The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 87


Zhu Yi pursed his lips lightly, if he was really worried that she would be pregnant with a dragon heir, a bowl of soup would relieve his worries. But she looked up at Xie Ying's gloomy face, and didn't dare to speak out.

Zhu Yi couldn't say no to Xie Ying, and no one could overwhelm him in terms of power. She didn't want to embarrass Rong Ting too much, so she nodded in the end.

Gu Nanci felt at this moment that Zhu Yi didn't really want to enter the palace, she clearly longed for Xie Ying, which can be seen from her many reactions. Even the first night between Zhu Yi and Xie Ying happened because Zhu Yi deliberately seduced them by getting drunk.

However, afterwards, Zhu Yi deliberately said that she did not want to enter the palace, and took advantage of the man's mentality that it is best not to ask for it, so that Xie Ying would pay more attention to her. It seems that she is trying to get caught and calculating. It can be seen that Zhu Yi is by no means the simple and indifferent she showed.

It's a pity that Xie Ying, who is usually the most insightful, can't see through this point.

Xie Ying was actually guarding Zhu Yi in the room, watching her immediately pack up and enter the palace, without giving her any time to hesitate, delay, or even escape from the capital.

Zhu Yi was really sleepy after being haunted by Xie Ying all night. After entering the palace, she didn't know how Xie Ying carried her into the house from the carriage and resettled her, and she didn't know where she was placed.

Xie Ying was far more energetic than ordinary people, so she wasn't sleepy all night. Looking at Zhu Yi's sleeping face, she couldn't help but lay down on the bed with her clothes on, reluctant to leave her.

At this time, Zhu Yi changed another strange posture, Xie Ying laughed outright, he became addicted to correcting Zhu Yi's sleeping position, put her back on the pillow, and then put her in a very straight position: "In the future, I'll sleep with you in my arms and see how you run all over the bed."

After Zhu Yi woke up, he heard someone talking in Mingjian. It was a woman's voice, and she recognized it as Yan Yu'er.

"... If it was any other woman, the concubine would not say a word, but Zhu Yi is the sister-in-law of the concubine's elder brother, Ming Mei, which is equivalent to the emperor's sister-in-law. The emperor has private interests outside the palace, and he even took her in. In the palace?"

"Where did the Ming matchmaker come from?" Xie Ying's voice was cold and cold: "The old emperor and Concubine Tong are long gone. Who did Yan Fengqin find to marry? It is enough for the empress to manage the harem well. I don't like others asking more about my affairs. Step back stop."

Zhu Yi stood where he was, and quickly met Xie Ying who walked into the room. Looking at each other for a moment, Zhu Yi asked, "Will I have to go to the Queen's Palace every day to say hello?"

The man said: "No, you don't have to pay attention to other women in the palace."

In Xie Ying’s harem, apart from the queen, there are also a few tribute girls sent by the neighboring countries to show their submission. As for the daughters of the courtiers, there is not a single one, which is enough to see the iron fist and determination of today’s emperor, and she does not want to pass through the harem at all. To balance the power of the previous dynasty.

There are few people, but there are many houses, and everyone is the lord of the first house. Everyone was waiting to see where Zhu Yi would be placed, and they were going to visit the newcomer and find out about him.

Entering this harem, even if half of life has been handed over, she will always be disciplined by the empress. The queen doesn't have to do it herself if she wants to deal with someone.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ying had no intention of putting Zhu Yi where he couldn't see it.

Zhu Yi lived in the apse of the Hall of Yanghe, which was exactly Xie Ying's bedroom. Stepping out from the apse, you will find the Heyi Garden, which can be called a scenic spot in the world, with greenery and springs, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

After Xie Ying finished handling political affairs in the front hall, she would return to the back bedroom to accompany Zhu Yi. Not husband and wife, better than husband and wife.

Zhu Yi didn't need to salute Yan Yu'er, nor did he need to address the girls as sisters, and he didn't participate in the interpersonal communication in the harem at all. It is even difficult for the girls to meet Zhu Yi.

Because Yanghe Hall is a place where even the Queen's hand cannot reach. Even if Yan Yu'er wanted to go in, she had to get Xie Ying's permission first. Such a nameless woman can walk around at will.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Since ancient times, the most feared thing is the exclusive favor of the emperor, which is simply regarded as the beginning of the emperor's going to be fatuous. Even if the queen is exclusively favored, there will be dissenting opinions that the queen is unworthy. What's more, it's such a stunning princess who has already seduced Zhu Xiuxu's country.

No matter how strong Xie Yingyu's methods were, he couldn't immediately suppress the rumors that someone inside and outside the palace deliberately fueled the flames.

The title of this princess Xizhen is very good, Xi means "auspicious" and Zhen means "chaste", but the princess herself is just the opposite.

Such an ominous and unclean woman. Crown Prince, Yan Fengqin, which of these two men who have touched her will end well. Xie Ying dotes on such a woman, and judging by the degree of this obsession, it is simply a sign of the country's ruin.

Xie Ying is different from Zhu Xiuxu. He has an excellent reputation in the court, and everyone is impressed by his talents. Before that, he has been diligent in governing the country, which made the courtiers place high hopes on Xie Ying, thinking that he will be a generation of Ming Junsheng who will create a prosperous world. host.

Who would have thought that a Princess Xizhen would appear suddenly and seduce the mighty and virtuous new emperor in everyone's hearts, like those weak-willed men who would change their principles for a woman.

The "loyal ministers" who spoke earnestly and remonstrated appeared from time to time, but were dismissed by Xie Ying and dealt with.

Xie Ying seldom set foot in the harem before, even more so now. His fascination and paranoia towards this Princess Xizhen, even in his dream, made Gu Nanci feel strange and worried.

And with the passage of time, Zhu Yi's true colors were exposed as Gu Nanci guessed——

This woman is no longer the somewhat withdrawn and uncontested appearance at first, she has completely forgotten that Xie Ying is an emperor, but treats him as her own private property, becoming coquettish and jealous. It is said that jealous women are the ugliest, but Xie Ying has lost her mind and eyes, and even likes Zhu Yi's jealous look.

From time to time, Gu Nanci could hear Yan Yu'er crying to Zhu Yi: "My brother loves you so much, he has been plotted by Ruan Yu, and he can only live in a coma like a living dead in the future. Instead of staying by his side Take care of him, and use Rong Ting's strength to leave him and abandon him? Since you treat my brother like this, if His Majesty encounters twists and turns in the future, you may be just as heartless and ungrateful."

Zhu Yi looked cold, with a mocking smile of a winner on his face: "You should keep these words and tell Xie Ying."

Gu Nanci had long felt that Zhu Yi was hiding something deeply, and was not surprised to see her revealing this side, but what happened later really shocked her.

There are quite a lot of vacant palaces in the forbidden area. A man's figure disappeared in the dark corridor of one of the palaces, and then Zhu Yi appeared in the empty palace courtyard.

She looked left and right to see if there was no one there, then walked up the steps with her skirt in hand, and threw herself into the other person's arms: "Fengqin, you're here."

The man put his arms around Zhu Yi: "Well, Yi Yi, did you give Xie Ying that medicine?"

"Eat... He went to the Sitaer Lake this time for the imperial conquest, but he never returned."

The man noticed the other party's hesitation, and lowered his head to look at her: "Why? Can't bear Xie Ying? After meeting him, I was fascinated by him."

She shook her head: "I didn't."

The man then dragged Zhu Yi into the hall, which was too dark to see clearly.

Gu Nanci kept looking at the empty steps in front of the hall, her heart was burning, and her whole body trembled with anger. It turned out that this Yan Fengqin hadn't turned into a living dead at all, Zhu Yi was actually Yan Fengqin's man, who deliberately approached and seduced Xie Ying. In vain, Xie Ying gave her all her heart, how could she treat him like this

Yan Yu'er reached out to touch the forehead of Gu Nanci who was lying on the couch, and turned to look at the other two men in the room. One is a tall man in a brocade robe, and the other is Master Zhu brought by the man. She said with a smile: "It seems that this mirage medicine combined with Zhu Youshu can really confuse people."

The man said: "Well, send her back, Rong Ting will go back to the Princess Mansion later."

"Okay." Yan Yu'er looked at the other party.

Gu Nanci didn't know that she had been taken captive before. She sat up from the bed and broke out in a cold sweat. Zhu Yi's scheming and cunning thoughts are simply frightening.

Gu Nanci gasped for breath, did she just watch Xie Ying getting deeper and deeper into Zhu Yi

When Xie Ying was writing a letter under the candle, she heard Shen Xingliu say: "Your Majesty, Miss Nanci sent someone to deliver a message, please go over."

"So late?" Xie Ying frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he put down his pen and got up.

Gu Nanci sat in the armchair with her head down, and her fast beating heart slowed down a little when she saw Xie Ying. She asked Xie Ying to sit down, and asked someone to serve tea to Xie Ying.

Xie Ying glanced at the teacup, tea is already served, are you going to have a long talk with him? He looked at the other party: "Nanci, your complexion is not very good." Sensing Gu Nanci's uneasiness, he asked again: "What happened?"

Gu Nanci bit her lower lip and said, "Xie Ying, I've been having strange dreams these past few days. I don't know if a god entrusted me with the dream, or something happened to my body. But Tao Fan and I have nothing to do. Find out what's wrong with my body."

Xie Ying was silent for a moment, then stood up and came to her: "Stretch out your hand." He knew that Gu Nanci was a strong and self-respecting girl, and she almost never lied.

Gu Nanci put her hand on the small table as she said.

Xie Ying covered a piece of white thin silk and put it on Gu Nanci's wrist. Gu Nanci is excellent in medicine, but he doesn't like to learn to use poison. Xie Ying, on the contrary, doesn't study medicine, but was interested in using poison. The pulse of many poisons in the middle of the disease can be completely different from the pulse of the sick.

"How? Am I poisoned?" Gu Nanci asked.