The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 56


Zhu Yi said, "Wait." She was worried about getting her dress wet, so she went outside and took off her outer clothes before coming in.

Xie Ying saw that Zhu Yi rolled up the sleeves of her jacket, revealing her two fair forearms. She lowered her head all the way and walked around behind her.

The tub was full of water, and the cotton pad soaked up the water and covered Xie Ying's back.

Xie Ying suddenly asked: "Princess, you grabbed a lot of blood on the back of the minister before, can you see if there are any more?"

When did she grab the aisle on his back, naturally... Zhu Yi blushed, glanced at the back, and said perfunctorily, "It's gone."

Xie Ying let out an oh. Suddenly said: "Yiyi, you can't save trouble, don't just wipe it with a cotton kerchief, you have to scrub me well with your hands."

After a while, he said again: "Yiyi, use a little more force. I can't even feel your strength."

"..." This old man really has a lot to ask for. But Xie Ying was injured, and Zhu Yi was feeling distressed, no matter what he said, he did it without saying a word.

However, pressing the moist and smooth skin of the man's back with her fingertips, and rubbing it inch by inch, Zhu Yi's face gradually became hot. Finally, she couldn't help but sneak a look at Xie Ying's solid back. People who are entangled together, the back also makes people want to rely on.

Zhu Yi hurriedly asked a question to stop his imagination, and said, "Didn't you agree to me and ignore Yan Fengqin, why did you go to the appointment again?"

Xie Ying said: "Princess, even if Yan Fengqin didn't look for me, I would have gone to look for him. I am a man, and what he did, I can't swallow my anger and pretend it never happened. Can you understand my mood?"

Xie Ying didn't feel guilty at all, Zhu Yi choked, and didn't know what to say to a man who was so upright and confident when he said nothing, so he silently smeared soap on his back, and then washed him.

After Zhu Yi finished washing carefully, he called the other party twice and no one answered, only to find that he had fallen asleep leaning against the wall of the barrel, breathing steadily and evenly.

Zhu Yi hurriedly stretched out her hand and gently pushed his arm: "Xie Ying, don't sleep." She pushed it several times, but the other party still didn't respond at all.

It seemed that he was really injured and weak, and extremely tired and sleepy. Zhu Yi frowned. What should I do? I couldn't bear to wake him up forcibly, but he couldn't do without cleaning up the dirt on his body.

Zhu Yi looked at Xie Ying's face. When he fell asleep, the lines of his face softened, which really melted his heart.

Zhu Yi felt heartbroken again, remembering the first time she saw the dead bodies in Qiushanping, her heart was so frightened that she almost stopped beating. I'm afraid Xie Ying is one of them. Thinking like this, Zhu Yi suddenly leaned over and kissed Xie Ying's eyes, causing the other's eyelids to tremble slightly.

She likes and cares about him so much, what's wrong with helping him take a bath? What's more, in such a cold day, and he is so naked, if he is so cold that he suffers from some kind of disease, it won't be her who will be distressed.

Zhu Yi found a good reason for himself, so he mustered up the courage to continue.

Holding the cotton kerchief in her hand, she carefully slid over Xie Ying's arms, chest, abdomen, and calves. She had to keep her eyes wide open for fear of touching those tiny wounds, so she took a good look at Xie Ying's slender and strong physique. Clearly. It can be said to be meticulous. She had to admit that the man's body was also beautiful, with a strange attraction. Joey's heart was pounding.

Xie Ying's left thigh was newly wrapped with a circle of white cotton gauze. It seems that he was doing this when he was alone in the clean room.

The only thing that hasn't been washed right now is the area covered by the thin towel. But Zhu Yi was really embarrassed to wash that place.

However, he sat on the ground earlier, and the heels of his legs were probably soaked in muddy water. what to do? To wash or not to wash. If you don't wash it, let him be dirty like this? What's more, Zhu Yi has always had a habit of not doing things, and insisting on doing things with complete obsession, forcing her not to stop.

Zhu Yi closed his eyes, and decided to fumble around.

She was heartbroken, and stretched out her hands trembling slightly to untie the bondage around his waist, but Zhu Yi didn't dare to look at him this time.

She thought of a good way, first put her hand on Xie Ying's strong chest, and then slid it down little by little. She already knew how the abdomen felt, and after passing the well-defined abdomen, she rubbed it a few times indiscriminately. .

Zhu Yi thought it was a good way, but it was a torment for a man. The soft fingertips flicked all the way down the chest, which was provocative and fatal.

As soon as Xie Ying opened her eyes, she saw the girl kneeling between her legs. Zhu Yi closed her eyes too hard, causing her eyelashes to tremble violently. Because she had been working hard, her pear-like white face was dyed bright red, and her lips were slightly parted due to nervousness. Be as seductive as possible.

Xie Ying suddenly regretted choosing to let Zhu Yi try to see him tonight.

Zhu Yi felt a change in the place she was scrubbing, and she trembled in fright, and then heard the man's breathing suddenly became heavier. She was quickly caught by the wrist, and Xie Ying lifted her up and put her on her uninjured right leg sit on. Said: "Yiyi, you are so kind, are you helping me bathe?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yi was inexplicably embarrassed, and it was only then that she felt that she was scrubbing him on her own initiative, which was a bit like touching someone else's things without permission. But she was worried that Xie Ying would catch a cold, so she asked: "You can't take a bath, it's cold, I've already taken a bath as soon as possible."

"It's okay, I used to take a cold shower at this time of year. It's not too cold." Xie Ying admired Zhu Yi's face with eyes still closed.

"Then I—" She just opened her mouth, and Xie Ying swallowed the rest of the words. When the lips met, Zhu Yi felt that he was drawing the shape of her lips with the tip of his tongue, then he invaded it, caressed the small white teeth near her lips, and then teased her tongue, creating a stormy sea.

But it was just a kiss, and after it was over, Xie Ying stroked the girl's back and said, "Yiyi, go back to the room." Even if he wanted to do something drastic right now, his body really didn't allow it.

Zhu Yi thought for a while, then nodded: "Then wash yourself quickly, don't catch a cold."

Zhu Yi's guest room was next to Xie Ying, and six of the twelve guards were guarding the door. After she finished washing, she went back to Xie Ying's room and saw that he had already fallen asleep.

Xie Ying went through two fierce battles and lost a lot of blood. Although she didn't suffer any internal injuries, she was indeed exhausted and fell asleep. Zhu Yi helped Xie Ying tuck the corner of the quilt and watched him leave for a while.

Early the next morning, Zhu Yi heard a knock on the door outside.

When she opened the door, she saw Sheng Ling holding a tray with a bowl of soup on it.

Sheng Ling said: "Girl, this is black-bone chicken and soft-shelled turtle soup. It's hot. I just stewed it in the kitchen. Miss, please persuade your son to drink it."

"My son, I don't like to drink these since I was a child. But this is the first time I have seen my son shed so much blood, so weak, I feel really uncomfortable. Please let the son drink it, I am afraid that only the girl can persuade you son."

Zhu Yi looked at Sheng Ling who was thinking about it, and felt that this dark and tall man was so worried that he seemed to cry. Sheng Ling was indeed afraid, if something bad happened to the son, what would they do, big and small. Xie Ying's existence is nothing more than faith to the entire army under his rule. He even watched Shizi grow from a waxy little bean to today's towering tree.

Zhu Yi was slightly startled, and quickly took the tray and said, "Okay, thank you General Sheng."

Zhu Yi always felt that General Sheng looked at him with kindness. Zhu Yi smiled at the other party. She could guess Sheng Ling's background from his name.

Some people are destined to be legends, Zhu Yi had already heard about Xie Ying before he met him. She knew that Xie Ying had two teachers, Wen from Gu Taiyan and Wu from Sheng Xiao.

I heard that apart from the Fufeng iron cavalry trained by Xie Ying, the Xie family originally had a loyal Tengxiang army. The Tengxiang army was commanded by old general Sheng Xiao. Descendants of the old general.

Seeing Zhu Yi sizing him up, Sheng Ling lowered his eyes and let him scrutinize him. He naturally knew that Zhu Yi's identity was a princess, but he only called her a girl in order not to cause trouble.

It must be known that the son is already in his twenties, and he was supposed to be able to get married early, but in the end he didn't even have a betrothal partner. Seeing how much the crown prince cares about this princess, it is likely that the crown prince did not run away.

Everyone is praying for the eldest son to get married as soon as possible, and to add a young master soon, especially the old man of his family. Every time he writes back, he will ask the eldest son whether the emperor has given him a marriage when he comes to Beijing this time.

Sheng Ling imagined that the princess would marry the eldest son, hoping that the first child would be a boy. The master needs a son, first he has the eldest son, and then he will give birth casually. He couldn't help going astray again, the child born by the prince and the princess, I don't know how cute it will be.

Zhu Yi didn't know that Sheng Ling had already made up so much content in his brain, and said: "General, if there is nothing else, I will go in."

Sheng Ling quickly cupped his fists: "No, please, girl."

Zhu Yi really lived up to Sheng Ling's expectations, Xie Ying drank the soup she brought without saying a word.

Xie Ying put down the bowl and said, "Yiyi, let's go, I'll take you to buy two sets of clothes." The dress on Zhu Yi was bought by Yan Fengqin, and he didn't like it.

"But, General Sheng told you to stay in bed." Zhu Yi disagreed.

"Didn't you stay in bed last night? It's okay, let's go." Xie Ying smiled and pulled Zhu Yi over. Seeing Zhu Yi, Sheng Ling and the others couldn't persuade Xie Ying, so they quickly followed.

Just as they walked out of the small building they had booked, there were people waiting there. Yan Fengqin stepped forward and said, "Third brother, I want to have a few private words with you and the princess."

Xie Yingxuan and Yan Fengqin said for a moment, "Come with me."

It was too dark in the cave last night, and Zhu Yi didn't see Yan Fengqin clearly. When he saw him today, he realized that his injury was probably worse than Xie Ying's. She almost didn't dare to admit it.

There was no one else in the room, so Yan Fengqin knelt down on one knee and said: "Princess, my minister Yan Fengqin apologizes to the princess. I hope the princess will forgive me for the crime of kidnapping the king."