The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 1


May is hot and unbearable in the capital, and the royal family moved north to the Shenghe Palace, so naturally they did not forget to bring the delicate princesses with them.

The Xinggong is built on the mountain, the green cover connects to the sky, the Shenghe River surrounds the mountain into several characters, and the water and wind come from three sides. It is indeed much cooler than the Forbidden City.

Zhu Yi was lying on the grass in a daze, unaware that a man was standing close to her and watching her.

The girl's water-blue misty skirt embroidered with stamens and lotus patterns was blown up by the wind, like a half-spread flower, her unbearably slender waist undulating in a graceful arc, and her fifteen-year-old figure was as delicate as water.

Zhu Yi was awakened by shaking, and she saw the prince leaning over her, his eyes were blurred and half covered at first, and then they were as round as cat's eyes in surprise. She sat up immediately: "Brother Huang!"

Zhu Yi immediately lowered her head, seeing that her dress was neat and she didn't feel anything strange on her body, she felt relieved.

No wonder Zhu Yi was so wary. She is not of the Tian family's blood, but the orphan of the brave general Pei Qingrang. She was brought into the palace since she was a child and raised by her aunt Tong Guifei. The fourth son Zhu Xiuce once stretched out a pig's paw to her when he was drunk, although she was plotted to go back later, after all, there was a shadow.

However, everyone knows that the fourth son of the emperor is greedy for sex, and the prince's reputation is very good.

The prince pretended not to see her movements, but Zhu Yi asked first, "Why is the emperor here?"

The prince said: "I always take this path to the Hepeck Pavilion. I made an appointment with someone there today. I saw you here and came to have a look." Then he frowned and asked, "Why is Xizhen outside alone? Where's the lady in the palace?"

Zhu Yi pursed her lips, how could she know where her court lady was. Today Zhu Dai invited her to go to Guangyin Pavilion to enjoy the lotus for the first time today, she kept her heart in mind and resisted not even drinking her saliva, but she still got it.

But Zhu Dai and the prince are both descended from the empress, two brothers and sisters from the same mother, Zhu Yi would not be so stupid as to mention Zhu Dai to the prince.

When she got up, the prince also stood up, and Zhu Yi patted the grass knot on his body and said: "I went out for a walk alone. I may have caught the heat earlier. It's not a serious problem. I won't delay the emperor's meeting, Xizhen." Farewell." The tone was polite and alienated.

How could the prince fail to notice Zhu Yi's suspicion of him, so he let her go without saying anything.

Zhu Yi walked from the pebble path to the corridor paved with bluestone square bricks, and quickly turned to the Yuewang Pavilion where she lived, not noticing a few people coming from the other side.

But her figure clearly fell into people's eyes.

The leading man was tall and slender, dressed in an ivory-colored light purple silk robe with dark patterns of precious flowers and dark patterns, his black hair was tied with a white jade hairpin, his eyes were looking at the direction where Zhu Yi disappeared, with no expression on his face. It was the prince who invited the Crane Pecking Pavilion to enjoy the cool air—Xie Ying, the son of Prince Wei Ning.

At this time, the prince also walked out from the fork where Zhu Yi appeared.

The crown prince Zhu Xiuxu has a refined temperament, wearing ocher red python robes, he has already cultivated his dignity in the position of princes, and the image of a real dragon is almost as good as that of the old emperor.

And Xie Ying standing beside the prince made Zhu Xiuxu's brilliance dim. God doesn't know how much he loves this person, so he was born so dazzlingly. It makes people feel ashamed at the first glance, but they can't bear to look at it. From the moment Xie Ying stepped into the Shenghe Palace this afternoon, the little maids kept sneaking shyly and timidly.

The prince looked at Xie Ying, and then at the petite and exquisite Zhu Dai beside him: "Adai, where did you take your cousin, and it took you so long to come here."

The queen is the daughter of the Xie family, and she is a brother and sister with King Wei Ning. Xie Ying and the two brothers and sisters of the prince are serious cousins.

"I didn't bring my cousin around. It's because my mother talked to my cousin for too long." Zhu Dai was only twelve years old, and her pretty face had not yet lost the baby fat. She smiled with two small dimples, so delicate and cute.

She was curious again: "Brother, what are you and Xizhen doing behind the forest? Oh, why are you covered with so many grass clippings?" Zhu Dai walked around the prince, raised her hand to pat his vest: "Behind Yes too. Did brother roll on the ground? Hee hee, how old is he?"

Zhu Dai was naive, but apart from her, the confidantes who followed her and Xie Ying were all grown-up men and women. The one who came out earlier was Princess Xizhen, and they all got into the woods with the prince and rolled over. No fool would understand what that meant.

Prince Yi's stability does not seem like someone who would do such a thing, but when he thought about Princess Xizhen's glamorous face, he didn't think it was so inconceivable.

The prince didn't answer, just patted the grass clippings on his legs, smiled a little embarrassedly, and then changed the subject: "Let's go, A Ying, we two brothers haven't had a drink together for a long time."

The prince observed Xie Ying's reaction while talking. Zhu Yi secretly pursued Xie Ying. Not many people knew about it, but the prince knew about it.

Xie Ying had rejected Zhu Yi long ago, but the prince was always worried that Xie Ying would change his mind, but after today, I think it would not be possible. Xie Ying hates women who are frivolous, unselfish, and obsessed with him. Jooy is now all set.

Xie Ying squinted her eyes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little cold.


After Zhu Yi returned to Yuewang Pavilion for a while, the two court ladies who went with her to Zhu Dai's invitation hurried back.

Mianfeng asked: "Princess, are you alright? The slave girl suddenly fell into a coma, and when she woke up, she was in the garden outside the Guangyin Pavilion." After waking up, she didn't see Zhu Yi. Knowing that something happened, she immediately came back to check the situation.

Geng Lu also nodded worriedly.

Zhu Yi said: "I'm fine, don't mention today's matter again. The three of us must be more careful in the future."

Mianfeng also knew that the palace shouldn't ask questions, so she didn't ask. Seeing Zhu Yi's calm look, she guessed that there was no danger, so she stopped asking.

Zhu Yi knew that the appearance of the prince must not be as simple as he said, and that Zhu Dai must have been trying to trick her if she fainted, but...she really couldn't guess the intention of Zhu Dai and the prince's actions. Maybe something will come out later? Zhu Yi squeezed his hands hard, and now he can only take one step at a time.

Zhu Yi took a bath and changed her clothes, Concubine Tong sent someone over to spread the word, saying that to welcome Prince Wei Ning's son, a banquet will be held in the Yizheng Hall tonight, and all princes and princesses will be invited to attend.

Xie Ying was rewarded for returning to Beijing for the great victory of Xuanwuyuan, and went to Shenghe Palace to meet him. Zhu Yi knew that the emperor would definitely host a special banquet, but he didn't expect it to be a family banquet.

But it also makes sense, Xie Ying is actually Empress Xie's nephew, and the emperor has always shown great love for him. When Xie Ying was in Beijing, the emperor called him into the palace to attend classes at the Kaiyuan Hall with the prince, and ride horses together in the school grounds. Bow. There were even rumors that Xie Ying was the illegitimate son of the emperor and Princess Wei Ning, which shows how much the emperor loves him.

Speaking of Xie Ying... She hasn't seen him for more than a year.

Soon to the dinner party.

The emperor was overweight and was particularly afraid of heat. There are two rows of crystal pots in the Yizheng Hall, and the snow in the pots is like hills. The eunuchs are shaking the turning handles of the gilded fan-leaf windmills, and the cool breeze that fills the hall is refreshing.

Apart from the empress, among the concubines, only concubines Gui and Shu were present. In the main hall, the empress concubine, the prince, and the accompanying clansmen had one person and one case. Curtain screen, right as a meaning.

Zhu Yi's eyes met Zhu Dai's for a moment, and they both moved away as if nothing had happened. Everyone is well versed in the way of getting along in the deep palace, no matter how secretive they are, they are still able to put it in and out on this occasion.

Besides Zhu Yi and Zhu Dai, there were two princesses sitting beside them, Zhu Yi's friend Zhu Chuo, and Zhu Dai's attendant Zhu Jing.

Zhu Chuo was originally standing, but now he leaned over and whispered to Zhu Yi: "Hey, third child, your son is here!"

Naturally, Zhu Dai also saw it, and immediately left the table and went to the center of the hall.

Zhu Chuo has no taboos. Zhu Yi was a little uncomfortable. Xie Ying was already her old calendar, so she whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, the eldest sister has already surrendered, and my marriage should be settled soon."

"Isn't that just right? Xie Ying is not married again." Zhu Chuo looked outside again with bright eyes.

Zhu Chuo also coveted Xie Ying. A man like that would pretend to be a princess if he didn't flirt. However, the other party held military power that even the emperor would be afraid of, and his aura was too coercive, so she could only stay away. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yi, who has always been honest, would tease Xie Ying in a daring manner without saying a word.

"I told you that people look down on me. Ah Chuo is interested, you can give it a try." Zhu Yi peeled a frozen lychee and put it in his mouth.

Zhu Chuo is Ye Gong's good dragon, and he glanced at her: "Are you kidding me? If he doesn't even look up to you, am I just asking for trouble? Take a look, and you will be satisfied."

When Zhu Dai came back, Zhu Yi and Zhu Chuo looked at each other and ended the topic tacitly.

After a while, the emperor and empress also arrived, and they had a beautiful scene. There was a lot of drinking and drinking outside, and there was a song and dance performance again. When Zhu Yi was enjoying the song and dance through the bead curtain, he carefully controlled his eyes from wandering to Xie Ying.

If it was just an ordinary show of favor being rejected, Zhu Yi would not be so brooding, the key lies in some inside information.

Zhu Yi remembers very clearly that she was very active towards Xie Ying at that time, she took the initiative to meet him by chance, talk to him, use the emperor's order to make him teach her riding skills, and change her ways to attract his attention... All the recklessness in her life probably came from her. Used it at that time.

After interacting with Xie Ying many times, she figured the time was right, and in the name of thanking Xie Ying for teaching her how to ride, she privately dated him three times, and he came out all three times, and brought her a Zuixiaolou Roasted Pepper Squab.

When they met for the fourth time, as a return to that pigeon, she boldly gave Xie Ying a sword tassel. She told him she did it herself. Shy and expectant, she thought that Xie Ying would accept him, but his expression changed at that moment, and she could even feel the hidden anger in him. Xie Ying flatly refused, and then, there was no more...

At the subsequent palace banquet, Xie Ying didn't even look at her again, let alone respond to her.

Zhu Yi didn't know what provoked him, but felt that this man was really hot and cold, unreasonable, and out of his mind.

On the day Xie Ying returned to Weizhou silently, Zhu Yi covered herself in the quilt and cried for most of the night, and made up her mind to give up on him the next day.

Once Zhu Yi made up her mind to do something, her will was exceptionally strong. She really drove Xie Ying out of her heart, and she never planned to have anything to do with Xie Ying again.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yi accidentally glanced at Xie Ying, almost the first moment she looked at him, Xie Ying turned to look at her, and the two of them locked eyes.

The author has something to say:

Joey: Does this guy have a radar on him? I just glanced at him and he scanned it right away!

Author: ... What do you think

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