The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 103: The fight started


Little did the Wang family know that the Zhu family was secretly stumbling upon their family again.

After delivering the tea, she went home to help cook.

At the end of the village, Wen Jiarui wanted to hire more people to build the house as soon as possible, so he told the villagers that anyone who wanted to work in his house should go to the village chief to sign up, and he would hire ten more people to help.

Now that the autumn harvest is over, many people have free time and have expressed their desire to sign up.

After all, after the hard work of farming, you have to find a part-time job to earn some money to celebrate the New Year. Doing it at home is better than working outside early in the morning and late at night, isn't it

Everyone ran to the village chief to sign up

The village chief also came to help today. He registered them one by one.

At this time, the long motorcade rumbled through the entire village and appeared in the wasteland, alarming the entire village.

In that long motorcade, every car has a sign with the word "Fu" on it.

Hundreds of workers were wearing the same clothes and following the convoy in high spirits. The word "Fu" was embroidered on the back of their clothes.

The motorcade also has a black pennant with a red dragon and phoenix embroidered on it.

From a distance, it looks extraordinary, as if the emperor is on a patrol.

This kind of grandeur has never been seen by the villagers.

"Fu family! It's the Fu family's construction team!" Someone recognized the flag and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What kind of family is the Fu family? Is it very powerful?"

"Of course the Fu family is great, does the palace know? The royal palace back then was built by the ancestors of the Fu family! People from the Fu family are known as palace gardeners! The Fu family has helped many royal relatives and relatives throughout the ages. First-class officials have built it Residence! I heard that many dignitaries wanted to hire people from the Fu family to build their mansions, but they couldn't." An old man said proudly.

The reason why he knew it was because when he was young, he traveled around, worked under the emperor's feet, and heard about the Fu family.

The villagers couldn't help but respect the long queue.

"Who did the Fu family come to our village to build a house for this time? Are there any dignitaries in our village?" one person asked curiously.

Everyone: "..."

They couldn't help but look at Wen Jiarui.

Today, only Wen Jiarui's family is building a house in the village!

impossible? !

Their little hearts won’t be able to handle this stimulation!

The village chief was registering who had signed up. He looked at the huge crowd and asked in shock: "Jia Rui, is this the construction team your family hired?"

By inviting so many people, are you planning to build a palace

Wen Jiarui shook his head: "How is this possible! How can my family have so much money to hire so many people to build a house? The remaining wasteland was bought by someone else. It should be the owner of the wasteland."

Wen Jiarui did not expect that the person who bought the remaining piece of wasteland would start construction on his own house on the same day.

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief!

Scared them to death.

Come to think of it, Wen Jiarui only sold fried snails and lions for a few days, and added a vegetable recipe, and he seemed to have picked up a piece of raw jade.

How could he afford to hire such a group of people to build a house after earning one or two hundred taels of silver

"If not, then who will build a house in our village?" the village chief's wife murmured.

Everyone: "..."

Many people's hearts are filled with excitement. No matter who they are, they must be rich or noble. They just need to have good relations with them in the future.

At this time, the luxurious carriage stopped in front of the wasteland where Wen Jiarui built his house.

Fu Rong got off the carriage, glanced at the land where the foundation was being dug, and frowned slightly.

He couldn't help but feel a little grudge because of Zhu's words.

Doctor Feng helped their family cure their grandmother's disease, but the condition was that the Fu family helped Doctor Feng build a garden mansion, and the land was provided by Doctor Feng.

The most important thing about a house is Feng Shui. Good Feng Shui: the soil can produce white jade, and the ground can produce gold. The house will be filled with gold and jade, and both young and old will be safe.

Poor feng shui can affect your wealth and health at first, or ruin your family and your family at worst.

Fu Rong felt that this matter was big or small, so he had to talk to the magic doctor Hefeng.

He waved to a foreman, said a few words, then got on the carriage and left.

After Fu Rong left, Foreman Tan called his men to start working quickly.

The team carried out their work in an orderly manner, with uniform movements.

It was an eye-opener for the villagers.

Foreman Tan thought of what the woman said when she stopped the carriage. He was outside the carriage at the time. Fu Rong was his distant cousin-in-law.

He inquired about the villagers, came to Wen Jiarui, and said loudly: "Brother, are you building a house on this land?"

The tone is a bit arrogant!

Wen Jiarui: "I'm the one who is here. I wonder what's going on, brother?"

"My master plans to build a mansion on this wasteland. I want to buy your land at a high price. How much money are you willing to sell it for?"

Foreman Tan looked at Wen Jiarui's clothes. His clothes were washed white and had patches on them. He felt that his family's financial situation was not very good and he might be able to sell it if he was given more money.

Wen Jiarui shook his head: "I'm sorry, this land is not for sale."

This is his family's blessed land, and he won't sell it for any amount of money.

"This wasteland costs one tael of silver per acre. I'll buy it for you with ten taels of silver! It's enough for you to find another better land to build a house on."

My cousin-in-law just asked the owner of this wasteland if he could sell it.

If he doesn't sell it, he will exchange it for a shop with a backyard in the town.

These poor people will definitely sell it if they give him 12 or 80 taels. There is no need for a house in the town to replace it.

However, when this person sells it, he will say that this person agreed to exchange it for the house in the town, and then the house in the town will be his!

For ten taels of silver, he got his cousin's husband's house with a shop in the town that was worth more than a hundred taels. It was a huge profit!

Wen Jiarui still shook his head: "Sorry, this is not a question of money. My whole family likes to live here, and we won't sell it for any amount of money."

Sister Nuan just moved here to be in good health, and he wouldn't sell it even if I gave him a gold mountain!

After Wen Jiarui finished speaking, he turned around and walked away. He had to seize the time to dig the foundation.

When Tan Gong saw Wen Jiarui being so ignorant, he became angry.

Ever since he started working as a foreman next to his cousin-in-law, he called Fu Rong cousin-in-law, and the wealthy families were all polite to him.

A mud-legged man dared to be shameless. He couldn't help but catch up and pushed Wen Jiarui: "Shameless, ten taels of silver. You have to sell today if you want to, or if you don't want to."

Suddenly being pushed hard from behind, Wen Jiarui staggered a few steps, his body became unsteady, he threw forward, and dug directly into the foundation, which was not deep or shallow at this time.

The man who was helping to dig the foundation instantly became angry.

Wen Youfu quickly went to help Wen Jiarui.

Wen Youcai immediately jumped up, pointed at Foreman Tan and said angrily: "Why are you pushing people away for no reason? Are you bullying no one in our village?"

"What's wrong with me? Can't you push me? I'm still pushing you! Do you want to sell this land?" Before working as a foreman, Mr. Tan was a gangster with an impulsive personality and a love of face. The kind of fight!

He reached out and pushed Wen Youcai hard.

Wen Youcai took a few steps back, stepped in the air, and fell to the ground.

Now Wen Jiarui became even more angry, and the village chief and others were also angry!

"Are they all dead? You were bullied right at your doorstep! Drive this person out of the village!"

We are all hot-blooded men, no one has any dignity and no one cares about face.

Besides, in my own village, there are many brothers, who is afraid of whom, and soon the two parties started fighting!

When Nuan Nuan heard the news and ran over, the two parties were fighting fiercely!