The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 102: People and wealth are empty


In the yard, the spirit shed has been set up, and the coffin and everything are also placed.

Jiang Tao's father, Old Man Jiang, unexpectedly turned out to be Mr. Yin and Yang.

Instruct everyone to put up the funeral bowl, light the eternal lamp, and prepare the dead water box...

Lin Su and Dai Liang's daughter-in-law went to the door, and they happened to ran into Liu Guanzi's house. The three of them entered the hospital together, and Ling Muchuan saw it.

Frowning came over, lowered his voice displeased, and said.

"Why are you here? How cold is it? Go back quickly."

Lin Su shook his head, naturally stretched out his hand to fix his collar, said.

"My sister-in-law and I will come over and have a look, and we will return in a while. You are busy with you, don't worry about me, remember to go back to eat."

Ling Muchuan wanted to say something, Dai Liang called him over there, and had to nod his head, said "OK" and left.

The two of them have a good relationship, and everyone in the village knows it.

Everyone is accustomed to it, and there is no fuss.

Sliding the door to enter the house, Ding Zhu's wife and daughter-in-law were sitting in the house. These women, none of them were standing in the yard, they were all in the house.

Inside the house, Dai Liang’s mother, Jiang Tao’s mother, Duan Yue’s mother...

The old ladies all arrived, and they persuaded Ding Zhu's family to relax and look at the children, so they had to pass the day.

Yingzi and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Ding family were dressed in plain clothes. Yingzi's eyes were dull, and the eldest daughter-in-law sat beside her with her baby.

Everyone entered the house, and none of the Ding family said anything, just so immersed in their own grief.

Of course, big guys can't pick this reason.

After all, it’s a funeral and it’s too late to be sad, so how could they say hello to you.

The daughter-in-laws were looking for a place to sit in the house for a while, and the busy work in the yard continued.

Father Jiang's voice is not small, let Chuanzi do this for a while, let Liangzi do that for a while, or let Liu Jingzi go home to pick up things...

This is the case in the farming family. Everyone must be there if there is something to do with the family, and then they will do their best and do their best just like the things in their own family.

Finally, the door of the house opened and Ding Guangcheng walked in from the outside. After watching the people in the house nodded, he looked at his mother who was already crying and said.

"Mother, the shed is ready, let's... go out. The cook... don't look for it. Let Dan'er his mother and these sister-in-laws and younger siblings help with cooking."

When Dai Liang's wife and others heard this, they nodded without objection.

They all know the situation in their home, so it's normal not to find a cook.

Ding Zhu's family was relieved at this moment, looking at the people in the room, especially when he saw Lin Su, his eyes were obviously a little surprised.

Lin Su was also very calm, looking at her so softly, nodding slightly.

Ding Zhu's family shook his head with a wry smile, and said.

"It's all here, Lao Ding is a dead old man... oooo... oooooo... oooooooo..."

I just stopped crying for a long time, and it sounded again, and everyone was very uncomfortable.

Liu Guanzi's mother was the oldest, so she stretched out her hand and patted Ding Zhu's back twice and said.

"Don't cry first, go and send him off. Don't worry, these children are all good-looking. Are Chuanzi's daughter-in-law and Liangzi's daughter-in-law here? They can be arrogant."

"Uh, uh. Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Ding Zhu's family nodded and cried, looking really worried.

Lin Su couldn't stand this and got up and went out. You can see it from behind, she is wiping tears with her sleeve.

How could such an enthusiastic daughter-in-law be a bad person.

At this moment, everyone understands this

, But Ding Zhu can never understand.

The yard of Ding Zhu's house is very large, and three stoves have been temporarily built on the west side of the yard.

Ding Guangyu brought home food and winter vegetables, looked at his sister-in-law, and said.

"Sister-in-law, do it first. I'll go to the tofu shop to buy two plates of tofu."

"Hurry up." Ding Guangcheng nodded his head and sent off the younger uncle.

Dai Liang's wife, Lin Su and others came here one after another, washing rice, washing vegetables, and chopping vegetables.

Lin Su's knife skills are good, so she came to cut Chinese cabbage, radish and potatoes.

This way, there is no need to touch the water, so Ling Muchuan can feel relieved.

I was thinking about going home to cook, but I didn't expect to help here.

Several daughter-in-laws are well-known in the village for being able to work and know how to work.

Soon the cabbage stewed with potatoes and the radish stewed with tofu are in the pot.

The staple food is a mixture of sorghum rice and millet, which is a big pot.

According to the custom of the moon country, people have to stay at home for seven days when they die, and three meals a day are required for these seven days.

There are many people who keep the spirit and help, you can't ignore the food.

The popularity of a family in the village depends on weddings and funerals.

When Ding Zhu's wife came out, she leaned over the coffin and cried.

What "killing a thousand knives", what "requiring accounts", what "old dead man"...

There were a hundred or a thousand grievances in my heart, but in the end I cried besides crying.

People and money are empty.

Nothing seems more tragic than this.

But as long as you are alive, everything can be over again, and it depends on whether the family can come out.

After dinner, the men in the village stayed behind and began to sort out.

I stayed at home for a total of seven days, six nights, and left in the morning on the seventh day.

The two brothers of the Ding family must change shifts to watch the night, and the others will stay alone for the night.

Ling Muchuan stayed with Dai Quan, Liu Guanzi, and Ding Guangyu on the third night. Ling Muchuan left after responding, not staying for a moment.

When he left, Father Jiang sighed heavily, looked at the two brothers of the Ding family, and said.

"Look at Renchuanzi and the couple, who came to the scene when something happened. Just now, my wife cut all the vegetables and helped to prepare the evening meals too. How nice the people are."

"Yeah, people are really nice. I used to blame others." Wu Shan nodded in a hurry.

Everyone nodded, and finally Duan Yue's father waved his hands and said calmly.

"It's not too late to know now, just treat them well in the future."

"Yes, that's right."


The Ding family spoke highly of Ling Muchuan and his wife, and the Ling family did not know all this.

Lin Su lay on Ling Muchuan's lap and said with some regret.

"I really didn't expect Ding Zhu to be so young, people would be gone."

"There is nothing unexpected about this, everyone has to die, sooner or later." Ling Muchuan didn't care at all.

As long as the two of them are good, he doesn't care about the others.

Lin Su played with his big hand, looked up at him, and asked.

"Hey, is the night still over?"

"No." Ling Muchuan shook his head, squeezed her cheek, and said, "It's not my vigil today, don't worry. You will cook some food later, and we will go to bed after eating."

"Okay." Lin Su nodded without objection.

As he was talking, there was a door pushing in the yard.

When the farmhouse didn't hang up the yard until night, Lin Su heard the sound and sat upright.

Soon, the door of the house opened, and Father Jiang entered the house accompanied by Jiang Tao.

This is a rare visitor.

Lin Su hurriedly said hello, Ling Muchuan put the Kang table on and gave them


This was the first time that Old Man Jiang came to their house. From the outside, it was just a small party room, but it was neatly cleaned inside, and it was not as run-down as it looked outside.

One glance is the one who lives.

Sit down and took a drink, looked at them, nodded with a smile, and said.

"Chuanzi, from Chuanzi's family, today this thing is as bright as your husband and wife, and the uncle admires it."

Ling Muchuan did not speak as usual.

Lin Su hurriedly waved his hand and said modestly.

"Uncle Jiang is polite. In a village, there are no obstacles, but we are young and we didn't realize it early."

"Hey, that's not what I said, you husband and wife... We all understand." Old Jiang said in a hurry.

For the girl Lin Su, the impression is even better.

They didn't extrapolate their faults, but took them to themselves, really seeing their character.

He took out a few red triangle things from his arms and put them on the table, said.

"I made this, Ping An Fu. I received incense at the entrance of our house and can ward off evil spirits. Your home and Laoqiu's are the closest to Lao Ding's. I just finished giving to Laoqiu's. This belongs to yours."

"Hang on the windows, the door of the outbuilding, and the door of the back room. The old Ding of the province couldn't find the door of his house, so he ran around at you." After speaking, he pushed forward.

Originally, Lin Su wasn't afraid, but listening to him said that, his heart was still pretty hairy.

Ling Muchuan noticed that he stretched out his hand under the table to hold her hand tightly, accepted the three chapters of Ping An Fu, and said.

"Thank you."

This is the only thing Ling Muchuan has said since the two of them entered the house.

Father Jiang waved his hand when he heard it, and said indifferently.

"Ouch, thank you, this is not what it should be. If we live in a village, we have this in our house, which is convenient."

"Then I have to thank Uncle Jiang. We are young and don't understand this. Fortunately, the uncle gave us a message." Lin Su said sincerely.

Hearing the words, Papa Jiang ironed his heart, drank the water in the bowl, and said.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, I should go over and ask over there. You hang this up, don't forget."

"Hey, thank you, Uncle." Lin Su thanked again.

Withdrawing his hands, he went down to the ground and put on shoes to give them off. When he was sent out of the yard, Ling Muchuan hung up the door directly.

Lin Su returned to the house and quickly stringed the peace blessing with a rope and hung it on the nail in the window frame.

This nail is used to hang the gourd during the Dragon Boat Festival, and has never been taken, it just happens to come in handy at this moment.

Looking at her with lingering fears, Ling Muchuan amusedly hung the other two on the door frame of the outer room and the door frame of the inner room.

Lin Su exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief seeing that everything was hanging up.

It seems that this is really useful.

She is a materialist, but she is quite scared of this matter.

Ling Muchuan walked up to her amused, put the man in his arms, hugged him tightly, and said.

"Silly girl, what are you afraid of? I sleep with you at night. With me, who dares to touch you."

Lin Su pursed his lips, shook his head in his arms, and said.

"It's not that you say you are not afraid, you are not afraid! I'm so timid!"

"Well, I can see it." Ling Muchuan said jokingly.

Lin Su couldn't help his face, stretched out his hand and thumped his chest, said.

"So annoying, can't you just laugh at me?"

"Okay, I won't laugh at you." Ling Muchuan finished speaking, pinched her chin, kissed her lips and said, "You are so long today, and the villagers praise you."

(End of this chapter)