The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 65


In the evening, when the guests were almost gone, Li Hehua closed the door and announced to everyone, "Let's have a good meal tonight and celebrate the opening of our restaurant!"

Everyone shouted and was very happy.

Li Hehua handed the book forest to Zhang Lin, and Zhang Lin hugged it and rubbed it affectionately, "Oh my book forest, tell grandma, what did you learn in the academy today?"

Shulin didn't speak, and looked at Li Hehua eagerly, wanting to play with his mother.

Li Hehua patted his head, "Mother is going to cook now. Would you like to stay outside for a while? Look, Heizi is still waiting to play with you."

Heizi was originally in the backyard, but when Shulin came back, he ran to the front, lying at Shulin's feet and looked at him.

At this time, seeing Li Hehua talking about it, he immediately stood up, walked to Shulin, and rubbed his head against his leg.

Shu Lin was tickled by the rubbing, and he laughed all of a sudden. Only then did he agree with Li Hehua's words. He shook his legs and got down from Zhang Lin's arms, hugged Heizi's head and arched it, playing with one person and one dog.

Li Hehua shook his head with a smile, and then went into the kitchen to cook.

At this time, Zhang Qingshan also came back from the master who learned the craft, but his face was a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Zhang Tieshan patted his shoulder, "What's the matter? Why are you so listless? Tell me something."

Zhang Qingshan moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at everyone's beaming appearance, he felt that it was not good to bring out his little troubles and talk about it. It seemed that he was like a child, so he shook his head and cheered up: "It's nothing, just a little hungry."

Zhang Tieshan didn't care, he smiled and said, "Wait a while, your sister-in-law is cooking, and there will be something to eat later, come and clean up with me first."

Zhang Qingshan nodded, rolled up his sleeves and followed along.

Everyone worked together very fast, and the restaurant was cleaned up in less than half an hour. When they were almost done, Li Hehua also quickly finished a table of dishes.

Immediately, the whole room was filled with alluring aromas. When the dishes were brought to the table, everyone looked at the dazzling array of dishes. , I'm afraid that the dishes eaten by the county magistrate are not so good

If Li Hehua knew that everyone thought this, he would definitely say that the food eaten by the emperor in the palace is not as good-looking and delicious as this one.

"Everyone, don't just watch it, move your chopsticks quickly, don't you still envy the guests in the box at noon? Now this table is no worse than the one at noon."

Now, the dishes on this table are all her specialty dishes. Once his grandfather held a family dinner at home on his birthday, it was her chef who cooked this table. At that time, the whole family praised it. When I was young, I was very complacent. I was complimented and delighted for many days. It's funny to think about it now.

After listening to Li Hehua's words, everyone came back to their senses and raised their chopsticks to eat. After the first chopstick went down, I couldn't hold back any longer. One chopstick after another, I couldn't stop eating. I even scrambled to eat a few more bites.

"Aunt Lotus, I finally know how the people in the noon box feel. It's so delicious, no wonder they are so satisfied." Dahe said while stuffing it into his mouth. As a result, he hurriedly swallowed it again.

Cao Simei patted him on the head, "You damn child, you should eat less or drink less, just like you haven't eaten in eight hundred years, it's not ashamed!"

Da He rubbed his aching head and said, "That's because Aunt Hehua's food is so delicious. When have I ever eaten such a delicious dish? Mother, you still say that you don't eat it yourself. Smell it?"

Cao Simei's eyes flicked, she was a dead child, telling the truth.

Everyone looked at Cao Simei's bone residue by the side of the bowl, and it could be seen that she was also enjoying herself. They all laughed, and the atmosphere was very lively.

At this time, Luo Er said: "It's not enough to have good food without good wine, otherwise, this table of food will be wasted. Today a restaurant opens, let's all have a drink and celebrate!"

Li Hehua patted her head, but she forgot about it, how can there be no wine on the big day, and immediately stood up and went to the counter to get wine, "I forgot all about it, today I want to drink some wine and be happy, everyone Have a drink."

Li Hehua brought three pots of wine at once, opened the seal, and started pouring wine into everyone's wine glasses. Luo Er quickly took the wine from her hand, "I'll come, I'll come, you sit."

Li Hehua didn't refuse, just sat down and watched Luo Er pour wine for everyone, except Shulin, everyone poured the wine glass in front of him.

Li Hehua stood up with his glass of wine, said with a smile: "Today is the first day our restaurant opened, everyone has worked hard today, let's all raise our glasses to celebrate, drink what you can drink, if you can't drink it. That's it."

Everyone stood up with their wine glasses and took a sip. A few women simply took a sip, but the men were different. They drank a drink all at once, and they felt very happy after drinking.

Li Hehua hurriedly said to Dahe Xiaoyuan and Zhang Qingshan: "You three don't drink so much, you are still young, be careful to hurt your stomach."

The three youngsters were unconvinced, and they all said that they were not young enough to drink hard, and then they were beaten on the head by their mother, and had to put down the cup obediently.

Luo Er laughed loudly, "You little brats, take it easy, wait a few years and drink it well." After speaking, he raised a glass to Zhang Tieshan, "Come on Tieshan, let's have a good drink today. "

Zhang Tieshan picked up the wine glass and touched Luo Er, raised his head and was about to drink it, Li Hehua was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly pressed his hand, "You drink less, the injury on your body is not completely healed, drinking is not good for you heal."

Zhang Tieshan paused, smiled, and put down the glass obediently, "Okay, then don't drink." Although drinking is nothing to him, he must listen to his wife's words.

Luo Er saw his daughter-in-law's appearance as if she said anything, and smiled teasingly, winking at Zhang Tieshan, meaning: "You are a strict wife."

Zhang Tieshan didn't care, he was very happy to be a wife to take care of him, and his family cake was willing to take care of him, but it was too late for him to be happy.

Seeing this, Li Hehua picked up his glass and touched Luo Er, "Second brother Luo, I'm here to toast you, thank you for your help before, Tieshan won't drink with you now that he's hurt, and when he's better, you guys Have a good drink."

Luo Er hurriedly drank it, and then said, "It's okay, I've been good brothers with Tieshan for so many years, don't care about this, just feel free." But in his heart, he was happy that Zhang Tieshan found such a woman now.

In this way, a group of people happily ate a round belly and felt that their lives were complete.

After the meal, everyone cleaned up the table and washed the tableware and chopsticks together, and then they went home one after another.

Zhang Tieshan didn't leave in a hurry, and stayed behind. Not to mention, he filled a pot of water with the well water in the backyard, then poured a full pot into the pot and started to boil the water.

"Zhang Tieshan, what are you doing?"

"Boil some bath water for you and Shulin."

Hearing that he was going to help her burn the water for the bath, Li Hehua grinned, and only felt a sweetness rushed into his heart. It turns out that this is the feeling of having a boyfriend who hurts. No wonder her best friends show affection every day. You can't live without your boyfriend at all times. Is it too happy

Well, if she has a mobile phone now, she will definitely post it on a circle of friends, and then a group of people are complaining about eating dog food.

Li Hehua was amused by his own thoughts, and he did laugh out loud.

Zhang Tieshan squeezed her cheek with a free hand, "Why are you smiling so happily?"

Li Hehua shook his head, his voice a little coquettish, "I won't tell you."

Li Hehua had never spoken in such a coquettish manner before. Zhang Tieshan was surprised. Looking at her flushed cheeks and her moist but slightly hazy eyes, he was helpless and funny. Is he drunk? Get drunk after just touching so much alcohol? Could it be that this is the legendary drinking and pouring

Li Hehua was toasted by everyone in the evening, but he didn't reject it because he was happy. Although he only took a sip each time, he added up to more than a glass of wine. Although he was not so drunk at the moment, he was beginning to lose his mind. Zhang Tieshan saw her as a mere After drinking a little bit, it didn't stop, who would have drunk enough.

Li Hehua only felt that his brain was getting more and more dizzy, and his consciousness was gradually becoming unclear. He didn't want to move, he simply sat next to Zhang Tieshan with Shulin in his arms and watched him burn.

Looking at it, she couldn't help laughing. She felt that although Zhang Tieshan was only burning fire now, he was much more handsome than those handsome guys who drive sports cars and wear famous watches in modern times! Her boyfriend is so handsome...

Li Hehua couldn't help reaching out to touch Zhang Tieshan's face, first touching his eyebrows, then his eyes, then his nose, mouth, and chin. He touched everything he could, and laughed while touching.

Zhang Tieshan felt goosebumps from being touched by those little hands, so he quickly grabbed the disturbing hand and warned, "Gu Gao, don't move."

Li Hehua struggled, but couldn't break free. He was a little unhappy and pouted, "What are you doing, why don't you let me touch it, you are my boyfriend."

Zhang Tieshan wondered, "Boyfriend? What is a boyfriend?"

Li Hehua is still clear in the depths of his consciousness. Knowing that Zhang Tieshan knows her origin, he can say it, so he explained: "Boyfriend is the name of our unmarried people, men are called boyfriends, and women are called girlfriends. ."

Zhang Tieshan raised his eyebrows. He had such a name, so he asked with interest, "What about the husband and wife?"

Li Hehua replied quickly, "If it is a husband and wife, the man will call the woman the wife, and the woman will call the man the husband."

husband? wife

"Wife?" Zhang Tieshan called tentatively.

"Hey." Li Hehua was dizzy at the moment, and he subconsciously responded without hesitation, and he laughed after the answer, which was completely stupid.

The laughter in Zhang Tieshan's eyes was about to overflow, but he just felt that she was very cute at the moment, and he could not wait to hold someone in his arms and rub it.

At this time, just as the water was boiling, Zhang Tieshan patted Li Hehua's head, "Guo Gao, you're good, you sit here with Shulin and don't move, I'll prepare bath water for you, alright, I'll call you, okay? ?" Zhang Tieshan was afraid that she would be dizzy and unable to stand still, and it would be bad if her mother fell.

Li Hehua nodded obediently, and sat still with Shulin in his arms. When Zhang Tieshan was ready to return with the water, he saw his mother and daughter almost falling asleep.

Zhang Tieshan shook his head and went forward to carry Shulin out of Li Hehua's arms. Li Hehua and Shulin were shocked by his move, and Shulin subconsciously wanted to hug Li Hehua's neck.

Zhang Tieshan patted the little guy on the head soothingly: "Okay, alright, daddy will take you to take a bath and sleep, mother is tired today, don't pester mother."

Shulin stopped struggling when he heard it, and obediently hugged Zhang Tieshan's neck and asked him to take him to take a bath.

Zhang Tieshan's movements were very fast, he washed Shulin in less than a quarter of an hour, and since it was getting late, Shulin was put on the bed and went to sleep.

Zhang Tieshan covered the book forest with a small quilt before returning to the kitchen to pick up Li Hehua.

In the kitchen, Li Hehua had fallen asleep leaning against the stove, his face flushed red when he slept, and he looked particularly good-looking.

Zhang Tieshan stared at her quietly for a while, then stretched out his arms and hugged her, and carried her to the bathroom, but when he picked her up, Li Hehua woke up, but she didn't want to get down, so he stretched his arms around Zhang Tieshan's neck , rubbed his face affectionately, exactly the same as Shu Lin's small movements.

Zhang Tieshan suddenly laughed, his family was too cute.

The drunk Li Hehua is very different. He usually blushes when he kisses her, but now he takes the initiative to get close to him. Zhang Tieshan suddenly feels that it is good to be drunk, and maybe he can increase the interest between husband and wife in the future, but he can only drink in the future. The two of them were drinking alone, and she must never be allowed to drink outside.

Zhang Tieshan held Li Hehua on the bench in the bathroom and sat down, squatted in front of her and said, "Gao Gao, I have prepared the bath water for you, can you go in and wash yourself?"

Li Hehua vaguely heard the word "bath", nodded, and then thought of taking off his clothes, but he couldn't remember what Zhang Tieshan couldn't take off here, so he started to take off his clothes, first the belt, then the top, then the skirt, Before Zhang Tieshan could react, there was only his undershirt left, but the underclothing was too thin to cover his figure at all. Zhang Tieshan was immediately attracted by the trembling fullness.

Breathing suddenly became faster.

However, Li Hehua didn't know anything, and his brain was not enough to be affected by alcohol. After taking off his coat, he had to take off his underwear. The clothes slipped off his shoulders, revealing the red straps inside, which was particularly attractive against the snow-white skin.

Zhang Tieshan's whole body's blood immediately flowed to one place. At this moment, he really wanted to rush to it regardless of anything, but his reason told him, no, what he should do at this moment is to leave immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhang Tieshan clenched his fist tightly, telling himself over and over again that he couldn't, and finally turned around when Li Hehua had only taken off his belly pocket, ran out in a state of embarrassment, and closed the door with a bang.

Li Hehua glanced at the door and continued to take off his clothes.

However, Zhang Tieshan, who was outside, ran to the well in one breath, filled a bucket of water and poured it down from the top, his heart was cold! Only then did I feel that the urge to move was suppressed. I just sat by the well in wet clothes, staring in the direction of the bathroom in a daze. It wasn't until almost half an hour later that there was no movement inside. Zhang Tieshan didn't feel right. , ran to the door and knocked on the door, "Gao Gao? Gao Gao? Have you washed it? Come out after washing, don't catch a cold."

It was quiet inside, and there was no movement.

Zhang Tieshan frowned and knocked several times, but there was still no movement. Only then did he determine that she must have fallen asleep inside. It is not easy for drunk people to wake up.

Zhang Tieshan pounded his head with a headache, wondering if he should go in or not. If his little woman fell asleep in the tub, he would see everything when he went in. Will she blame him for taking advantage tomorrow

But if you don't go in, the water will be cold, and you will get sick if you soak it like this.

Zhang Tieshan struggled for a moment, gritted his teeth, and pushed open the door.

Anyway, she will be his wife, the woman of his life, now look at the sin to death, right? Tomorrow if you want to kill or slash her as she pleases.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, he saw the mature Li Hehua sleeping in the tub, with loose hair, red face, and exposed shoulders like snow.

All this made Zhang Tieshan's heart beat wildly.

Zhang Tieshan walked over with his limbs stiff, his eyes only fixed on Li Hehua's face, and he didn't dare to look around at other places. When he got to the front, he closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to scoop up the person inside, and instantly hugged him out, but it was slippery The tactile feeling and the refreshing aroma made the heartbeat almost jump out, and the forehead was also densely sweating.

When he finally put the man in the quilt and covered him, Zhang Tieshan's clothes were sweaty instead of water, and he felt more tired than hunting for a few days.

And at this moment, the culprit is taking care of the sweetness of his own sleep, and sometimes nudging his mouth, just like Shulin sleeping.

Zhang Tieshan smiled helplessly, reached out and scratched her nose, "You, you can't let you drink alcohol in the future, otherwise I will suffer."

Li Hehua wrinkled his nose, turned his head to avoid the harassment and continued to sleep.

Zhang Tieshan raised the corners of his mouth and stared at her sleeping face quietly for a long time before kissing her on the forehead lightly, blowing out the candles in the room, closing the door and walking out.