The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 21


Xie Ying bought Zhu Yi a rabbit lamp, the size of three fists stacked, it is not a valuable thing, but it is also exquisitely made, and Zhu Yi likes it very much.

She put the extinguished candle on the window lattice, lying on the bed, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the white rabbit under the moonlight.

Zhu Yi thought, Xie Ying didn't know what she was doing now, did she sleep? Are you thinking about her too? She soon felt that she was bewitched again, and she was still thinking about the man at night, so she didn't care what he did. Zhu Yi pulled up a thin silk quilt to cover her face, blocking the red face that no one would see.

She couldn't help thinking about it when she was covered in the silk quilt, but Xie Ying was very considerate sometimes, the silk quilt and flower tea pillow were Zhu Yi's own things, and she forgot to bring them when she rode into Beijing, but Xie Ying called Mian Feng found out and carried it for her.

On the second day, the prince summoned the painting boats in the palace, and in the afternoon Zhu Yi, Xie Ying, Yan Yu'er and Zhu Zhen'an were called there, and some other clan children, young nobles, and some even brought their family members.

This is the only three-storey painting boat in the entire capital. It is magnificent and spacious, showing the grandeur of heaven. It is very pleasant to watch the night scenery on both sides of the river at night. The other boats on Danshui knew at a glance that they came from the palace, and they avoided it from a distance.

The female relatives are arranged on the third floor. The prince specifically said to Zhu Yi: "Xizhen, you will be in charge of entertaining the women's family." Zhu Yi naturally answered yes. Tomorrow, she will go to Longguo Temple to eat fast and chant Buddha, and she is also very happy to take a boat trip on the river tonight.

Xie Ying stopped Zhu Yi who was about to go upstairs, and said in a low voice, "Princess can't drink any more at night."

Zhu Yi glanced at him quickly: "Got it."

As soon as we got to the third floor, Yan Yu'er stopped Zhu Yi and said, "Princess, we had some misunderstandings when we first met, but I didn't expect that it was all from my own family. I felt very uncomfortable last night. I hope the princess will Don't feel bad for me."

Zhu Yi looked at each other in surprise. Yan Yu'er was a visitor from afar, and she was younger than her, no matter what Zhu Yi thought in her heart, she had to comfort her at this time: "Whatever you said to Jia, the past is over, how can I treat you badly?" As for the bad feeling, don't worry too much."

Yan Yu'er smiled and said, "Then I don't worry! The princess can call me Yu'er, everyone calls me Yu'er, but I don't know who you call me and Jia."

Zhu Yi also smiled and said, "Okay, Yu'er."

Yan Yu'er said again: "Then how about I call you Princess Princess?" Zhu Yi naturally agreed.

Yan Yu'er grew around Zhu Yixizhen's elder sister, and Xizhen's younger sister kept barking. She even brought the seal of the white jade cat, saying that she would give it to Zhu Yi as an apology, and Zhu Yi hurriedly said that she just wanted to see it. If it wasn't for the bad impression the first time they met, Ren would have liked Yan Yuer, a lively and lovely little girl.

During dinner time, all the female relatives followed her husband to arrive one after another. After everyone sat down for dinner, Zhu Yi looked at Yan Yuer and talked eloquently. Tatar, in charge of expelling pirates at sea in the east, showed the pride in his words and demeanor.

Yan Yu'er has two big backers, the Empress Dowager and the King of Jinghai. Even if the girls don't deliberately flatter her, they still want to give her face at this time, so they all listen to her attentively, and surround her to ask about the customs of Jingzhou. What's more, Yan Yu'er's words are indeed fresh, the magnificent sea and the colorful underwater, which of the noble ladies here has seen it before, Zhu Yi is also fascinated by it.

Yan Yu'er finished talking about Jingzhou's pearl culture, and came over to Zhu Yi and said, "Sister, do you think this pink pearl on my head looks good?"

The pearls inlaid on Yan Yuer's hairpin are not ordinary light pink, but rare cherry blossom powder, round and flawless, with excellent skin luster. Zhu Yi truthfully praised: "It's beautiful."

Yan Yu'er smiled and said, "This is what my elder brother brought back to me when he went out to sea. However, the rarer ones are thick gold beads. Half a year later, the vassal dynasty will have an audience, and my elder brother will also go to Beijing. I will write to him to make sure Bring a big golden bead to sister."

Zhu Yi smiled, Yan Yu'er was indeed living a life of her own accord, but how could she secretly accept things from men she didn't know. What's more, Jingzhou's tribute gold beads are also available in the palace, but they are indeed rare, and because they are more suitable for mature women to wear, they are reserved for the empress dowager and concubines first, and the princesses don't get them. Zhu Yi politely declined.

Yan Yu'er said, "Anyway, that's the deal!"

Zhu Yi didn't bother to fight with her any more, so she didn't want to at that time.

The girls issued a drinking order, and Zhu Yi remembered that Wen Yan told her to go to the second floor. On the second floor are several guest rooms for a short rest. As soon as Zhu Yi went down, Xie Ying dragged her into one of them.

The smell of alcohol on Xie Ying's body was heavier than ever. Zhu Yi shook his hand gently to dispel the smell of alcohol, and said slightly dissatisfied: "You told me not to drink, and drank so much by yourself? Let's see how you go back later."

Xie Ying smiled and said, "No matter how much I drink, I will stay awake." He lowered his head and pecked Zhu Yi's face. Zhu Yi is now particularly afraid of getting close to Xie Ying, because he confused her so much yesterday that she behaved so shamelessly, so she hurriedly pushed him and said deliberately: "Smelly!"

Xie Ying smiled even stronger: "I didn't dislike the princess's smell of alcohol last night, but the princess dislikes me today?" He asked again: "Why did it take you so long to come down?"

"I heard Yan Yuer talk about the scenery in Jingzhou, and I didn't want to leave for a while." Zhu Yi then blurted out: "I really want to go to Jingzhou to see, is the sea really so beautiful?" And said: "I still want to go to Rongfeng in Yunnan Look, I heard from Rong Xiao that there is the most beautiful sea of rhododendrons there."

Rongfeng is the place where Pei Qingrang was martyred. Xie Ying gently stroked Zhu Yi's back, brought her into his arms, and said, "I will take the princess with me in the future."


"Whether it's the sea or the azaleas, the Nanling Snow Peak, the grasslands and deserts, or even going out of Longxi to the Western Regions, as long as the princess wants to go, I can accompany you."

Zhu Yi imagined the picture scroll that Xie Ying drew for her. She grew up in the palace. Even if she had fantasies, which woman didn't spend her whole life in the deep house and compound, so she felt unreal and illusory, so she asked: "Really?"

Xie Ying hummed lightly.

Regardless of whether Xie Ying said it casually after drinking or not, Zhu Yi was willing to believe it at this moment. She obediently leaned on his chest for a while before saying, "I have to go up. Brother Huang asked me to greet everyone."

Zhu Yi went back to the third floor and chatted with everyone for a while. The river bank passing by the boat happened to be the Shuixin Pavilion like a dragon palace. Everyone was watching the Shuixin Pavilion at night together, and another maid came to Zhu Yi, saying that the prince invited her to have a visit. building.

Zhu Yi saw that the prince obviously drank a lot, so he said, "What's the matter, brother?" The prince asked, "Xizhen, is everything okay upstairs?" let her go up.

When Zhu Yi passed the corridor on the second floor, he suddenly heard a female voice: "Ah, slow down..." followed by low sobs.

That lingering and feeble voice reminded Zhu Yi of her tone of voice when she spoke to Xie Ying last night. The people in this room were probably doing something shameful, Zhu Yi was a little enlightened, her cheeks were flushed, and she was about to leave at a faster pace. Really, there was no one there when I went down, but when I came back, she bumped into it.

"My concubine saw you last night...uh...buying lanterns with that girl in Sanhe."

This sentence made Zhu Yi's body stop for an instant, and she stepped back, wanting to hear it again.

The woman's words made Zhu Yi anxious, and she waited for a while before she finished speaking intermittently: "Please don't let me leave you, I will keep my own place."

But the man kept silent. Even though Zhu Yi put his ear to the door, he could only hear the man's indistinct heavy breathing, and it was impossible to judge the man's identity from this sound.

Zhu Yi thought, maybe it's a coincidence? Did someone else buy lanterns in Sanheli yesterday? Just as he was about to leave, the woman inside called out again: "Mr. Xie..."

These three words made Zhu Yi's mind resound. She stared at the door in front of her without blinking. Wen Yan's expression also changed. She looked at Zhu Yi and then at the door.

Zhu Yi raised her hand and wanted to push the door, but she finally shrank back. She went down the first floor, just bumped into the prince who was talking to someone, and almost fell down due to the force brought by the other party. she. The prince looked at Zhu Yi's pale face, and said with distress and relief: "What is Xizhen doing in such a hurry?"

Zhu Yi then asked, "Brother Huang, where is your son?"

The prince said: "I haven't seen A Ying for quite a while, he is not on the first floor, could it be that he drank too much and is resting upstairs?"

After Zhu Yi heard this, she still looked in the hall on the first floor. The crown prince said: "Is Xizhen in a hurry? Do you want to find A Ying?" Zhu Yi didn't speak, and the crown prince said: "Then I will go to the front to help you see The prince came back after a long time, and said: "Aying is not down there, I also looked outside the cabin, I must be lazy on the second floor."

Seeing that Zhu Yi remained silent, the prince said seriously, "Xizhen, what happened?"

Zhu Yi returned to God and said, "No, then I'll go up first."

The prince looked at Zhu Yi's back. He also knew that if it was so easy for Xie Ying to be drugged, aphrodisiac, etc., then Xie Ying would have died so many times. The prince didn't even hold out hope that Xie Ying would go into battle in person. But he was still not reconciled, and could only hope that Zhu Yi had no experience in this field, so if he could deceive her, he would deceive her, and if he couldn't, he would look for the next opportunity. After all, the authorities are fans, what if Zhu Yi believes it.

Zhu Yi went up to the second floor, and the sound in the room was gone. After thinking about it, Zhu Yi tried to push the door, but the door was not locked. When Zhu Yi walked in, there was no man in the room, and a woman was powerlessly leaning on the head of the bed, with blue and red marks all over the half-covered tulle, looking pitiful.

Yiyi slowly turned her head to look at Zhu Yi. Yiyi knew that if she was defiled by others, the young master would never want her again. When she saw Zhu Yi, there was something she didn't understand, she was being treated as a substitute.

The handsome young man that the young master said didn't show up, so another unattractive strong man came over... just to show the girl in front of him. As soon as the girl left, the man resisted to stop and went out. The young master is willing to bother for the girl in front of him. The girl's eyes looked like a girl with yellow flowers, no wonder the young master had the confidence to mislead her.