The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 117


Zhu Yi said: "I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe I have eaten too much rice dumplings these two days." She gently pushed him twice with her hands: "It's nothing, you go down quickly, everyone is still waiting for you."

Xie Ying felt Zhu Yi's pulse before sending her back to her seat. All the female relatives in the stands of the palace looked over. Old Princess Mu showed a concerned look: "Is Xizhen okay?"

Tao Fan was at home today helping Zhu Yi Zhu Chuo to make hair conditioner, and did not come to watch the dragon boat. Gu Nanci was called by Princess Mu to sit aside early in the morning, and of course she came to see Zhu Yi.

After Gu Nanci took Zhu Yi's pulse, a suspicious light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at her tongue coating, and said, "The princess is fine, but it's because the spleen and stomach are weak, and Jiangmi is hard to overcome. It's a very common symptom."

Then she asked someone to fetch her own medicine box, took out one of the porcelain bottles, and said, "Princess, take two pills, and you'll be fine in a while. Don't eat too many zongzi, and you'll be fine."

Mianfeng brought the water, and Zhu Yi took the porcelain bottle and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Nanci." She poured out the pills and put them in her mouth, and tasted that there were Hovenia aurantii, Jinghua, Xiangsha, etc... There are two flavors that I don't know what they are Medicinal ingredients, it can be seen that she still has to continue to learn pharmacology.

Seeing that Zhu Yi had taken the medicine, Xie Ying said, "Princess, I will ask Shen Xingliu to take you home first."

Zhu Yi was slightly stunned, she didn't want to be called delicate, so she hurriedly said, "It's just that I felt a little nauseous just now, but it's much better now. And the senior sister also said that taking the pills will heal soon."

Xie Ying insisted, and took Zhu Yi's farewell to Old Princess Mu and Princess Lian, and Shen Xingliu really sent her away.

Zhu Dai rolled her eyes while watching from the side, and just covered her chest like this, as if something big happened. Her cousin almost regarded Zhu Yi as a crystal figure, as if he was afraid of accidentally breaking it. In the palace before, Zhu Yike was always made of mud and was not afraid of falling. She was the one who was really raised by the queen mother like a crystal figure. I feel even more wronged in my heart.

Xie Yingyi took Zhu Yi away, and Shang Rongrong, the eldest daughter-in-law of Princess Pingjun, said with a smile, "I thought the princess was offended, and I was about to congratulate her."

Concubine Pingjun said: "You are really getting more and more confused. Princess Xizhen has only been married to the crown prince for a long time, even if she got pregnant, it's impossible for her to be displeased so quickly."

Shang Rongrong said: "Yes. I have a very bad memory recently." Of course, she would not show that she said this on purpose.

Concubine Pingjun smiled at Concubine Lian and said, "Sister-in-law, Ah Ying is really careful with the princess."

Even the princess glanced at Shang Rongrong slowly, then looked away and said: "If your son can get a daughter-in-law with the princess's appearance and temperament, he will be just as meticulous."

This is to say that Shang Rongrong's appearance and temperament are far from each other. Shang Rongrong's face was pale and uncertain, and she dared not answer.

At this time, Old Princess Mu said: "Okay, next is the water swing show. You all love to watch it." It's like exposing this stubble.

On the surface, Gu Nanci looks the same as usual, but her heart is already ups and downs. It is true that Zhu Yi eats too much rice, which makes her stomach feel uncomfortable, but her pulse condition shows signs of happy pulse. It is only because of the time of conception Too short, the fetus is just upper body, if it is not a doctor who is very good at gynecology, it is almost difficult for people to identify and judge.

Therefore, although Xie Ying got Zhu Yi's pulse first, she didn't find out...

During this time, the situation in the world changed almost every day. This Duanyang is destined to be a restless day.

Not long after the dragon boat race ended, Weizhou suddenly received news that Waci was going south. The four princes of Wacha led an army of 30,000 troops, supervised by the national division Suowuta, and came straight to Weizhou.

King Wei Ning convened an emergency meeting at the Junjun Mansion.

The original arrangement was that Xie Ying would go to Jinzhou after the Duanyang Festival. Just because two days ago, Jinzhou sent a letter saying that he was willing to submit to Weizhou, and asked Weizhou to send troops to help wipe out the refugees 'Xuanchu Army' who attacked Jinzhou.

But Waci chose this time to commit the crime, so Weizhou had no choice but to change his plan. King Wei Ning proposed to let Xie Shao lead the troops to Jinzhou, and Xie Ying led the troops to stop Waci.

Everyone knows that the Wacha cavalry is fierce and tenacious, much more dangerous than the Xuanchu army composed of refugees, but the benefits they can get are less than winning Jinzhou. But everyone also knows that Xie Ying has rich experience in fighting Wacha, and the Fufeng Iron Cavalry only obeys his orders. With him, there is more hope of winning. At this time, Weizhou couldn't afford to lose troops and lose generals.

But Xie Shao said: "Father, why don't I go north with A Ying to fight against Wacha. Jinzhou asked Sheng Qing to lead the troops."

Sheng Xiao looked at Xie Shao, and even he had to admit that Xie Shao's words were too beautiful, taking care of the overall situation and brotherhood. But with Xie Ying's distrust of Xie Shao, it was too late to prevent him. How could it be possible for Xie Shao to go with him and master all his military plans.

As everyone guessed, King Wei Ning did not agree. And Xie Ying didn't refute King Wei Ning's opinion, so naturally he didn't agree.

The lights of the Junjun Mansion were on until late at night, and when Xie Ying returned to Lushiyuan, Zhu Yi was already fast asleep.

In a daze, she felt that someone was kissing herself, and slowly opened her eyes to look at him: "You're coming back so late?" Only this soft voice made Xie Ying feel hard to let go.

"Yeah." Xie Ying hugged Zhu Yi: "Is Yiyi's stomach still uncomfortable?" He put his palm on her abdomen and rubbed it lightly.

Zhu Yidao: "It will be healed by the time I return to the residence. Senior sister is indeed a master of medicine."

"That's good, go to sleep."

"Yeah." Xie Yingdu came back, and Zhu Yi really slept more soundly.

Xie Ying didn't want to fall asleep at all, he looked down at the little girl beside him with closed eyes, feeling that he couldn't get enough of it. When he went out this time, she was the one who worried most about him.

Fingers slid gently over Zhu Yi's cheeks, looking at her for an unknown amount of time, but Xie Ying suddenly started to unbutton her shirt. When they were newly married, they had to be separated for such a long time. He didn't want her to sleep again. He just wanted her to remember tonight and wait for him to come back.

As soon as he entered, he bumped into her and let out a low cry in her sleep. Zhu Yi reacted in a daze for a while, and then opened her eyes before realizing what the man was doing to her.

Since they got married, Xie Ying and her had extremely frequent intercourse. She is also mentally used to his needs at any time. But this obviously put her to sleep, but suddenly woke her up in the middle of the night, it was really the first time.

"You...slow down..." Jiaoyin gradually turned into intermittent trembling sobs, diffused in the quiet room.

After he finished his work, it was almost dawn, and Zhu Yi only heard Xie Ying tell her that he was going to fight. Zhu Yi lay powerlessly in his arms, and said in a daze, "Let's go right away, so fast?"

Xie Ying nodded. The garrison force is limited, and the military situation is urgent.

Zhu Yi asked again: "Is my brother going?"

"Han Yunrong won't go, he will stay in the Junjun Mansion." Naturally, it was because of Zhu Yi that Xie Ying kept Han Yunrong in Weiyuan City.

"Xie Ying, I want to go with you." She said suddenly.

"No." Xie Ying refused without thinking. Not to mention the criticism that Zhu Yi's sudden disappearance from the mansion would cause outside. More importantly, this battle will not be as easy as the drill in Huzhou Pingkou before.

Xie Ying had reservations about fighting Wacha in the past. I'm afraid that the emperor will come out and "cook the rabbit to death." But now, only by beating Waci to the point that he is completely powerless to fight back can Weizhou attack the world without any worries. Therefore, this war is definitely unprecedentedly fierce.