The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 116: I'm a close disciple


Wen Chun and the other two quickly stood up.

Guo Zijing thought they wanted to run away and ran away, so he smiled and said: "Brother Wen, your husband is here, go and see him quickly!"

Wen Chun and the others ignored him, straightened their clothes and stood up quickly.

As soon as Lin Honghao came in, he saw his three new disciples and walked straight in front of them.

Wen Chun and the others immediately saluted the visitor respectfully: "Sir, this disciple is polite."

The corners of Wen Liang's sneer froze.

Elder Wen Jiafu's posture froze.

Guo Zijing's face froze with laughter.

The people at the table, as well as his wife, all had stiff expressions and looked at Wen Chun and the other three in astonishment: Isn’t it

Only one sneered: "Pretending to be quite decent!"

Everyone's expressions relaxed: It turned out to be just an act!

Everyone saluted respectfully: "Mr. Lin."

Lin Honghao just nodded politely to everyone, but he looked at Wen Chun and the others a little seriously.

The gentle heart mentioned this, and she was slightly excited: Master Lin, are you going to teach them a lesson in public

"How did you do with the homework I assigned you?"

Wen Liang's expression froze: his tone was unexpectedly serious, but his words were different from what he thought.

Homework, what homework

Everyone's hearts trembled: Chief Lin gave them homework

What does it mean

The three people immediately replied respectfully: "It's all done."

"Ah?" Lin Honghao was surprised when he heard this. He had arranged a lot, but he didn't expect to finish it in just a few days.

"Well, not bad." It seemed that he had arranged too little.

Finished so quickly, there is still time to attend such a boring banquet.

Go back and double the amount, no, double the amount, and the difficulty will increase to another level.

"If you have time tomorrow, take your homework to the academy and show it to me. Practice calligraphy if you have nothing to do. Don't waste time running around."

He planned to be tighter on Wen Chun and let him try out next year. There was absolutely no problem in becoming a boy student.

And the earlier the child takes the exam, the better.

"Yes!" The three of them responded respectfully.

"Hurry up and finish your meal and go home and read. Especially you, Wen Chun."


Zhang Qian, the headmaster of White Deer Academy, couldn't help but ask: "Who are the three brothers, headmaster Lin and Wen Chun?"

"I'm a close disciple."

Zhang Qian looked pleased when he heard this: "Brothers Wen Chun and Wen Hou are very talented in reading. I felt sorry for them when they dropped out of school. They are lucky to be able to become their disciples under Mr. Wang's name. At last, their talents are not lost!" "

"Not bad." Lin Honghao touched his beard. Although he said this, everyone could see his joy.

He was also very satisfied with these three apprentices. So many homeworks involving many books were completed so quickly. Not bad, not bad.

Unexpectedly, these three people did not lie. They were really the disciples of Lin Shanchang! The other masters came to their senses and praised one after another:

"Lin Shan Changshou's disciples must be extremely talented and the number one scholar!"

"How can the person who allows the mountain chief to admit an exceptional student is an ordinary student! Maybe he will be the top three in one subject in the future!"

... ...

These words of praise from the Master were thrown out as if they were free, and no one mentioned what they had just said.

That was just a misunderstanding!

Lin Honghao asked Wen Chun and the others to sit with him, but no one dared to have any objections.

Master Guo led the four people to the main table with mixed feelings, and all the masters were one step behind them.

Master Lin's closed disciple has a higher status than masters like them.

It's just that most people here don't know it because the pattern and level are not enough.

And those who know know that this can be said to be the emperor's junior brother.

Guo Zijing looked at the group of people leaving, and his whole body felt numb.

The three of them didn't lie. Were they really disciples of Lushan Academy? ! ! !

Moreover, he is a disciple who has passed the test written by Master Lin himself! ! ! !

He still wants to humiliate them

At this moment he felt like he was a joke!

A whole table of people stayed there. Who were they laughing at just now

Master Lin’s closed disciple!


Why didn't God just strike them with lightning

What exactly did they do? !

Regret and annoyance are the emotions that continue to grow in everyone's hearts.

"I actually missed the opportunity to make friends with Lin Shan's disciple!"

I heard that all the students from Lushan Academy who have been tutored by Master Lin personally have been awarded Jinshi!

There was even one person each at number one, number two, and number three.

I heard that these people are now in important positions!

Even so, Chief Lin did not admit that they were his disciples.

Thinking of this, everyone wanted to beat their chests and slap themselves in the face!

What on earth did they just do? !

Wen Liang looked at the three brothers being admired by the stars, and the jealousy in his heart was like a mold growing in the dark, making people hairy.

Today is his wedding day, and he is the second person to be admitted to Lushan Academy.

The first place is a man in his thirties, who cannot compare with himself.

Everyone said that they were descended from the world as a literary star!

Such a star holding the moon, highly respected, should belong to him.

The happiest time in life is when you are named on the gold medal list and when you are in the wedding room with flowers and candles!

However, he felt destroyed by them!

This was someone he had always looked down upon.

Wen Liang looked at the three brothers Wen Chun, as if the most dazzling light fell on them.

Why do they

I haven’t been to school for so many years, but I’m favored by Mr. Lin!

Mr. Lin probably didn't realize his talents. If he did...

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he strode to the backyard, went back to the study to get a piece of paper, and then hurried to the restaurant.

At the head table, Lin Honghao introduced Wen Chun and the others to the masters of the college.

When three people walk together, there must be one teacher. It will never go wrong to ask other teachers for advice and study.

Everyone has their own strengths, and everyone has different learning experiences and life insights.

The three brothers Wen Chun all bowed to them politely, with a respectful attitude and did not care about what some masters just said.

This made everyone's favor towards him gradually increase.

Wen Liang came to Master Guo with an article in his hand.

Master Guo invited all the gentlemen from Lushan Academy to come today because he also wanted to let Mr. Lin get to know Wen Liang and give Wen Liang a chance to get his guidance.

There is also Lin Honghao's intention to accept Wen Liang as his disciple.

He took it, motioned for him to step aside, and then showed the gentle article to a wife beside him.

"Master Yang, how do you think this article is done?"

Master Yang is the deputy headmaster of the academy. He took it and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more amazed he became: "Not bad, great writing! Who made this? Could it be your son-in-law? Haha, not bad. !”

Master Guo smiled: "It's not just him who wants me to give you some advice, but I'm better at arithmetic, as everyone knows."

"Mr. Lin, take a look!" Master Yang gave the article to Lin Honghao again.

Lin Honghao didn't refuse. He took it and looked at it seriously, with a serious expression.

Not far away, the heart of Wen Liang was lifted.


Normal updates will resume today.

This chapter is for book friend Yu Muyuan’s 10,000-coin reward plus updates.

Tomorrow, the bookstore recommendation votes should exceed 15,000. If it does, I will add another update~~

Asking for votes~~