The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 100


But the man said: "Giving a marriage is equivalent to getting married, it's just that there are fewer rituals."

"You're talking nonsense! It's an engagement at best."

Yan Fengqin looked at Zhu Yi's flushed face and smiled: "Okay, it's right to be a princess. It's an engagement. The princess should also have the consciousness of being someone else's fiancee, otherwise..."

Hearing the threat in the other party's language, Zhu Yi looked at the other party vigilantly: "Otherwise what..."

In the emperor's big tent, the emperor also said to Xie Ying: "Shouxu, I am really ashamed of you, and I know that you are also happy with Xizhen. You are my nephew to me, so I naturally love you more. I prefer Yan Fengqin, I can only put filial piety first."

On the eve of her departure, the queen mother suddenly suffered from abdominal pains. After all, she was old and felt unwell from time to time, so she stayed in Beijing. Naturally, the emperor can say whatever he wants now.

The emperor said again: "I still have three princesses, what does Shouxu think..."

Xie Ying said: "I don't want to talk about marriage for now."

The emperor nodded: "Alright, let's talk about it later."

At this time, Xie Ying, the emperor couldn't stay any longer, and had nothing to say, so he let him go.

Zhu Yi was worried that Xie Ying would run into Yan Fengqin and drive her away, but Yan Fengqin refused to leave: "The princess is so afraid that Xie Ying will see me with you? I'm the one you want to marry, so why should I avoid him?" ?” Instead of leaving, she sat down beside Zhu Yi’s bed.

Zhu Yi was stunned, and said urgently: "Get up quickly, don't sit on my bed." Seeing that the other party wanted to play a rogue, and didn't listen to her at all, Zhu Yi settled down and said: "If you don't go out, then I will. "

Yan Fengqin stood up now, and said behind Zhu Yi, "Don't worry, princess, Xie Ying's city is far deeper than you imagined, even if he sees me, he won't lose control."

Zhu Yi turned a deaf ear to it, and as soon as she opened the tent door, she saw that what she was worried about happened, and Xie Ying had already come outside the tent.

Seeing Zhu Yi's nervous expression, Xie Ying knew who was in her tent. Xie Ying took a look at Chang Lin and the others who were standing outside the tent, but their eyes were a little dull, and took out the incense for them to smell.

At this time, the night had not yet fallen, and it was easy to be seen standing outside the tent, so Xie Ying slipped into the tent.

Zhu Yi followed into the room, and saw the two men confronting each other in silence. The originally spacious tent suddenly seemed cramped, and the atmosphere was extremely gloomy.

Zhu Yi was afraid that the two would fight in the tent, so he took Xie Ying's arm.

Yan Fengqin glanced at Zhu Yi's small movements, and said, "Third brother, the princess is a married woman from now on, you should just forget about it."

Hearing the words "married woman", Xie Ying narrowed her eyes, sighed, and then looked at Zhu Yi.

Zhu Yi noticed that Xie Ying was looking at her, and raised her head to look at him too. Xie Ying suddenly caressed Zhu Yi's face, lowered her head as if no one else was there, and kissed Zhu Yi's slightly parted lips fiercely, as if she wanted to swallow her into her stomach.

Zhu Yi opened his eyes wide in surprise, is Yan Fengqin still there? But she couldn't think anymore, she closed her eyes and let him plunder at will. After she felt the tip of her tongue being sucked, she was held into his arms by the man again, with her face still facing his chest. This is Xie Ying not wanting Yan Fengqin to see Zhu Yi's coquettish attitude after being kissed.

Xie Ying looked at Yan Fengqin, whose fists were already clenched, and said in a low voice, "Do you want to stay and watch? But I'm not used to performing in public."

The eyes of the two men met for a moment, they were both cold and cruel like a beast wanting to choose someone. Yan Fengqin looked at Zhu Yi, who was leaning on Xie Ying's arms, and finally left first.

Zhu Yi heard Yan Fengqin's leaving footsteps, raised her arms around Xie Ying's waist, and pressed against him tightly, absorbing the reassuring breath from him.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid." Xie Ying hugged the petite and weak girl in his arms. Although she didn't say anything, he understood what she was thinking. He lowered his head and kissed Zhu Yi's hair: "I won't let you marry someone else."

Zhu Yi froze slightly, and raised his head to look at him: "Xie Ying, I didn't agree to go with you before because I was worried about A Li. But now, A Li is the emperor's only son, and I believe the emperor will never hurt him. , so, can you take me away?"

"Okay, Yiyi wait for a few more days."

Zhu Yi trusted Xie Ying with all her heart, and nodded: "Then what do I need to do?"

The man's fingers gently rubbed the girl's delicate cheeks: "You don't need to do anything, just don't think about it."

Xie Ying didn't stay for too long. When he left, Zhu Yi felt an unprecedented sense of reluctance. She watched the other party's figure completely disappear before returning to the tent.

Late at night, after Zhu Yi finished bathing in the barrel, Geng Lu who was waiting by her side quickly shook off the large silk scarf, while Mian Feng reached out to help her up.

Inch by inch, her delicate body, as white as jade, emerged from the water, but she hadn't stepped out of the bathtub when she saw a black shadow flickering outside the screen, and Zhu Yi immediately retracted into the water in shock, almost spraining her feet.

"Hey, my Xizhen, you have to be more careful." It turned out that Concubine Tong walked in without letting Chang Lintong, who was guarding outside the tent, come in. She said, "Are you all right?"

Concubine Tong harbored unexplainable guilt towards her sister's daughter, and treated her more tenderly.

Seeing that Zhu Yi was still hiding in the water, Concubine Tong smiled and said, "Why are you embarrassed in front of Concubine Mother? Come out quickly."

Zhu Yi had no choice but to step on the small bamboo stool and get out of the bathtub. Concubine Tong's eyes swept across the girl's body, and she felt relieved when she saw that there were no traces. At the same time, I admired in my heart, such a beautiful figure, it is no wonder that Xie Ying knows the essence and flavor, and is reluctant to let others.

Concubine Tong personally helped Zhu Yi wring out her long hair, and sighed: "Xizhen is going to marry and leave me in a blink of an eye. I really can't bear it. In the heart of the concubine mother, I always remember that you were the one who had to cling to you all day long when you first entered the palace." The concubine's little man."

Zhu Yi just listened quietly. Concubine Tong continued in a mother-loving tone: "Qin Tianjian's Deputy Supervisor Lin has hurriedly calculated the auspicious time, and the wedding ceremony needs to be held on March 12th in order to have a happy marriage for a hundred years, otherwise, the children will be hindered in the future. "

Zhu Yi was stunned, and dared not say anything: "March 12th? How could it be too late, and...didn't that just leave Luling?" In the past, the emperor had to travel for twenty days.

Concubine Tong nodded: "That's right, so your father means that you will leave with Yan Fengqin after the siege is over, and try to rush back to Jingzhou for the wedding ceremony. As for your dowry and palace belongings, they will be together Sending it to Jingzhou will not make you feel wronged."

"It would be best if we can return to Jingzhou in time. If we can't make it in time, we will choose a place with beautiful scenery on the way to hold the ceremony. This is not without precedent. Princess Wenning, who once went to Tubo to get married and has a good reputation, also held the ceremony with the Tubo king at the Baihai Sea Big wedding. In short, don't miss the auspicious time of March 12."

"As for your wedding dress, you still choose the style by yourself. You know it long ago. I brought the embroiderer over to measure the size for you. At most, I will send it back to the palace for pressing." Change your current fatness and thinness a little bit."

To help Zhu Yi tidy up her clothes, Concubine Tong first sent someone to Xiu Niang, and then sent an old doctor to come in.

Concubine Tong said: "Let Imperial Physician Zhou take your pulse."

Knowing that she couldn't push it, Zhu Yi stretched out her hand, she was still shocked that she and Yan Fengqin were married so quickly, then seeing Imperial Physician Zhou shook her head and went out without saying a word.

Concubine Tong opened the sandalwood box that had been prepared a long time ago. Inside was a small white bead that was reddish in color. Inside was an unknown red liquid, and outside was a soft white coating.

Concubine Tong said in a low voice: "This is the Minyuan bead. It is used when consummating the house, so you don't have to worry about checking the yuan handkerchief."

Zhu Yi felt anxious in his heart: "Mother Concubine..." Beishang was obviously here to hunt, why did she bring this kind of thing in advance, which proves that Concubine Tong knew that the emperor would marry her.

"My son, don't think too much, the mother concubine is just making you feel at ease." Concubine Tong said so. "After two days, Concubine Mu will continue to teach you other things."

At this time, Xie Ying and Rong Ting were standing in the dark place in the remote forest, Rong Ting handed Xie Ying a folded cloth paper, and said: "All the traps and traps that I led people to spread are circled on this map. However, the emperor must know that I will reveal it to you, so... this blueprint is actually useless."

The emperor knew that Rong Ting would reveal the truth to Xie Ying, so he might send someone to set up another trap, but he might also use Rong Ting's mechanism.

Rong Ting said: "Anyway, be careful when you walk around."

Xie Ying replied: "I know."

Xie Ying and Rong Ting separated quickly, and after walking for a while, they saw a figure standing under the cypress tree in front of them.