The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 2


It stands to reason that Zhu Yi, as a princess who bears the title of jade and has a title, is the king and Xie Ying is the minister. She is dissatisfied with Xie Ying and can be arrogantly ignored.

But Zhu Yi knew that she couldn't afford to offend Xie Ying, no matter for the sake of her mother, concubine, seventh brother, or her future husband's family. So he adjusted his expression and showed him a dignified smile.

Just as she was about to look away, Zhu Yi saw Xie Ying twitching the corners of her lips, and gave her an inexplicable smile back. When Xie Ying smiled, the tails of her eyes were slightly raised, and she was born with a soft and affectionate romantic charm. If the eyes were not so cold and intimidating, it would be really heart-wrenching.

Zhu Yi was a little surprised when he received the response, and quickly lowered his head.

After a while, the emperor suddenly said, "Xizhen has lost weight recently."

Following these words, everyone in the hall looked at Zhu Yi. Startled, Zhu Yi retracted the chopsticks that were about to pick up the food.

The eyes of the princess are particularly complicated. In the past two years, Zhu Yi is like a fairy girl who has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. Became a vulgar fan. Even her elder brother only came to Beijing to meet once, and he couldn't put it down when he went back.

There is also that soft voice, slender and beautiful figure, because of her status as a princess, she can't be discussed on the face of it, but in the heart of any man, what is in his mind is not to hold such a beauty in his tent and play with him wantonly. . It's no wonder that the prince is reluctant to let her marry outside the palace, and plans to keep her for his own use after he ascends the throne.

Zhu Dai smiled and said, "Is there? I think sister Xizhen is pretty much the same all year round."

The emperor has always indulged Zhu Dai, and was not annoyed when she interrupted, he just said: "Xizhen likes to eat shad stuffed with flowers, so give her my dish."

The emperor seldom gave food, Zhu Yi also met him for the first time, and immediately said: "Thank you, Father."

This was Xie Ying's dust-cleaning banquet, but the emperor specifically mentioned Zhu Yi. Those who are interested will inevitably think about the meaning behind this, and then they will lose their taste.

Concubine Tong glanced at the queen with a smile, and then at Zhu Yi. She has spent a lot of effort on this niece, so she will naturally exchange her for the best help.

Since the beginning of his elder brother's taking over the country, the emperor has already faced a situation where the strong branches are weak, and the feudal vassals stand up against each other.

There were nine vassal kings in the dynasty, and the Xie family in Weizhou was second to none, followed by Jingzhou and Yongzhou. These three vassals are all relatives, and they have the merits of following the dragon.

All the vassals are watching the movements of the Xie family. And everyone knows that Wei Ning Wang Xie Chongying has become more and more obsessed with women in recent years, and the military and political power in Weizhou has long been in the hands of his eldest son Xie Ying, so Xie Ying's attitude is very important. Even if he only respects the majesty of the Tian family on the surface, it can make the court less urgent.

Letting Zhu Yi marry Xie Ying is naturally what Concubine Tong most hopes to facilitate. Although the queen is Xie Ying's aunt, if Zhu Yi gives birth to Xie Ying's heir, then the Xie family may not be the queen's backer anymore.

Both the emperor and Concubine Tong loved singing and dancing, and sometimes they would personally compose and choreograph dances.

Seeing the eye contact between the emperor and Concubine Tong, the queen left the table with a sullen face.

The queen can go, but the others cannot. The emperor likes to see a large family in harmony. However, it is still possible to go outside to get some fresh air and then go back.

After sitting for a while, Zhu Yi felt that something was wrong with her body, and went to the clean room. As expected, Guishui came, and a small piece of her skirt was stained.

She sent Geng Lu to talk to Concubine Tong, and left in a hurry with Mianfeng.

As soon as he walked out of the garden of the Yizheng Hall, and was about to turn on the road leading to the back bedroom, Mianfeng said sharply: "Princess, the Fourth Highness is coming over there."

Zhu Xiuce, the prodigal son of flowers, heard about Zhu Yi, and hurriedly hid behind the rockery with Mianfeng. Behind this rockery there is a hole as high as a person. Zhu Yi just took a few steps, and his feet were stagnant.

Xie Ying

The other party also looked strange for a moment.

Xie Ying stood outside, the hole in the rockery was not deep, and the green orchid-embroidered dress flashed past—what did she bump into

Zhu Yi recalled who was wearing green clothes today. Zhu Jing's figure immediately appeared in her mind.

Zhu Jing was the fifth eldest, exactly one year younger than Zhu Yi, and she was also a beauty. She has a small dark red tear mole under her left eye, her shoulders are slender and her waist is slender, and she loves to wear loose and elegant light green palace dresses all the year round, making her figure more and more light, like a willow shadow in the wind.

Xie Ying and Zhu Jing

Zhu Yi froze for a moment, she hadn't noticed it before. Zhu Jing's mother was originally a court lady, she died a long time ago, her status in this palace is lower than that of her adopted princess, she depends entirely on Zhu Dai, she is really pitiful.

It turns out that Xie Ying likes delicate and delicate girls? Tell me earlier, why did you still go to her appointment? Moreover, show someone a haughty posture with eyes reaching up to the sky that no one can look down upon

Xie Ying obviously also knew that Zhu Jing was a step slower in hiding. Seeing Zhu Yi's expression suddenly changed, Xie Ying knew that the other party had misunderstood. It doesn't make a difference to him whether it's a man or a woman who can do things for him.

At this moment Zhu Xiuce shouted drunkenly from outside, Xie Ying frowned.

Zhu Yi couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart. It stands to reason that she and Xie Ying were married and had nothing to do with each other. When Zhu Xiuce's voice faded away, she smiled and said, "My lord, I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Zhu Yi turned around and ran away. The man grabbed his wrist. Xie Ying leaned down and sprayed Zhu Yi with a slightly alcoholic breath: "It's too dark, I'll take the princess back."

The distance between the two was too close, and Xie Ying's tall figure made Zhu Yi feel oppressed. Zhu Yi choked for breath, but fortunately Xie Ying let her go quickly.

"You don't need to bother the prince, you are busy with your work."

Xie Ying looked at her: "I'm not busy. Let's go."

Zhu Yi wondered why Xie Ying insisted on keeping Zhu Jing and sent her off. It should be because she doesn't want her to spread the rumors she saw tonight, to intimidate her and make her shut up? Zhu Yi immediately said: "Your Majesty, I guarantee that I didn't see anything. My court lady is blocked by me, and I can't even see it."

Xie Ying's gaze became unfriendly.

Zhu Yi said again: "Your Majesty, don't worry, my mother and concubine already have a candidate for my son-in-law, and I will never hinder your marriage." She also saw some of the meaning of the emperor's father in the palace today.

"I say go." Xie Ying's face gradually darkened, and Zhu Yi didn't dare to sing another tune. Mianfeng followed behind and didn't even dare to show his air.

In summer, the days are long, and the lamps in the white stone lamp holders on both sides of the road are also burning, so it is not too dark.

None of the three spoke, and Zhu Yi suddenly felt light. She didn't know what happened, but her feet had already left the spot, and Xie Ying clamped her into her arms.

The sound of gold and stone is in my ears, and it is especially frightening at night.

Zhu Yi looked at the source of the sound. A paper-thin gold-handled dagger had sunk into the ground. A snake as thick as a copper coin was nailed to struggle under the upright tip of the blade. Its head was triangular and its body was dark red with yellow rings. From the appearance, it is mostly poisonous.

Zhu Yi looked at the snake and was still afraid, but Xie Ying's attention had shifted to the man in his arms.

Zhu Yi was hooped from behind, and her soft and high chest was just resting on his stiff arm. Because the girl was afraid that her breathing would be heavier than usual, her chest kept rising and falling, allowing people to clearly feel the subtle changes of the couple.

Xie Ying lowered her eyes for a moment, let go of her arms, and took two steps back.

Only then did Zhu Yi look at him and said, "Thank you, my son, for saving me."

Xie Ying didn't speak, he went to retrieve the dagger, wiped it clean with a white cotton towel, the cold light of the dagger shone on his face. Said: "Let's go, the princess doesn't think it's unnecessary for me to send you."

He saved her, and he said that on purpose, is he trying to embarrass her? Zhu Yi felt that Xie Ying was a bit hateful.

In the Forbidden City, Zhu Yi lived with Concubine Tong, but the buildings in the palace were small, and it was always inconvenient for the emperor to come here, so Zhu Yi was arranged in Yuewang Pavilion alone. Julie was at ease.

Seeing Yuewang Pavilion just ahead, Zhu Yi stopped and said, "My lord, you can just send it here." There are still many eunuchs and maids in Yuewang Pavilion, and when Xie Ying appeared, it was inevitable that he would be confused.

Xie Ying smiled at Zhu Yi's cautiousness, and said to Mianfeng lightly, "You go in first, and I will have a word with your princess."

Where did Mianfeng dare to go? He looked at Zhu Yi. Zhu Yi frowned, knowing that Xie Ying was used to domineering, thought for a while and said, "Go, Mianfeng."