The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 86


There are only a handful of things that Zhu Yi has said in the past two years, and the person who talked the most, apart from Zhu Ning, is Xie Ying.

In fact, before seeing Xie Ying with his own eyes, Zhu Yi had already heard various rumors about him from different people. Xie Ying didn't know that when she was less than cardamom, she had given him the yearning and admiration of a little girl and a young hero.

She stared at the delicate and undulating golden dragon on Xie Ying's chest, and compared with the man's anger, her tone was flat: "The emperor is naturally the emperor, how can he be someone of mine."

Xie Ying gradually let go of Zhu Yi, and asked, "So, it doesn't mean anything to you that I try to get close to you and get along with you?"

Joe responded with silence.

Xie Ying pursed her lips slightly, and asked again: "In your eyes, am I the same kind of person as Zhu Xiuxu and Yan Fengqin, and there is no difference?"

This was the first time that Xie Ying mentioned Zhu Yi's past. He always avoided it deliberately in the past, for fear of accidentally touching her scars that he didn't know were healed.

Hearing these two names, Zhu Yi's body froze for a moment, then he lowered his head and only looked at the ground. She didn't even answer the previous question, let alone answer this kind of question.

Some things don't need to be said, as long as each other can understand each other. Xie Ying laughed at himself, he didn't know why he still stood where he was. It was always women who took the initiative towards him. The only person he really wanted was to hide from him.

"Zhu Yi, it really took a lot of thought for you to make me retreat in the face of difficulties and not offend me."

Zhu Yi's eyelashes blinked quickly, feeling terrible at the insight of the man in front of him.

"You're sure that Rong Xiao is Rong Ting's younger brother. I won't kill him in a fit of anger. Did you hate me so much that you couldn't wait to get rid of it?" The voice of the other party got lower and lower. It's embarrassing.

Zhu Yi took two deep breaths and said, "The emperor is too worried, I dare not."

"You don't dare?" Xie Ying sneered softly: "I think you dare to do anything. Why did Rong Xiao suddenly propose to you after guarding you for so long? You hinted at him."

Zhu Yi was even more speechless now, thinking that Xie Ying could read minds.

She didn't speak, but Xie Ying said again: "Tell me, what is the difference between me and Rong Xiao in your heart?" Xie Ying wanted to know why she agreed to marry Rong Xiao for her, but Do not accept him. If Zhu Yi told him that she loved Rong Xiao, then he really couldn't guarantee what he would do to Rong Xiao.

Zhu Yi glanced at Xie Ying, thought for a moment, and said: "I have known Rong Xiao for many years, but the emperor and I have only known each other for nearly three months. The emperor has wives and concubines, but Rong Xiao does not. In front of the emperor, I will always listen to you." If so, but... "

"But, Rong Xiao listens to you everything?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yi nodded. She was nervous when suddenly she was lifted by the man and brought into the closed octagonal pavilion beside her.

"What are you doing?" She pushed hard at the other party, but it didn't work.

With Xie Ying flicking his sleeves, the vacant Meizi Qingyue kiln incense burner on the table was brought to the ground, and the crisp sound of cracking porcelain was startling. Zhu Yi was lying down on the table, her slender wrists were caught above her head and she couldn't break free, and her mouth was immediately blocked by the man. As Xie Ying pried open Zhu Yi's teeth with the tip of her tongue, biting and sucking the little tongue wrapped around her mouth, Zhu Yi's struggle gradually became smaller from the initial intensity, and when Xie Ying left for a while, her mind was in chaos , hands and feet are already soft, her face is as pink as a peach blossom, and her eyes are moist.

Zhu Yi didn't know that she would feel this strange feeling when she was kissed. Not only did she not feel disgusted, but it made her feel drunk, and she didn't know where she was. She hurriedly turned her face to the other side, not daring to look at him at all.

Xie Ying mistook her actions for disgust, but his kiss made her so disgusted that she didn't even want to look at him again.

Xie Ying no longer had the mood to continue, she calmed down her already heavy breathing, and left Zhu Yi. After he helped her sit up, he never glanced at her again, not even out of the corner of his eye, turned around and left without saying a word.

Zhu Yi, who was left behind, grabbed the edge of the table vigorously, watched Xie Ying's back disappear, then slowly slid down the table, and walked back alone.

For many days, Xie Ying never visited the Duke's mansion, nor asked Zhu Yi again. The excerpts piled up in the dragon case were like snowflakes, and the officials waiting for Liezi to play were also coming one after another. If he wanted to be busy, he would be busy from morning to night, from spring to winter. If he hadn't really wanted to see that ice-like woman before, why would he have squeezed out half a day or a whole day to leave the palace.

On the contrary, Rong Ting mentioned a few words by the way when he entered the palace one day, saying that someone went to the Duke's mansion to ask Zhu Yi to marry him, and specifically mentioned that Jurong Xiao also had the same intention.

Zhu Yi, as Zhu Ning's younger sister, lives with her sister and her husband now, and interested people from the outside world naturally regard Rong Ting as Zhu Yi's parent. There are many people who come to propose relatives.

And Rong Ting really hoped that Zhu Yi would have a good home. His precondition in front of Xie Ying today was just to test him out. If Xie Ying didn't have this intention, he and Zhu Ning were indeed planning to pick a husband for Zhu Yi.

For the first time, Xie Ying looked gloomy towards Rong Ting. He just said: "If you want any man to die, just marry Zhu Yi to that man."

Rong Ting understood, it meant that he didn't let go at all.

As soon as Rong Ting left, Xie Ying picked up a pen and continued to write Zhu Pian, but only wrote a few strokes before stopping and throwing the pen on the table.

This time, Xie Ying went straight into Zhu Yi's boudoir without even Rong Ting's notification from Zhi Guogong's mansion. If Xie Ying wanted to avoid people, no one would be able to catch him.

Night had already fallen, and Zhu Yi had fallen asleep for a long time now.

However, who would have thought that such a glamorous beauty would have such a bad sleeping appearance. Zhu Yi had left the pillow a long time ago, and was half lying and half curled up at the end of the bed in a strange posture.

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for her to lie on her stomach like this? Xie Ying shook her head and sat down on the edge of the bed, the tip of his nose was full of alcohol. He frowned and said, "Why do you drink so much wine?"

The man's eyes moved from Zhu Yi's sleeping face to her. Maybe this sleeping position is really not elegant, but because it was posed by Zhu Yi, it is actually very attractive. The beautiful curve of the girl's buttocks makes people feel distracted just by looking at it. When Xie Ying realized what he had done, his hand had landed on the roundness and rubbed it lightly twice.

He then went to hug Joey again, causing the girl who was forced to move to wriggle and hum in protest.

"I'll carry you to the bed and sleep well." Xie Ying coaxed, he turned Zhu Yi over and wanted her to lie on her back, but her body froze.

The spring shirt is light and thin, and the front of Zhu Yi's water-green silk nightgown has long been opened due to her sleeping position all over the bed, revealing most of the pair's tenderness like jade snow, and the small red pistil fruit has also been included in the men's clothes. fundus.

Although she usually looks through her clothes, Xie Ying always knew that Zhu Yi was full of life. But only when there are no shelters, do you know that your life is so abundant. Coupled with that slender waist, the desire under Xie Ying's body suddenly awakened.

Zhu Yi opened his eyes at this moment, and looked at Xie Ying.

Xie Ying knew that Zhu Yi's mood changed a lot when he was drunk. The first time she saw her drunk, she hugged him and cried endlessly. It seems that all the emotions that are usually restrained are vented through wine. This time is no exception.

Zhu Yi suddenly sat up and hugged Xie Ying, saying: "You finally came to me." She pretended to kiss him, and pressed her body tightly against him, which seemed to be seductive.

Xie Ying squinted her eyes, and pulled Zhu Yi away from her body. He stared at her and asked in a dangerous voice, "Who am I?"

The girl asked blankly, "Aren't you Xie Ying?"

Xie Ying was silent for a moment, and after some thought, she slowly raised the corners of her lips, approached the other party and said, "Zhu Yi, you asked for this."

He got up and went out of the room, touched the sleeping point of Zhu Yi's maidservant, and then walked back, leaning over to the disheveled girl sitting on the bed.

Gu Nanci's mind buzzed, this dream came to this point, she naturally wanted to wake up eagerly, and didn't want to watch it again. Although Gu Nanci had never consummated with her husband, she hadn't taken out the booklet that was placed in her dowry. But she was very naughty when she was a child. I've seen the figurines her parents hid in the drawers, and the picture albums that the husband and wife kept at the bottom of the box.

Xie Ying really couldn't resist Zhu Yi's temptation.

Zhu Yi sent herself in front of Xie Ying, was pressed down by the man, and took her without hesitation. The young emperor picked her sweetness over and over again, unwilling to stop.

Zhu Yi's eyes were shy at first, then rippling with misty spring love, and in the end they were tossed and distracted. The tender sobbing gradually became hoarse, lingering in the beautiful boudoir.

After the alcohol faded away, Zhu Yi put on her clothes and sat by the bed, without speaking for a long time.

She finally spoke, and slowly said to the man who had been watching her: "I don't want the emperor to be responsible. You can go back to the palace."

The feeling of spring in the room has long since dissipated, and Xie Ying's eyes were so cold that ice scum could form. He came to Zhu Yi from the table, and said condescendingly, "Don't want me to be responsible? Are you sure?"

Joey hummed briefly.

Xie Ying said in a deep voice: "Zhu Yi, don't you care if I sleep in vain all night?"

Zhu Yi was taken aback, his body trembling. Hearing him say again: "We both went through last night, and you still insist on marrying Rong Xiao? It's not fair to Rong Xiao."

Zhu Yi finally became emotional: "I didn't say I would marry him, and I can never marry for the rest of my life."

Seeing that Zhu Yi had gained a little popularity, Xie Ying's face softened a little, and said, "That's not okay. You don't want me to be responsible, but I want you to be responsible. I can't let people sleep in vain."

"Besides, it happened so many times last night, what if you become pregnant with my child? The question of the dragon heir must not be ignored."