The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 89


Zhu Yi realized what he meant, and blushed instantly. She just wanted to say that she was an adult and no longer a child. This man actually asked such a question.

Zhu Yi didn't want to compliment him, and said, "What doesn't change? When you're fifteen, you'll naturally become a woman."

She gave an example: "Just like you, when you reach your twenties, you will naturally become a man. Could it be that, before the two of us got close... you can still be considered a boy?"

She didn't believe it. He was already twenty-two years old. Most people like him were already fathers. How could he pretend to be tender and call himself a child

Xie Ying said seriously: "I was a boy before, and the princess made me a man more than two months ago."

Zhu Yi blinked in disbelief, feeling annoyed and funny, burst out laughing, couldn't help pinching his face with his hands to see how thick it was, and couldn't stop laughing at all.

Xie Ying was very calm when she laughed at her and pinched her face. She didn't even think that she patted her on the back to help her feel better.

Zhu Yi understood, he knew that she was pissed off by Zhu Xiuli, and deliberately used himself to make her happy, Zhu Yi wrapped his arms around the man's neck, rested his chin on his shoulder, and said, "Xie Ying, you have to treat her all the time. I'm so good. If you don't treat me well in the future, I'll put you... "

Xie Ying asked, "What will the princess want me to do?"

"Anyway, I will haunt you and never let you go." Zhu Yi couldn't say any real cruel words, only threatened like this.

"Then I hope Yiyi will keep pestering me now." Xie Ying stroked her head and asked again: "Have you taken all the medicines Nanci gave you on time?"

"Eat." Zhu Yi nodded. Of course she ate on time. She was more worried than anyone else that she would not be able to have children in the future.

"That's good." Xie Ying left after supervising Zhu Yi for supper.

He went to the princess mansion again.

Rong Ting said: "A Ying, I haven't found any abnormal person approaching Miss Nanci in the past few days." A few days ago, he was called into the palace by the old emperor to discuss the use of troops in Liaozhou, but he ignored this.

Xie Yingdao: "Nan Ci also said that she has not had strange dreams these days. Presumably the other party has not made any further moves."

"Then do you have anyone to suspect?" Rong Ting asked.

Xie Ying said: "Maybe it's Yan Yu'er... and Yan Fengqin or whoever is helping her."

Concubine Tong gritted her teeth with hatred when she learned about Zhu Xiuli from Zhu Yi, but she could only keep it in her heart and look for opportunities to take revenge in the future. It's a big New Year's Eve, and if something goes wrong, the emperor will be upset and blame him.

What's more, the emperor couldn't do without Zhen Xi now.

At the family banquet on New Year's Eve, Zhen Xi sat majestically on the left hand side of the emperor, which was the empress's seat, but Zhen Xi was just a Zhaoyi. There is no dignity like this, but even the queen mother sitting on the right didn't say anything.

Later, the emperor simply called Zhen Xi to his side and poured wine for her.

Zhu Yi had a bad premonition in his heart. When the original order was broken, there would be chaos.

Zhen Xi looked contemptuously at Concubine Tong, then at Concubine Shu, and finally settled on Zhu Yi.

Zhen Xi knew that Zhu Yi had dealt with Fang Ruo, but she didn't see that this adopted princess, who was usually cautious in words and deeds, was not ambiguous at all for Zhu Xiuli.

However, she didn't dare to think about Zhu Yi and Zhu Xiuli again, because she had just been warned. She had been guessing whether Xie Ying's favorite was a lady from an aristocratic family, or a princess, but today she found out that Xie Ying's heart was Zhu Yi.

However, Zhen Xi was not too surprised by this. She is so conceited that she regards other girls as wooden piles. Only after seeing Zhu Yi, she admits that Princess Xizhen is as beautiful as her.

After the dinner, everyone went to the high and wide Zhengyun Terrace to watch the fireworks. The palace people set off fireworks for the lords by the Zizhang Lake, one cluster after another, like a hundred flowers blooming sequentially, layer by layer, like spring tides, which illuminate the sky.

After watching the fireworks, I went back to the palace to watch the new year, singing and dancing all night long.

There was a three-day banquet in the palace, and the gathering continued until the night of the third day, before Zhu Yi was finally able to leave the palace.

She reported to the emperor that she wanted to go with Zhu Chuo to the princess mansion to accompany Zhu Ning. The emperor knew that this was her rhetoric, but he originally hoped that the fight between Zhu Yi and Xie Ying would be as hot as possible, so he naturally agreed. He even pointed to Xie Ying as the escort.

Tonight's Princess Mansion is really lively, besides the three sisters Zhu Yi, Xie Ying, Han Yunrong, Rong Ting, there are also Gu Nanci and Rong Xiao.

Men and women sat in separate seats, with a Duobaoge as a partition in the middle. Zhu Yi turned around, looked at Xie Ying through the red sandalwood lattice, and then at Han Yunrong. They just clinked glasses and were talking.

With a smile in Zhu Yi's eyes, she looked away. These two men were by her side, filling her heart with happiness and fulfillment. It is the feeling of belonging deep in my heart and having clear expectations for the future.

This should be the happiest New Year's Eve for her, and it is completely different from the bustle of being in the palace every year while watching the new year, but still feeling lonely and helpless.

Zhu Yi turned her head, just in time to see Gu Nanci looking at her. After being slightly taken aback, she took the initiative to serve Gu Nanci with food, then picked up the wine cup, and said with a smile, "Miss Nanci, I respect you." When the Wan family was reunited, Gu Nanci traveled thousands of miles to Beijing to treat Zhu Ning's illness, and she was alone. She couldn't let her be left out in the cold again.

Gu Nanci had a drink with Zhu Yi.

Not only Zhu Yi, but also Zhu Chuo were in a good mood. She hadn't seen Han Yunrong for many days, and today she finally relieved her pain of lovesickness. As soon as Zhu Chuo was happy, he became the banker, one-on-three, and freely took turns drinking with the three women.

In this way, Zhu Chuo was naturally the first person at the two tables to get down. Zhu Yi sent Zhu Chuo to the guest room to rest, and the two left first.

Gu Nanci wanted to go to the clean room, so she followed suit. When she came out of the clean room, she caught sight of Rong Xiao and Zhu Yi not far away, they were talking.

She quickly hid behind the pillar next to her.

Rong Xiao obviously drank too much, so he talked too much, he was apologizing to Zhu Yi with his tongue out: "Princess, yes, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame for not protecting you well, and causing you to be taken away by Yan Fengqin."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yi still remembered this incident, so he blamed himself quite a bit, and comforted him, "How long has it been, you still remember. It's all due to that hateful Yan, and you can't be blamed."

Zhu Yi didn't care about it, but Gu Nanci's heart skipped a beat, and her heart beat extremely fast. After those few dreams, she was extremely sensitive to the name Yan Fengqin. So in reality, Yan Fengqin also captured Zhu Yi? And Xie Shao also admitted that Yan Fengqin had sexual intentions for Zhu Yi. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that there were subtle overlaps between the dream and reality.

Stimulated by the alcohol, the obsession in Rong Xiao's eyes that had been hidden well was exposed again, and he continued: "Princess, if, if Xie Ying treats you badly, you must sue and tell me. I..."

Zhu Yi immediately became embarrassed, with a smile on her lips, she did not expect Rong Xiao to say such a thing.

The man's gloomy voice suddenly sounded: "I won't treat the princess badly. You don't need to worry about my affairs with the princess."

Xie Ying didn't know when she came and how much she had heard.

Zhu Yi was startled, fearing that the two drunk men would clash, so he quickly grabbed Xie Ying's hand and comforted him, saying, "Forget it, Rong Xiao drank too much and is talking nonsense, don't worry about him. Let's go Let's go." She said while pushing Xie Ying's arm: "Go, I'll take you to the guest room to rest."

Xie Ying looked at Zhu Yi, after all, not wanting to embarrass her, he took her shoulders and was about to leave.

Xie Ying's unscrupulous act of declaring ownership made Rong Xiao's temples throb. Obviously he was the one who first met the princess. Before Xie Ying appeared, Zhu Yi had always trusted him the most, and he was the one to handle everything. At that time, he was the only male who could get close to Zhu Yi.

Rong Xiao's eyes were red, he didn't know whether it was from the smell of alcohol or from anger, he sneered, and said: "Don't worry about me? You don't want to be criticized, you should keep yourself clean! You come out of the girl's room alone in the middle of the night , who knows what you did in the room with someone, this is what you call treating the princess!"

Zhu Yi's body froze slightly. Sensing her subtle movements, Xie Ying gently brushed away Zhu Yi's hand holding his clothes. He turned around and looked at Rong Xiao coldly: "Whose room did I come out of in the middle of the night?"

"You don't know what you do yourself? Who are your childhood sweethearts and confidante, you still need to ask me?" Rong Xiao took Zhu Yi's previous action of holding onto Xie Ying's clothes as a compromise. He didn't understand that a princess like this It's beautiful, why should I compromise for a man who is not worth it. Even if she was cheated physically and mentally by Xie Ying, he didn't care at all.

Rong Xiao simply put it more clearly: "It's just what happened a few days ago, in this yard, I saw it with my own eyes, can I still wrong you?"

Just in this yard? Now Zhu Yi and Gu Nanci behind the pillar understood what Rong Xiao was referring to whose room Xie Ying entered in the middle of the night.

Xie Ying naturally knew better which time Rong Xiao was referring to. When Rong Rong Xiao asked him the first sentence, he knew it clearly. He just wanted to see Zhu Yi's reaction, to see if Zhu Yi was still the same as before. Between him and Rong Xiao, he chose to trust Rong Xiao without hesitation.

At the same time, it is also tactfully letting Gu Nanci know that in the future, if it is not about safety and emergency, don't ask him out late at night. He is not the same as before. There is a vinegar jar at home, which may be knocked over at any time. Xie Ying glanced in the direction of the pillars.

"What are you doing?" Rong Ting rushed over upon hearing the news, followed by Han Yunrong. The two separated the tense Xie Ying from Rong Xiao.

Seeing Rong Xiao's excited expression, Rong Ting knew who provoked it. Rong Xiao was usually shy with Zhu Yi, but Rong Ting didn't expect him to lose his composure when he drank. Holding Rong Xiao's arm, he said, "Follow me! You are not allowed to yell here."

"I won't leave! I want to protect the princess!" Rong Xiao stubbornly went to see Zhu Yi's reaction.

Rong Ting was so angry that he knocked people unconscious with his palm and took him away. He knew that Xie Ying tolerated Rong Xiao because of him, otherwise, he would have known how cruel he was. What's more, Zhu Yi and Xie Ying only have each other in their hearts, Rong Xiao is simply causing trouble for Zhu Yiping.

Fortunately, there are no two maidservants in the backyard at this time, only guards hiding in the dark. These guards are well-trained and will not spread the matter tonight.

Han Yunrong looked at Zhu Yi, then at Xie Ying, knowing that they had to resolve this matter by themselves, so he just said: "Your Majesty, don't forget what you promised me." This was to remind Xie Ying that he was worried that he would be too jealous Losing his mind hurts Joey.

Xie Ying said, "Don't worry."

As soon as Han Yunrong left, Zhu Yi immediately pulled Xie Ying and said, "Rong Xiao said you met Senior Sister Gu late at night, what happened? Is it... something happened to her and she asked you for help?"

Xie Ying, because of Zhu Yi's words, the haze in his eyes immediately dissipated a lot: "The princess finally no longer trusts Rong Xiao completely, and she has also started to trust me." He added: "It's cold outside, I'll take you back to the guest room Say it again."

Zhu Yi was slightly stunned, and could only follow his footsteps.

Gu Nanci came out from behind the colonnade, staring at Xie Ying and Zhu Yi who had gone away in a daze. Xie Ying's sentence "The princess finally no longer trusts Rong Xiao completely", shows that Zhu Yi had a very close relationship with Rong Xiao in the past...but he knew it, but he was still willing to entangle with Zhu Yi.

The next morning, Zhu Yi woke up from a backache and lay on the bed clutching the quilt with both hands, not wanting to move. That bastard Xie Ying actually treated her like this in the Princess Mansion.

Now Zhu Yi understood that Xie Ying would torment her severely every time she had private contact with other men. Last time it was because of Yan Fengqin, this time it was because of Rong Xiao.

"Third brother, why are you still awake?" Zhu Yi was still distracted, so Mianfeng invited Zhu Chuo in.

"I'll get up right away." Zhu Yi just sat up, and then she suffered a huge shock, which almost made her fall back on her back. It was Zhu Chuo who threw himself into her arms.

Zhu Chuo said aggrievedly: "Old man, after I was drunk last night, Han Yunrong came to my room. Do you know? He, unexpectedly..."

Hearing Zhu Chuo's voice that was about to cry, Zhu Yi's heart tightened, and she pushed her away to look at her: "He will you..."

Zhu Chuo shook his head: "Yiyi, I deliberately got so drunk to give him a chance, but in the end, he just kissed me, touched me, rubbed me, and did nothing else."

Kiss me, touch me, rub me.

"..." Listening to this kind of thing between his brother and his sister, Zhu Yi scratched his temple hair, lowered his head, and concealed his indescribable heart at the moment.

The two were talking, and they heard Mianfeng greet from the outside: "Princess Yong'an."

Zhu Yi let out a sigh, what happened today, everyone came to her so early.

Mianfeng has already drawn up the green cloth-padded curtain to invite Zhu Ning in.

"Yiyi, Ah Chuo." Zhu Ning sized up the two younger sisters, her clear eyes were full of joy, but also a hint of melancholy, with a calm expression, completely different from her usual ignorant and cute appearance.

Zhu Yi was careful, and noticed that Zhu Ning only wore a sapphire hairpin with dripping lotus on her head, and nothing on her ears. What Rong Ting likes to dress up for her most is doll bottles, rabbits, and fish hair accessories. Neither can be seen.

Regardless of her physical discomfort, she got out of bed and held Zhu Ning's hand. Tears welled up in her eyes before she could speak: "Sister, you...remember?"