The Peasant Female Doctor

Chapter 74


The little fat man hadn't eaten well for two days. On the eleventh, he hurriedly undressed to feed him. The little fat man was also very hungry. When he sucked milk, it was like destroying a class enemy. It was so fierce that no one could disturb him. .

Yang Shifeng watched quietly and asked Eleven: "Have the medicinal materials been picked?"

Eleven nodded, "This time, I have prepared everything I want and planted it directly in the medicine field behind."

"Then do you want someone to help you plant it?"

Eleven shook his head, "Others won't plant it, I have to do this myself. When all the seedlings have grown up, it will take a lot of time to care for and pick them, and then we will need to find people from the village for long-term care. If you help, people from other villages can also, we will pay you wages.”

Yang Shifeng was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Is this how you said you want to bring the villagers to make money?"

Eleven nodded and shook his head again, "Yes, but it's not entirely true, now it's only a small part, I still have big things to do later, I'll tell you later, but before that, you have to Build a pharmacy for me in the space reserved for the medicine field, which will be of great use to me. Oh, by the way, another public kitchen will be built."

Yang Shifeng has a hunch that his daughter-in-law's movement will not be small this time. However, as a wife and slave, Yang Shifeng always supports his daughter-in-law unconditionally, and what the daughter-in-law says must be done well, so the next day he came again. The helpers gathered together and started building a pharmacy and kitchen for Eleven.

As for the eleventh, the seeds and seedlings brought back from the mountains will be cultivated in the medicinal fields.

However, the little fat man is very sticky on Eleven now. He will pretend to cry when Eleven is not in his field of vision. If he pretends to cry and can't see Eleven, he will start crying, and the crying will cause headaches.

Just a little devil.

There was no other way, Eleven had to put the little fat man in the little cart made by Grandpa Yang, and moved the cart to the medicine field, so that the little fat man could see her all the time.

The little fat man was satisfied.

Eleven points are divided into different categories, and each piece of land is planted with different herbs. However, it is very simple to plant them, and it is not easy to make them grow smoothly. Each herb has different habits, different needs for nutrients, and different needs for water, so it takes a lot of effort to cultivate it.

While cultivating Eleven, he wrote down the habits and cultivation needs of each herb in a booklet. Yang Shifeng followed Eleven's booklet to build a pharmacy, and came over from time to time to add fertilizer or water to the herbs. He knows the habits of each herb like the back of his hand.

The construction of the pharmacy is also based on the drawings drawn by Eleven, and it is divided into two parts. One is the site for drying the medicinal materials, which is used to bring in the freshly picked medicinal materials for drying; the other is the pharmaceutical operation room. It can be used to make the processed medicinal materials into corresponding medicines.

Yang Shifeng had some guesses in his heart, and tried to ask: "Eleven, are you planning to sell medicine?"

"Huh?" Eleven looked at him with a bit of admiration in his eyes, "Brother Shifeng, that's ok, just guess what I'm going to do?"

"Are you really going to sell medicinal herbs?"

Eleven nodded, "I plan to sell medicines, but not medicinal materials, but special medicines."

Yang Shifeng didn't quite understand.

Eleven simply said, "I plan to open a medicine hall in the town and in the city, and the medicine I made will be sold in it."

Yang Shifeng was startled, "Are you planning to go to the town and the city to see a doctor?"

"Of course not!" Eleven touched his face, "I don't want to be a doctor, and even if I do, I will only go once or twice a month. I just open a medicine hall and sell medicine, which is equivalent to our family. the same shop."

Yang Shifeng was even more confused, "How can you prescribe medicine without a doctor? You can't take medicine casually, it will be bad."

Eleven explained to him patiently: "Chinese herbal medicines are only a part. The medicines I mainly sell are actually pills that can be taken directly. You don't need to boil them, you just need to take them with water. For the treatment of wind-cold, for fever, for diarrhea, the patient can decide what medicine he wants to buy. Of course, I will have a doctor in each pharmacy. If you don't know the medicine, of course you won't sell it to others."

Yang Shifeng only understood now, his eyes were full of surprise, "Eleven, do you want to make all the medicines into pills and sell them? Then just drink it in one sip, you don't need to spend time boiling it, and you don't have to endure it any longer. Bitter."

"Of course! This is the difference between me and other pharmacies. The medicines I sell can be effective immediately, and they are convenient and simple. You don't need to suffer. Do you think such medicines can be sold?"

"Of course!" Yang Shifeng nodded without thinking, "It's so troublesome to boil the medicine, and it's hard to drink. If there are ready-made pills, the effect is better than that of boiled medicine, of course, buy the pills."

"That's right! So my pharmacy business will definitely be good. That's why I want such a large medicinal field, because I need too much medicinal materials by then. At that time, I will recruit people from these ten miles and eight villages to replace them. I take care of these herbs, and I need someone to process the herbs for me, and someone at the pharmacy also needs to make them into pills for me." This forms a workshop.

Yang Shifeng stared at Eleven, speechless.

Eleven picked his chin and kissed him on the lips, "Brother Shi Feng, what's wrong? Are you scared by me?"

Yang Shifeng murmured: "Eleven, your movement is really not small."

Eleven giggled, "I know I made too much noise this time, but I also decided to do it after thinking for a long time. One aspect is because the people in the village are too poor, and I can't stand it anymore, so I can give them something to do. A job makes money; but the main reason is that our family makes money from it.”

Eleven glanced at the little fat man who was laughing and said with a smile: "Our family is not short of money now, but it is also not short of money in the village. The daily income of the grocery store is enough to support the family, but if it is true I still can’t make any big money. I don’t have much money in my hands. Now that Chubby is born, if he needs any big money in the future, what if we can’t get it, so there are still more ways to go. ."

From the time the little fat man was still in her belly, she could see that the little fat man in her family was not a peaceful person. He would never stay in the village peacefully in the future. He couldn't be locked up here, and he would need money at that time. The place is estimated to be less.

As a mother, I know that everything about the child will be seriously considered for him in my heart.

Yang Shifeng heard the words and looked at the little fat man, feeling a little guilty, "I... I didn't even think about this, I'm sorry, I should have thought about this earlier."

Eleven kissed him again, "Apologize, just work hard for me in the future."

Yang Shifeng nodded with a smile, "Well, I will do the work in the future, I will listen to you."

Eleven was euthanized, and hugged him for a romantic French kiss, only making Yang Shifeng dizzy.

The little fat man watched his old parents just leave him alone and nibble on each other, anxious, and patted the bed unwillingly, "Mother-mother-ah-"

Under the interference of the little fat man, Eleven had to let go and threaten him: "I will throw you away tomorrow! You are so annoying!"

"Wow!" The little fat man waved his fists angrily, not convinced.

Yang Shifeng smiled and shook his head, watching the two babies, one big and one small, making noise.

By July, all the herbs carefully cultivated on November 11 had grown out, and the seedlings that had been planted directly survived, and they officially settled on the Yang family's land.

Eleven breathed a sigh of relief, and finally she was busy. She didn't need to do so herself in the future. God knows that in order to feed these herbs in the past few months, she has been busy like a spinning top every day, and the little fat man has opinions.

Eleven stretched and said to Yang Shifeng: "I don't have to come in person for the next nursing job, you can recruit people to work in these eight villages, but people must be careful, honest and responsible. don't want."

"I know this, but is the salary still based on thirty cents a day?"

"Well, I also pack a meal at noon and take care of it myself in the morning and evening. After the first batch of herbs grows well, we will recruit a group of people who handle the herbs and make pills to work in the pharmacy. In addition," Ten After thinking about it, he said, "It's not limited to men, women can also come, as long as they pass the assessment."

Eleven felt that women are better than men in terms of care, and all that is needed to grow medicinal herbs is careful care. If all the people who come here are men, it is estimated that few are suitable.

Yang Shifeng nodded, knowing that this is a big project that requires a lot of people to work, and it is not enough to select people from the village, so he put this news in each village, and anyone who wants to work can come.

As soon as the news was released, Shili Ba Village was shocked, and then both men and women rushed to Baiyun Village, all vying for this job opportunity.

There are too many people coming, and it is impossible for everyone to have it on the 11th, so I simply gave you some exam questions on raising herbs. The knowledge involved in the exam questions is not professional, but it can reflect a person's carefulness and patience. There are still others. If the answer is good, they will stay, and if the answer is unsatisfactory, they will not. In the end, a total of 30 people are left to work in the medicine field.

The work on Yaotian's side is on the right track. Next, we need to consider the issue of the store. After calculating the money left in my hand, I still have more than 1,000 taels in total. I don't know if it is enough for two stores. opened smoothly.

Eleven said to Yang Shifeng: "If you open a shop in the town, you can find a suitable shop to buy it. The price of the shop in the town should not be expensive, and we can still afford it. As for the one in the city, if the money is not enough, temporarily Rent it down, and sell it when you have the money."

Yang Shifeng kissed on the top of Eleven's hair, "Okay, then I'll find a suitable store tomorrow, but I want to find the stores in both places at once, so that I don't have to make a trip next time, so that It will take at least ten days, I'm not at home during this time, can you lead the group by yourself?"

Eleven patted his chest and assured, "What's wrong with taking him? Don't worry about me so much, I've taken him with me for so long, I'll definitely treat him well, so you can rest assured. , I still have my grandfather and Xiao Shifeng to help me, I will be fine." If the fat dumpling hadn't asked someone to take him, Eleven would have wanted to go with Yang Shifeng.

Alas, with children, you can't be free anywhere.

Yang Shifeng went to the city alone for so many days, Eleven was not at ease, so he said: "You can bring two people you can trust with you. It's good to have a helper."

"Okay, I'll take Dazhu and Noibao with me. The two of them have a good relationship with me, and they have a more active temperament. They are better at dealing with it than me."

Eleven, thinking about the personalities of these two people, they are indeed quite good at dancing.

Yang Shifeng simply packed up his luggage and went to Dazhu and Noble. The two agreed without saying a word. After packing up, they set off with Yang Shifeng the next day.

Then, the little fat man found out that after his old mother left him and disappeared last time, his old father left him without conscience and ran away.

On the first day that Yang Shifeng disappeared, the little fat man looked around suspiciously, but found that there was no sign of his father anywhere. He went out to find someone.

Eleven said to him, "Your father went to the city to buy you delicious food."

The word "delicious" is very sensitive to the little fat man. Every time he tells him to buy delicious food for him, he will calm down and quietly wait for the delicious food to come back. This time too, the little fat man blinked his big eyes, retracted his little finger, and said "oh oh" to Eleven, and didn't go to his father again.

As a result, the next day, the little fat man found that his father still hadn't come back. He felt that something was wrong. He pointed to the door and screamed desperately.

Eleven continued to lie to him, "Your father is too far away to buy delicious food, and he can't come back in a day."

The little fat man didn't believe it, he still wanted to go outside to find his father, so he hummed in a hurry.

On the third day, no matter what Eleven said, the little fat man didn't believe it. He woke up early in the morning and looked around with his eyes open, but he still didn't see his father. With a posture of turning the sky upside down, he shouted hoarsely "Ah-ah-"

Eleven was so disturbed by him that he couldn't sleep, so he had to get up and take him to play in the medicine field in the back, and by the way to see how those invited people were doing.

The little fat man thought Eleven was taking him to find his father, but he looked at everyone in the medicine field carefully and found that none of them were his father. The people who were doing the work were so frightened that they looked up to see what was going on.

Eleven patted his fleshy buttocks, "Okay, stop howling, your father will be back in a few days, it's not that I don't want you anymore."

The little fat man ignored it, still howling, but unfortunately, there were not many tears, and the drama was on his upper body.

However, on the fourth day and the fifth day, I still didn't see Yang Shifeng's figure. The little fat man was not crying, but he was really crying. Outside the gate, I hope to see his father's shadow.

Xiao Shishi was distressed by his little nephew crying. After class, he would run home to coax him and play with him, but the little fat man was so sad that he was in no mood to play. In the cradle of the main room, a person came in and cried in disappointment when he saw that it was not his father, so that everyone who came in to buy something was startled, and they all ran to ask Eleven why the child was crying so sadly.

Eleven expressed helplessness.

"Sister, why hasn't my brother come back yet? My nephew misses him. I... I miss him too."

Eleven can't help the little ones, so he can only comfort the older ones, "Your brother will be back in two days. It's not that fast to go to the city to do errands. The city is so far away from us, it will take two or three days to go back and forth."

Xiao Shishi nodded and was worried, "I know, but he doesn't understand my little nephew. He misses his brother when he doesn't see him. If he keeps crying, will he break his throat?"

Eleven sighs, really love and angry at this little devil he is, and would hate to beat him up, but if he were too young now, she would now give him a belt-fried shredded pork.

Eleven also looked out the door eagerly, expecting her Shi Feng brother to come back soon, she was talking big, and she couldn't take the little fat man alone.

On the tenth day, Yang Shifeng finally came back. When the little guy with his mouth open saw Yang Shifeng appeared, it was as if he had pressed the pause button, and his voice was suddenly silenced. He stared blankly at the tall man. figure.

However, Eleven was even more excited than Little Fatty, and suddenly threw himself into Yang Shifeng's arms, acting coquettishly, "Brother Shifeng, you are back."