. He resolutely refused to go to the movie theater I was going to, and forcibly took me to the fifth floor of the shopping mall he designated. I offered to let him buy tickets, I went to buy popcorn, came back with popcorn and a Coke, only to find him empty.

"Prince illness, what do you want? The movie will start in five minutes." I looked at him blankly, my shoulders slumped, "Do you want me to pay for the ticket? Because I proposed to watch the movie of."

"Of course, in this situation, my young master will not pay for it himself."

"Okay, you take it."

I handed him the popcorn, and I turned around to buy tickets, but he put his arm around my shoulders, turned around and went up the stairs, and took me to a screening room where two staff members opened the door. Come 3D glasses.

"This is? Did you buy a ticket?"

He didn't answer my question, just took me in, and sat down in two seats in the middle at random. No one else came in until the movie started playing.

I looked left and right, and said to the empty theater: "What's going on? The box office of this movie is very high..."

"This movie theater is owned by an uncle of mine."


"Isn't it good for two people?"

"You have so many uncles..."

Under the light of the film, his snow-capped nose bridge and chin formed a beautiful arc, but what is even more beautiful is the arc of his mouth. Then, he pointed at me with the 3D glasses, and at the same time raised the armrest so that there was no distance between the two of us, and then smiled and said, "Come here, lean in my husband's arms and watch."

I sat directly on the seat next to me.

He huffed angrily: "I'm going back to Beijing tomorrow morning, do you still reject me like this, I'm sad."

"That's it..." There was a moment of disappointment in my heart, but I still covered up my little emotions with a smile, "Thank you for inviting me to watch a movie, and I will treat you to dinner next time when you return to Shanghai."

"Who knows when will come next time, you should make it up to me today."

He stayed in Shanghai for a long time recently, and I almost forgot that he was actually in a different city from mine. Moreover, his hometown is not in Shanghai, and now his family and work are in Beijing. If it is not because he still feels new to me, he should not fly to Shanghai so frequently. And I'm two years away from graduating from university, and I don't really want to develop in other cities in the future... Thinking of this, I feel confused about my future relationship with him.

There is a saying that goes well: A prince far away is not as good as a frog near him. One sentence proves how unreliable a long-distance relationship is.

I was already insecure about my relationship with him. If he didn't take the initiative a little bit more and visit me more, we should soon be cold.

After having these thoughts, I felt a little depressed, and I didn't want to talk much, but Du Hanchuan didn't feel it at all. During the playback of the video, whenever he came across a laughing point, he would smile brightly like an angel.

In the evening, he took me back to school, leaned over in the car and tried to kiss me, but I also avoided him.

The next day he reported to me that he had just landed in Beijing, and I responded very politely. When he replied again, he became more polite.

In the afternoon, my cousin brought two older sisters to play with me.

My cousin is twenty-eight years old this year. He is very handsome, and he is still the kind of handsome guy who is full of righteousness and affinity. His father, that is, his uncle, ran a private hospital. Due to overwork, he died suddenly at the age of thirty-two. Since then, his cousin has been dependent on his mother who is a doctor since childhood. My eldest aunt is also a very strong woman. She has always had high demands on her cousin's career, and she also told him clearly that, as his father's only child, he must provoke the leader. Therefore, my dad paid to send my cousin to study in the UK. He was not a good guy, but he paid more attention to his career and was better at socializing than ordinary boys.

At the age of twenty-three, my cousin had a relationship that lasted four years. His ex-girlfriend was three years older than him, beautiful, content with the status quo, and taciturn, in stark contrast to his cousin's detached personality. She loved him with no regrets, and it wasn't until the third year when she was twenty-eight years old, at the stage of worrying about marriage that many girls were most anxious, that she implicitly mentioned the idea of getting married to her cousin.

At that time, my cousin was almost twenty-six years old, with an annual salary of more than half a million yuan, which was among the best among his peers. However, because his mother had all the work resources and financial power, he still had nothing. In order to marry his ex-girlfriend, he mustered up the courage to negotiate with his aunt many times, but the aunt directly used my dad as a shield.

Sure enough, my dad immediately thought of my mother, who was older than me, and felt that the relationship between siblings was fruitless, so the suggestion he gave was: "The older girl is three years old, when they are older, my nephew is still the one who loves me the most." It's not suitable for girls at the age of playing. "

Of course my cousin doesn't want to separate, so this matter is put on hold for now. The two dragged on for another year, and the girlfriend was twenty-nine years old. Seeing that her youth with two prefixes was coming to an end, she once again mentioned to her cousin that she wanted to get married. The cousin protested to the mother again, but the answer given by the aunt was ambiguous. In fact, she just disagreed, and she refused to pay for the marriage of the two, and slowly spent time with the cousin. The girlfriend is pushing her hard, and the cousin can only do his best to work hard, thinking that as long as he is financially independent, he can make decisions for his own life.

Because of lack of money, he once said to her: "Let me buy you a cheap diamond ring first, okay. After I get the certificate and I have money, I will make up for you with a more expensive one."

She shed tears on the spot: "Is this how my life is? Like all girls, I also want a grand and formal marriage proposal. Why didn't you prepare earlier?"

This answer deeply hurt my cousin's self-esteem. So in this year, the time he promised to propose was delayed again and again, saying "give me another two months" time and time again, while fearing losing her, and deeply fearing marriage at the same time. During the period when he avoided the wedding due to work, she flew to her hometown once a week, and every time she returned to Shanghai, her attitude was colder than before.

Finally, the fourth year of their love was over, and after her cousin said "I will definitely propose in January next year" for the last time, she gave the final verdict: "I'm sorry, I can't wait any longer."

Then came a series of coquettish operations that were completely opposite to her usual gentle image: deleting friends, blocking phone numbers, and never hearing from her.

Because she didn't delete my WeChat, half a month later, I saw my sister-in-law-to-be posting her marriage certificate in Moments. Zooming in on the picture, the groom is not a cousin, she has gone back to her hometown to get the certificate.

That was August last year, and I was still crazy addicted to the game. Since then, my cousin has been suffering like crazy until this year, and he has not recovered. Unexpectedly, in May of this year, the sister-in-law-to-be had another soul crit: posting her son on Moments.

I sent the screenshot to my cousin, and we counted the time, and both felt that the ex-girlfriend gave my cousin some color to see see. The cousin collapsed again and fell into a deeper despair. I thought my cousin was a bit pitiful at first, but when I thought about it, he was only 28 this year, but he didn't take responsibility for dragging his ex-sister-in-law from 26 to 30, and I felt that he deserved it so poorly.

From then on, my cousin started to flirt with all kinds of girls. He didn't touch anyone, and just enjoyed the feeling of being liked by them. Just like the two beauties and elder sisters I brought today, they are both beauties with sea turtles, and they both have affection for him. However, when they went to the bathroom together, my cousin told me that these two girls had hinted to him that It's interesting, he doesn't know why, and he can't even arouse interest.

"It's because I'm still thinking about my ex-sister-in-law." I told the truth, "Don't think about brother, the ex-sister-in-law is the mother of the child."

"Yes. Yes, she is the mother of children." He sighed and shook his head, "I didn't like her anymore, but I felt that I couldn't forget her, and I hated her very much."

"Is it because she is green? But the person she loves the most is you."

"If she loves me, she won't love me."

I know, this is just a rhetoric used by my cousin to reduce my regret.

During the long process of waiting for him to propose, he once wanted to break up because of the pressure of his mother and girlfriend's opposing positions, but his ex-sister-in-law blocked him with a sentence before he opened his mouth: "I am 28 years old this year, thank you Fate let me meet the boy I like in the most beautiful time of 26 years old. I feel very happy these two years, and I don’t regret leaving my youth to you at all. Even if I can’t marry you in the future, I won’t regret it I used to love like this. Don't have any pressure, just be happy with me every day."

Because of this passage, he relaxed and told her that he would definitely marry her, but she fell into an indefinite wait again.

Now, this passage has undoubtedly become a sharp knife for bloody cousins all the time. He will never forget it in his life.

I braced my chin and shook my head helplessly: "Oh, brother, look ahead, there are so many good girls around you. You should take a good look at them, not look for the ex-sister-in-law in them shadow of

He "tssed": "You little adult, what do you know?"

"However, I still think it's useless to play less flowers. The factor that can make you forget a person is never time, but a better person. All the things you can't forget are because the later ones are not good enough."

"I can't forget everything not because of time, but because the later ones were not good enough..." He was stunned, and repeated this sentence several times, "Sister, how did you come up with such brilliant lines?"

I was also taken aback for a moment: "Isn't that so?" But the face of Du Hanchuan had appeared in my mind involuntarily.

"These girls are good enough."

"Yes, they may be beautiful enough, rich enough or highly educated, but as long as all the 'good' in your heart are based on that person, these conditions are not considered 'good'."

My cousin looked at me bitterly: "You said that brother is very hopeless."

I laughed, but after saying those words, I was lost in thought—so, that's why I haven't moved on from the past all these years? It's not because the time is not long enough, but because I haven't met a better...

So is he the same

Whether in the UK or after returning to China, I tried different relationships, but then I showed up, and he immediately surrendered

It would be a bit narcissistic to think so. After all, the me he met again was a decadent scum, he just happened to be forced to marry by his fiancée, and no one was chasing me during the romantic window, so he chose me. Now I find that it is not easy to succeed in chasing me, so I went back to Beijing again.

But the words he once said to me in the game made me feel that he was deeply involved...

After thinking about it for a long time, I found that I fell into the love whirlpool of "he loves me" and "he doesn't love me", so I quickly stopped myself.

However, all confusions were resolved the next day. Every day in the dormitory, there are red roses and pink lilies delivered to the door in turn, which made the roommates yell, and also made the aunt in the dormitory show a mean but polite smile when I went out, saying that you young people are still in love. Be restrained, after all, Xiu Duo is also a little awkward when breaking up, right

During class, a line of words "I love Pianpian" suddenly appeared on the slide, with the addition of English "Pianpian I love you", causing an uproar among the students in the class.

But during this period, except for the occasional game, Du Hanchuan didn't contact me at all.

After returning home on Friday night, I couldn't help but send him a WeChat message: "The projection you got someone to type is too nasty."

"It's nasty, but it's all the truth."

"I do not believe."

"You still don't believe it? How can you believe it?"

"If you come to Shanghai tomorrow and appear in front of me, I will believe that you love me."

"Go downstairs."



There is a fountain turntable downstairs in my house. Vehicles come and go, night lights shine on the fountain, and the water sparkles, reflecting on pedestrians and vehicles. There is a very eye-catching boy standing by the fountain. I didn't make any sound, but as if he had sensed something, he turned his head halfway, and when he saw me, he turned around completely.

I walked over slowly, and couldn't believe my eyes: "Why are you still in Shanghai? You didn't fly that day?"

He put down his phone and shrugged: "I flew and came back."

"You know I'll look for you?" I tilted my head, "No... are you here to see me?"

Du Hanchuan sneered, took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to me. The light is very dim, except for the three characters "Du Hanchuan" and Lei Chi's logo, you can't see other small characters.

"I have been transferred to Lei Chi Shanghai Branch to work." He added specifically.


"What do you say?"

"For, for me?"

"That's right, but I'm a very miserable man now. I got promoted very smoothly in Beijing, and I have to start from the grassroots in Shanghai, otherwise my colleagues in Shanghai will think that I rely on my father for everything. I told my father Lah, I came to Shanghai because of my girlfriend, he supports me very much, but still doesn’t give me preferential treatment, now my monthly salary is only 20,000, and my pocket money is gone.”

"Twenty thousand is very good, that's what I want from my blind date."

"What can I do in Shanghai, the company is still in Lujiazui, I can't even pay the rent, my car was confiscated by my father because he said my position is not worthy of such a good car...I want instant noodles."

"It's okay. I have two houses under my name. Although both of them have been seized, it's okay to leave one for you to live in. If you have a car, you can't help it, and I don't know how to drive. Let's take the subway together."

"The game can't be charged anymore, and I can't be a boss to protect you."

"It's okay, your account is already very strong, and you can be invincible for more than half a year without recharging a penny. When you can't keep up with the progress, let's be a salted fish scenery party together."

"Hey, I went back to China and worked for nothing for two years. What did I do for you? Go crazy."

"It's okay, I will take care of you."

He froze for a moment, faltered a few times, and didn't know what he was talking about: "Cut, I don't want you, a debtor girl, to support me. I'm still young, and I won't be afraid of being reborn for another ten years. You should be a good little wife at home and wait." It’s good to be blessed by me.”

"That's fine, I'll learn how to cook for you."

He was completely stunned for a while, and said after a while, "Why are you so cute today? I think it's so abnormal and scary."

I shook my head vigorously, without explanation. He too fell silent. Then, another taxi took away the evening dress girl from the five-star hotel next door, and the light illuminated the small concrete floor and the gleaming ICBC gate. With a sound, I rushed over and threw myself into his arms.

He deliberately made a small step back as if he couldn't bear my impact, then hugged me back and laughed out loud.

It was a very happy thing at first, but I don’t know why, maybe it’s because the night is so beautiful, maybe it’s because I used to laugh and cry during the years I fell in love with him, maybe it’s because it’s been a long time since I was tempted to this hug Ten thousand years later, I suddenly burst into tears.

He wiped away my tears with his index knuckles: "Why are you crying?"

Not wanting to be too silly and emotional, I found an excuse to evade it: "Why are we so miserable. One was seized and in debt, and the other became a pauper."

"It's so poor, I actually have to take the subway in the future."

"Will you regret it?"

"That's not going to happen. You can find another job. I only have one Pianpian." In less than three seconds after the end of affection, he habitually adjusted back to the normal coquettish prince disease mode, "Oh my god, I actually have to take the subway in the future Going to work, I really can’t imagine…”

I automatically ignored his subsequent complaints and only paid attention to his previous sentence.

This is what I want to say too.

There are countless excellent boys and perfect boys in the world. Du Hanchuan is neither the best nor the most perfect.

But there is only one Du Hanchuan in the world.

All the unforgettable things are because the later ones are not good enough.

Everything about him has long since become the "good" standard in my heart.

And the thing above "good" is probably falling in love with such a good person.

Life is beautiful, it is good to live.

We have all persisted, we have all given up, we have missed countless times, and finally hugged together.