The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 93: No planting


Wen Jiarui breathed a sigh of relief, luckily Sister Nuan was smart!

But where did the magpie come from

He glanced at the cloudless blue sky. Is this really God helping their family

The village chief walked up to Nuan Nuan and said with an enigmatic face: "Sister Nuan, tell the village chief uncle, did you really dream that the Bodhisattva asked you to plant winter wheat?"

"That's right! Didn't Magpie tell you?" Wen Nuan said without blushing or heartbeat.

The village chief looked at Nuan Nuan with a meaningful look on his face. There were so many people in the world, why did the Bodhisattva single Nuan Nuan to fall asleep

Is she someone who is known as the God of Plague, the sickly girl, and the short-lived ghost

Everyone from far and wide knows that she is tiring of people and things!

Could it be that - when heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first work hard on his mind and body...

And now that Sister Nuan's suffering is over, she has changed from a disaster star to a blessing star

No matter what, the Jiarui family made a big turn in just ten days. Others harvested a lot of grain in the autumn harvest, while his family bought land in the autumn harvest and planned to build a house!

The village chief thought more and decided to follow his family from now on!

"Okay, the village chief uncle listens to Sister Nuan, I also grow winter wheat! I'll buy wheat right now!"

"Uncle Village Chief, I still have some at home, give them to you!"

Their family bought all the wheat from the grain store in the town, and the rest was ground into flour.

Because the new grain has arrived, there is not much of the old wheat left.

One acre of land requires ten kilograms of wheat seeds. Their family planted thirty acres and needed six hundred kilograms. They couldn't buy enough in the county, so Wen Jiarui went to the town to buy it.

Wen Jiarui bought them all because they were priced at a penny a pound.

Wen Nuan entrusted people to send twenty kilograms to my sister-in-law's family, sixty kilograms to my grandfather's house, and there was still some left.

"Okay, then I'll get it! How much silver? I'll pay the silver."

"How can we ask for the village chief's uncle's money? The village chief's uncle often borrows ox carts for our family's use and has always helped our family."

Nuan Nuan gave the food basket and the copper pot to Wen Jiarui, and then discovered that Dahui had put the other food basket on the field and disappeared somewhere.

She wasn't worried about it either. She should have gone into the mountains with Xiao Hei.

Nuan Nuan went home with the village chief to get him wheat seeds.

The village chief thought to himself, Sister Nuan is such a well-behaved and grateful child!

Now that time has finally turned, I hope that after planting this wheat seed, my health will really get better. When the wheat is grown, he will also help her rectify her reputation and get rid of the title of God of Plague and Disaster Star.

After the two left, Wen Jiarui asked several day laborers if they were still planting.

Several day laborers looked embarrassed and said: "Plant, of course! I'm sorry just now, we didn't know it was the Bodhisattva who asked you to plant! Being able to listen to the Bodhisattva's guidance is a blessing that we have cultivated for three lives. Let's plant now!"

"Yes, brother Jia Rui, I'm really sorry just now. Let's plant it now."

Wen Jiarui didn't care about how many people there were. These acres of land would have to be planted tomorrow, and hiring more people would be a waste of half a day.

We are going to build a house soon, so we can't afford to delay!

Wang and Wu hurried over when they heard that the villagers were preventing them from planting winter wheat.

"Is Shiro okay?" Wang asked anxiously.

"It's okay, everything has been solved. Don't worry, mother."

When Wu saw the day laborers working, she knew the problem had been solved and asked curiously: "How to solve it?"

Wen Jiarui explained briefly.

Wang said: "Bodhisattva bless you."

Mr. Wen was shocked by the scene just now! Only now did he come back to his senses, and he walked to Wang's side: "Sister Nuan really had such a dream?"

"Yeah." Wang said calmly.

"When did you dream? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"So what if you don't say it?"

The old man opened his mouth and was about to say: If it was a dream he had before moving out, if he told it, he wouldn't have to move out!

But before he could say anything, Wang continued: "Do you still tell people about a dream? Does anyone believe it? Or is it that you dreamed of frying snails, and then told the recipe for the dish, and asked the boss to sell it in a restaurant and make more money? How much money do you have for brother Liang to study?"

The old man opened his mouth with a look of helplessness on his face: "I don't mean that."

"It's best if you don't!"

Mr. Wen: "..."

Wang was still clearing land, so she and Wu left after talking to Wen Jiarui.

Ignore Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen sighed and left. He felt that Guizhi was becoming more and more difficult to coax.

There were two people standing on the path not far away, watching the scene just now.

"Sir, do you think it's true that the Bodhisattva has a dream? It's too mysterious!"

Liang Huanzhang shook his head: "This is just an excuse! But that little girl is smart."

"Then how do you explain the magpies coming to help grow wheat?"

Liang Huanzhang said nothing, he also wanted to know.

After everyone left, he walked to Wen Jiarui.


When Mr. Wen returned home, Mrs. Zhu had just washed her hair and was sitting in the yard with a cloth wiping her wet hair.

When she saw Mr. Wen coming back, she asked:

"How's it going? The fourth child hasn't continued to grow wheat, has he?"

"No, they are still planting. Do you think our fields should also be planted with wheat?"

Zhu's eyes widened after hearing this: "You are crazy! You want our whole family to be buried with them! If you dare to do so, I will let Da Lang, Er Lang, and San Lang sever the father-son relationship with you! Don't harm me My children and grandchildren! My children and grandchildren are so promising and have a bright future, and they must not be ruined in your hands!"

"What are you in a hurry for? Listen to me!" Mr. Wen said what happened just now.

Zhu's eyes widened after hearing this: "So magical?"

Then she thought of attracting magpies, maybe it was a little trick of that bitch family!

Dreaming about Bodhisattva

Is she, the god of plague, so short-lived

She doesn't believe it!

"If you don't plant seeds, can you believe your dreams? If the legend comes true, the whole family will be destroyed! Your old Wen family will be extinct! Let me tell you, if there are any signs of natural or man-made disasters in the coming year, you will immediately contact the fourth child Cut off the relationship! Don’t involve Dalang and the others, otherwise the whole family will be gone. How can you be worthy of the ancestors of the Wen family?"

Mr. Wen was a little scared after hearing this, but he still said: "This and that can be done! Isn't it true?!"

"Don't believe it! I just want to preserve the blood of the Wen family, remind you..."


Wen Nuan gave two acres of wheat seeds to the village chief. Just as he was seeing the village chief off, a carriage stopped outside the courtyard gate.

A girl jumped out of the car. The girl saw Wen Wen and said happily: "Madam, Miss, I saw Miss Wen! This is really their home!"

Liang Ziyun got out of the carriage with the help of the maid.

Wen Nuan said in surprise: "Miss Liang, why are you here?"

"My mother's health has improved, and she can't wait to come and thank you."

After Liang Ziyun got off the carriage, she turned around and helped her mother get off the carriage.

In the carriage, a lady came down. She had exquisite makeup, soft eyebrows and eyes, and she looked gentle and graceful.

She wears an exquisite beaded hairpin on her head and has no other accessories. She is dressed in a rose-red dress. She is noble but not gorgeous. She is Chang Xiaoxin, the heart-ill wife who was saved by Nuan Nuan that day.


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