The Peasant Gourmet Chef

Chapter 68


Li Hehua handed the finished paper bag to Cao Simei, made a sample for the villagers who made paper bags, and then gave her the raw materials such as oil paper needed to make the paper bag.

Cao Simei made sure to do a good job in making sure that she would go back to the village with these things.

Li Hehua made a total of three kinds of bags, which are divided into large, medium and small. According to the number of pastries purchased by customers, different sizes of paper bags are used. However, the labor costs are the same for these three sizes of paper bags. Every five pieces of paper bags are made of one penny. As long as the hands are fast, one can have twenty or thirty penny a day. This is considered a lot for the women who have no source of income in the village. great income.

According to Cao Simei after returning, many women in their village came to her and expressed their desire to do this, but she only chose four women with good character and ingenuity to do it.

Li Hehua handed over the whole matter to Cao Simei, and she went to a place dedicated to engraving seals and asked them to engrave a seal according to the pattern drawn by Shulin. After the seal was carved, the first batch of paper bags was ready. Li Hehua Immediately after a stamp was printed on the front of each paper bag, it was put into use.

She originally planned to collect money for the paper bag, but after thinking about it, she decided not to collect money and give it to customers for free. Although the cost will increase, she will earn a little less money, but the things she sells will look great. , it is easy to win the favor of the guests. When the guests buy it, when they see that it is packed in such a beautiful and convenient paper bag, they will feel that their pastries are better than others, and they will choose to come to their home. Buy, in general, they will not lose money.

In addition, Li Hehua also launched an ancient version of 'gift box', which is to put several different cakes in paper bags. The arrangement and color are carefully matched, and they look very good. Put them on the display stand. If you want to buy it as a gift, you can recommend customers to buy this, because there are many kinds of cakes and they are beautiful, it is best to give them away.

Not to mention, Li Hehua's 'gift box' really attracted a lot of people to buy it. Some people choose lazily and say that they will come with a little of everything. At this time, when they hear that there are ready-made combinations, they feel good. Yes, I bought it straight away.

As for other guests, no matter how much they buy or how little, Li Hehua carefully wraps them in paper bags. This move has been unanimously praised by the guests, and the number of sales has naturally increased. The number of cakes Xiaohong makes every day has increased. nearly three percent.

Because her family's pastries are selling so well, other pastry businesses in the town also started to follow suit, but as long as there are varieties of their family's pastries, other families have come out one after another. said.

Later, Li Hehua also became interested, so he asked Dahe to run some errands, and went to another home to buy some cakes and come back to try them. It looked quite similar at first, but the taste in his mouth was not the same, it was different from the one she made. very large.

Li Hehua guessed that other homes should have sent people over to her to buy pastries and go back to study, but there are many fine ingredients in the pastries she makes, which are invisible to the naked eye, and not easy to eat. The ratio is also very difficult to eat, which leads to the appearance of the same, but the taste is much worse.

Li Hehua doesn't worry about the same cakes sold by other families as hers. It is someone else's skill to be able to make the same life as theirs and be better than hers. Besides, this kind of thing can't be prevented, it's better to just go with the flow, the big deal is that she will introduce new flavors.

She guessed that the paper bag that their family introduced will soon be available in other families one after another. Humans' ability to learn is always very strong and cannot be prevented.

Seeing that Li Hehua didn't care, Cao Simei, who was still very nervous, was relieved and no longer bothered about it.

And now, more and more guests go to the upstairs box to eat at noon every day. At first there were three or four tables, then gradually five, six, seven, and eight tables, and then more than eight tables, Li Hehua had to Using the method of pre-booking, the meal for the next day was ordered the day before, and those who arrived late could only be placed in the day after tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, and then it was almost four or five days later.

Business is so good, everyone is very tired, Li Hehua directly increased everyone's wages by fifty cents, and everyone suddenly became happy.

Li Hehua's dishes have conquered the stomachs of all the diners, and there are still people who want to invite her to cook on this day.

The person who came was still Mr. Yan, but it wasn't that he wanted to invite Li Hehua, he came here instead of Yuan He.

Mr. Yan said: "He Yuanwai has many business friends who often come to his house to talk about business. This time, a few distinguished guests came from Mohe City and wanted to entertain them at the house, but He Yuanwai felt that his own cook did the job. The dishes are not good, so I want to invite you to make a meal."

After saying this, Mr. Yan smiled and said, "Girl, He Yuanwai likes your cooking so much, didn't you see him running towards you every three days? He still pays a high price for the cook in his house. Come here, he used to show us how delicious his food is, but now, he starts to dislike others. This time he has a distinguished guest and wants to show off, and wants to invite you to cook him a meal to save face. But don't worry, girl, he will never treat you badly if it takes you half a day, otherwise I won't be able to spare him."

He Yuanwai and Li Hehua are no strangers at all, because he really comes to her restaurant every few days, and spends a lot of money, ordering all the dishes she made.

She knew that He Yuanwai loved her cooking, but she didn't expect to invite her to cook. It reminded her of the days when she first came here, because she didn't have the capital to do business, and she went to cook for the people in the village. , but since she came to town to do business, she hadn't given anyone a reception.

However, it's not that she doesn't want to cook a meal, but the business of the restaurant is so good now that the customers are waiting for five days, and she doesn't have time to cook for He Yuanwai. Although He Yuanwai is well paid, but Her main business is to open a restaurant, so she can't put the cart before the horse and leave the serious restaurant guests to be private chefs for others, so the restaurant guests should have opinions, and this is not her original intention of opening the restaurant.

Li Hehua asked, "Old man, don't you come to me to talk about business sometimes? Can you come over to me to talk about business? Wouldn't it be resolved?"

The old man Yan shook his head, "If I can come, I will definitely come, but this time we are talking about the food business. He Yuan has to bring the people who came to see the crops at Zhuangzi. If he can't come here, he can only eat at Zhuangzi. ."

Li Hehua just remembered, He Yuan's family has thousands of acres of fertile land, and the main business seems to be food, so this is really inconvenient, so Li Hehua had to apologize: "Father, thanks to your love, but I really can't do anything about it. Promise, you have seen it, how many appointments I have every day now, and it will be several days later, I can't lose faith in these guests, so please help me explain to He Yuanwai, I hope you forgive me."

Mr. Yan looked at the reservation list with several pages of paper and understood it in his heart, but he still asked: "You really don't think about it? He Yuanwai will definitely pay you more than you earn by cooking dozens of tables. many."

Li Hehua shook his head with a smile, "Father, it's not a matter of money or lack of money. The people who made the appointments came first. I can't queue them to the back just because of the money. I'm really sorry."

The old man Yan sighed, but he still appreciated it in his heart. He said, "In this case, we will not force it. If we invite you next time, we have to make an appointment in advance, otherwise we really won't be able to invite you."

Li Hehua smiled, "Old man, don't slap me like this, let's do it, if you need my help next time, tell me a few days in advance, so that I can arrange it when the guests make an appointment, so that there are It's time."

The old man smiled and nodded, "Okay, I will help you to tell He Yuanwai. It is estimated that there will be no less things like this in the future."

When the person left, Li Hehua suddenly sighed.

Zhang Tieshan was funny, pinched her chin, "What a sigh, didn't you reject others yourself?"

Li Hehua pursed his lips, "Hey, you don't understand, this He Yuanwai is really a generous person. If he really goes, he will probably have to give dozens of taels of silver. I really want to go, but when I think that so much money is gone, my heart hurts."

Zhang Tieshan had never seen her look like a fan of money, but he felt cuter than ever, so he reached out and tapped on her lips, "Okay, don't regret it, don't go if you don't go, spend more than a few dozen taels of money. Heaven has earned it, don't keep your mouth shut, be obedient."

Li Hehua thought about it too, how could he get into the eyes of money, so he didn't want to do it.

Soon, when the first month's wages were paid, Li Hehua took the account home and counted the wages by candlelight at night. Zhang Tieshan held Shulin next to her and accompanied her.

"Sister Cao and Daya are paid according to the commission. A total of 1,204,000 pennies are allocated this month." Li Hehua recited according to the previous account book, and wrote it down at the end.

"Sister-in-law Xie and your mother, as well as Dahe Xiaoyuan and Luo Er brother this month are six hundred and fifty pennies; Xiaoqing and Xiaohong are one or two and a half dollars each."

Li Hehua wrote it down in the ledger while talking.

Zhang Tieshan didn't hear his name for a long time, he couldn't help laughing, pinching Li Hehua's chin, "Daughter-in-law, where is my salary?"

Zhang Tieshan now calls her daughter-in-law when there is no one in private. Li Hehua was embarrassed by his intimate address, but he got used to it after listening to it. "Will you still need wages? Then have you ever seen your daughter-in-law give wages to the husband!"

"Heh..." Zhang Tieshan burst into laughter, Li Hehua's words tickled his heart, he covered Shu Linzheng's blinking eyes with one hand, and suddenly leaned over and pressed heavily on Li Hehua's lips He sucked and kissed, and when the kiss was enough, he let go of her, and at the same time let go of the hand covering Shulin's eyes.

Shulin is very difficult to fool now. Before, he wondered why his father was covering his eyes all the time, but now he understands that his father wanted to kiss his mother and didn't want him to see it, so he kept covering his eyes. his eyes.

Really pissed off!

Shulin was very unhappy, and looked at his father with a pouting mouth, but his father didn't realize his mistake at all, and laughed happily, which made the little guy even more angry and didn't want to sit any longer. In this father's arms!

The little guy crawled down from his father's arms and climbed onto Li Hehua's lap, nestled directly into Li Hehua's arms and buried himself, and said a rare word: "Bad—"

"Haha..." Li Hehua was amused, and after glaring at Zhang Tieshan, he patted the little guy in his arms on the back and coaxed, "Daddy is bad, daddy is a big bad guy, let's ignore him."

Shulin rubbed against Li Hehua's arms and nodded lightly in agreement.

Zhang Tieshan looked at the mother and son with a helpless smile, his brows relaxed.

After coaxing Shulin, Li Hehua talked about business again, "We've been busy for 30 days this month, and we haven't had a day off, everyone is very tired, and some things at home are too late to do, and so on. No, I just thought, now that our business has stabilized, we have to change the rules in our store."

Zhang Tieshan nodded, "Indeed, people who work all the time can't bear it, they have to have time to rest every month. Last time, the kid from Luo Er's family had a fever, and Luo Er didn't have time to go back to bring the child to town because the restaurant was busy. Seeing the doctor, it was his daughter-in-law who came with the child, Luo Er felt very guilty."

Is there still such a thing? Li Hehua really didn't know this, and Luo Er mentioned it.

"Why didn't you tell me, can I still give him a day off to take the child to see a doctor?"

Zhang Tieshan patted Li Hehua on the head, "It was Luo Er who didn't want to talk about it, and his wife also advised him not to rest, saying that she could, but in fact, she was reluctant to pay that day's wages, and the farmers could break a penny into two penny for a day. Of course, twenty or thirty pennies are reluctant to lose."

Li Hehua pursed his lips, and understood in his heart, but he couldn't do it again in the future, so he said: "The first month is enough, from now on, everyone in our restaurant will have a two-day rest a month. One of the days is fixed on the 15th, and the other day can be arranged by yourself, as long as you don’t rest at the same time.”

Zhang Tieshan thought for a while and asked, "Will there be a shortage of staff? It's a holiday on the 15th, isn't it open?"

Li Hehua nodded, "I plan to not open the door on the 15th. From now on, this day will be our restaurant's collective rest day. Everyone will have a day off together. It happens that the Shulin will also rest on this day. I want to take good care of you. He goes out to play, can't let him rest at home and stay at home." It's not worth the gain if you only focus on making money and ignore the child.

Zhang Tieshan didn't expect that Li Hehua could think so much for Shulin, even better than his father. It was a blessing for their father and son to meet her in this life.

Saying thank you is superfluous. He and she don't need to say thank you. He will keep it in his heart and treat her wholeheartedly.

Zhang Tieshan touched Li Hehua's cheek, "Okay, we'll take him to play together then."

Shulin, who was in Li Hehua's arms, was no longer angry when he heard this. He turned his head and looked at Li Hehua and Zhang Tieshan with bright eyes. He was very excited.

Sure enough, as long as children mention going to play, they can always arouse their interest. Even a child as bored as Shulin still likes to play. Her decision is not wrong.

After saying this, Li Hehua took out five taels of silver from the money box and gave it to Zhang Tieshan, "Well, your wages are not deducted from you."

Zhang Tieshan smiled and pinched her face, "How can a daughter-in-law pay her husband? Huh?"

Li Hehua laughed "puchi", reached out and hit him, "Do you have any comments for you? Hurry up and take it!"

Zhang Tieshan shook his head with a smile, and only took a tael of silver from Li Hehua's hand, "I'll take a tael, and I don't need the rest." The tael of silver was given to Zhang Lin's family at home, as his adoptive mother and younger brother. The money, the rest has to be handed over to his wife, of course he can't take it.

Li Hehua: "Why only one or two? I agreed to give you five or two."

Zhang Tieshan shook his head, "I only need a tael. If you give me the rest, I have to give it to you, so I'll just give me a tael in the future."

Li Hehua blinked, could this be the legendary salary? Although it is normal for a husband to hand over his salary to his wife, but they are not considered husband and wife now, so it is not good to pay the salary

Li Hehua pushed the money over again, "We are not husband and wife now, you take the money yourself, I don't want it."

Zhang Tieshan rubbed her head with a smile, "If I tell you, you can take it." After speaking, he was afraid that Li Hehua would not agree, so he joked: "Also, my affairs are easier than others, but the wages are higher than others. There are a lot of people, so you are not afraid of other people's opinions?"

Li Hehua took his hand off her head and said angrily: "I'm the boss, how much salary I want to make? Besides, you are the shopkeeper and guard of the restaurant. If you really have something to do, you have to punch. This is a big job, and the wages can be reduced, but our restaurant is safe for the time being, so you haven’t played a role yet.”

Zhang Tieshan was amused by her rhetoric, "Haha, okay, it's very important for the shopkeeper to be guarded!"

Li Hehua actually thinks so. The status of the bodyguard is of course very important. The last time her stall was asked for trouble, it would have been bad if Zhang Tieshan was not there. Now that the restaurant business is so good, it is even more enviable. Yes, Zhang Tieshan has to come forward to get it done. Although it doesn't happen every day, it has to be settled when it happens, and the salary is of course high.

However, of course, she hoped that everything would be fine every day. She hoped that Zhang Tieshan would always be idle and keep bookkeeping, and would be happy to pay wages for nothing.

However, Li Hehua only finished talking at night, and it backfired the next day. She was so angry that she wanted to slap herself in the mouth, it was too crow's mouth.