The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 48


Li Hehua took a deep breath, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, and said, "Zhang Tieshan, I won't marry you because I have someone I like."

In a word, Zhang Tieshan's whole heart sank quickly, his face also sank, and his fists were tightly clenched under his sleeves. He looked at Li Hehua, and after a long while, he tried his best to speak calmly, "You... Do you really have someone you like?"

Li Hehua didn't dare to look at his too dark eyes, looked at his hands and pretended to say naturally: "Yes, I have someone I like, so I can't accept you, you don't come in the future."

After speaking, the person opposite was silent for a while.

Li Hehua couldn't help looking up, and saw Zhang Tieshan staring at her with pursed lips, as if he was examining something.

Li Hehua quickly looked away and said, "Go back, I'm going to work."

Zhang Tieshan didn't move, looked at Li Hehua and said, "I don't believe what you said, you don't have anyone else you like." For so many days, she only took Shulin in business and didn't have much contact with other men at all, so , He didn't believe what she said was true, maybe she just made this excuse to reject him on purpose.

Seeing Zhang Tieshan's disbelief, Li Hehua frowned secretly and emphasized, "I really have someone I like, why am I lying to you?"

Zhang Tieshan was chasing after him, "Then who is the person you like? If you don't tell me, I'll take it as you deliberately lied to me."

Li Hehua is a little anxious, why is this man so difficult to deal with? Ordinary people should leave in such a situation, why did he break the casserole and ask to the end! The key is that she really lied to him, how did she know who the man she liked was, and how did she say it.

Li Hehua had no choice but to say, "Zhang Tieshan, who I like is my personal business, why should I tell you?"

Zhang Tieshan pursed his lips and insisted, "But I don't believe it unless you say it."

Li Hehua: "!!!"

Looking at Zhang Tieshan's appearance, if he didn't tell him who he was today, he would definitely not believe her words, then today's conversation would be in vain. It seems that to make him believe and give up, he must say a name.

But who is to say, the men she knows here are basically all the guests who come to the stall to eat, so she can't say a guest's name, right? This is not reliable at all, after all, she has no contact with the guests, Zhang Tieshan can see it at a glance. If you want to say someone you like, you must be reliable, and you must be in constant contact with one another, and one that can make Zhang Tieshan unsuspect.

Where to find this

Li Hehua quickly thought about everyone he knew in his mind, and found that the only one who could deceive the past was only one: Master Gu.

She often contacts Master Gu because of Shulin. The two are very familiar, and Master Gu is good enough. He is indeed the type that people like. To say that she likes Master Gu, Zhang Tieshan certainly cannot doubt it.

However, this doesn't seem very good. It feels very blasphemous to Master Gu. He is her son's teacher, so it's not good to use him as a shield now? If it is accidentally passed into Master Gu's ears, it will be embarrassing.

So, do you want to use Master Gu to deceive Zhang Tieshan

Li Hehua fought for a while in his mind, and finally decided to use Master Gu as a shield. She just told Zhang Tieshan, according to Zhang Tieshan's character, she probably wouldn't tell others, and it wouldn't spread to Master Gu's ears. If it is really unfortunate that Master Gu finds out, then she will explain it and apologize properly.

After thinking about it, Li Hehua looked directly at Zhang Tieshan and said, "Well, since you don't believe it, I'll tell you, I hope you don't tell others. You know the person I like, it's Master Gu."

After saying the beginning, the next words are easy to make up, Li Hehua pretended to be sweet and shy and said: "I have been in love with Master Gu since I first came to town. At that time, he often came to me to buy food. very good."

After saying this, Li Hehua showed a slightly astringent expression, "But I know that Master Gu is too good for me, so I have always kept my liking in my heart silently. It is very possible to be together, but I will silently like him in my heart and will not marry anyone else, so this is the reason why I reject you. Now that you know, don't come here in the future. You are a good man, look for it Live with a woman who likes you."

Li Hehua almost believed what she said in a paragraph. She completely showed the sweetness and distress of a secret lover, and she almost got a golden man. Zhang Tieshan will not believe it now.

Zhang Tieshan did believe it, so his heart sank to the ground. At the same time, it seemed like a needle was stabbing one after another. It was so painful that he couldn't stop. His throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say anything. come out.

If Li Hehua said about other people, Zhang Tieshan wouldn't necessarily believe it, but when he said about Master Gu, Zhang Tieshan had nothing to say, so his heart sank and his face darkened quickly.

She really had someone she liked. He thought she was lying to him, but it wasn't. She fell in love with Shulin's master. That Master Gu is a model, gentle and handsome, gentle to others, and his family is very well-off. He is indeed very popular, and he is countless times better than a farmer like him. If it was given to women, probably everyone would choose Master Gu.

I really didn't expect it to be Master Gu......

Li Hehua knew that she said that Master Gu was useful, Zhang Tieshan had already believed it, but looking at the expression on his face, her heart was not very well, and she was inexplicably panicked, but she was right, let him give up as soon as possible. Everyone is fine, right

"Zhang Tieshan, go back, don't come in the future, you can pick him up when Shulin is on holiday, if... If you don't want to put Shulin here, you... You just tell me..." Li Hehua couldn't go on anymore, rubbed his eyes, turned around and was about to go into the room. Let her go first.

Zhang Tieshan opened her mouth when she turned to leave, his voice astringent, "Since... since you never thought about being with him, can you think about other people?" Like him

Li Hehua paused, shook his head with all his strength, and then quickly walked into the house, leaving behind a gray-faced Zhang Tieshan, who stood alone in the yard for a long time before turning and leaving.

Li Hehua looked at the back of his leaving and took a deep breath.

There probably won't be any entanglements in the future, which is good. Emotional matters are really not suitable for her. She should work hard to make money, at least so that no one dares to bully her. Even if she is just a single weak woman, no one else dares to bully her.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

On the second day, Zhang Tieshan didn't appear again, Li Hehua smiled, forgot all this, and concentrated on running her stall.

Judging from what happened yesterday, setting up a stall is really not a long-term solution. Those two companies didn't make trouble to the end because of Zhang Tieshan's presence, but I think she was even more unpleasant in my heart. Who made her business so good? It will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the people who set up the stalls around, which is not something she can solve.

In the future, without Zhang Tieshan's protection, who knows if they will secretly find trouble again, and conflicts will inevitably occur at that time. Moreover, there are still too few tables now, and many guests complain that there is no seat to sit. It is impossible for her to add more tables, unless she can find a bigger and better place to set up the stall, but even if she can change it. When a local stall is set up, it is difficult to guarantee that the new place will not have the problem that the neighbors of the stall are jealous and looking for trouble, so there are really too many problems when setting up a stall.

Li Hehua felt that the best way was to open a shop.

Her ultimate goal is indeed to open a shop, but a shop is not so easy to find. Even if she finds it, she has to have the money to buy it or rent it. She didn't have much savings before, so she thought about putting it on for a while longer. It doesn't matter if the stall is opened later, so this matter has never been put on the agenda.

But now, the contradictions with the surrounding stalls are irreconcilable, and the scale of the stalls can no longer meet the existing passenger flow. It is indeed necessary to put the opening of the store on the agenda.

If you want to open a store, the first thing you need to do is to find out if there is a suitable storefront. Finding a storefront is the most important.

After closing the stall, Li Hehua went to the town to look for a storefront, and went one by one along the main road, one by one, but unfortunately, when it was dark, he did not find an empty shop for rent. Li Hehua was helpless, so he had to find another main street after closing the stall the next day.

After searching for a few days, I couldn't find a suitable shop. Some empty shops were not rented out at all, or some had been set in advance. In short, there was no one willing to talk.

Li Hehua is very frustrated. It is really not easy to find a suitable shop in this town. She keeps running like this, but she doesn't say anything, and she also delays doing business. These days, she has to prepare ingredients every night until midnight. , I almost couldn't get up in the morning.

Li Hehua felt that it was not enough to look for it like this, and he had to find a way again. Later, she thought that many of the regular customers who came to eat at her stall were in good conditions. Many of their families were in business, and some relatives were in business. Maybe they had relevant information in their hands.

You can ask the guests who come to her for dinner.

In the evening, Li Hehua took out a piece of white paper that Shulin used to draw, and wrote a message asking for renting a shop on it with a writing brush, and said that anyone who introduced the shop successfully would be grateful.

After writing, Li Hehua fixed the paper in the most conspicuous position of the shop the next day, so that all guests who came to eat could see it. Some of the guests were illiterate, so Li Hehua verbally told the above content over and over again, and asked old familiar guests to pay attention to her.

The guests were very talkative, and they all said that if they saw a suitable store, they would definitely tell her.

Li Hehua secretly prayed that her guests could bring her good news.

She needs to take advantage of this time to make more money, and then she will need money to renovate the shop and expand the scale.

However, there was no news for several days, and Li Hehua was extremely disappointed.

On this day, when the stall was about to close, the old man who often came to eat came again.

Li Hehua hurriedly put down the things in his hand and greeted: "Master, you are late today. If you come later, I will close the stall. What do you want to eat today, Master? I'll make it for you."

The old man found a seat and sat down and said, "Bring me some noodles."

Li Hehua responded quickly, quickly made a bowl of noodles, and brought it to the old man himself, "Master, your noodles are ready, use it slowly, call me if you need anything."

Li Hehua was about to go to pack up, but was stopped by the old man.

The old man asked Li Hehua, "Are you looking for a shop to open a store?"

Li Hehua's heart moved, and he was no longer in a hurry to collect things. He sat next to the old man and said, "Yes, to tell you the truth, my current stall is too small, and if I want to expand it, there is no room for it. There are tables and chairs, so I thought of opening a store, which can receive more customers and more dishes." Li Hehua said, sighing, "But I can't find a suitable store in this town. Old man, if you have something suitable, please pay attention to it, and then I will thank you."

The old man touched the beard on his chin and said with a smile, "I'm here to send you news today. I have a good shop here, see if you want it."

Li Hehua's eyes lit up and hurriedly said, "Master, tell me now, I'm in a hurry now."

Seeing that Li Hehua was so eager, the old man stopped detours and said, "My cousin's family originally opened a small restaurant in the town. It's not a big place, but the location is good, but he can't find a good chef. The taste of the food is not good, he doesn't care, and the business is not good. After two years of support, he can't do it anymore. Now he plans to go to the city to defect to his brother and start a new business, so he plans to sell the current restaurant to save money. The cost of doing business. I remembered that you wanted a shop, so I came to ask if you wanted it."

Li Hehua's heart that was still hot at first has cooled.

To be honest, I heard that it was a small restaurant, and Li Hehua couldn't be tempted. If there was a restaurant, it would be more beneficial for her to become bigger and better. It's not enough to buy a shop, let alone a restaurant, even if it's a small restaurant, she can't afford it.

Li Hehua was extremely helpless, "Father, thank you for providing me with this information, but to tell you the truth, I only have enough money to rent, and I can't afford to buy it. Is your relative really only selling and not renting? ?"

The old man frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "He only sells, not rents. He wants to save money now, so renting will not work."

Li Hehua was completely disappointed, "That's no good, I really can't afford it."

Seeing Li Hehua's disappointment, the old man was also disappointed. In fact, he really wanted Li Hehua to open a restaurant by himself. Then the environment will be better, and it will be a great enjoyment with delicious food. Now this stall is really not worthy of her. Good workmanship.

The old man said: "We are all acquaintances, I won't lie to you, if you can buy it, you'd better not miss it, my cousin's restaurant is really good, with two floors up and down, and a backyard at the back, everything is complete , the location is particularly good, just on the main street, guests will never have to worry about it, if my nephew can't recruit a good cook and can't handle things, it's impossible to drive."

The old man continued: "And the price is really good, this restaurant is not big, it is not as big as other restaurants, and my cousin is eager to sell, so the price is really cheap, the whole restaurant is bought as long as Two hundred and forty-two will do."

Two hundred and forty two! This price is indeed not expensive, but for her, it is out of reach. She can't even get one hundred taels, let alone two hundred and forty taels.

To be honest, Li Hehua really liked the restaurant after listening to the old man's introduction. If she could, she would really like to buy it. After all, a small restaurant is really worth it for 240 taels of silver. But there is no such store, and it is impossible to buy such a good one in the future.

Moreover, deep down, Li Hehua really wanted to buy a shop of her own instead of renting a shop, but because she didn't have enough money, she had to rent a shop.

Now, the old man brought such an attractive shop to her, but she has to miss it because she has no money.

She wanted to cry so much, but calculating the money on her body was really too far behind, she wouldn't be able to earn it for a while, and there was no one around her who could borrow so much money, so it was futile to think about it.

Li Hehua sighed deeply and said weakly: "Master, I also want to buy it very much, but I really have no money in my hand, so I can only regret it."

The old man also felt very regretful. He believed that if Li Hehua was sold, the business would be very good. If he was still in charge of his family's business, he would definitely lend this girl some money, but unfortunately, his son and daughter-in-law are in charge of the family's business now, and they have been stocking up recently, just when they need money, such a freshman The pen money, the son and daughter-in-law definitely don't want to take it out, so he can't help this girl, he can only say: "Then think about it again, there is no way to force it, it can only show that you have no fate with this restaurant. "

Li Hehua twitched the corners of his mouth.