The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 70


Zhu Yi then wiped the back of her ears lightly with her fingers. This is her habit of bathing. It starts from behind the ears and moves down to her neck and shoulders. Because she bathes frequently, there is no dirt on her body, but she still washes everything thoroughly. serious.

The long and slender fingers moved to the chest, holding up a pair of delicate and soft, varicose fingers, kneading and scrubbing little by little, although Zhu Yi himself did it very common and took it for granted, but in the eyes of others, especially In the eyes of men, this picture is really...

Her face was dyed peach pink, her eyes were downcast, her body was leaning against the rock wall because of relaxation, and her head was also leaning against a high rock. Such movements made Zhu Yi look more lazy and charming, as if she was Making some sort of silent invitation.

The shark room was extremely quiet, only the sound of splashing water could be heard clearly.

Even the water mist in Tiaozhu Spring seems to be more agile than other places, turning into pieces of veils, trying to cover the beauty's fat white jade body, even if it is only above the shoulders that are exposed to the water, it makes people want to push away those veils that are in the way. The obscurity that conceals it can be seen clearly.

The place where Zhu Yi was was shrouded in a shadow. Although she was closing her eyes to rest herself, she seemed to sense the danger and slowly opened her eyes.

The girl was slightly taken aback, and raised her head to look at the man standing on the shore: "You, why did you come in?" Zhu Yi sank her body into the water, no matter how intimate she was with Xie Ying, she was not used to being with him like this. Expose yourself in front of you.

Xie Ying's eyes flicked past Zhu Yi's tender lips, and became bottomless: "I heard no sound from inside, I'm afraid the princess will fall asleep after washing, don't worry, come in and have a look. "

"Oh." Zhu Yi thought, she did fall asleep in the bath, but it was because he indulged her too much and she was so tired. They didn't do anything today, how could she fall asleep.

Seeing that Xie Ying actually sat down on a white stone next to him, Zhu Yi hurriedly said, "What are you doing sitting down, go out quickly. You've come in too, what if no one is guarding you outside?"

"Someone is guarding, Shen Xingliu was called by me, he is outside." Xie Ying said slowly: "Princess wash with peace of mind."

Zhu Yi blushed: "But you sit here..." Who can accept a well-dressed person next to him looking at him nicely when he is taking a bath.

Hearing this, Xie Ying stood up silently, raised her hand and began to undress herself.

Zhu Yi froze for a moment, and asked, "What... are you doing?"

"The princess doesn't want me to sit by the side, so I'll go into the water to accompany the princess." Xie Ying stared at her, and kept removing the burden on her body for a moment.

Zhu Yi choked: "I didn't mean that!" Seeing that he was stripped to nothing but his undershirt, she hurriedly turned her head without looking again. Stopped it in his mouth: "Xie Ying, don't take it off, what if someone comes here? If someone finds us taking a bath together, we..."

Zhu Yi's voice is anxious and anxious. After all, this is the wilderness, and it is a place where anyone can come to the public. It is said that it is located in a remote place, but isn't the Xiangyi Pavilion in Liuhe Garden that she went to in the afternoon also remote, isn't it...

If Xie Ying stayed outside, she believed that no matter what the situation, no matter who, he would be able to deal with it, but Shen Xingliu

Shen Xingliu, who was secretly questioned by Zhu Yi, was listening outside, his face turned red, he didn't understand, just wash it off, why did the princess have such a big reaction? Who will come? The prince is not in the habit of talking to others on other people's territory, he always takes the princess back to his nest...

This is not the Wengquan Palace, but the Tangquan villa of the eldest son. There are quite a lot of hot springs in Nanshun, a suburb of Beijing, so the prince naturally bought a property, and it is not too far from Wengquan Palace. The jumping pearl spring in this village, with flying flowers and jade, is more lively than the one in Wengquan Palace.

The Biezhuang is full of people from the prince, so the princess can rest assured... Didn't the prince tell the princess that this is not the Wengquan Palace? Why not? It's not good to let the princess be on tenterhooks. Shen Xingliu lightly scratched behind his ears. However, the eldest son of their family really seldom talked today, and it was rare for the eldest son to be so dull in front of the princess.

From the corner of her eyes, Zhu Yi quickly glanced at the man who had entered the water. The man had already come to her in two or three steps. She said urgently: "Xie Ying, don't come over..."

Zhu Yi pushed Xie Ying's entangled arm with her hand, and turned to hide, but in the water, her feet slipped easily, making her throw herself into a hug. She was pressed tightly against the man's body, and his hand was put on her waist to prevent her from rolling down again.

Xie Ying circled her, lowered her head and asked, "Does Yiyi want to learn Fushui? I'll teach you."

Zhu Yi was slightly taken aback, did he come down to teach her how to swim? She frowned and said, "Don't waste time teaching me. I learn Fushui every year when I come to Wengquan Palace, but I haven't learned it yet." She felt that she might not be able to learn it in this life.

"Do princesses study in shallow water?" Xie Ying asked.

Zhu Yi asked suspiciously, "How do you know?"

He stretched out his hand to keep away the wet hair sticking to her face, and said, "Yiyi, you can't learn it in shallow water. May I take you to try it in deep water?"

Xie Ying was too serious, acting as if she only wanted to teach her how to drink water. Zhu Yi's judgment in front of Xie Ying was far worse than she was with others, so he hesitated and said, "Is that so?"

Xie Ying said yes.

Zhu Yi let him carry her to the depths of the water.

Xie Ying stopped at the right time and slowly let go of Zhu Yi. The girl murmured, "I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Xie Ying's voice finally had a trace of genuine tenderness at this moment.

Zhu Yi felt that Xie Ying's palm was supporting her lower abdomen, and there was no danger of drowning, so she opened her arms and swam into the water. Xie Ying stepped on the water and followed the girl, adjusting her strokes and kicks, her breathing... Zhu Yi followed suit one by one.

Xie Ying's eyes turned and fell on the ups and downs of the snowy buttocks in the water.

He continued to look back, and saw that Zhu Yi's legs were really beautiful, not simply thin, but thin but not shriveled, the thighs were well-proportioned and full, the calves were round and slender, the whole body was straight and slender, and fat and smooth.

Xie Ying had already seen her from behind Zhu Yi. When he made her lie prone on the bed for joy, he had carefully admired her. Although she looked pretty then, she was not as agile as she is now.

A slap on Zhu Yi's buttocks was not light or hard, and red finger marks were left on that snow-white soft roundness. The man said, "Don't push your butt too high."

"..." Zhu Yi's face was so red that she could bleed, she immediately wanted to protest, everything was in chaos, and she instinctively jumped up while sinking.

Fortunately, Xie Ying has always been paying attention to her slight changes, lifted the girl up, and hugged her into his arms to prevent her from suffering the pain of choking on water.

"I don't want to learn from you anymore, you take me back to the shore." Zhu Yi complained after making sure it was safe.

"Why don't you want to learn from me?" Xie Ying looked at the angry little face in front of her.

Zhu Yi said: "You think I don't know. You... have been peeping at me. You don't really want to teach me at all, you just want to take the opportunity to bully me."

Xie Ying smiled, instead of coaxing her like usual, she just said: "The princess found out about this, I really want to bully you."

Zhu Yi looked up at the man standing against the light, pondered his unusual tone and expression, had a flash of inspiration, and asked, "Xie Ying, you're still angry, aren't you?" It must be, she felt it. But since he was angry, why did he bring her out? He took the initiative to come to her, doesn't it mean that he forgives her

Xie Ying didn't answer, he carried Zhu Yi back to the pool, sat beside her, and turned his head to look at her: "Princess still doesn't want to tell me, why did you meet Yan Fengqin today?"

Zhu Yi squeezed his fingers together: "Didn't I already tell you?"

Xie Ying's eyes were dark, she smiled lowly, and didn't ask any more questions. He stretched out his arms, hugged Zhu Yi on his lap and sat down.

Zhu Yi felt the source of the blazing heat, knew his intention at once, and immediately panicked: "Xie Ying, I don't want to be in such a place, in case someone comes..."

Although a shark room has been built, how is it different from the wild? Shame filled Joy's heart, and she never knew it could be done outside of the bed.

Xie Ying held Zhu Yi's wrists silently, and he turned himself and Zhu Yi around. The girl's back was pressed tightly against the pool wall, and her left leg was lifted high, resting on his strong shoulders. The man seemed to be unable to hear Zhu Yi's begging, so he sank toward her in the spring water.

Her strength was as small as a mayfly in front of him, so no matter how she tried to avoid it, it would be futile. She was so suppressed by him that she couldn't move, and felt that huge and fierce creature penetrated inch by inch, and became the master of her body.

He has never been so urgent, and he is moistened before everything, tortured by the extreme discomfort of fullness, Zhu Yi wronged: "Slow down, you slow down."

When Xie Ying thought of Yan Fengqin's thoughts for Zhu Yi, and thought of how much that man wanted to do to Zhu Yi what he was doing now, but Zhu Yi went to see Yan Fengqin in private, lest he would know, he was furious.

Joey didn't understand men. Men's desire... that's not good. Men who are more conceited feel that they are completely controllable, and Xie Ying once thought so too. But in fact, if the other party is Zhu Yi, it only takes a moment for his lust to be aroused, and it is even more difficult to stop after that. Therefore, he did not believe that Yan Fengqin, who had kidnapped Zhu Yi the first time they met, could always restrain himself.

Xie Ying stretched out her finger to gently rub the girl's cheek, and said, "Yiyi, don't go to see a man who has ulterior motives for you in private."