The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 58


Because he brought Xiaoqing and Xiaohong, Li Hehua started to teach them how to cook, taking advantage of this time to teach them.

In the morning, I mainly teach Xiaoqing how to make snacks. What I just made can be used for lunch at noon. I will teach Xiaohong to make cakes in the afternoon. The cakes made will be handed over to Simei Cao to sell the next day.

Li Hehua first taught Xiaoqing how to make braised pork rice, she explained to him while demonstrating: "To make braised pork rice, you must first cook the rice and set it aside, then cook the eggs, and then deal with the braised pork. I cut the onions into small circles like this, then fry them in a pan until they are browned and serve them later.”

Next, Li Hehua cut the prepared shiitake mushrooms into small cubes, and then cut the purchased pork belly into small cubes, then added water to the pot, put the meat in the water for a while, and removed it. Pick up the floating foam, pour oil into the pot, and say: "When the oil is hot, add minced ginger and minced garlic and saute until fragrant, then put in the diced pork belly, and after it is slightly colored, add other seasonings."

With that said, Li Hehua put soy sauce, aniseed, Shaoxing wine and pepper powder into the pot, then put the onion rings and diced mushrooms in the pot, stir fry twice, and pour in the prepared stock , "The soup must not exceed the ingredients in the pot, it can't be more or less. Then, put a piece of boiled egg in it and boil it. After the high heat is boiled, turn to low heat until the soup is thickened, about half an hour. "

Xiaoqing watched it carefully, writing down every ingredient and step, very seriously.

Looking at Xiaoqing's note, Li Hehua said: "When the marinated gravy is ready, there is the last step, which is to scald the green vegetables and diced radish in boiling water, and finally pour them over the boiled white rice together with the marinated meat and eggs. Now, Xiaoqing, do you remember?"

Xiaoqing nodded, "I remember."

Li Hehua patted him on the shoulder, "I'll show you when I'm done, you can taste the taste of what I made, and then you can do it yourself, and when it's done, it will be lunch at home at noon, and then I'll give it to you in the evening. Responsible."

Xiaoqing nodded solemnly.

While the marinade was getting thicker, Li Hehua heated another large pot and began to stew the hen he bought. This soup is for Song Dashan to replenish his body. Those who are injured have to supplement nutrition. It is not enough to eat ordinary meals. .

Li Hehua was busy in the kitchen. At this time, Zhang Tieshan was leaning on the bed and talking to Zhang Qingshan.

He gave Zhang Qingshan the fabric that Li Hehua bought, "Qingshan, this is the fabric that your sister-in-law bought for you and your mother. You will take it to your mother's room and make some clothes when your mother is free."

Zhang Qingshan looked at the fabric in front of him and was so surprised that he didn't bother with the title of "sister-in-law". He didn't expect that Li Hehua would buy cloth for him to make clothes. This cloth is muslin. How could a farmer buy muslin to make clothes? He is so big, but he doesn't have a single muslin clothes, even if he has money, he will not buy it. Yes, in his opinion, muslin is a precious thing, and it is a waste for peasants to wear it. But he didn't expect that the woman actually bought one for him and one for his mother. Isn't this too generous

Zhang Qingshan felt that he couldn't understand this woman more and more. Why did she not feel like the Li Hehua he knew at all? It would be fine if Li Hehua didn't rob him, how could he be willing to buy such a good thing for them

Zhang Qingshan was very puzzled, and said indifferently: "Brother, why did she buy this for me and my mother? What is her purpose? Does she want to please you and let you marry her again?"

Zhang Tieshan shook his head gently and patted the edge of his bed, "Qingshan, come and sit."

Zhang Qingshan didn't know what his brother was going to do, but he still sat there obediently. He admired his elder brother very much and listened to his words very much.

Zhang Tieshan said: "Qingshan, do you think your sister-in-law has changed from before?"

Zhang Qingshan looked at his brother suspiciously and didn't understand why his brother asked this, but in the eyes of his brother's questioning, he answered honestly, "She has changed so much, it's like she has changed a person." She has indeed changed a lot. , Not only has her body become thinner, but her looks are also good-looking, and her temper is also very gentle, not as pungent and unreasonable as she used to be, especially the food she makes is delicious, and now the food she makes is delicious.

By the way, she is also very kind to Shulin now, and she simply regards Shulin as her sweetheart.

I just don't know if what he saw was real.

Zhang Tieshan nodded with a smile in his eyes, "Indeed, your sister-in-law has changed a lot now. Not only has her temperament changed, but she is also very capable. The food she makes is very delicious. She is doing business in the town, and her business is very good. , making more money every day than our family spends in a month.”

Zhang Qingshan was surprised, he made more money every day than their family spent in a month? How much does this make? This... This is too capable, isn't it

Zhang Tieshan continued: "Your sister-in-law is so good now, she can do more than your brother, and she earns more money than me. You say, why does she deliberately try to please us and let me marry her? Now I want to marry her. There are a lot of people, how much better she can marry than me, do you think about it?"

Zhang Qingshan thought about it and found that it seemed to be the case. She has lost weight now, her facial features are highlighted, and she doesn't look ugly at all, and the food she makes is so delicious, she can still make so much money every day, and now she is gentle and gentle in her speech and deeds, so A woman, a man would definitely be willing to marry her. Looking at it this way, it seemed that she really didn't need to please them, let alone marry her.

Then why did she cook for them and buy them cloth

Zhang Tieshan saw that his younger brother understood, so he continued his own words: "Qingshan, brother, tell you the truth, your sister-in-law also realized that she was wrong about the past, and she regretted it very much, she felt that she was fascinated at that time, and now she is sober. , she has completely changed, she is very good now, not pretending, but really good, you also found that she has changed a lot now, right?"

Zhang Qingshan nodded blankly.

"Qingshan, brother likes your sister-in-law very much now, and your nephew can't live without her, so brother wants to marry her again, but she doesn't want to pay attention to brother because of previous things, brother is trying his best to marry her now. So, The attitude of you and your mother is very important." Zhang Tieshan patted Zhang Qingshan on the shoulder and asked earnestly: "Qingshan, can you abandon your previous dissatisfaction with her and get to know your sister-in-law again for the sake of brother? If you look at your sister-in-law, you will find that she is really good now. Brother, I don't want you to accept her reluctantly. I just want you to put aside your previous prejudices and take a serious look at how good or bad your sister-in-law is now. Brother, for your nephew, can you do it?"

He couldn't tell the story of Li Hehua's change of soul. This matter must not be known to another person. In this world, not everyone can accept aliens. He can't risk her safety, so he can only say that she knows When you make a mistake, make up your mind to correct it. Although she still wanted her to take the blame, she was a little wronged, but there was no other way.

Qingshan was brought up by him, and he knew that he was actually a very kind person. Before, he was so repulsive to cake cakes because the real Li Hehua was indeed disgusting, but as long as Qingshan sees how good she is now, let Qingshan know What he thinks of her now, Qingshan will be willing to re-examine her for him and Shulin, and then accept her.

He trusted his brother.

And Qingshan is more persuasive than his mother, so he plans to convince Qingshan first, as long as Qingshan accepts her again, his mother's mentality will change.

His mother is a person with no opinion and likes to follow the crowd. To put it simply, she never insists on something by herself, and will change with the changes of the people around her. As long as everyone in the family likes Li Hehua, then her mother I will never insist on being alone for too long. In the end, I will definitely slowly discover her goodness and slowly change my attitude.

This is why he dared to tell Li Hehua that he would solve it, because he knew his mother and brother too well, and he had already figured out a solution in his mind. If his mother was really a stubborn and strong old lady, he really wouldn't Dare to pack a ticket.

Sure enough, after Zhang Tieshan said these words, Zhang Qingshan fell into contemplation. Through these few days of getting along, he not only saw that she has become very gentle and hard-working now, but also saw that she is very precious to Shulin, and Shulin is also very dependent on her, and he is reluctant to part with her for a moment. Both uncles are jealous. He is not stupid, he knows that her kindness to Shulin is definitely not pretentious, otherwise Shulin will not like her so much, so her current kindness is probably from the heart.

What's more, she is so rich now that she doesn't need to pretend to them.

Zhang Qingshan began to think, if, as his brother said, Shulin could not do without her, and his brother also fell in love with her and wanted to marry her back, if he continued to hate her and treat her badly, she would not Marrying his brother, his brother will be sad, and Shulin will not be able to stand it either. And she is Shulin's biological mother after all. If his brother married someone else, how could the stepmother be really good to Shulin

Under such circumstances, can he selfishly not give her a chance? Can't seem to.

Zhang Qingshan thought about it a lot in his mind, and finally looked at his brother and his nephew, nodded, "I know brother, I am willing to put aside the previous things, if she really gets better now, I will ignore the villain. Yes, forgive her past mistakes and accept this sister-in-law again."

Zhang Tieshan smiled and rubbed the younger brother's head, "Okay, thank you eldest brother."

Zhang Qingshan was so embarrassed by the thanks that he blushed and was embarrassed to stay any longer. He picked up the cloth and said, "Okay, I won't talk anymore, I'm going out to work." After speaking, he quickly went out of the room.

As soon as I walked out of the room, I immediately smelled an alluring aroma, like the smell of meat, which must have come from the kitchen.

Zhang Qingshan shrugged his nose, his eyes drifted to the kitchen involuntarily, forgetting what he was originally doing.

It's really fragrant, what is this delicious

At this time, Li Hehua came out of the kitchen with tableware and chopsticks, saw Zhang Qingshan, smiled, and said, "Let's pack up and have lunch, and have braised pork rice at noon today, Qingshan, go and call your mother."

Zhang Qingshan was flickered by Li Hehua's gentle smile, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. With a low "Oh", he carried the cloth into Zhang Lin's room.

Li Hehua got a rare response from him, was a little surprised, then smiled, put the bowls and chopsticks in his hand on the table, and brought out the prepared bowls of braised pork rice, and ordered Xiaoqing, Xiaohong and others to get together After I was able to eat, I returned to the kitchen and filled a large bowl of chicken soup and brought it into the room, where two men, one big and one small, were waiting to be fed.

Sure enough, when the two saw Li Hehua come in, their eyes swiped on her body, making Li Hehua wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Li Hehua sat by the bed, scooped a spoonful of soup with a spoon, and said to him, "Come on, drink some chicken soup first, and we'll have braised pork rice later."

The little guy was the most obedient, and immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the spoon of soup in Li Hehua's hand, delighted.

After seeing his son finish drinking, Zhang Tieshan opened his mouth to drink the next spoonful. Now the father and son have a tacit understanding, one person and one spoon take turns, very fair!

After a while, the father and son drank the whole bowl of soup, and Li Hehua returned to the kitchen with the empty bowl to serve their braised pork rice.

In the main room, Zhang Qingshan, Zhang Lin, and Xiaoqing and Xiaohong were eating. The four of them didn't speak.

Zhang Qingshan has never eaten such a delicious meal. The braised pork is delicious and delicious, and it melts in your mouth. With the fragrant and soft white rice, it is so delicious that you can't wait to take another bite after one bite.

He grew up so big, and he only ate the best food these days. It was a dream-like life.

At this time, just seeing Li Hehua coming out of the room, Zhang Qingshan felt for the first time that she is indeed very good now, with such a good cooking skill and a good business, and now she is willing to give up so much money without earning it, Come to their house to take care of his brother, and make them delicious food, really... It's pretty good...

Is she really different now

Zhang Qingshan looked at his mother subconsciously, and saw that his mother, like him, dug a large spoonful of braised pork rice into his mouth, chewed it aftertaste, and his eyes flashed with joy.

His mother also likes to eat what she makes.

But his mother still doesn't like her very much, so should he persuade her

Zhang Qingshan didn't even realize that he had added the temptation of delicious food under his brother's persuasion, and his mentality gradually changed.

Li Hehua didn't know this. He returned to the room with two bowls of braised pork rice, and fed the father and son, the father and son. The reaction of the father and son was the same as that of the others in the main room. .

Zhang Tieshan squeezed Li Hehua's cheek with a smile, and praised: "Gu Gao, this is delicious."

Li Hehua pursed his lips and smiled. Although everyone said it was delicious, but he said it was delicious, she was very happy.

Shulin saw that his father praised his mother, and his mother was so happy that she felt that she could not fall behind, so she had to imitate his father and praised her, so he approached Li Hehua and stretched out his little fleshy hand to pinch Li Hehua. His cheeks, just about to speak like Zhang Tieshan, opened his mouth, suddenly stunned.

What is he going to say? Can't say it

Shulin looked at Li Hehua and Zhang Tieshan blankly.

Li Hehua and Zhang Tieshan's smiles suddenly disappeared, and they looked at each other.

Shulin was so old and had never spoken. Li Hehua originally thought it was the little guy who was unwilling to speak, but he later learned that the little guy had never learned to speak at all. At the age when other children learned to speak, he was abused by his own mother. He never knew how to learn to speak, and no one taught him to speak. Gradually, he closed himself up, and he never learned to speak again, and he was unwilling to speak. He never had the desire to speak.

This was the first time that Shu Lin took the initiative to open his mouth to speak, but suddenly remembered that he couldn't speak.

He couldn't tell.

Li Hehua's heart was broken when she saw it, and her eyes couldn't help turning red. She had never forced the little guy before, she just wanted to wait for the little guy to get better before teaching him. I didn't expect this day to come so quickly, and he actually took the initiative. I want to talk.

Seeing this, Zhang Tieshan put the rice bowl in her hand aside, trying to avoid pulling on his own wound, and gently took Li Hehua and Shulin into his arms.

He patted Li Hehua on the back, "Don't be sad, isn't Shulin feeling better now? Look, he still wants to praise you like me, doesn't he want to talk? He's so young, let's teach him again now, he It will be soon."

Li Hehua rubbed his eyes and said "um", "That Zhang Tieshan, let's teach him to speak from now on. Shulin is so smart, he will learn it soon."

Zhang Tieshan assuredly said, "Of course, my son is so smart, he can learn it right away."

Li Hehua was comforted by him, the sourness just now disappeared, replaced by confidence. It's nothing, start teaching from now on, Shulin will definitely be able to learn, he just speaks a few years later than other children.

Li Hehua withdrew from Zhang Tieshan's arms and took up his job again, "Come on, eat quickly, we'll teach him how to speak after eating."

Seeing her recovery, Zhang Tieshan raised the corner of his mouth and touched her face, "Okay, I'll teach you after dinner, and I'll teach you when you're busy."

Li Hehua nodded and looked at the little guy who blinked at them with big eyes. He couldn't help but leaned over excitedly and gave him a kiss.

Her baby must be getting better and better.

The little guy was kissed, and he disappeared just now, Xiaozui grinned, and then suddenly remembered something, stretched out his hand and pulled Li Hehua's hand, then pointed to his father's cheek, silently motioning her to kiss his father too.

Li Hehua was stunned.

"Haha..." Zhang Tieshan laughed out loud and patted the little guy on the head admiringly. The good son is awesome, he will remember it after teaching him once.

Li Hehua was angry, "Zhang Tieshan, what did you tell him? How could he..."

Zhang Tieshan clenched his fist with his right hand and coughed lightly, and said, "'s nothing, I just teach him not to forget his father when he is happy." my father.

Li Hehua: "..." This shameless bastard!