The Peasant Female Doctor

Chapter 38


Looking at Eleven, Yang Shifeng had no choice but to take back the ointment in his hand and pointed to the room where Eleven lived, "Go in and get some medicine."

Eleven then stood up and entered the room, and was taken aback as soon as he entered. The inside has changed a lot from the original. The sheets on the bed have been replaced with beautiful blue and white colors, and there is a circle of lace around the bed. There is also a beautiful pink gauze around the bed. In addition, the original old furniture in the house They were all gone, replaced by a beautiful dresser and wardrobe, a table in the center with a bottle of flowers on it, and the whole room exuded a faint aroma.

Very beautiful and warm.

There was a warm current flowing slowly in my heart, Eleven looked at Yang Shifeng, "Yang Shifeng, is this arranged for me?"

Yang Shifeng was silent, and pointed to the bed, "Go sit and put some medicine on your feet."

Eleven's eyes rolled around, sat obediently on the bed, took off his shoes, and stretched out his feet in front of Yang Shifeng, without any intention of doing it himself.

Yang Shifeng silently moved the stool and sat on the edge of the bed, put Eleven's feet on his lap, and dipped a little ointment with his fingers to apply it to her, the same action as last time.

Eleven's eyes fell on Yang Shifeng's face, slowly sliding down from his forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, every detail, and found that everything was unexpectedly beautiful, even the cheeks. The scars on it all look delicious. She didn't realize that Yang Shifeng was so good-looking before, could it be that the lover sees Xi Shi in his eyes? Because she looks at him differently now, so she looks good wherever she looks

Eleven reached out and touched the scar on Yang Shifeng's left face. Yang Shifeng was startled, flashed back like an electric shock, and looked at Eleven in amazement.

Eleven withdrew his hand and asked, "Where did the injury on your face come from?"

Yang Shifeng only replied lightly: "I accidentally hurt when I went hunting in the mountains."

Eleven looked at the changes around him, and after a little thought, he understood that this guy must have spent a lot of money to make the house so beautiful. This money must be earned from hunting, and he will do it in just a few months At this point, you can imagine how he beat him, no wonder he had injuries on his face.

Eleven felt a little uncomfortable looking at that sadness, especially seeing how silent he was now, it made him even more uncomfortable.

She felt that his attitude towards her was different. He clearly still cared, but he was cold. Was he angry about her leaving and the hurtful words she said to him

Eleven sighed, even if he blamed her for being mad at her, she deserved it, and she herself felt quite irritating. In order to make him forget the words she deliberately said, it was really hurtful.

Forget it, the sin was done by himself, he had to bear it by himself, coax slowly, I believe it would always calm him down.

Eleven regained his energy and poked Yang Shifeng's shoulder, "Yang Shifeng, do you want me to live here?"

Yang Shifeng's action of applying the medicine paused, and after a long time, he nodded. Eleven guessed that he had hesitated for a long time before he would let her live, and couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

After giving Eleven the medicine, Yang Shifeng stood up and walked out, "I'm going to cook."

Eleven didn't have time to call others to disappear, so I had to put on my shoes and go out, and strolled in the yard. When I saw the swing that was still standing there quietly, I couldn't help raising the corners of my mouth, walked over quickly, sat down on the swing, tapped my feet, and slowly swayed up, the breeze was blowing my face, and I felt a sense in my heart. A strange sense of calm.

Eleven laughed, only feeling that this feeling is what she wanted, calm, steady, and happy, which was something she had never experienced in the months she had been out.

At this time, Grandpa Yang came in from the door, saw Eleven sitting on the swing, and walked over slowly, "Miss Eleven."

Eleven stopped the swing and stood up, "Grandpa Yang."

Grandpa Yang sighed, there was helplessness in his tone, but he didn't blame Eleven, "Miss Eleven, are you still leaving when you come back this time?"

Grandpa Yang went out for a walk until now, thinking about this in his mind, he was too worried, worried that his grandson had hope again, but suffered even greater disappointment after the hope, so he had to ask, had to confirm, he Knowing that his grandson couldn't take another hurt.

Eleven also knew that Yang Shifeng was injured by his previous departure, and Grandpa Yang was also worried. She understood his worries, but this time she would not hurt him again. Then Eleven looked into Grandpa Yang's eyes seriously and said, "Grandpa Yang, I won't leave this time."

Grandpa Yang nodded, "Okay, if you say that, my old man is relieved." Grandpa Yang said, glanced at the direction of the kitchen, and continued: "Today's affairs are my old man's idea, Shi Feng he is not willing to I forced him to look at the girl, he doesn't mean that to other girls, don't be angry with him for this." If he knew that the eleventh girl would come back, his old man would not force Shi Feng to go to him. Look at the girl, how can I know that the only time I was seen by the eleventh girl, and I don't know how the stupid boy is in his heart now, no matter what, he has to explain, don't let the stupid boy look forward to it for so long The girl is angry.

Eleven also glanced at the kitchen and said softly, "I know, I'm not angry." She knew that he was mean to the girl, and his eyes wouldn't lie.

"That's good." Grandpa Yang was relieved, greeted Eleven, entered the room and sat down, and said, "Eleven girl, you can also see how much the family has changed now, these are all earned by Shi Feng hunting. money If you don't listen, it pisses me off."

"My old man said he didn't listen to him, now you persuade him, don't let him go hunting in the mountains, it's too dangerous, our grandfather and grandson are two kinds of farming, we can't live, plus I don't need to now. It costs money to treat illness, and I really don’t need him to hunt to earn money.”

Eleven listened quietly and nodded. In fact, she didn't want him to go hunting to earn money. She didn't plan to stay here before. Naturally, she only regarded him as an outsider. She never spoke up about his decisions and actions, and she never considered the danger of his hunting. , but now her mind has changed, she has listed him as one of hers, his safety is naturally something she must consider, looking at the scars on his face makes her feel uncomfortable, and naturally doesn't want him to go up the mountain again such a dangerous thing.

She hoped that he would be with her all the time.

But she doesn't really like him going to the fields to live on the meager income from farming. She has seen with her own eyes the sweating and exhaustion when harvesting the rice. That kind of hard work is really hard, but the rewards are too meager. . If she could, she would be able to make money, but she knew that Yang Shifeng was unwilling to think with her toes. This man was very stubborn, and using a woman's money was probably more serious than killing him. Eleven knew him well at this point.

Therefore, you still have to think of a way to make a living, which is both easy and profitable.

Eleven's mind moved quickly, and he browsed through the various information he had seen outside in the past few months and looked for business opportunities in his mind.

Before Eleven thought about it, Yang Shifeng came out of the kitchen with the food, put the rice on the table, and said to the two, "It's time to eat."

Eleven took the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and roasted chicken with potatoes on the table, sniffed, and suddenly felt extremely hungry, and saliva kept secreting in his mouth. She herself was surprised by her own reaction. When she was in the city, she ate all kinds of delicious food, but the more she ate it, the more tasteless she felt, and it was not so attractive to her. She thought it was After eating too much delicious food, the taste is tired. How could I know that these simple home-cooked dishes have such a big reaction now!

Is it because the people who do it are different

Eleven looked up at Yang Shifeng and smiled at him.

Yang Shifeng blinked, lowered his eyes and sat down to eat.

Eleven didn't care, and hurriedly took a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth, which immediately filled his mouth with fragrant and endless aftertastes.

At this time, Yang Shifeng opened his mouth and said to Grandpa Yang, "Master, I'm going to town tomorrow. I've run out of salt and soy sauce at home. I'll go buy some. Do you lack anything? I can buy it together."

Grandpa Yang waved his hand, "I don't lack anything. When you go, take a piece of the eggs that you have saved at home and sell them. You have already saved two baskets, and you can't eat them at home. Don't break them."

Yang Shifeng glanced at Eleven and said, "I won't sell the eggs. If you can eat them, the family will eat them and make up for themselves."

Grandpa Yang also glanced at Eleven, and he suddenly realized that before Eleven was away, he and Yang Shifeng didn't eat eggs very much, so they saved a lot, but now Eleven is back, she likes eggs, and this can be done eaten.

Grandpa Yang nodded, "Okay, keep it at home to eat."

Eleven didn't pay attention to what the grandfather and grandson said about the eggs. Her mind just opened her mouth, just when Yang Shifeng said she was going to buy something in the town.

She thought of finding a way to make a living!

There are more than a dozen villages here. Each village has hundreds of households, and the total population is very considerable. Every time people here want to buy some daily necessities, they have to walk thousands of miles to the town for four hours. After an hour, people are exhausted after a day. But because it is located in the mountains, it is inconvenient to come and go, and even those pickers rarely set foot here. She has lived here for so long and has never seen a picker once. Yang Shifeng once said that they are here for a year. I can only see the picker once, but the price of the goods sold by the picker is quite expensive, because it is very tiring to come here.

It is very difficult for people here to buy something because there is no one who can sell them here. Then, if there is a special place to sell things here, people in Shiliba Village can buy the same thing without going all the way to town. The villagers are definitely willing to come here to buy things instead of going to the town!

That could totally open a supermarket!

As long as Yang Shifeng goes to the town to buy things back at a low price, and then sells them at a normal price, the villagers will not suffer, Yang Shifeng can also make money, and the money he makes is definitely not less than what he does hunting. The key is this Business is much more comfortable than farming, and at the same time, it can be regarded as a benefit to the people of these eight villages. Yang Shifeng is a good person, and he is definitely willing to do it.

Eleven thought about the chopsticks in his hands and forgot to move them. He stared at the table in fascination. Seeing this, Yang Shifeng paused with the chopsticks in his hands and pushed the dishes towards her, "The dishes are getting cold."

Eleven came back to his senses, glanced at Yang Shifeng, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

After eating, Eleven followed Yang Shifeng into the kitchen and watched him put the tableware into the pot and pour clean water to start washing the dishes.

Eleven sat on the bench and looked at him with his cheeks as before, but this time he didn't turn his head to look at her like before. This time, he didn't look at her at all, as if the dishes in the pot were more attractive. People are the same.

This guy!

Eleven Nunuzui decided not to care about him for the time being, let's talk about business first.

"Yang Shifeng, let me tell you something."

"What's up?"

"I want to open a supermarket, no, it's a grocery store. You can help me. How about we split the profit by half?" Eleven didn't want to share the profit. He is definitely not willing to do it, so he can only come up with the idea of 50%.

"Grocery store?" Yang Shifeng stopped washing dishes, a little puzzled.

"Yes, it's just like selling goods. It mainly sells some of the villagers' daily necessities, such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, so that the villagers don't have to travel all the way to the town to buy things, and they don't have to save for a long time. I only went to the town to buy something once, if our family opened a shop, everyone can come and buy anything at any time, and the business will definitely not be bad."

Yang Shifeng listened quietly, his eyes fluctuated, obviously he was a little moved by this idea.

Eleven asked, "How's it going? If you can, don't go hunting in the future, just open a grocery store. If you go to town to buy goods and sell them back, you will definitely earn more than you hunt."

Yang Shifeng didn't speak, he quietly lowered his head and continued to wash the dishes, he didn't say anything else on Eleven, and watched quietly. It wasn't until Yang Shifeng brushed the tableware and put it in the cupboard that he turned his head to look at Eleven and said, "Okay."

"Huh?" Eleven didn't expect him to think about it so quickly, but it's only time to wash the dishes, "You thought about it so quickly?"

Yang Shifeng nodded, "After thinking about it, I will go to the town tomorrow to see."

Eleven laughed and said, "Since this is the case, many things have to be prepared in advance. First of all, you have to have a car. Is it possible that you always walk to buy goods?"

Yang Shifeng thought for a while and said, "I can hit a car, but I'm going to buy a donkey in the town."

Eleven smiled, turned and went back to the room. When he came back, he gave Yang Shifeng a silver note, "I'll pay for the cost, and you can do everything else, I don't care."

Yang Shifeng glanced at the silver note and turned his head away, "I have money, I don't need your money."

"Hi-" Eleven found that Yang Shifeng is really not as good as before, and he doesn't want money. Could it be that he is going to hunt to earn money again? I don't think there are enough injuries on the body!

Eleven took his hand and held it tightly when he wanted to break free, "If you don't want it, I'd be embarrassed to ask for half of the profit. Don't you want to share half of it with me and want to monopolize it alone?"

Yang Shifeng shook his head.

Eleven shoved the bank note into his hand, "Then you have to collect the money. We will each contribute the money and the others."

Yang Shifeng wanted to throw away the silver note in his hand as if he was electrocuted, Eleven said immediately: "If you dare to throw it away, I will treat you as a stranger with me. Live with yours, eat yours and use yours, I'll pack up and go now."

On the eleventh, he was about to leave, and in the next second, Yang Shifeng took the silver ticket and put it into his pocket silently, but his lips were white.

Eleven knew that he wasn't happy, but she just wanted to change his fault. Who stipulated that women can't spend money on men? If two people are really close, do they still care who spends money and who doesn't. In the past, she didn't care about this with him, but now she takes him into her heart, and doesn't want him to always carry everything on her own like this.

Seeing how silent he was, Eleven smiled quietly, stretched out his little finger and hooked his little finger, and when he was so shocked that he wanted to shrink his hand, he insisted that he would not let him run, and said, "Okay, we still have a lot of things to do. Well, in addition to the car, there is also a shelf for storing goods, and a counter, can I draw you a blueprint for these two things?"

Yang Shifeng stiffened his body and nodded slowly.

"Then you come with me, help me polish the ink, and I will draw."