The Peasant Girl’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 99: Order furniture


In the end, Wen Jiamei was picked up by Nuan Nuan and Wen Jiarui.

And it was only after the strong persuasion of Jiang and He Huanhong that she agreed.

When Nuan Nuan left, he took away the grains and other food that Wen Jiarui had just brought in.

This is what my mother and grandmother prepared for my little girl.

Wen Jiarui was startled when he saw Nuan Nuan taking away the gift he had brought. What is Sister Nuan doing? How rude!

Wen Nuan held Wen Jiarui's hand tightly and shook it slightly, but Wen Jiarui said nothing.

Sister Nuan naturally has her own reasons for doing this.

Is there something wrong with what you brought? he thought.

Both He Huanhong and Jiang's pupils shrank.

Aren't these good things brought to them? They came empty-handed

Nuan Nuan has been secretly paying attention to their reactions, and her heart feels cold.

I just wanted to test it out.

Now, haha, she feels more at ease taking these things away!

Her food is not fed to white-eyed wolves.

On the way to leave, Nuan Nuan didn't rush to talk, and waited until her sister-in-law slowly relaxed at home before talking.

If the people in that family were really nice, then it would be easy to say, but she felt that the matter was in doubt!

If it's not good, then the He family doesn't have to go back!


Because Wen Nuan wanted to go to the county to customize furniture, Wen Jiarui drove an ox cart directly to the county and did not go home immediately.

The road from Hejiacun to the county was so bumpy that Wen Nuan almost shook out his bile!

The transportation in ancient times is really unflattering!

Fortunately, the roads in Wenjia Village are better. The villagers in that area will find some small gravel to fill up any potholes on the road after it rains.

If there is no gravel, the villagers will smash big rocks to build roads, so the roads in that area are much better than the roads in this town!

After more than two hours, we finally arrived at the county.

Wen Nuan wants to buy a horse more and more!

The speed of this bullock cart!

Having enjoyed modern cars, airplanes, high-speed trains and other efficient and high-speed means of transportation, she really felt that it was a waste of time.

This time, most of the day was wasted on the road.

Wen Jiarui took Nuan Nuan to a wood shop in the county. The owner of this wood shop was very good at his craftsmanship.

He used to help this wood shop deliver wood at the dock. He knew that the owner of this shop was talkative and cold-tempered, but his carpentry was very exquisite!

He knows how to make so many bamboo stools and bamboo furniture. I learned from seeing him making them here.

The two of them walked in, but Wen Jiamei didn't come in and asked to help look after the bullock carts outside.

Wen Jiarui said hello: "Boss Zhou."

The lumber shop is very large and is divided into two ends. One end is filled with some ready-made furniture, and the other is where the lumber boss builds furniture.

There were sawdust, broken wood, and wooden piles all over the floor.

The owner of the lumber shop was a middle-aged man in his forties with dark skin. He looked tall and thin, but Nuan Nuan could tell by looking at the muscles on his half-stretched arm that he was powerful.

The owner of the lumber shop was carving a piece of wood in his hand. Hearing the sound, he raised his head and saw Wen Jiarui, and said, "I don't have any work here for the time being."

"No, I'm here to buy furniture."

"Oh, there are samples over there. Take a look at them. They all have prices marked on them. If you like them, tell me and I'll give you a cheaper one. No negotiation." After saying that, he continued to lower his head and continue carving.

He was carving a piece of wood in his hand. He moved quickly, and the wood chips fell down like snowflakes.

Nuan Nuan: There is no one else with this skill!

Wen Jiarui walked over to take a look with warmth.

There are all kinds of furniture at this end of the shop, including all the furniture in the living room, Qiangong bed, antique shelf, desk, dressing table, dining table, trunk, jewelry box... From large pieces of furniture to small pieces Wooden products are all available... ..

She took a look at the furniture of this era. The furniture was very antique and the workmanship was exquisite. However, Wen Nuan felt that the carved patterns were too complicated and would be troublesome for hygiene.

The most important thing is that it is a bit inconsistent with the style of the house she designed, and the size is not suitable.

"Boss, can you order it here?"

"Okay." The boss didn't even raise his head. Be concise and to the point, with no unnecessary words.

Nuan Nuan walked over and gave him the drawings. He carefully put down the wood and carving knife in his hands, took them and looked through them one by one. His eyes became brighter and brighter. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "So many The furniture will take at least three months to complete, what wood are you going to use?”

"Boss, what kind of wood do you have here?"

"Except for the golden nanmu, there is everything."

Golden nanmu can only be used by the royal family.

"If it is all made of huanghuali wood, how much silver will it cost?"

"One thousand taels, no negotiation. Huanghuali wood will take longer, at least half a year."

One thousand taels! ! ! Wen Jiarui's heart trembled. Could Sister Nuan want to use huanghuali

That's for dignitaries!

"Sister Nuan, just ordinary wood will do. It doesn't have to be too expensive!"

"I know." Wen Nuan especially likes huanghuali wood furniture, but half a year is too long!

Wen Nuan asked: "Where's the oak?"

"One hundred and fifty taels, no negotiation."

The corner of Nuan Nuan's mouth twitched. There was no need to remind him every time not to negotiate the price!

However, the price he offered for this handiwork was considered affordable.

After hearing this, Wen Jiarui pulled Nuan Nuan and said in a low voice: "Sister Nuan, there's no rush for the furniture. Why don't we wait until the house is built? Dad will go into the mountains to cut wood and do it slowly. Are we going to use the bamboo ones now?"

Most of the furniture in the village is cut down by themselves, hired by carpenters, or made by themselves. It can be made of bamboo or wood. It is simple and practical and only costs a few taels of silver at most.

Spending more than one hundred taels to buy it made Wen Jiarui feel a little heartbroken.

"No, you have a lot to do next! Boss, just use oak wood to do it!"

Wen Jiarui's time spent cutting wood in the mountains was enough for her to earn back several hundred and fifty taels.

"Okay." Zhou Zheng couldn't help but continue to look at the furniture design drawings. The more he looked at them, the more he liked them. He couldn't take his eyes away: "Where did you get these pictures?"

This seemed to open a skylight for him. It gave him countless inspirations, and it turned out that furniture can still be used in this way! It turns out that beauty doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s also beautiful when it’s simple.

"Of course they are paintings. I also have many more exquisite furniture designs." Wen Nuan did not miss the surprise in his eyes, and she had a plan in mind.

Zhou Zheng raised his head and looked at Wen Nuan in disbelief: "Did you draw it?"

He had an idea in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud. He had to wait until the furniture was finished and see the effect.

Although based on his many years of carpentry experience, he knows that it is definitely not wrong.


After receiving an affirmative answer, Zhou Zheng was relieved: "These furniture don't have too many complicated patterns, so they are faster to make. Oak is faster to make! It will take more than a month."

The Huanghuali shop does not have that much wood, so it will be much slower to purchase it.

"Okay. Do you want to pay a deposit first?"

"No, just come and get the goods when the time comes!" Zhou Zheng folded the drawing, carefully stuffed it into his arms, and went back to working on the wood in his hand without even saying goodbye.

Wen Jiarui and Wen Nuan didn't care and left the lumber shop without disturbing him.


Today I updated another 10,000+ words!

Five updates, I feel like I’ve been updating every day these days! ~~

Why do some cuties ask me when the update will be released

Thank you to the book lovers who voted~~

Thank you to all the book friends who catch insects: @白香香, @小Pyoyo

Thank you to the book friend baby for the tip: @releasedeyongtandiao


Asking for votes~

Also, good night~~