The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 54


That night, Li Hehua was sitting next to Zhang Tieshan's bed with Shulin in his arms, Shulin's small hand was holding Zhang Tieshan's big hand all the time.

Zhang Linshi and Zhang Qingshan were also by the side.

At this time, Zhang Linshi and Zhang Qingshan don't care about disgusting Li Hehua anymore. What they hope most now is that someone can wake up Zhang Tieshan, even the Li Hehua they hate.

The whole family gathered around Zhang Tieshan and talked to him, afraid that once he stopped, his breathing would stop.

From the branches of the moon to the dead of night, Zhang Lin was tired from crying, and because he was getting old, he couldn't hold on, and was finally helped by Zhang Qingshan to go back to sleep. And Zhang Qingshan also insisted for another hour and fell asleep beside the bed.

At this time, only Shulin and Li Hehua were still awake.

In normal times, Shulin would have been sleepy long ago, but at this time, the little man tried his best to open his eyes to look at the person on the bed. looked at his father.

Li Hehua knew that the little guy was very worried about Zhang Tieshan, but he was still so young after all, and the little boy couldn't bear to stay up late, so he held him in his arms, patted his little back lightly, and coaxed: "Good boy, Shulin, Close your eyes and sleep, if you don't sleep, Daddy will be worried. Mother will look at Daddy, and Daddy will be fine."

The little guy blinked, turned his head reluctantly and glanced at Zhang Tieshan again.

Li Hehua kissed his eyes soothingly, "It's alright, daddy is about to wake up, you sleep well, maybe daddy sees you so well, and when you wake up, he will open his eyes to see you."

Hearing this, the little guy immediately turned his head back, buried it in Li Hehua's arms, and obediently closed his eyes to sleep, but after a while, he fell asleep under Li Hehua's tap.

Li Hehua kissed the little guy's forehead and put him next to Zhang Tieshan to fall asleep next to him.

Li Hehua watched the sleeping faces of the father and son for a long time.

Zhang Tieshan, your son is sleeping next to you. You can't wake up after your son tomorrow morning, or you will be embarrassed.

At this time, it was quiet in the dead of night, and only the occasional barking of a dog could be heard outside. Other than that, it was so quiet that people panicked.

Li Hehua sat next to Zhang Tieshan and looked at his face.

"Zhang Tieshan, do you remember when I first came? At that time, the first time I saw you, you were so fierce to me that you wanted to leave me as soon as you opened your mouth. I had nowhere to go, and I begged you for a long time. You only promised me to stay and live for a while. At that time, I lived in a firewood shed. I know you think I'm Li Hehua, that's why you hate me."

Thinking of what he looked like at the time, Li Hehua smiled, took Zhang Tieshan's big hand and gently rubbed it in his hand, "At that time, I still complained about you behind your back, saying that you are such a cold and hard man, that you don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all, but , I was so ugly back then, you can't pity Xiangxiyu."

"But later, I learned that you are not so cold and hard, you will also be good to a person, but that person is me, you know that I am not her, the one who loves is the real me, right? In fact, I have never understood when you confirmed that I am not hers?"

It was probably the dead of night, and probably no one else could hear it, so at this moment, people had a special desire to talk, Li Hehua held Zhang Tieshan's hand and babbled, saying what he had never said, "Actually, except for just now. In the beginning, you were not good to me, but after that, you were very kind to me. You helped me drive away the gangsters who were making troubles, helped me find Heizi to protect me, helped me stop the business people next to me from finding fault, and also helped me get dirty. It’s a lot of work, without you, I would have to face a lot of troubles that I can’t solve by myself, and then suffer a lot of losses. Zhang Tieshan, in fact, I have always been grateful to you in my heart.”

"However, you are so kind to me, but I reject you more and more fiercely. Are you very sad? Do you think that I am too cruel? Actually, I also think that I am very cruel to you, because I'm really afraid that your mother doesn't like me. You know, in today's world, filial piety is the most important thing, and mother-in-law is still very important, so how can I promise you, I can only reject you cruelly again and again. "

Li Hehua didn't know what he was talking about in a mess, anyway, he just poured out all the words in his heart.

"You know, I thought that if I rejected you a few more times, you would be able to give up. You haven't come to see me for several days, and you haven't seen the book forest. I thought it was you who gave up. Who knew you would be like this? Stupid, in order to buy me a restaurant, I don't even care about the danger, I even dare to fight a tiger. Do you know how dangerous this is? Is it really worth losing my life for someone like me who has always rejected you? I thought you were a calm and intelligent person, but now I know that you are so stupid."

Li Hehua sniffed, buried his face in Zhang Tieshan's palm, and wept silently.

"Zhang Tieshan, in fact, I'm not that cruel. You treat me well, and I remember them all in my heart. You know, I used to want to find a tall, mighty and handsome boyfriend who can kiss and hold me. The tall kind, just because of this, my friends almost laughed at me, saying that I am a little princess in my heart, but I like manly ones, but I didn't have time to look for them, so I wore them here, sadly The life of taking the blame started, and then I didn't want to think about a tall and mighty boyfriend. As a result, I met you, you know, the first time I saw you, I thought you were manly and handsome. If it were in modern times, I would have promised you a long time ago, but here, I dare not."

"I'm a coward. Even if you take care of me and tell me that you can solve everything, I can't believe you and refuse you again and again."

At this time, the hands under his face were wet with hot tears, and they melted a little cold.

Li Hehua buried his head quietly, until after a long time, when others thought she was asleep, he raised his head, looked at the pale man and said, "Zhang Tieshan, you know I'm not her, but you know me What's your real name? You certainly don't know, if you can wake up, I'll tell you my real name and my nickname, okay?"

After speaking, Li Hehua looked at him hopefully, hoping that he could really wake up.

Unfortunately, the man on the bed made up his mind not to open his eyes.

Disappointment flashed in Li Hehua's eyes, he forced himself to smile, and said, "It seems that if I don't tell you my real name, you won't wake up, right? Well, for the sake of being a patient, I'll tell you first. Now, when you know, you can wake up. In fact, my real name is Li Hehua, and my surname is He. Is the talented Hua a bit sloppy? People say my name is sleazy, but I can't help it. The name my grandfather took, the old man liked to use the name of the country and China, and then my name was like that. However, my family called me by my nickname, and my nickname was Gao Gao, because I I like to eat cakes since I was a child, the first sentence I said was cakes, and then I called cakes, isn't it a bit funny?"

However, the man on the bed did not smile, his face was still so calm.

Li Hehua smiled, and a deep sense of powerlessness came from the depths.

What if Zhang Tieshan really couldn't survive this time and just died like this? As long as she thinks of this, her heart is so uncomfortable that she can't even breathe. She really can't imagine that this person really died like this.

At that time, can she live as if nothing has happened like now

No, not possible.

How she wanted him to wake up right away.

At this moment, compared to his life, she suddenly felt that everything she had worried about before was so worthless.

Li Hehua reached out and touched Zhang Tieshan's pale face, "Zhang Tieshan, can you hear me? If I say now, I will promise you when you wake up. Can you wake up now?"

It's a pity that the man didn't wake up, and it seemed that he didn't hear her.

Li Hehua sighed feebly, and quietly watched the man on the bed under the candlelight. Finally, at some point, he fell asleep, until he felt his hand being gently rubbed, again and again, Made her have to open her eyes from sleep.

The target was her fair hand, which was now covered with a large dark and rough hand, which was rubbing the back of her hand again and again.

Li Hehua was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he suddenly reacted, raised his head and looked at the bed.

At this moment, Zhang Tieshan opened his eyes and looked at her with a light smile.

"Gao Gao..." the man on the bed whispered.

Li Hehua didn't have time to pay attention to what Zhang Tieshan called her at this time, she only knew that Zhang Tieshan was awake! He is awake!

Li Hehua's voice trembled, "Zhang Tieshan, are you awake?"

Zhang Tieshan smiled weakly, although pale and powerless, in Li Hehua's eyes, it was exciting.

"Zhang Tieshan, you finally woke up, how is it, do you still feel bad? Do you feel better?"

The smile at the corner of Zhang Tieshan's mouth got bigger and bigger. Although he didn't have the strength, he shook his head slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't worry, it's alright."

How could it be okay to be hurt so badly? But with the blessing of the Bodhisattva, the person finally woke up. At this moment, Li Hehua remembered to call someone, and hurriedly shouted at the door: "Zhang Tieshan is awake!"

After shouting, a large group of people suddenly poured in, including Zhang Lin, Zhang Qingshan, Luo Er, and a doctor who lived here. So many people gathered around the bed and pushed Li Hehua away at once. Li Hehua didn't care, as long as people woke up.

Zhang Linshi cried and said, "Tieshan, you finally woke up. You scared your mother to death, do you know that? If something happens to you, your mother will not be alive!"

Although Zhang Tieshan was a little disappointed that he couldn't see Li Hehua, the most important thing at the moment was to comfort his family, so he smiled and said, "Mother, I'm awake, it's alright, don't cry."

Zhang Qingshan also had red eyes, but he was more sensible than Zhang Lin. He said, "Mother, let the doctor show the eldest brother first."

Only then did Zhang Lin react, and he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, let the doctor take a look. Doctor, please show my son how he is doing? Is it okay?"

The doctor stroked his beard, walked up to sit down, put his hand on Zhang Tieshan's wrist, and closed his eyes to diagnose.

Everyone around looked at him nervously, waiting for him to speak.

After a cup of tea, the doctor finally let go of his hand, opened his eyes and said, "It's good to wake up, now there is no danger of life, as long as you take good care of your wounds and take care of them slowly, your body will recover."

When the family heard this, they were all excited, saying yes again and again, Zhang Lin's eyes reddened with joy.

Hearing this, Li Hehua was also deeply relieved, and just wanted to say thank God, the Bodhisattva blesses him.

Shulin also woke up when Li Hehua opened his mouth to call. Seeing that Daddy was awake, his eyes lit up again. He carefully turned his body over and lay on his stomach. rub.

Zhang Tieshan smiled, turned his face slightly, and kissed Shulin on the cheek to comfort his son.

The doctor saw that everything was fine, so he prescribed a prescription for the wound, and after giving instructions on how to boil the medicine and change the medicine and some precautions, he sent him back in the presence of Luo Er.

Mrs Zhang Lin didn't care about anything else, she sat beside the bed and said: "Tieshan, do you know that your mother's old life is about to be frightened by you? You used to reassure me the most, but now what? So reckless, how can you go into the deep mountains to fight tigers? Is that thing you can fight? Tell me, if you can't come back this time, do you want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person? Woohoo. .. ”

Zhang Tieshan touched Zhang Lin's hand, "Mother, I'm sorry, I was reckless this time, but now I'm fine, and I won't go to the deep mountains in the future, don't worry."

Mrs Zhang Lin was still puzzled, and he wanted to say more, but Luo Er stopped him, "Auntie, Tieshan has just woken up, and his body is still weak, so he can't talk so much, he still needs to rest now, you let Tieshan Rest more, and you can train him later."

Hearing this, Zhang Lin hurriedly nodded, "That's right, I need more rest now, I won't say it, I won't say it."

Luo Er glanced at Li Hehua and said, "Auntie, Tieshan hasn't eaten for a long time. Go and cook some porridge for him. The doctor said that he can only eat some porridge now."

Zhang Lin patted his thigh and stood up, "Yes, no, you said I forgot, I'll go make porridge."

Zhang Lin turned around and saw Li Hehua who was standing beside him at a glance. He glanced at her, his eyes were neither friendly nor fierce, he just glanced and said nothing, and hurried out of the room.

Luo Er said to Zhang Qingshan again: "Qingshan, go and make medicine for your brother. You should drink the medicine after your brother has finished eating."

Zhang Qingshan nodded and went out of the room to boil the medicine.

Zhang Tieshan looked at Luo Er, smiled silently, and then motioned him to bow his head.

Luo Er lowered his head in doubt, put his ear next to Zhang Tieshan, and listened to Zhang Tieshan's words.

After listening, Luo Er looked at Li Hehua in surprise, his eyes were a bit complicated, but he didn't say much, just patted him lightly on the shoulder, "I know, I will do it, don't worry." Said and went out.

Now only Li Hehua and Shulin are left.

When Zhang Tieshan was in a coma last night, Li Hehua said a lot of words, but when he woke up, she had nothing to say and felt a little at a loss.

In the end, it was Zhang Tieshan who spoke first, "You worked so hard yesterday."

Li Hehua shook his head.

Zhang Tieshan twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't stand so far, come and sit down, okay?"

Li Hehua pursed his lips, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down.

Shulin saw that Li Hehua was coming, so he abandoned his father, got up, and crawled twice into Li Hehua's arms to stay there.

Zhang Tieshan chuckled lightly, and Li Hehua also smiled and patted the back of the little baby in his arms.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Zhang Tieshan moved his fingers slightly, raised it tentatively, and held Li Hehua's hand behind Shulin.

Li Hehua was startled and was about to pull away subconsciously, but Zhang Tieshan tried his best to hold it tightly without pulling away.

Concerned about his injury, Li Hehua did not dare to struggle hard, so he shouted in dissatisfaction, "Zhang Tieshan!"

Zhang Tieshan chuckled, a little rascal in his smile.

Li Hehua frowned, this person has just returned from the gate of hell, and he can still be a rogue!

"Zhang Tieshan, do you know how dangerous this time is! How can you go..." Having said this, Li Hehua couldn't go on, because Zhang Tieshan went for her.

Zhang Tieshan smiled, clenched the little hand in his hand, and said, "I'm sorry, I was careless this time. I didn't expect to be injured so badly."

He never mentioned that it was for her, and Li Hehua felt even more uncomfortable, and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you going to fight tigers? Is it for my money to open a shop?"

Zhang Tieshan pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Hehua suddenly became angry, "Why are you so stupid? Can tigers be beaten casually? I rejected you. Not only did you not give up, but you also fought tigers for me. Don't you think it's worth it?"

"It's worth it!" Zhang Tieshan answered decisively, interrupting Li Hehua's words.

Li Hehua opened his mouth, his ears were hot, and his face was bursting with heat.

Zhang Tieshan looked into Li Hehua's eyes seriously, "For you, it's worth it. If you want to open a restaurant, I'll open it for you. I won't limit your freedom, I'll just look at you from behind, I want you to know, Being with me isn't as scary as you think."

Li Hehua couldn't stand his eyes and lowered his head, not wanting others to see his emotions at the moment.

But at this moment, only she knows the restlessness in her heart.

Zhang Tieshan looked at her and avoided her, afraid of making her anxious, so he swallowed what he wanted to say, and turned to other things: "I have asked Luo Er to help me sell the tiger, and I can buy that restaurant."

Li Hehua raised his head, frowned slightly, and said, "I don't buy restaurants, you can keep the money yourself."

Zhang Tieshan pursed his lips, squeezed the hand in his palm, and said, "This money is earned for you. I have asked Luo Er to find the owner of the restaurant to buy it."

Li Hehua narrowed his eyes, "You..." You didn't know what to say for a long time, so you could only say: "It's been so many days, the restaurant is probably long gone, where can I wait for you to buy it, you Stop worrying about it."

Zhang Tieshan curled his lips, "Don't worry, I have already said hello to the boss. I gave him a deer and promised him an extra 10 taels of silver, and the boss promised to keep it for me for a month before selling it."

Li Hehua opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhang Tieshan in disbelief.