The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 19


Zhu Zhen's stable meeting place is still on the top floor of the Yeguang Building, he just likes the feeling of overlooking the moonlit night in the capital.

When Xie Ying arrived, besides the crown prince and Zhu Zhenan, Yan Yuer was also there. She was wearing a set of light blue men's clothing, and she looked like a young man with red lips and white teeth, but his demeanor was delicate and naive.

It just so happened that Xie Ying was also wearing a light blue cloud brocade summer shirt. Zhu Zhenan joked: "Hey, cousins are always so destined."

Yan Yu'er liked to hear these words, she pursed her lips and smiled, followed Xie Ying to sit on the right hand side: "Your Majesty."

Xie Ying absent-mindedly hummed.

The prince sat on the other side of Xie Ying and asked, "A Ying, why didn't you bring Xizhen with you?" , but the face is calm.

Xie Ying said: "Princess eats too much ice, she doesn't feel refreshed."

The prince frowned and asked, "Which inn are you staying at?"

Xie Ying looked at the prince and announced his name.

Yan Yu'er also silently wrote it down. Immediately, he behaved very lively, raised his wine glass and toasted the prince. The prince smiled and said: "I will go back to the palace in two days, Cousin Yu'er will be with me. The emperor's grandmother heard that you have entered Beijing, so she ordered me to bring you there."

"Understood, Prince's Cousin." Yan Yu'er replied with a smile, and toasted Xie Ying again. Xie Ying only drank one cup, and she ignored her again.

Wen Yan went directly to Xie Ying. Shizi has many people at his disposal and has great energy, which is far faster than she can find alone. The longer the princess is in the hands of the villain, the more damage she may suffer, Wen Yan dare not waste time.

After listening to Wen Yan's report, Xie Ying turned her head and glanced at her. She didn't see anything on the surface, but Wen Yan knew that if something happened to the princess, the prince might kill her alive. She is the most skilled in the women's battalion, and Shizi originally trusted her to let her protect the princess.

She is willing to be punished by the crown prince, but what she wants now is to get the princess back as soon as possible. During the two days of getting along, the princess has no airs at all, she is just a gentle and kind little girl.

Xie Ying didn't go back to the room to say hello to the prince and others, and left directly.

Zhu Yi's face felt cold and wet. Someone had twisted a towel to wipe her face, and wanted her to wake up as soon as possible. Zhu Yi opened her eyes and straightened her head away from one shoulder. She looked at him and said, "Xie Ying?"

"..." The boy had no choice but to say, "I am Rong Xiao."

"Rong Xiao? Oh, yes. We're drinking." Zhu Yi's tongue was so big. She usually holds a good amount of alcohol, and she should never get drunk so easily.

Maybe it's better for her to ask when she's unconscious, but Rong Xiao doesn't know if she can ask the usual Zhu Yi. Rong Xiao supported Zhu Yi who was drooping her head, and raised her face: "Princess, you must listen to my minister's advice this time, and never let Xie Ying get close to you again."

"Ah?" Zhu Yi's mind buzzed twice from time to time, but he didn't hear anything clearly just now.

Rong Xiao thought that Zhu Yi had heard it, and said in a harsh voice, "Xie Ying...has he ever given you the Bizi Wan?" The princess is trapped in the palace, of course only Xie Ying can get her these things.

In Zhu Yi's state of confusion, how could he think deeply about what Rong Xiao asked, not to mention that the question was so abrupt that no matter how much Ren Zhu Yi thought about it, he would never think of Bizi Wan.

Under Rong Xiao's questioning, Zhu Yi's face was confused: "No, no, let me... play with the grate."

Rong Xiaodeng couldn't restrain the overwhelming anger in his heart, Xie Ying only cared about his own comfort, did he ever think about the princess at all? What should the princess do if she is pregnant? How will others look down on her? Rong Xiao only hated himself for being incompetent, he couldn't kill Xie Ying with his martial arts, and he didn't dare to kill Xie Ying, if Xie Ying died, what kind of sudden changes would be caused by the Wacha of Northwest Tiger Watch and the restless feudal heroes.

Rong Xiao looked at Zhu Yi, finally couldn't help hugging her into his arms, and said emotionally: "Princess, don't be afraid, I will help you." Although Zhu Yi was very drunk, he also knew the difference between men and women, and this embrace is so important. She was not familiar with the breath, and instinctively wanted to break free. As soon as Zhu Yi grabbed Rong Xiao, she quickly let go of her.

The doctor who came in a hurry saw a woman's hand protruding from the green gauze curtain of the black sandalwood canopy bed. He held the snow-white wrist through the thin silk, and carefully felt the pulse: "Third son, this girl is not Pregnant."

Rong Xiao's eyebrows stretched slightly, and the doctor said again: "However, I don't know how long ago the third son had sex with the girl. After this intercourse, it will take more than a month at the earliest to be diagnosed."

Rong Xiao counted the time when Xie Ying entered Beijing, it was almost a month, which means that there is no way to break it now, Rong Xiao frowned again. He asked, "Do you have Biziwan here?"

The doctor replied: "It's in the store, you have to go get it."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

After the doctor left, Rong Xiao asked the maid to make sober soup. Rong Xiao sat alone outside the tent for a while, staring at the curtain all the time, finally took a step forward and slowly raised the curtain with trembling hands.

Rong Xiao sat on the bed and lowered the curtain to lock him and Zhu Yi inside, to isolate possible prying eyes from the outside, as if in this way, when the princess woke up, he could still pretend that he had never disrespected the princess.

Zhu Yi drank the wine, and the smell of the wine made her cheeks flush, and the room was sealed airtight by Rong Xiao, there was a little sweat on her forehead, and her black and dense eyelashes trembled slightly. Rong Xiao looked at Zhu Yi's slightly parted lips, and bent down as if being haunted.

The knock on the door brought Rong Xiao back to his senses, he quickly jumped out of bed, and took the hangover soup made by the maid.

Rong Xiao also knew that he couldn't detain Zhu Yi for too long without permission. Xie Ying was ordered to protect the princess now, and he had an upright reason to ask for someone he wanted. After feeding Zhu Yi the hangover soup, Rong Xiao planned to send Zhu Yi back to the inn.

When the cool wind outside blows, Rong Xiao also wakes up, he is indeed dizzy from the stimulation of wine, he can't let the princess know that he kidnapped her tonight, Rong Xiao also knows in his heart that the reason why he was able to win the trust in the past is The princess, because the princess knows that he has no distracting thoughts. If the princess knew that he had such thoughts...

However, Rong Xiao was glad that he knew Zhu Yi's most important secret, and based on this, Zhu Yi couldn't easily cut off contact with him.

On the carriage going back, Zhu Yi was mostly sober, facing the scene before him, Rong Xiao had his own explanation.

And Zhu Yi didn't know that because of her, Xie Ying's people had searched all the public places in the capital, especially the people's teeth in the capital had been severely cleaned.

Xie Ying rushed back to the inn after receiving the news, and felt relieved after confirming that Zhu Yi hadn't suffered. After hearing Rong Xiao's words, Xie Ying looked at him coldly: "So, you rescued the princess from those two people?"

Zhu Yi didn't like Xie Ying's domineering interrogation attitude towards Rong Xiao, so he answered for Rong Xiao: "Exactly." Then he decided to let Rong Xiao go back.

When passing by, Xie Ying squinted the faint fragrance of Rong Xiao's body, it was the incense on Zhu Yi's clothes. If it hadn't been hugged for a long time, it would be impossible to infect another person.

Rong Xiao's footsteps suddenly froze in place, he was pinched by Xie Ying's neck, the youth's delicate face twisted in pain, Zhu Yi was so frightened that he hurried to break Xie Ying's hand. Xie Ying glanced at the panicked Zhu Yi, let go and said, "Rong Xiao, if it wasn't for the sake of the princess and Rong Ting, I wouldn't let you go like this."

Xie Ying followed Zhu Yi into her room, saw that Zhu Yi didn't even look at herself, and asked, "The princess is angry with me because of Rong Xiao?"

"Shouldn't I be angry? Rong Xiao kindly saved me, but you were rude to him." Zhu Yi pouted Xie Ying's eyes.

Xie Ying said: "The princess really trusts your two guards. The princess believes in Rong Xiao's words. But in my words, the princess probably only believes half of it."

Zhu Yi thought to herself, you have only been back to Beijing for less than a month, and you have changed your indifference from last year and took the initiative to pester her. There is a demon in the abnormality, such a big contrast, she can't trust it wholeheartedly.

Xie Ying knew what Zhu Yi was thinking, and said: "I heard from Wen Yan that when Rong Xiao and the princess separated, he was already drunk and unconscious, no different from a dead person. He regained his sobriety in such a short time. Rescue the princess from Ren Yazi?" Xie Ying sneered, "I lured Wen Yan away, and ordered my subordinates to take the princess away. In such a short and coincidental time, no one can do it except Rong Xiao."

These words hit the nail on the head, and Zhu Yi also realized that Rong Xiao was indeed different in this matter, and said: "But Rong Xiao doesn't need to be like this at all. If he wants to see me, I will go to the appointment."

He wants to see me, and I will attend the appointment myself. Close to visible in general. Xie Ying pulled out a warm smile, and said: "But what if he wants to see more than the princess. It's rare for the princess to be so drunk."

Zhu Yi was trembling with anger at his frivolous hint: "Do you think everyone is like you?" Rong Xiao has always been strict with her.

Xie Ying didn't answer Zhu Yi's question, but suddenly said, "Show me."

"What are you looking at?" Zhu Yi didn't respond.

Xie Ying didn't answer. Of course, it is to check whether your baby has been touched by the coveter. If Rong Xiao dared to touch Zhu Yi, even if he was related to Rong Ting, he would not spare him lightly.

Xie Ying held Zhu Yi's waist and pressed her on the bed. There was no trace of bruising on the girl's neck. He peeled off the front of Zhu Yi's clothes, and the exposed shoulders were also clean. Xie Ying didn't intend to stop, and with a little force on his hand, the thin apron chain around Zhu Yi's neck broke, and he crumpled up the last piece of the girl's embarrassing cloth and grabbed it out.

The speed of Xie Ying's shots has always been very human. Zhu Yi felt the coolness, so she screamed and hugged her hands in front of her, trying to cover herself.

Rao Xie Ying has always been a person whose reason is stronger than emotion and desire, so this lively and fragrant scene of red plums in the snow is a bit dazed.