The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 61


Tao Fan asked: "Miss, do you think the water temperature is suitable?"

Zhu Yi nodded, took out a cotton handkerchief, and wiped himself slowly.

She didn't know how to provoke Xie Ying. In the past, he was gentle and considerate at the beginning of the relationship, and there was always a time when he eased up a little in the middle. Today, he got into most of it as soon as he sank heartily, and then he became more and more anxious every time. Heavy, tossing vigorously from beginning to end.

Fortunately, she couldn't cry out, otherwise her voice would be hoarse.

Zhu Yi also thought of the sword tassel that aroused Xie Ying's suspicion. If Xie Shao picked it up, it was possible. After all, Xie Shao had many opportunities to get in touch with her in the past.

But why didn't Xie Shao return it to her? Did he forget, or did he have other thoughts...

It can't be blamed that Zhu Yi didn't think about what Xie Shao thought of her until today. She was not yet fourteen when she lost Jian Suizi, but Xie Shao was twenty-three at the time, and he was always a gentle big brother in front of her. There is nothing to think about in doing things.

Tao Fan suddenly asked: "When did the little girl come this month?"

Zhu Yi said: "I have to postpone it every month, and this month hasn't come yet. Today's lower abdomen is a little swollen, I think it's too late."

"Isn't that delayed for ten days?" Tao Fan's heart tightened, and he quickly grabbed Zhu Yi's wrist. Zhu Yi was startled, but she hadn't thought about that, and she was also a little nervous.

Seeing Tao Shan's brow stretched again, Zhu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He asked again: "Tao Shan, I read in the book that my letter period is not allowed, and my body is cold, so it is difficult to conceive, right?"

Tao Shan comforted her and said: "It's all right, as long as the girl insists on taking the medicine made by the servant, the servant is confident that within a year, the girl's confidence will be normal, and her body will no longer be weak." Big, lest the princess be disappointed then.

"Besides, when the eldest sister comes to Beijing, the prince will probably let her be the girl..." Tao Shan suddenly stopped.

"Nothing." Zhu Yi smiled: "Your senior sister went to Beijing to treat my sister's headache, and I am very grateful."

Tao Shan felt relieved, it seemed that the prince had made it clear to the princess.

On the other side, when Li Jingzong came out of Xie Shao's tent, he looked at the golden-red sunset at the end of the long hazy sky, and was momentarily absent-minded.

Everyone in the officialdom knows that Li Jingzong won three yuan in a row, but no one knows that when he was in his hometown in Yidong, he got advice from an expert and learned physiognomy, which is also his favorite hobby outside of official career.

Over the years, whenever he met someone who caught his eye a little bit, he would secretly observe their faces. Seeing these two brothers from the Xie family today made Li Jingzong's heart skip a beat.

The two brothers are very handsome, and they are both figures soaring in the sky—especially Xie Ying. It should be known that in the art of observing appearances, the inferior is based on the appearance, the middle is based on the breath, and the upper is based on the spirit. He had just observed this son in detail, if the god shines like the sun and the moon, he will never be inferior to anyone, and he will reach the peak, which is beyond words.

No wonder, no wonder the emperor gave him such a secret decree. The air was obviously cold and dry, but Li Jingzong wiped sweat on his forehead. He looked back at the military tent again. With the current military strength of the Xie family, what he foresees is unimaginable. Previously, he was determined to act according to the secret decree, but after meeting Xie Ying himself, he was actually shaken.

From the discussion just now, Li Jingzong also saw that Xie Ying was calm and prudent, and he was quite sympathetic to the soldiers. He originally thought that with Xie Ying's youthful vigor and outstanding meritorious service, he would definitely regard these bandits and water bandits as mobs, and go straight into the mountains to flatten the bandits' village.

But Xie Ying only said to lure them with caravans and cargo ships, set up ambushes at Jiaoshan and Baihe Gorge at the same time, and then sent a team of people to attack their old nest. Li Jingzong has been suffering from the Jiaoshan bandits all these years, but this time he finally sees the light. With this success, he should be able to return to Beijing. But Li Jingzong was always worried.

Li Jingzong left the camp, and the carriage headed back to Shikang, but suddenly stopped after a journey. He already had a premonition in his heart, and he opened the door directly without asking why the coachman stopped.

The young man sitting on horseback in front is not Xie Ying

Xie Ying was invited into the carriage by Li Jingzong, he smiled and said, "Master Li."

Li Jingzong hurriedly cupped his hands in return: "My son."

Xie Ying said slowly: "Master Li is a prime minister with three yuan and five chariots. It is really a pity that he stayed in Huzhou for eight years because of Ling Gongzi's doggerel."

Although Xie Ying's words were short, they had several meanings. Li Jingzong understood. Xie Ying knew that the emperor wanted to get rid of him in Huzhou, but Yongheng Town, the south gate of Huzhou, has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. I came prepared. If he doesn't surrender to Xie Ying, his incompetent son may not even be able to write doggerel.

Li Jingzong heaved a long sigh, this son is so old, the aura of his body can affect the mind of this forty-year-old. Even if he is not good at physiognomy and has been immersed in officialdom for many years, he should know...

That's all, that's all.

After a long talk, Li Jingzong immediately went back to arrange the cargo ship according to Xie Ying's request.

Tao Fan waited for Zhu Yi to dress neatly again, stepped out of the big tent, and was about to call for dinner, but saw Sheng Ling striding forward, behind him was a soldier escorting a woman with her hands bound—it was Yao Ning!

It turned out that before Xie Ying went to Xie Shao to discuss matters, he went to Shengling and ordered him to tie up Yaoning for disposal and to make an apology to Zhu Yi.

Seeing Tao Shan, Yaoning yelled, "Senior Sister, save me!" Tao Shan just shook his head and sighed.

Sheng Ling ordered the soldier to wait outside, took Yaoning into the tent himself, and said to Yaoning: "Kneel down and make amends to the girl."

Yao Ning had already been crying until she was crying, and under Sheng Lingsen's cold gaze, she knelt down to Zhu Yi reluctantly, and said in a trembling voice: "Girl, I know I was wrong, I didn't mean to make up nonsense to you, but I really thought that the son and the senior sister were together before, that's why I said that. I just talk too much and have no bad intentions. I beg you to forgive my unintentional mistake, and don't let the son send me away.

Does this Yaoning think she is a fool? She is unintentional? Even if you come to admit your mistakes at this time and don't sincerely repent, staying here will definitely be a disaster. Zhu Yi then said coldly: "You are Xie Ying's man, how to deal with you is up to him, it's useless to beg me."

Yaoning said: "It's useful, girl. The prince will definitely not want to send me off. As long as you say nothing, the prince will forgive me, please girl!" Yaoning knows that doctors with superb medical skills are rare and difficult to train, and the prince treats them Has always been kind.

Zhu Yi only said: "Take it down."

Sheng Ling grabbed Yao Ning and dragged her out of the tent, Yao Ning was really scared, she hated Zhu Yi for ruining her future, she hated Tao Shan for not pleading for her, and when she reached the tent door, she suddenly yelled: " The prince is just greedy for your flesh and blood to play with you, and the lowly pottery fan—"

"This is Shizi Concubine! I don't even dare to slight the girl, how dare you offend me like this!" Sheng Ling was furious, and slapped Yaoning's face until it was swollen like a steamed bun.

Sheng Ling shouted: "My son originally wanted to let you live. After all, it is not easy for Miss Nanci to teach you. Who would have thought that you would get tired of life."

Yao Ning heard Gu Nanci's name, but she seemed to be grasping at straws: "Yes, yes, Elder Sister will not agree with you to deal with me! Your son can't treat me like this."

Yao Ning was quickly gagged by Sheng Ling with a veil. Sheng Ling said to Zhu Yi: "Girl, I will take Yaoning down and pull out her tongue. Wait for the son to be punished."

Sheng Ling was extremely annoyed that he was here and humiliated the imperial concubine. No one would have thought that Yao Ning would be so crazy that even Tao Fan, who thought he knew Yao Ning, was astonished.

"Wait." Zhu Yi suddenly stood up, walked in front of Yaoning, and looked down at the red-eyed woman condescendingly.

"Yaoning, self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person. You shouldn't be like someone who has no intention of caring about you. If you are a medical girl in peace, Xie Ying will not treat you badly. It is you who are humble, not me. If Xie Ying You don’t even look at me like you do, and I will never have any fantasies about him.”

"I was also wrong. I didn't see that you liked your master before, and I was almost provoked by you." Zhu Yi smiled at Yaoning. Sure enough, this smile made Yaoning feel more uncomfortable than Wanjian Piercing Heart, and stared even more angrily. with Joey.

After Yaoning was taken away, Tao Fan said: "Girl..." She was afraid that what Yaoning scolded Zhu Yi before would make her unacceptable.

Zhu Yi knew what Tao Shan was worried about, and said, "I'm fine." She couldn't even bear this, how could she be with Xie Ying. In fact, Xie Ying is the only one who can really hurt her with words.

She knew very well that since she wanted to marry Xie Ying, a woman like Yao Ning would not be the last.

Zhu Yi grew up in the court since she was a child. What she sees in her eyes is the emperor who sits in the Sangong and the Sixth Courtyard, and what she hears in her ears are the powerful families with beauties at home. She knows that even if it is not Xie Ying, as long as she will marry any man of status in the future , will inevitably meet a woman who wants to share her husband. Even if those women are not for her husband himself, they are also for their natal family and their own glory and wealth.

Even if the emperor married her to another vassal, it would be the same.

Zhu Yi smiled lightly: "Tao Shan, go and order dinner, I'm really hungry." Seeing that Zhu Yi was in the mood to eat, Tao Shan went out in peace.

At this time, it gets dark early, and the sky is already dark and thick. When Zhu Yi put down the bowl and chopsticks, Xie Ying hadn't returned yet. She was not feeling well, so she didn't want to go anywhere, she read in the tent and waited for Xie Ying to come back.

Shen Xingliu suddenly said outside: "Your Majesty, the prince is not here."

Zhu Yi heard Xie Shao's voice, and said to him, "I know. I'm looking for the princess."

Zhu Yi's heart skipped a beat, Shen Xingliu seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then said: "There is no princess inside, please come back, Prince."

Xie Shao's voice was very soft, but his tone was compelling: "Shen Xingliu, don't stop me."

Shen Xingliu also said: "The county king wants to force his way into the prince's tent?"

Listening to the tense conversation, Zhu Yi was afraid that the two would start fighting, and Shen Xingliu was afraid that he would suffer in Xie Shao's hands, so he walked out of the big tent and said, "What does the king want from me?"

This is Zhu Yi's first meeting with Xie Shao since entering the camp.

Seeing Zhu Yi's eyes, Xie Shao was a little sad, and even a little annoyed that he didn't know how to love himself: "Princess, why did you come here with A Ying?"

Zhu Yi tightened her grip on the doorpost. When she chatted with Xie Shao, she knew that he was an orphan and she was an orphan. The two of them had a shallow relationship, so they felt sympathetic to each other. She really treated Xie Shao like an older brother at that time, but now she feels embarrassed.

Zhu Yi was about to answer, but she saw a figure out of the corner of her eye. She was startled, why did Xie Ying just come back at this time? He won't misunderstand again, right

Xie Ying didn't see anything on his face, he looked at Xie Shao, and said, "What's the matter? Come in and talk about something." Then he took Zhu Yi's shoulder and went into the tent.

Zhu Yi felt uneasy, she glanced at Xie Ying, Xie Ying smiled at her, signaling her to be at ease.

Xie Shao followed the two of them, looking at Zhu Yina's walking posture, he knew that she had been wantonly possessed by a man not long ago. Xie Ying didn't come to his camp for a long time before, probably because he was in a relationship with Zhu Yi and couldn't find time... Xie Shao's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists.

His eyes scanned the tent, there was only one main bed in the tent, and in the far corner, there was a symbolic floor bunk. Naturally, no one went to sleep. It means that these two people are basically sharing the same bed.

Xie Yingren and Xie Shao finished sizing up, and said, "Why are you here looking for me?"

Xie Shao was silent for a moment, and said bluntly: "When we all leave the camp, how will the princess arrange it?"

Xie Ying slowly raised her eyes and looked at Xie Shao.

Xie Shao looked at him and said, "Since you brought her here, you must ensure her safety."

Xie Ying raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said, "You also know that I brought the man. I don't like my woman being missed by other men. I don't need you to remind me, I know the arrangement."