The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 104: I offended the noble man


Silence, deathly silence!

The people in the village looked in disbelief as they looked at the man holding his stomach in pain, falling to the ground, curling up, struggling and unable to get up.

What happened just now

They seemed to see a short black figure flash past, and then the figures fell down one by one

The villagers all unanimously raised their heads and looked at Warmth, who was standing there with a spatula in his hand: "..."

Not her!

It must not be her.

How could it be she who kicked someone just now!

The person lying on the ground unable to get up also looked at her with a ghostly look on his face.

What happened just now

They saw Foreman Tan being beaten just now!

Foreman Tan is Mr. Fu's cousin-in-law. Even though he was parachuted in to be the foreman, everyone dissatisfied with him!

But we can't just watch him being beaten!

They came to help!

Twenty or so of them fought against the dozen or so villagers, so they were originally at the upper hand.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed in, and before they could see each other's faces clearly, they were kicked away!

Is this petite girl in front of me the one who kicked twenty of them to the ground

How can this be

Nuan Nuan held a spatula in one hand and tapped the palm of her other hand. Looking coldly at Foreman Tan who was lying on the ground and beaten into a pig-like shape by someone, he coldly uttered one word: "Get out! "

Foreman Tan and others quickly got up and ran back to another wasteland.

The real Fu family construction team who did not participate in the fight and were only trying to break up the fight were so frightened that they ran back!

This girl is too tough and can't be offended!

Foreman Tan returned to the wasteland on the other side, wiped the blood from his nose, turned his head, and looked in the direction of Wen Nuan with a sinister look on his face: "Bitch, wait! If she can build this house, I will take her surname. , accept her as your mother!"

I heard from my cousin-in-law that this house was built for a noble person, and no one dared to offend that noble person.

The people in the village were a little surprised when they saw those awesome Fu family members running away like shit.

The Wen family actually beat the noble man away!

Then they thought of something and looked at Wen Jiarui with sympathy:

It's over, I've offended the nobleman, Wen Jiarui will never want to build a house here again.

Not to mention building a house, there is no guarantee whether he will be imprisoned or whether he will be able to stay in Wenjia Village in the future!

Fortunately, they didn't take action just now.

Several villagers who had just gone to the village chief to sign up thought that Wen Jiarui had offended the nobleman and did not want to be implicated, so they all ran to the village chief to tell them to quit. They forgot that they had already found part-time workers in the town.

The village chief was punched in the face just now, and the corners of his mouth were black!

Hearing the words of a few people, he immediately became angry: "If you don't want to do it, then I will do it. I won't miss you!"

The wages Wen Jiarui paid were high, thirty-five cents a day, and three meals included. Looking at the whole county, there was no such good job!

There are times when they regret.

He doesn't want to take advantage of them either!

There is no collective spirit at all!

snort! He remembered them!

If any good things happen in the future, they will definitely not be counted among them! The village chief thought, stingy.

hiss! It hurts my mouth to talk! The village chief's face turned bitter.

Mrs. Zhu had been hiding not far away. When she saw this scene, she smiled as if she had succeeded.

You are really not afraid of death, how dare you fight with those people

Also beating people down

Zhu couldn't help but chuckle: "Oh, this is life-threatening!"

It would be best for the noble man to catch that bitch in jail.

Zhu turned around and went home happily.

On the other side, Nuan Nuan looked at Wen Jiarui: "Dad, are you okay?"

Wen Jiarui's eyes were all blackened, but he still shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay. Sister Nuan, don't worry!"

By the way, how can my daughter's legs move so fast

He just imitated his daughter and kicked her out, but someone beat him to the face!

Nuan Nuan looked at his smiling face that was so painful that it was worse than crying, but she didn't expose him!

Nuan Nuan said to the other injured people who were helping in the fight: "Uncles, thank you just now. You are all injured. Come home with me first to get some medicine and have a rest!"

The villagers and helpers waved their hands: "It's okay, this little injury needs no medicine! There's no need to thank you, your father and we were brothers who fought each other since childhood!"

"That's right! You're welcome, we're all brothers! Why don't you help me in a fight? I had a big fight with your father when I was a kid. My head was broken and I didn't get any medicine. It'll be fine in a few days!"

They were right. Although Wen Jiarui was a scholar, he had a good temper towards his wife and children at home, and never said a harsh word. He was a good example of gentleness and elegance.

But after all, he was a child who grew up in the village. He often got into fights when he was a child. He was not afraid of getting into trouble. He was the most loyal person and would definitely help any brother who was bullied.

If you believe that he is a weak scholar who doesn't fight, how did he get the scar on his face

He got it because he blocked a knife for Wen Jiaxiang in a fight.

That's why it happened today. These people knew that the other party might be a very noble person and couldn't afford to offend him, so they took action!

How can we allow some outsiders to beat our brothers in our own village

In the end, Wen Jiarui called them back to apply for medicine.

Mr. Wen was having a fight just now and sprained his foot. Wen Jiarui carried him home and planned to give him some medicine for his foot.

Mr. Wen said worriedly on Wen Jiarui's back: "Fourth brother, you were too impulsive just now! The masters behind those people don't even know who they are, how dare you hit them! What if you offend the noble..."

Wen Jiarui kicked him: "Sister Nuan, please take your uncle and uncle home first, and dad will carry your grandpa back to his house first!"

Then Wen Jiarui turned around and walked directly to the village.

Of course he is also afraid of offending noble people, but that doesn't mean he won't fight back if he is bullied to the point of being bullied.

He doesn't cause trouble, but he's not afraid of it either!

Mr. Wen: "..."

Wen Jiarui carried Mr. Wen home and put him down. He said he would ask the doctor to come over and left.

Naturally, Zhu did not miss the opportunity to insinuate Wen Jiarui for being unfilial!

He also said that Wen Jiarui had offended a noble family, and he didn't know how that noble family would take revenge on him!

Ask Mr. Wen not to go out, so as not to be implicated and harm Dalang's family.

Mr. Wen was very worried and didn't hear what Zhu said, so he just nodded.


The fight between the Nuan family and the foreman of the noble family soon spread throughout the village. Everyone secretly felt that the Wen Jiarui family was in trouble!

Since ancient times, weak-legged and powerless people like them will not end well if they offend powerful people.

Many people are waiting to see how the noble people behind the foremen will deal with Wen Jiarui!

They never expected that such a scene would be waiting for them in the afternoon.

When Wen Nuan returned home with his helpers, he took out the distilled wine that Feng Nianchen had given him before and gave it to them.

This medicinal wine has precious medicinal ingredients and even contains tiger bones.

Not long after the medicinal wine was applied, they felt no pain, and the swelling subsided not long after!

Everyone was so shocked that they thought it was a miracle medicine and asked where they bought it.

Nuan Nuan promised to make a bottle for each of them in the future.

Everyone took a rest and had a hearty lunch. After regaining their strength, they started digging the foundation again.


This chapter is a bit late~~

Good night~~