The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 49


Because he had no money, Li Hehua had to give up the restaurant recommended by the old man and continued to find a suitable shop. Unfortunately, there was no news.

Li Hehua can only continue to do business while looking for it. She still has to save money. If a good shop appears again, don't miss it again.

In order to save money, Li Hehua works harder every day. Except for the time spent on Shulin, he spends other time and energy on the stall. He gets up and prepares every day before dawn, and then goes to the shop after closing the stall. sleep. Because of this, she has lost a lot of weight recently, and her clothes have changed from loose to empty, and she must be tied tightly with a belt.

However, the current clothes have not been made for a long time, and they are still new. Li Hehua is reluctant to make new clothes. She intends to make all the clothes on her body smaller and continue to wear them. After she loses 100 pounds, she will remake the clothes.

When the busy day came to an end, Li Hehua made a chicken noodle soup. She and Dahe and Xiaoyuan had lunch around the table. Of course, she only ate a small bowl, and most of the bowl was full of soup. Most of the pot was eaten by Dahe and Xiaoyuan.

Dahe is used to Li Hehua eating like a kitten, but Xiaoyuan is not used to it. Every time he sees Li Hehua eating only a small amount, he is not at ease, but he is not ashamed to say anything, but today, he looked at Li Hehua's bowl. The noodles that can be eaten with chopsticks finally couldn't help saying: "Aunt Lotus, why do you only eat so much every day? Dahe and I have enough to eat, so don't be reluctant to eat it, it's okay for the two of us to eat less, You have to have enough to eat, you have to do so much work every day, you are very tired, and your body can’t take it if you don’t have enough to eat.”

Seeing Xiaoyuan's caring eyes, Li Hehua felt warm in her heart, she smiled and said, "Don't think too much, Aunt Hehua is not trying to save food, Aunt Hehua is trying to lose weight, so she eats less. If you don't believe me, ask Dahe. ."

Da He swallowed the gnocchi in his mouth, nodded and said, "I just started watching Aunt Hehua eat so much and it was uncomfortable, but Aunt Hehua is trying to lose weight, didn't you see that Aunt Hehua is so thin now? She turned out to be so thin. Fat."

Xiaoyuan looked at Li Hehua's current body shape, and then thought about how he looked when he first saw her, and understood. It turned out to be deliberately skipping meals to lose weight. He had never seen anyone like this before. People around him couldn't get enough to eat. Every day they thought about how to eat more to fill their stomachs. Thinking of Li Hehua's behavior is to lose weight.

But... "Aunt Hehua, you are not fat at all now, you are fine now, you don't need to lose weight, eat more." Xiaoyuan advised.

Dahe also nodded, "Aunt Hehua, you're thin now, you're incredibly slender, so really don't lose any more weight, eat more, how can you be so hungry every day?"

Li Hehua smiled, "Dahe, how can you exaggerate like you said, I'm not slim now. I still need to lose weight." Although she has lost a lot of weight during this period, she is now estimated to be only 120 pounds. , but this weight is definitely not light, it can't match the slimness.

Dahe said, "But I really think you're fine now. What's so good about being too thin? I think it looks good if you're fat, and I still want to gain weight."

Li Hehua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she could also understand Dahe's thoughts. In this era, people lack food and clothing, and most of the people are skinny and skinny. Everyone thinks that gaining weight is a sign of happiness, so Dahe thinks that she is in good shape now.

However, as a woman who has lived in the 21st century for more than 20 years, her thinking is not the same as the people here. She still thinks thin is good-looking. According to her current height, her weight should be more than 90 pounds. She's good-looking and healthy, and she's still thin.

Seeing that the two of them kept persuading her to eat, Li Hehua smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry about me, you two, I just like being thin, just like Dahe, you want to gain weight, so you just eat. It's enough to drink and grow meat, you don't have to feel bad for me, and when you, Aunt Lotus, I'm as thin as I want, then I won't eat so much."

Seeing what Li Hehua said, Dahe and Xiaoyuan didn't understand, but they didn't say anything more and started to eat the noodles with their heads down.

At this time, Xiaoyuan felt wrong, raised his head to look at the sky, and said, "Aunt Hehua, I think the sky seems to be wrong. You can see that the sky is getting dark, and it seems that it is going to rain."

Hearing this, Li Hehua looked up and saw that the sky had indeed turned dark, and it was so dark that it seemed like a heavy rain was coming. The sun is still shining brightly in the morning.

The weather this season is changeable.

Li Hehua hurriedly said: "Then let's hurry up and close the stall, it will be bad if it rains."

Hearing that, Dahe and Xiaoyuan ate faster. After hurriedly finishing their meal, the three immediately started to close the stall. Li Hehua packed up the pots and pans, and Dahe and Xiaoyuan carried the tables and chairs to the cart.

At this time, the sky became darker, and the wind suddenly blew. Other stalls on the street were shouting to close their stalls, hurriedly collecting their own stalls, and soon the number of stalls on the street was reduced by half.

Dahe was carrying the heavy table and chairs, and wanted to move it away quickly, but his body was too thin and his strength was not enough. He just felt that it was too much work, and he sweated out in a short while. Looking at Xiaoyuan again, it was similar to his situation.

At this time, Dahe thought of Zhang Tieshan. He still remembered that when Zhang Tieshan was there, he didn't need help from other people at all. He could quickly pack up a lot of tables and chairs by himself. Certainly three times five and two will be done.

"Aunt Hehua, it would be great if Uncle Tieshan was here, he would be stronger." After Da He finished speaking, remembering that Zhang Tieshan had not appeared for a few days, he asked suspiciously: "By the way, why is Uncle Tieshan taking so many days? Didn't he come? Didn't he come to help every day before?"

Hearing this, Li Hehua paused and pursed his lips and said: "People have their own affairs to be busy with, where can they come to help every day, you two, hurry up, there is almost no one on the street, maybe it's raining. Come and come."

Dahe gave an "oh" and didn't say anything more. He and Xiaoyuan worked together to put the table on the cart.

Seeing that he didn't ask, Li Hehua sighed and continued to clean up.

It's a pity that their luck was not very good today, and before they cleaned up much, the rain fell.

The bean-sized raindrops slammed on the ground and hit people at the same time, but after a while, the ground was wet.

Li Hehua was anxious and shouted: "Dahe Xiaoyuan, let's hurry up, take back the things that can't get wet first, and the rest can't be controlled."

After he finished speaking, Li Hehua glanced at the piece of paper with the information about the rented shop. He didn't care about anything else, and hurried over to get it. If it got wet, he had to write it again.

However, the paper was a little high, and Li Hehua didn't take it down. When he tried to get it again, a big hand took the paper and quickly folded it up and handed it over.

Li Hehua raised his head and saw Zhang Tieshan's sturdy figure.

Li Hehua opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Zhang Tieshan glanced at her and said nothing. He shoved the paper into Li Hehua's arms, walked over quickly, put all the chairs that he had not had time to put on the table, then lifted it up and stepped over in two steps. Just put it on the trolley, and it was all moved in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Dahe and Xiaoyuan were staring at him blankly, he frowned and said, "What are you still doing, hurry up and collect things!"

Dahe and Xiaoyuan were roared back to their senses, "oh oh" twice, and hurriedly continued their previous actions.

Seeing this, Li Hehua pursed his lips and swallowed the words in his mouth. Now is not the time to talk, so pack up and talk about it.

Thanks to Zhang Tieshan's help, the stall was quickly put away. Zhang Tieshan pushed the cart by himself, pushed it into the alley quickly, and quickly transported everything back to the house.

Xiaoyuan's home was near, so he ran home first, while Dahe's home was far away, and he waited for the rain to stop at Li Hehua's place before leaving.

Because Da He was present, Li Hehua couldn't say anything to Zhang Tieshan, so he had to wipe them with a dry towel, and then went into the kitchen to cook some ginger soup to ward off the cold.

The heavy rain came and went quickly. When the ginger soup was finished, the rain stopped and the sun came out again.

Da He saw the sun came out, so he didn't stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Li Hehua and Zhang Tieshan, he hurriedly went home, leaving only Li Hehua and Zhang Tieshan.

Li Hehua looked at Zhang Tieshan and asked, "Why are you here today?" She wanted to ask why he came again.

Zhang Tieshan stared at the table, and after a while he raised his head to look back at Li Hehua, and said, "Not today, but every day."

Li Hehua opened his mouth slightly and looked at Zhang Tieshan in surprise.

Zhang Tieshan smiled with a bitter smile. He said, "I didn't want to disturb you. I just stopped by every day to see if anything happened to you. Today, I see that you are too late, so you appeared."

Li Hehua couldn't stand the emotion in his eyes, lowered his head and stopped looking at him, not knowing what to say in his mouth.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Tieshan suddenly raised his voice, "You said you like him, but what can he give you? Can he bend down to help you when you need help? He can catch you in time when you are in trouble. To help you? Can he protect you when you are in danger? He can't do anything, is it worth it? Why not find someone who can take care of you and help you?"

Zhang Tieshan really wanted to give up, he tried not to see her anymore, but he found it too difficult, he couldn't do it, he always found reasons in his heart to persuade himself to visit her in town, he Tell yourself he's just looking at it.

Every day, he sees her working hard. He wants to help, but he is not qualified. He would have gone back with a glance as usual today, but who knew that it suddenly rained heavily, and she was in a hurry before she could clean up. The appearance made him feel a little distressed, and then he appeared in front of her again uncontrollably.

He knew that she was thinking of Master Gu, but Master Gu couldn't take care of her, and she still needed someone to support everything. If it was him, he could help her, take care of her, protect her, without her having to face everything alone.

He felt unwilling. He is indeed not as good as Master Gu, but he will be good to her. He can do things that Master Gu can't do, so why should he give up? Even if she doesn't like him, he believes that one day her heart will be warm.

At this moment, Zhang Tieshan gave himself another reason not to give up.

Faced with Zhang Tieshan's question, Li Hehua felt a little nervous. She suddenly didn't want to say anything to him. She lowered her head, pinched her fingernails on her palms, and said to see off the guests: "You don't need to worry about this, I'm willing to do this. It's sunny, you can go back. , don't come again."

Zhang Tieshan sat still, looked at Li Hehua's face, and said, "You are not married to him, so I have a chance. Just because you like him now doesn't mean you will like him in the future. How do you know that you won't like other people? Give me a chance, okay? Don't refuse me to go thousands of miles away? I will take care of you and treat you well. If you still can't accept me in the end, I will really give up, okay?"

In Zhang Tieshan's words, there is a meaning of prayer that cannot be ignored. Li Hehua can hardly believe that Zhang Tieshan, such a stern man, can actually lower his attitude and pray so low.

Li Hehua felt that his heart was being pulled up, and it was a little uncomfortable.

She really doesn't deserve his...

Li Hehua's heart was in a mess, and a kind of emotion spread in her chest, but reason told her not to! Reason smothered this emotion.

"Zhang Tieshan, I'm really not suitable for you, don't be like this, okay, I'm not worthy of you, go back and find a good woman and live happily, you're really bothering me, go on like this , I will think you are very annoying." Li Hehua said such heavy words with a ruthless heart, and she felt uncomfortable, but if this could make him give up, she would rather be this bad person.

Sure enough, Zhang Tieshan's face stiffened for a moment, and he was speechless.

The two of them didn't speak any more, just sat quietly, the air was extremely quiet.

After a long time, Zhang Tieshan spoke again, his voice hoarse, "I want to be nice to you, if this makes you hate it, then you hate me."

Li Hehua looked up and was speechless again.

How could this man be so persistent, so persistent that he was helpless!

Although she has never been in love, she has met many suitors when she grows up. She always rejects people who don't like you or who I like. Most people will give up immediately, and a small part of her After stern refusal several times, she also gave up. Only Zhang Tieshan did not give up no matter how hard she refused and how harsh she was.

She had never met someone like Zhang Tieshan, and she didn't know how she could refuse.

Seeing Li Hehua frowning, Zhang Tieshan didn't say anything more. He stretched out his hand and took out a palm-sized cloth bag from his chest and handed it to Li Hehua: "This is the money I earned from hunting, here it is, you don't want to buy a shop. Well, use it, although it is not enough, but I will hunt more prey, it will be enough soon, don't worry."

He knew that she wanted to rent a shop to open a shop for business, and he also knew that she had not found a suitable shop, and he felt uncomfortable seeing her disappointed every day.

That day, he saw an old man say something to her. She was very happy, but she was depressed afterwards. He couldn't help guessing that it was about the shop. Afterwards, he went to inquire about it. It was indeed a shop. That restaurant cost two hundred and forty taels of silver to buy.

She must not have so much money on her. Although she makes a lot of money in business, she has only just started business for a while.

He wants to help her. He now comes to town every two days to sell prey, and sometimes the price of rare prey is higher, so he has a lot of money, although it is not enough for her to buy the restaurant, but if he works hard, Believe it can.

He has been carrying the money with him these days, just looking for an opportunity to give it to her, but knowing that she will not accept it, she didn't even want to see him, so she never gave it away.

Today, he finally showed his attitude and took the opportunity to take out the money.

Of course Li Hehua wouldn't accept his money, and immediately refused: "Zhang Tieshan, this is your own money, I can't accept it, you can take it back, I won't buy that restaurant."

Zhang Tieshan handed the bag forward again and said, "I know you really want to buy that restaurant. If you miss this opportunity, someone else might buy it soon. You must hurry up. Don't refuse any more, it's important to take down the restaurant first."

Li Hehua shook his head firmly, "I don't want it, take it back!"

Zhang Tieshan sighed helplessly, with a bit of coaxing in his tone, "Well, I didn't give it to you, so let me lend it to you, okay? You take it for emergency first, and when you sell the restaurant, you will be able to Make money and pay me back then."

Li Hehua knew that he was coaxing her, but no matter how reasonable what he said, she couldn't agree. How could she accept other people's money while rejecting it? What kind of person would that be? Even if she can't open a shop, she doesn't want his money.

Li Hehua couldn't, so he had to push the cloth bag back and see off the guest: "Zhang Tieshan, I don't want your money, go back, I'm going to be busy."

Zhang Tieshan pursed his lips and stood up silently, but left without picking up the cloth bag.

Li Hehua was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed the cloth bag and chased out, but there was still Zhang Tieshan's figure.

how is this guy...

Li Hehua stomped his feet in anger, grabbed the cloth bag and didn't know what to do, so he could only take it back and give it back to him next time, anyway, she didn't need it.

Seeing Li Hehua go in, Zhang Tieshan came out of a shop at the entrance of the alley and turned towards the village.

The money he gave is far from enough. If you want to collect enough money as soon as possible, you must hunt something big. Although it is dangerous, you must try it. If you hunt it, the problem of money will be solved at once.