The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 64


In the box at the moment, there were originally a group of people who came to talk about things, but at this moment, they were just burying their heads and eating hard, as if they forgot that they were talking about things only by eating.

"Old Yan, you can do it, where did you find such delicious dishes? This craft is better than the taste of the world." One of the old men who came with the old man said, and he said that the world's residence, It's the biggest and best restaurant in town, and Mr. Lianxian always went to eat here.

"That's right." The old man Yan answered quite contentedly, "You all know that I have no other hobbies in my life, I just like to eat one. I have eaten all the food that can be eaten in this town, but I dare to pack it. Tickets, no one is as good as the girl just now. I have eaten the food for several months and I want to eat it every day, but I have never tasted her dishes before, I didn't expect it to be so amazing ."

The people present nodded in agreement, and it is no exaggeration to use the word superb for this table dish.

Among them, another old man said: "I have been in business, and I have been to the north and the south of the Yangtze River. I have eaten all the restaurants of all sizes. I have even eaten Baiweiju in the capital several times, not to mention the world. I dare to say , even the dishes made by the chefs of Baiweiju are not as good as those made by this girl."

The rest of the people present were surprised when they heard the words. It was acceptable to eat better than Tianxia Ju, but better than Baiweiju? You must know that the Baiweiju in the capital is famous all over the world, and the taste is known to be unforgettable, even a three-year-old child knows it, but now you say it is not as good as this girl? Then the dishes that this girl cooks are still hard to come by

"You still don't believe what I said, it really tastes better than the Beijing Baiweiju. You will know if you go to the capital next time to try it."

This seems to be true now, and a man said: "It seems that we will entertain guests in the future, and we will have a place to choose. Come here and have a table, and any business can be negotiated!"

The others laughed and agreed, "Yes, yes, that's true. In the future, all guests will come here, which is absolutely satisfying."

Dahe heard these words during the serving time. On the surface, he was not shocked. In fact, his heart was flying with joy. When he left the box, he ran downstairs like a wild horse. He rushed to Li Hehua and said, "Aunt Hehua, the guests upstairs are all complimenting the delicious food you make, saying that it is better than the Baiweiju in the capital, saying that it is hard to find in the world, and that you will be able to entertain distinguished guests in the future. If you want to come to us, then our family's business will not worry about it! Haha... "

When the others in the kitchen heard Da He say this, they were also happy, and their excitement was beyond words.

As expected, Li Hehua raised the corner of his mouth and patted Dahe's shoulder, "Okay, happy to be happy, you have to be careful in front of the guests, and wait on the second floor, in case the guests want to call someone."

Dahe let out a "hey" and hurried upstairs again.

The people at the table upstairs patronized and ate without talking, so that all the dishes on the table were swept away, and there were only vegetable soup and vegetable oil left on the plate. They were full of hiccups, and there was no boss image at all, and they all laughed when they looked at each other.

"I'm happy to eat today, I haven't eaten so much for a long time."

"Who said it wasn't, I'm a feast for the eyes today. I didn't expect such a good restaurant in our town. It seems that we have to make another appointment next time, and then come again."

"Come again, I will come here to eat in the future."

Several people just sat paralyzed and talked, very satisfied.

Seeing this, Da He hurriedly entered the box and asked, "Now help you remove the plates, how about some tea?"

Hearing this, Mr. Yan laughed, and said, "I have withdrawn it. Now I need tea to digest and digest. Your family is so good, so good."

Dahe swiftly removed the dishes from the table, wiped the table clean, then served a pot of tea to relieve tiredness, and then withdrew.

The people in the box were very satisfied with this. Each of them had a cup of tea in their hands, and they talked about business while digesting food. Before they knew it, most of the afternoon passed. The old man hurriedly took a few people downstairs to check out.

There was no one on the first floor at this time, and the people who came to eat had already finished eating.

Old man Yan said with a smile: "Girl, your craftsmanship made us old guys forget to go home."

Li Hehua smiled, "Father, thank you for your praise. I think it's delicious. Come back next time."

Mr. Yan stroked his beard, "I promise you will see me often in the future, okay, girl, settle the bill for me, we really have to go."

Li Hehua took the handwritten bill and said, "Master, the fraction will be removed for you. The total is forty taels of silver. Today's opening will be half price. You can give twenty taels of silver."

Mr. Yan and his party were stunned when they heard the words. Forty taels of silver for a table of food was quite expensive. Even in a big restaurant in Beijing, the price of a meal was about the same. In this small restaurant In the town, this amount of money is too much. Other restaurants in the town are worth more than a tael of silver.

However, a few people thought about the eight dishes they just ate, and felt that the price was very reasonable. Those dishes are hard to find in the world, and a dish can be sold for a lot of money. If you don't have so much money, Seems to be sorry for the taste.

Mr. Yan stroked his beard and laughed, took out two taels of silver and put it on the counter, and then left with someone.

Li Hehua calmly put the silver in the drawer behind the counter, and asked Zhang Tieshan to write it down in the ledger. She didn't think that two taels of silver would be too much. If it was in a place like the capital, she could have asked for the dish just now. Ten taels of silver, four taels of silver is already the least.

The people present were not as calm as Li Hehua. Except for Zhang Tieshan who felt that the craftsmanship of his cakes was completely worthy of four taels of silver, everyone else was shocked by the asking price.

My dear, a table of food costs 4 taels of silver, which is more than the average family saves a year. If this is a table of 4 taels, ten tables and eight tables a day, how much money will you make this year? ah

Sister-in-law Xie tutted twice and couldn't help but admire, "Sister Lotus is so talented, few men can match her." After speaking, she rolled her eyes when she saw Zhang Lin who was drinking water next to her.

She knew that the former mother-in-law of the lotus girl was next to her, and she could see that the former mother-in-law didn't like the lotus girl very much. If you are capable, all men in the world have to rush to ask for it. Anyone who is capable of marrying a person like Sister Lotus would be a great blessing. Sometimes I think, if I were a mother-in-law, I would like a girl like Sister Lotus. Daughter-in-law, it's a pity, I don't have that blessing." After speaking, he sighed heavily.

When Zhang Lin heard the words, his eyes flashed, he lowered his head and took another sip of water, suppressing the shock in his heart.

Originally, she thought that her family Tieshan was a talented person, and no man in the village could earn money from her family Tieshan. In her heart, women like Li Hehua were 10,000 unworthy of her family Tieshan. Marrying such a woman is a big loss, but now, her thoughts have been impacted.

One table of dishes can earn three or four taels, and even a dozen or so taels a day. That's too much this year, and her family Tieshan can't earn that much in a year.

Zhang Lin has to admit that ordinary men really want to marry such a capable woman. Even if they are divorced, most men want to marry, and which mother-in-law does not like such a daughter-in-law who can make money like this, so, Li Hehua is a woman who really does not worry that no one wants her.

Zhang Lin secretly looked up at Li Hehua, who was standing by the counter. Seeing her current face, her heart skipped a beat again. She couldn't help but think that Zhang Tieshan said that he was stalking Li Hehua. I don't believe it, now it seems...

Sister Xie, who secretly observed Zhang Lin's expression, tickled the corner of her mouth, feeling very comfortable. Sister Lotus The former mother-in-law actually looked down on Sister Lotus. She really didn't treat her baby as a baby. She really thought that she had to marry your son? A smart person should treat the lotus girl well. If you are stubborn, you will never get such a good daughter-in-law.

Where did Li Hehua know about a table of food money, there has been a psychological war there, if he knew, he would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry.

She collected the account book, looked at the sky, it was time for Shulin to finish school, it was time to pick up the little guy and go home.

Li Hehua said to Zhang Tieshan, "Look at the store, I'll go to the back to change clothes, and then go to the college to pick up Shulin after school."

Zhang Tieshan raised his eyes and said, "Yeah".

Seeing Li Hehua go to the backyard, Zhang Tieshan beckoned to Luo Er and said, "Help me take a look for a while, I'll go to the back to make it easier." Then he came out from behind the counter and went to the backyard.

Luo Er looked at the back of his good brother and smiled meaningfully.

Li Hehua took off his clothes that smelled of oil smoke, put on a clean one, and opened the door to go out. Who knew that there was a tall figure standing at the door, which startled her.

Taking a closer look, it was Zhang Tieshan, Li Hehua breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and lightly beat his chest, "Why are you here, you are scared to death!"

Zhang Tieshan didn't say a word, and swept straight at Li Hehua's clothes. He was wearing a light blue hairpin and flower Luo skirt. A fringe around the waist was used as a belt, which made the small waist extremely slender. It is particularly attractive under the background, it can be said to be slender and graceful.

Zhang Tieshan's eyes darkened.

Li Hehua felt inexplicably hot on his face, as if his body was about to catch fire under his gaze, so he slapped him embarrassedly, "What are you looking at! Go ahead and watch, or your wages will be deducted."

Zhang Tieshan let out an unintelligible laugh, and when Li Hehua's voice just fell, he hugged her and turned into the room. At the same time, the door was closed with a "click".

"Zhang Tieshan, what are you doing—woo—"

Before he could finish, he was kissed.

Zhang Tieshan was like a thirsty beast that encountered luscious prey, grabbed it and gnawed at it, wishing to suck up the flesh and blood of the opponent's body, never giving the prey a little counterattack.

Li Hehua is the poor prey, there is no place for him to resist, he can only do whatever he wants.

When he was finally released, his legs were too soft to stand, and Zhang Tieshan was holding him.

Li Hehua gritted his teeth bitterly, "Zhang Tieshan, you big beast—"

Zhang Tieshan was amused by the word "beast", so he simply picked up Li Hehua and put it on the table, while he stood in front of her, holding her waist tightly with both hands and smiling, "This is a beast? Huh?"

Li Hehua stretched out his leg and kicked him, which made him laugh again, quite pleasant.

Li Hehua was so angry, he snorted and twisted heavily on his waist. This time, he finally twisted Zhang Tieshan until he hissed and breathed in, but he didn't move, so she let her twist.

"What are you doing? I'm going to pick up Shulin from school. If I don't go, it will be too late."

Zhang Tieshan let out an "um", raised his hand to straighten her messy hair, and said, "Change clothes, this one doesn't look good."

Li Hehua was puzzled and looked down at the clothes on her body. The clothes were newly made by her, and they fit very well. They were also the most popular style right now. It wasn't like the fat and big ones before were not right. She looked very satisfied.

She thought about going to pick up Shulin, but she couldn't be too careless, or she would lose face as a child, so she changed to a more formal one, but she didn't expect Zhang Tieshan to say it was not good-looking.

Being told by his man that the clothes are not good-looking, a woman would care about it. Li Hehua also cared, and asked with confirmation: "Is it really not good-looking? I think it's okay."

Zhang Tieshan opened his eyes and said nonsense, "It really doesn't look good, let's change it, or I'll help you pick it out, okay?"

Li Hehua thought about it and nodded, "Okay, then I'll change it." Since he doesn't like it, it's okay to change it, there's no need to fight for it.

Zhang Tieshan followed Li Hehua to the closet, looked at her clothes, and finally picked one out, "Just this one, it's pretty."

Li Hehua took a look at this dress. Although it was quite new and the style was good, it was a little fat and she didn't want to wear it. She didn't want to go out.

Seeing this, Zhang Tieshan put his arms around her, kissed her on the forehead, and coaxed softly, "My dear, this one looks good, so just wear this one, okay?"

Li Hehua Nuzui said, "Okay then, you go out." He pushed his back and drove the person out.

Zhang Tieshan cooperated this time and went out obediently.

When Li Hehua came out again, he really changed his clothes. This time he didn't look as attractive as before. Zhang Tieshan was satisfied and patted her head, "Okay, let's go, be careful on the road."

Li Hehua nodded, seeing that it was getting late, he hurried out the door to the academy.

By the time they got to the academy, they had already left school, and many children had already been picked up. Shulin was held by Gu Zhijin and stood at the door, looking in the direction of the road, waiting for her to pick him up.

Li Hehua hurriedly ran over and hugged Shulin, "Sorry, Shulin, mother came a little late today."

Shulin shook his head, put his arm around Li Hehua's neck and rubbed it, and called out obediently in her ear, "Mother—"

Li Hehua rubbed his back, "Okay, okay, mother will take you home soon."

After finishing speaking, he said to Gu Zhijin, who was looking at her, "Master Gu, I'll trouble you today. I'll take Shulin home."

Gu Zhijin nodded, seeing that she was about to leave with Shulin, but suddenly stopped her, "Book—Mother Shulin—"

Li Hehua was stunned for a moment, and realized that Master Gu was calling him, and turned around quickly, "Master Gu, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Gu Zhijin pursed his lips and said, "You opened the restaurant today, I haven't congratulated you yet."

Li Hehua smiled, "Thank you, Master Gu, if you have time to take Jin Zhao to my place for dinner, you won't charge for dinner."

Gu Zhijin smiled slightly, looking at Li Hehua's bright smile, she really wanted to ask her if she was really with Shulin's father again, but the words turned around, swallowed and vomited, and finally Still didn't say it.

What qualifications does he have to ask this? It's too unethical, and since the incident that day was obvious enough, do you still need to ask? What's the use of asking

Gu Zhijin sighed secretly, "It's alright, I'll go with Jin Zhao to cheer for you when I have time, it's getting late, you can take Shulin home quickly."

Li Hehua nodded, "Then let's go, Shulin, goodbye to Master."

Shulin waved his little hand towards Gu Zhijin, goodbye.

Gu Zhijin also shook his hand, and then watched the figures of Li Hehua and Shulin gradually move away until they could no longer be seen.

"Second uncle, don't look anymore, people are long gone, and you won't be able to see them back." A small head appeared from behind the gate of the academy, staring at Gu Zhijin with dark eyes.

Gu Zhijin came back to his senses, looked at Gu Jinzhao, and said solemnly, "What nonsense are you talking about, be careful I'll spank your ass."

Gu Jinzhao came out from behind the door and made a face at him, "I'm not talking nonsense." With his little hands behind his back, he taught people a serious lesson, "What did I say, let you marry Shulin's mother back? Be my second aunt, if you don't listen, you even say I'm talking nonsense. Now, is it too late? Look at how beautiful Shulin is now, and how delicious and gentle her cooking is. Dad Shulin regrets it again. If you marry Shulin's mother back, you will have no chance, you, you, you should have known why today was the first time." If you knew why today, this sentence was something he had recently learned, when his second uncle taught him a lesson. Used, and now he has successfully used it, and used it to teach his second uncle.

Gu Zhijin frowned and slapped Gu Jinzhao's little head hard, "Don't talk nonsense, this will affect the reputation of Shulinniang, when will the second uncle marry Shulinniang? If others hear this. What should people think? If you talk nonsense again, I will put you in confinement!"

Gu Jinzhao knew that the second uncle was really angry, he pouted in dissatisfaction, and stomped his feet fiercely, "Okay, if you say I'm talking nonsense, then I'm just talking nonsense, anyway, whoever is uncomfortable knows, I don't care about you, you I'll be alone in the future, when I grow up and marry a beautiful little lady, let you look envious, hum-" After saying that, he walked away angrily without looking back, he decided that he was going to ignore him Second uncle five days, no, it's still two days, let him taste the power.

Gu Zhijin looked at Gu Jinzhao's energetic little figure. After a long time, he lowered his head and sighed. His heart was empty. He knew that something had been completely lost. Opportunity.

He is destined to not have this blessing. From now on, she will just be the mother of his own disciple... just...