The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 109: It's none of her business


After a moment of silence, everyone was followed by bursts of applause and exclamations that resounded through the sky!

"Oh my god! Sixty arrows fired in a row? The power can break through the city wall? What kind of magical weapon is this?"

"It's no exaggeration to say that this kind of power can move mountains and seas! Super magical weapon!"

"It's safe, it's safe, with such super weapons, there's no need to worry about foreign invasion from now on?"

"Whoever dares to provoke our Nalan Kingdom again, I will take this super magic weapon and destroy his entire country!"

... ..

All the ministers gathered around the repeating crossbow like a dormant eagle, admiring the weapon and marveling at it.

The bright yellow figure looked at a small collapsed city wall in the distance with bright eyes:

Although he knew that it would be much easier for such a small city wall to fall than for a real tall and continuous city wall to fall!

However, as long as the city wall can be blown apart, a long log can pierce the sky!

Is it still difficult to attack a city

The world must be divided if it is united for a long time, and it must be united if it is divided for a long time. The Nalan Kingdom has been in its heyday for nearly two hundred years. The bureaucracy is corrupt, the soldiers have been at ease and peaceful for too long, neglected training, and their combat effectiveness has declined. They have already shown a trend of gradual decline.

In contrast, other countries have risen rapidly.

Especially the Dongling and Nangong Kingdoms, whose military, agricultural and national strength are enough to compete with the Nalan Kingdom, have long been unwilling to be Nalan Kingdom's vassal states.

Just look at how the tributes are getting more and more perfunctory every year!

Moreover, in the past ten years, their soldiers have been dressed as bandits, and the bandits have made frequent small moves and made many provocations. If it were not for the reputation of the Seventeenth Emperor's brother, the Nalan Kingdom would have been at peace long ago!

But... ..

Now the Seventeenth Emperor's right hand is disabled!

The right hand that holds a spear and can drive back thousands of troops in a single blow, making the enemy frightened, is gone!

I thought that after the Longevity Festival, the country would not be peaceful.

However, with such a large country with heavy troops, magical weapons and sharp weapons, it will definitely be possible to appear in front of envoys from other countries during the Wanshou Festival next year...

Emperor Nalan had always been worried about the Wanshou Festival, but now he was looking forward to it!

"Who designed this?" someone asked Li Bing.

Li Bing looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Everyone thought it was him and gave him free compliments.

After listening to everyone's praise, Nalan Jinnian said: "It's not me."

Everyone: "..."

Now no one dares to ask who the other person is!

What if King Jin says again that he doesn't deserve to know, how can he get off the stage

The Emperor: "Haha, no matter who it is, I will reward you heavily! Seventeen, you come with me."

Two figures, one bright yellow and one silver gray, left side by side.

The princes looked at the back of the figure who looked like a father and son. Their expressions were secretive and it was unclear what they were thinking.

The fists under Guo Mingyan's sleeves were clenched tightly.

King Jin wants to ask for a reward for the peasant girl

No matter what, she had already taken the initiative and asked for a marriage!

No matter how great the reward the peasant girl received, could it compare with the achievements of her family's loyal and loyal family and the founding general of the country

Thinking of this, she let go of her hand again.

She can never compare with herself!


Inside the Imperial Study Room

Nalan Jinnian sat lazily on the chair below the dragon chair.

The current emperor was sitting upright on the dragon chair, looking at this lazy emperor's younger brother. The usual majesty on his face was no longer there. He looked helplessly at the way he was sitting.

"What's inside the arrow? Gunpowder? But why can it explode without igniting it?"

Gunpowder is the stuff inside the firecrackers that are set off during celebrations or festivals, but that needs to be lit.

"Well, it's been improved a bit. These are specially designed arrows, specially designed for siege."

When the arrow penetrates the city wall, there will be sparks and heat. Those sparks and heat are enough to ignite the specially developed match rope and detonate the gunpowder inside.

That girl didn't know how she could ignite the thought.

Now I understand, that is to say, such explosive arrows are not suitable on the battlefield, but with ordinary arrows, sixty arrows in a row are also powerful and a weapon for defending the city.

The twenty-arrow repeating crossbow is lightweight and convenient, and more suitable for use on the battlefield.

We have all the weapons for fighting, attacking, and defending the city!

There are also those watchtowers, which are powerful weapons to protect the people!

It can be said that the military strength of Nalan Kingdom has increased to a new level!

"Seventeen, you have made great achievements again this time!"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "It's not my fault."

"Oh? Which lover designed it? I will definitely reward you heavily!"

"Just a civilian."

The emperor was surprised when he heard this: "A commoner can actually design such a magical weapon? Sure enough, the masters are among the people!"

How could such a talent be buried among the people? The emperor thought for a while and said: "I will give him the position of Wailang, a member of the Armed Forces Academy, and receive the salary of a fourth-rank minister."

Li Bing, the chief of the Military Academy, was only a fourth-rank official, but he mastered the country's military secrets and was deeply trusted by the emperor, so no one dared to underestimate him.

Yuan Wai Lang is only a seventh-rank official, and of course the county magistrate is only a seventh-rank official.

But when the county magistrate is the head of a county, as the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings, which cannot be compared.

"She is not suitable to go to the Military Academy."

"Why, doesn't he know how to read? It doesn't matter. Not everyone in the Armed Forces Academy can read!" He has never had high requirements for low-level military attachés.

If everyone in the army had to be literate, the imperial court would have no soldiers left!

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "That's not true, she is only eleven years old, and she is a woman!"

"What's wrong with being eleven years old? You've already gone to war at eight years old. What's wrong with being a woman... Wait, a woman? Daughter? The person who designed this repeating crossbow is actually a woman!" The emperor realized later. react to.

How can this be


"Then I have to think carefully about how to reward her! Just rewarding her with some gold and silver seems too perfunctory!"

Women could not serve as officials in the court.

How about giving her a wishful husband

His fourteenth prince is exactly twelve years old.

Talents like this don’t have to go to outsiders!

"Is the girl engaged?"

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help but sit up straight: "Brother Emperor, what do you want?"

"What do you think of the Fourteenth Prince?"

"Your son is as stupid as a pig, and you are not afraid of being embarrassed in front of her?"

Emperor: "..."

Can we still have a good chat

Why is his son as stupid as a pig and why is he so embarrassed

Nalan Jinnian ignored the galloping horses in his heart: "Brother, if you want a reward, just..."

"This won't work! This absolutely won't work. This reward is too big! All the civil and military officials in the dynasty will not accept it."

Nalan Jinnian: "You don't care whether they obey or not, you are not giving them a reward!"

Emperor: "......"

He is not him!

"No way! This reward is too big!"

"When did the Emperor become so stingy? She is the only one in the world who can design twenty-shot, sixty-shot repeating crossbows and watchtowers! Just taking out the watchtowers is a masterpiece. In the contemporary era, great contributions will be made to benefit the future.”

Emperor: "..."

Is he stingy? Obviously his request was too much!

This reward is almost reaching heaven!

"Besides, didn't Miss Guo design most of the Twenty-Year Continuous Hair?"

"None of her business."



It's night~

Good night everyone~

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