The Peasant Female Doctor

Chapter 28


Yang Shifeng took Eleven to an ordinary mountain wall. Under Eleven's gaze, he stretched out his hand to remove a large piece of thorns. After this move, Eleven discovered that there was a cave behind the thorns.

Yang Shifeng walked into the cave first and waved to Eleven, "Come in."

Eleven followed and walked in, and found that the cave was not big and low, but it was quite clean inside, there was no animal excrement at all, and there were a lot of firewood and hay in the innermost corner. , so he asked Yang Shifeng, "Did you clean this place?"

Yang Shifeng put down the things he brought, "I discovered this by accident when I was sixteen years old. Since then, I have often come here to rest when I hunt, and sometimes I will come in to hide when it suddenly encounters heavy rain, and wait for me to leave. When it comes to the cave, thorns will be used to block the entrance of the cave, and it is not easy for ordinary people and animals to find out that this is a cave, so no one here knows about it, so I am the only one here.”

Eleven understood and was quite satisfied with this place. He walked to the smooth stone on the side and sat down, "Then we can have a good rest tonight, it's better than sleeping outside."

Yang Shifeng smiled and took out a bamboo tube from his bag and handed it to Eleven, "Drink some water, I'll go out and hunt a wild animal, and let's bake it at night."

Eleven looked at the sky outside, and it wasn't completely dark, so he said, "Then you can fight around here, don't go too far."

"Understood, I'll be back in a while." Yang Shifeng couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her hair, and ran quickly with a bow and arrow before she reached out to beat him.

Eleven walked to the corner, brought some firewood, and then went to the nearby cave to find some dead grass, found a fire stick from the baggage that Yang Shifeng brought, lit the dead grass, and then set up the firewood, and the fire gradually burned. up.

After a while, Yang Shifeng came back, holding a wild rabbit in his hand to show Eleven, "Eleven, let's eat pancakes with roasted hare at night."

Eleven's eyes lit up, and he licked his lips. He seemed to be able to smell the aroma of the roasted rabbit before it was roasted. He couldn't help but feel that it was so right to bring Yang Shifeng. The last time she came alone, she was starving to death. I didn't suffer the slightest sin, but it was as pleasant as a picnic.

"Yang Shifeng, why are you so virtuous?" Eleven sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Shifeng looked at Eleven helplessly, "Eleven, don't say a man is virtuous, this is used to describe a woman."

Eleven raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, "You are the most virtuous, and women can't compare to you."

Yang Shifeng shook his head dotingly, took out the dagger he brought in his bag, peeled off the skin of the rabbit in three or two strokes, then cut open the belly to clean the internal organs, washed them with water, and finally put them on a wooden stick, and put them on the rack. Start roasting on the fire.

Eleven thought it was just baked like this, but who knew that Yang Shifeng magically took out a paper bag from the bag, and after opening it, it turned out to be the seasoning for home cooking.

Eleven can't even admire Yang Shifeng, "You even brought seasonings? How did you remember it?"

Yang Shifeng skillfully sprinkled the seasoning on the rabbit and turned the rabbit meat. "When you go up the mountain, take it with you, just in case." In fact, Yang Shifeng came to the mountain to hunt by himself, and he always took only two coarse grain buns to deal with it. Now, even if you hit the prey, you are reluctant to bake it. This time he brought it all for Eleven, and he was reluctant to let her eat the biscuits, but he definitely wouldn't say that to Eleven.

Eleven suddenly felt that if Yang Shifeng was in her era, he would definitely be better off than her.

The scent of rabbit meat soon spread out, filling the entire cave in an instant.

Yang Shifeng couldn't stand Eleven's expression the most, so he had to speed up the roasting. After it was cooked, he pulled off the rabbit's leg and handed it to her, "Okay, eat it quickly, be careful of scalding."

Eleven couldn't wait to take it and took a bite. The aroma of rabbit meat spread out in his mouth, which was unbelievably delicious.

"Yang Shifeng, the roasted rabbit is delicious."

"Eat more then." Yang Shifeng chuckled, seeing that she had finished eating, he tore off a rabbit leg and gave it to her, "Next time I will bake it for you at home."

Eleven was about to nod his head, but found that he did not eat the rabbit meat, but took out the pancake from the bag to eat, and grabbed the pancake quickly with his hands. Not a fool! Don't eat dry biscuits with rabbit meat?!"

Yang Shifeng pursed his lips and smiled, and immediately stretched out his hand to tear off a piece of rabbit meat and put it in his mouth, coaxing her, "Okay, you see I'm eating, don't be angry."

Looking at his smile, Eleven pursed his lips, feeling that he was really nosy, and reached out to return the cake to him, "You can eat whatever you like."

Yang Shifeng smiled at her ingratiatingly, put away the cake, and nibbled at the rabbit meat.

Eleven didn't bother to pay attention to him, and lowered his head to eat his own flesh.

big fool...

After the two of them had dinner, Yang Shifeng blocked the thorns at the door from the inside, added some firewood to keep the fire unextinguished, then spread the hay in the corner on the ground, put the blanket on it, and greeted Eleven to sleep. .

Eleven glanced at the straw bed with only one blanket and asked Yang Shifeng, "What about you?"

Yang Shifeng leaned on the rock wall not far away, "I'll just sleep by leaning on it, go to sleep."

Before November 11, I used to doze off a lot. I knew that I couldn't sleep well, and I would be very tired when I woke up. The quality of sleep was far inferior to lying down, but this person planned to rely on it for one night.

Eleven walked to the grass bed and lay down, occupying only half of the space, and waved to Yang Shifeng, "Come here."

Yang Shifeng was puzzled and walked up to Eleven to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Eleven patted the position next to him, "It's too tired to sit and sleep, you also lie down and sleep, we are half and half seated."

Eleven said that the cloud was light and the wind was light, but Yang Shifeng blushed and waved his hand quickly, "No need, no need, I'll just sit and sleep."

Eleven lifted the blanket on the other side, "Don't be long-winded, just lie down and sleep."

Yang Shifeng's ears turned red now, and he took a step back, not daring to look Eleven's eyes, "I'm used to sleeping on it, it's good to sleep like this."

Eleven hated a mother-in-law like him the most. He was too lazy to talk to him. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist and pulled him hard. Unpredictable, Yang Shifeng was dragged forward by Eleven and threw himself on Eleven.

Fortunately, Yang Shifeng's instinctive reaction made him stretch out his arms to support Eleven's body at the last moment, so as to avoid directly pressing on Eleven and crushing her.

"Eleven—" Yang Shifeng's heartbeat was uncontrollable, staring blankly at the beautiful face that was so close at hand, his mind went blank.

"Dong dong - dong dong - dong dong -" A louder heartbeat came into her ears from the upper chest. Eleven suddenly felt a little stuffy and breathless. She felt that Yang Shifeng must be too much. The tall body blocked the air, so he immediately reached out and pushed the person above him to the side.

"Okay, just sleep like this, if you move again, I'll beat you." Eleven put the blanket over Yang Shifeng, then turned his back and closed his eyes to sleep.

Yang Shifeng remained motionless in the posture of being pushed down by Eleven, staring straight ahead, his mind was still chaotic. Only after his brain resumed operation, his eyes moved a little bit to Eleven's body with his back to him, watching quietly.

She was really lying next to him, so close that he could even smell the fragrance emanating from her body. Yang Shifeng felt that it was like a dream, but he knew it was not a dream, it was true.

Such beauty really belongs to him.

Yang Shifeng gently hooked the corner of his mouth, his hand slowly stretched out, touching Eleven's long hair little by little, grabbed a strand and held it in the palm of his hand, feeling it quietly.

Eleven's breathing was still as shallow as ever.

Yang Shifeng held the black hair in his hand and did not move. There was no sound in the air except for the sound of burning flames. It was so quiet that it seemed that both of them had already fallen asleep.

At this moment, Yang Shifeng suddenly raised his head, and moved slowly towards Eleven with a movement that was so light that it couldn't be lighter. The tip of his nose stopped above Eleven's head, and then, slowly, gently, A light kiss fell on Eleven's head.

In the darkness, Yang Shifeng smiled silently, satisfied and happy.

... ... ... ... ... .

The next day, when Eleven woke up, there was no one around. When he touched the seat next to him, it was very cold. It seemed that Yang Shifeng had been up for a long time.

Eleven sat up and stretched contentedly, feeling that he slept well last night.

She doesn't know why she slept so soundly last night, but she never trusts someone sleeping beside her, not even an animal. It can be said that she hadn't slept well in her past life for more than 20 years. Sleep. But last night, Yang Shifeng, a big living person, was lying next to her, but she didn't sleep at all. She slept better than ever, which is strange.

Is it because Yang Shifeng is too gentle and not aggressive? Eleven can only come up with this explanation.

At this time, Yang Shifeng came in from outside and saw Eleven sitting in a daze, his eyes flashed, "Are you awake?"

Eleven gave a "hmm".

Yang Shifeng handed Eleven the bamboo tube in his hand, "Rinse your mouth first, and we'll continue looking for herbs after we eat some pancakes."

He nodded at eleven o'clock, got up, took the bamboo tube, took a sip of water and rinsed his mouth, ran outside the cave and spit out the water, and then wiped his face with a handkerchief dipped in water.

Yang Shifeng came out with a burden and a bow and arrow, blocked the thorns at the entrance of the cave, and the cave returned to an ordinary mountain wall again.

"Here, eat a pancake." Yang Shifeng handed the pancake to Eleven.

Eleven took it over and started to nibble, continuing to find herbs while nibbling.

Probably yesterday and today's luck came together. The two of them haven't been looking for a long time. On the eleventh, they found the herbal medicine they wanted in a thorn grass, and the quantity was very large, enough to make a lot of anesthetics. .

Yang Shifeng was also very happy, and helped Eleven to dig together, and in a short while he dug out a whole basket.

Seeing that the number was enough, he stopped Yang Shifeng, "These are enough for a long time, so don't dig."

Yang Shifeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Okay, let's go back, we won't eat the pancakes at noon, and I'll cook something delicious for you when we go back."

Eleven nodded, not being polite to Yang Shifeng at all, "Then eat minced meat, eggplant, and braised pork."

Yang Shifeng nodded unconditionally, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Eleven snapped his fingers and unconsciously hummed a minor tune without lyrics, showing that he was in a good mood.

Yang Shifeng raised the corner of his mouth lightly, listened quietly, and walked by Eleven's side to protect him step by step.

"huh huh huh huh-"


"Eleven, stop!" Yang Shifeng suddenly pulled Eleven's sleeve.

In fact, Yang Shifeng didn't need to say it, Eleven stopped, and listened quietly with his ears sideways, silently making mouth shapes for Yang Shifeng, "There is something."

Yang Shifeng's face became serious, he silently nodded to Eleven, his head slightly turned to one side, and his ears listened carefully to identify the source of the sound.

"Eleven, over there, something is running towards us." Yang Shifeng pointed to the southeast.

Eleven was fully alert and stared in that direction. "The speed seems to be very fast, I don't know what."

Yang Shifeng's heart collided violently, and he clenched his fists close to Eleven's ear and said quickly: "It sounds like a wild boar, and it's getting closer and closer to us, we don't have time to go around."

Wild boar? Does this mean they hit a wild boar? Eleven looked at Yang Shifeng and silently asked about his plans.

Yang Shifeng was sweating on his forehead, and pulled Eleven to hide in a dense grass, "We can't run now, let's hide first to see the situation, the wild boars in the mountains are too fierce, we can't touch them, and we encounter wild boars. You can only avoid it, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Five of the ten hunters were carried on the wild boar, this thing is too lethal, if it is not necessary, you must go around the wild boar.

Eleven didn't speak, and looked at the source of the sound through the gaps in the grass.

The voice in their ears grew louder and louder, and in a few breaths, a wild boar that could reach eleven chest heights dashed and appeared in the sight of the two of them.

This wild boar is too big and too fierce, why is that look so scary.

Yang Shifeng carefully patrolled the wild boar for a week. When he found the wound on the wild boar, his vision suddenly shrank.

Oops, this is a wounded and enraged wild boar! And the direction the wild boar ran from was exactly the direction of him and Eleven. If the wild boar smells their breath, they will definitely find them, and it goes without saying that they will definitely attack them, but they cannot escape now, and they will still be seen by the wild boar, and their speed is not comparable to that of the provoked wild boar.

Why did they bump into this guy so unlucky today!

Yang Shifeng now regrets that he took Eleven to the deep mountains where dangerous wild things are often haunted. If something happened to Eleven today...

Yang Shifeng's breathing became rapid, and he quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind. Although the wild boars may not be able to find them if they hide or not, he does not dare to bet on such an uncertain possibility. He will strangle to death any possibility that Eleven misses a bit. For this purpose, let Eleven hundred The only way to be 100% safe is for him to take the initiative to divert the danger...

"Eleven, you stay here and don't move or make any noise. I'll lead the wild boar away, and then you run down the mountain." Yang Shifeng explained in Eleven's ear with his breath.

After speaking, Yang Shifeng clenched his bow and arrow without waiting for Eleven to reply, ready to stand up and run away, but Eleven Eyes quickly grabbed his hand.

"Do you dare to try it?" Eleven stared at Yang Shifeng, wishing he could slap him, is this fool ready to sacrifice himself to protect others? Eleven is not uncommon for her.

Yang Shifeng was so anxious that he sweated, "On Eleven, listen to me, this is not the time to be self-willed, the wild boars are too dangerous, especially the provoked wild boars, we are in danger when we encounter them, but I have experience, I can imagine There's a way to get out, don't worry."

Eleven index fingers stretched out and put them on Yang Shifeng's lips, "Shut up!"

Yang Shifeng's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at her with puzzled and anxious eyes.

Eleven looked at the wild boars, there were less than 200 meters left, and they were coming soon, no matter whether the big guy would find them or not, but since they bumped into them today, let’s turn bad luck into luck.

This wild boar, she wants it.