The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 64


The earth dragon in the inner hall is burning vigorously, making it warm and pleasant.

The prince stopped suddenly after walking a few steps. He turned around and happened to see Zhu Yi taking off his cloak and handing it to Mianfeng.

With her slender fingers, she tore off the tie of the cloak, just this action made the prince feel hot all over.

The prince's eyes wandered over Zhu Yi's body. The winter clothes were heavy, and even Yiyi's figure was not as exquisite as before. Only he, the "imperial sister", was still so attractive.

The prince's gaze made Zhu Yi frown. Although the other party did not disturb her with actions or words, the gaze alone made her uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the prince quickly retracted his gaze and continued to move forward.

The further you go in, the more intense the fragrance floating in the air.

Zhu Yi closed his eyes and carefully identified the ambergris, cypress, sparrow head, nard pine, bezoar, turmeric, and plum ice. In the past, the emperor only smoked ambergris and wood honey. Judging from the incense added today, it is true that the dragon is sick.

Zhen Xi was sitting beside the dragon bed, feeding medicine to the emperor with a silver spoon with a red porcelain handle, and from time to time grabbed Sipa to wipe the medicine juice on the emperor's lips, her slender eyebrows were always tightened.

The emperor's face was gloomy, his expression was sluggish, and he raised his hand to rest his forehead from time to time, further confirming Zhu Yi's conjecture.

Zhu Yi immediately stepped forward to salute the emperor, but the emperor refused to look at Zhu Yi, and only said to Zhen Xi, "Ah Xi, hurry up and go back to rest."

Zhen Xi said: "The concubine is not tired, and the concubine does not want to rest either."

"You haven't slept all night, so you are not tired. Be good, go back and rest. I will feel sorry for you because you are too tired."

The emperor patted Zhen Xi on the shoulder. He knew that the only person Zhen Xi could rely on was him, and she was the one who worried about his accident the most, because he praised Zhen Xi too highly. If he didn't protect Zhen Xi, she wouldn't know what to do. What is it like to be tortured by the queen and other concubines

The emperor and Zhen Xi showed their intimacy, and did not shy away from the fact that Zhu Yi and the crown prince were here. Zhu Yi clasped his hands uncomfortably, but the prince sneered sarcastically.

Zhen Xi had a look of worry and remembrance, but finally withdrew.

The emperor said: "The prince should go out first."

The prince was taken aback, and quickly looked at Zhu Yi. Could it be that his father also had unethical thoughts on Zhu Yi? ... The prince himself has a deep obsession with Zhu Yi, so he naturally feels that other men are just like him. I don't want to leave.

Seeing the prince's unsatisfactory reaction, the emperor knew what the other party was thinking, and said angrily, "Back off!"

Zhu Yi hurriedly said: "Father, don't get angry, the qi and blood are in disorder, and the accumulation of turbid qi and blood stasis in the brain network will aggravate the condition."

The emperor glanced at Zhu Yi with complex and unpredictable eyes, the prince thought for a moment and had to go out.

There were only the emperor and Zhu Yi in the hall.

The emperor was silent for a moment and then asked: "Did Xizhen sleep well last night? Did you hear or see anything unusual?" Unlike listening to Zhu Yi through the screen last night, the emperor's cloudy but sharp eyes fixed on Joey's expression.

Zhu Yi recalled that if it is called abnormal, there are indeed...

The fear in Zhu Yi's eyes was real, and she said: "Yes, Father, last night A Chuo stayed at his daughter's Yonglian Hall, we were talking, when I heard someone knocking on the window from outside, calling A Chuo and me together. screaming in terror."

The emperor's fingers on his lap tightened and trembled almost imperceptibly. He said: "What happened after knocking on the window? What else happened, did someone call you?"

"There was a lot of wind and snow outside, and Ah Chuo and I were shouting loudly. I didn't hear clearly, but someone called me. But..." Zhu Yi was really trembling in his heart: "Then Chang Lin, the eunuch in my palace, went out to look. There is not a single footprint on the snow outside the window. I don't know what is knocking on the window..." After speaking, Zhu Yi's voice trembled slightly.

The emperor's hand slammed onto the bed, and his breathing became more and more heavy. He kept having weird dreams last night. Countless dead bodies with strange shapes jumped on him and bit him. One of the two who jumped and bit the most was...

Even when he woke up from the dream, he couldn't control the illusions in his head, making him waving wildly like a madman...

It stands to reason that he is the real dragon emperor, what kind of ghost dares to get close? He also thought that someone had drugged him with hallucinogenic and epileptic drugs, but his food and drinking water were thoroughly inspected, and there was nothing wrong with it. Even Zhen Xi's clothes and hair accessories, which he passed by last night, were carefully inspected.

Zhu Yi looked at the emperor, took two steps forward, and asked, "Father asks this. Could it be that something strange happened in the Hall of Yanghe?"

The emperor shook his head and said, "That's not true, it's just that there's been a lot of noise in the palace recently, I'll ask you all when I see you."

Zhu Yi nodded: "Father didn't sleep well last night? Get some rest."

The emperor hummed.

Zhen Xi went to Yanbo Gate, stood alone by the lake and looked at the semi-congealed lake water, an old woman picked up the bead flower she dropped, and replaced it with the same one in a very fast way, stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Ms. Zhaoyi , I don’t need the white pill for now, I’ll use the Huazhonghong pill next time.”

Zhen Xi took the exchanged Pearl Flower, nodded with a complicated expression, when the nanny turned around, she stopped her: "I heard that he returned to Beijing in victory, I want to see him."

The nanny glanced at her and said: "Okay, I will report it to the master." Then said: "Your Majesty, remember to wash your body with hundred-flower water after taking medicine."

Zhen Xi's complexion changed slightly, and she answered yes.

It was said to be a rest, but the emperor didn't fall asleep until the afternoon, and he didn't wake up until the middle of the night. Zhu Yi couldn't hold back the flood of drowsiness, so he leaned on the side of the rosewood inlaid enamel armchair and took a nap for a while.

The prince walked into the inner hall, took a first look at the emperor, and when he saw the sleeping Zhu Yi for the second time, he couldn't look away.

The prince smiled, walked over and squatted down in front of Zhu Yi, stretched out his hand to touch Zhu Yi's face, and said in his heart—serving the emperor like this, why don't you come and serve the prince, how long do you think the emperor can live? How long do you think Xie Ying can live

Zhu Yi woke up suddenly, seeing the prince who was close at hand, his first reaction was to see what the emperor was doing other than screaming.

The prince's outstretched hand covered Zhu Yi's mouth instead, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. If the person in front of him was not the Zhu Yi he had been thinking about for a long time, he would definitely not spare her life.

What was Zhu Yi worried about just now? —Thought he killed his father? Hehe, with the title of patricide down, it would be really difficult for him to succeed to the throne smoothly.

Zhu Yi also realized his gaffe just now, he didn't struggle and didn't speak, for fear of irritating the prince, he let him hold his hand and looked down at the ground.

Suddenly a weak and deep voice came from the dragon bed: "What are you two doing?"

The prince immediately let go of Zhu Yi, turned around and saluted, "Father!"

Zhu Yi's heart jumped violently, but there was no emotion on his face, and he got up to pour water for the emperor.

The emperor looked at the prince with gloomy eyes: "I didn't summon him, so what are you doing here? Are you done with the political affairs?"

"No, but Xie Ying and Xie Shao led the army back to Beijing this morning, and heard that the father and the emperor violated the peace, and now they are asking for an audience outside the palace, and want to visit the father." The prince replied.

The concubines and ministers who came to visit were turned away, but these two... the emperor's name is Xuan.

Hearing the eunuchs outside the palace singing: "Xuan Wei, Prince Ning's son, and Yu Jun Wang are here—" Zhu Yi turned her head, and the emperor glanced at her.

The emperor looked at the two Xie brothers who walked in calmly. Compared with his sickly bedridden body, they were simply magnificent and heroic. An uncontrollable qi and blood surged in his chest, and he coughed violently.

Xie Ying and Xie Shao couldn't do without their concern, and they expressed their heartfelt affection to each other.

Xie Ying only glanced at Zhu Yi indifferently, but didn't look any more.

The emperor has been paying attention to Xie Ying, and he can't figure out what he is thinking now. Since Xie Ying once mentioned that she wanted to marry Zhu Yi, she never expressed her intention in this regard again.

The emperor is also a man, and he knows how uncertain a man's passion is. With enthusiasm, it has to be further accumulated and turned into feelings. He said: "I wonder if the two nephews have heard that something happened in the palace recently?"

Both Xie Ying and Xie Shao were bewildered, expressing their ignorance.

The emperor briefly mentioned a few words, and said: "I plan to let the queen mother take a few princesses to live in Wengquan Palace for a while, and come back after this period. I want to work hard for the two nephews to be responsible for the safety of the queen mother and the princesses. What do you think?"

Xie Ying and Xie Shao naturally took orders.

The emperor nodded and let Zhu Yi leave together.

Having barely closed his eyes all night, one can imagine how tired Zhu Yi was. When he returned to Yonglian Hall, he couldn't wait to climb onto the couch to catch up on sleep.

After getting up and having dinner in the middle, Zhu Yi wanted to continue to sleep, because she knew that Xie Ying would not show up until evening. She hoped that when she opened her eyes, Xie Ying would be in front of her.

Unexpectedly, before the meal was finished, Concubine Tong smiled and led Yan Yuer over, saying: "Xizhen, Princess Hejia brought some snacks to see you."

Concubine Tong hoped that Zhu Yi would have a good relationship with Yan Yuer, and that she would be very affectionate to Yan Yuer, so she brought her in and returned to the front hall.

Zhu Yi began to miss the days when she and Xie Ying were not ashamed or irritable on the road from Guyang to Huzhou, and she didn't have to meet so many annoying people.

There was no one around, Yan Yu'er opened her mouth and said, "Sister-in-law."

Zhu Yi's brows turned cold: "Yan Yu'er, what are you calling nonsense?"

"Hehe, now you have confidence again?" Yan Yu'er smiled and said, "Didn't you tell me yourself that you and my brother have a physical relationship?"

Zhu Yi clenched his hands tightly, then let go, and said, "Yan Yu'er, you know why I hinted at you like that. Let me tell you the truth, your brother knelt down to apologize to me, and hoped that I would forget about those days. You Don't go against his will."

Yan Yuer's expression changed: "What did you say?"

Zhu Yi smiled and said, "I said, your brother Yan Fengqin knelt down to me and begged me to forgive his rudeness."

Zhu Yi could tell from a long time ago when they took a boat tour together in Danshui that Yan Yu'er admired her brother very much. She thought that Yan Yu'er could only accept that Yan Fengqin treated her like a plaything. The famous princess knelt down and saluted.

Sure enough, Yan Yuer's face was livid with anger. Zhu Yi smiled lightly, got into bed by himself, and said, "I'm going to sleep, princess, please go ahead."

Yan Yu'er left with a cold snort, Zhu Yi also grabbed the quilt and snorted coldly, who would be afraid of her after returning to the palace.

When Zhu Yi fell asleep, she felt that something moist and soft had been invaded between her lips and tongue, and she was also hugged in a firm and warm embrace. She couldn't open her eyes for a while, and said in her mouth: "Xie Ying, is it you?"

"Yeah." The man said.

Zhu Yi rubbed her eyes, saw clearly the face that made her panic even after not seeing him for a day, hugged him back, and said, "Did you knock on my window last night?"

Xie Ying smiled and said, "Yes, I scared the princess."

"It really scared me." Zhu Yi squeezed closer to his arms, and lowered her voice, as if afraid of alarming anything: "Xie Ying, tell me, is that kind of thing real?"

Zhu Yi didn't like to wear too thick or too thick clothes when sleeping, so she put on the earth dragon charcoal basin together, and spread the bedding as warmly as possible, but tried to make the clothes on her body as thin as summer, thinking that it would be comfortable.

Therefore, her neckline is now a little wider, and the two balls of soft snow are tightly squeezed on Xie Ying's chest, and she has changed her shape without knowing it.

Xie Ying was pleased by Zhu Yi's actions, patted her head and said, "Yiyi, don't be afraid, at least the ones in this palace are fake."