The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 126: Don't leave without saying goodbye!


Lin Su nodded when he heard the words.

Although Ling Muchuan looked cold-tempered, he valued love and righteousness.

No matter what the reason the old man brought him up, no matter what environment he took him to, at least let him live and grow up.

She couldn't stop her because of emotion and reason, let alone hold her back.

Take a deep breath, squeeze his hand, and say.

"Okay, do what you should do, don't worry about it at home. But you have to remember, go back and see me before you leave, don't leave without saying goodbye, you know?"

"Of course, I can't bear it." Ling Muchuan finished, holding her face, and kissed fiercely.

In the end, Lin Su still took his seal and left.

Although there are too many reluctances, but the big stall in the family can not be left behind and run with him.

not to mention…

She is not eating the ingredients for that bowl of rice.

Since he can't be arrogant, let her do the family affairs.

As for men, they always want to go to heaven, land, and career.

She understands the ancient men, rushing into the rivers and lakes!

After leaving the house, returning to the main road, I saw Zhao Yinghao there from a long distance away, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, still stalking people there.

Lin Su didn't know, so he walked over and patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"What's the matter? Why are you so anxious?"

Zhao Yinghao turned her head and found that it was Lin Su hurriedly clutching her sleeves and talking back and forth.

"Oh my ancestor, where have you been?"


"I... I met an acquaintance, and I went to say hello." Lin Su replied innocently.

Zhao Yinghao wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and said with a long sigh of relief.

"I was the one who dragged you out. If you don't go back here, Brother Chuanzi won't have to kill me? I said Sister-in-law, you can't hurt me like that!"


Lin Su was a little embarrassed and wanted to explain it for himself, but he couldn't say a word when he spoke.

Understand his urgency, and understand his urgency.

He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said.

"Oh, I'm okay. I'm such a big person and can't lose it. I'm going home now. You have someone to send me off. Okay. I promise I won't run around, will it succeed?"

With that, he stretched out three fingers and made a vow.

Even if she is as well-behaved as a baby, Zhao Yinghao doesn't believe her anymore.

He sighed heavily, waved his hands, and said hurriedly.

"Well, I will deliver it myself, I will deliver it myself!"

When the words fell, he called the bloody coachman who had been scolded, and asked Lin Su to get in the car first.

Xiao Nizi looked at the frustrated coachman, and to be honest, she was embarrassed.

I wanted to say something, but in the end I didn't say a word.

I thought that Zhao Yinghao would also come in, but he didn't expect that he would sit outside by himself.

The vehicle was lowered, and the carriage slowly left Changming Town.

Back at Xinzhantun, Zhao Yinghao got into the carriage and walked back when Lin Su entered the yard.

At home, Song Jinhua and the others have already prepared the things they will use tomorrow.

The rice is all heated up, and only the vegetables are left, which is probably about to be out of the pot.

Lin Su was a little embarrassed, sighed lightly, said.

"Let my sister-in-law and my younger siblings bother. I'm not at home here, you are tired."

"Oh, where, it's just a lot of work, don't be polite." Song Jinhua finished speaking, put the stewed potatoes out, and said again, "wash your hands and prepare to eat."

"Okay." Lin Suying washed his hands, and everyone went back to the back room and sat on the kang to eat...

After eating, Lin Su did not let them go.

Instead, he picked up all the tables, sat back on the kang, and said.

"There are some things in Dachuan that are delayed and can't come back. Second sister-in-law, isn't your fourth uncle Dai Xi okay at home, let him come to work. The wages... follow the three copper plates."

When Jiang Shulian heard this, she and her wife looked at each other and nodded in response.

This is great.

If the fourth child comes to work and works for a period of time, and the family has surplus money, he can find a wife for him in the winter.

Song Jinhua was so happy that she couldn't help but squeezed Lin Su's hand, and said.

"Don't worry, you'll come to work tomorrow. Don't be lazy, you know your own children."

"I just knew that, so I called him. As for the fifth... Wait a minute, it's not a good thing to come all." Lin Su was worried.

From the first day of the first lunar month to the present, Dai's affairs seem to be fine, but in fact, Dai's mother is still tossing.

The two sons are working in the shop early, and the wages can be paid back every ten days, and the old lady has the idea of the money.

I want to tell my son a daughter-in-law earlier and prepare a dowry for my daughter earlier.

Little did they know that these money were earned from their hard-earned money, early and greedy.

A Dai Nier and Ding Yingzi are really the "curse" of the two families.

It is said that Long gave birth to nine sons and they are all different, but these two girls who are not related by blood are inexplicably consistent, which makes people a little helpless.

Lin Su saw that Jiang Shulian's expressions were wrong, and turned to look at Jiang Ju's change of subject.

"When will your sister-in-law get married?"

"June 16, my sister-in-law will lend me the trolley in two days. I have to go to town to buy some meat and vegetables for noodles."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ju lightly sighed and continued.

"There is still something to trouble my sister-in-law. Help me calculate the wages of Guangcheng. I will receive it in two days."

"Only lead you and Guangcheng?" Lin Su asked, a little unbelievable.

Jiang Ju nodded firmly, looked at her and said softly.

"Just me and Guangcheng's. Guangyu... save it, you have to tell him his wife at the end of the year."

"Oh, this sister-in-law is not bad." Jiang Shulian said sincerely.

"Yeah, yeah, no one can do it like Guangcheng's family. Anyway, if I...I definitely can't do it." Song Jinhua said with a chuckle.

After hearing this, Jiang Ju was embarrassed, and hurriedly shook his head, waved his hand, and said.

"The two sisters-in-laws don’t praise me. The things in our family are different. We are married, you are marrying, not to mention that I and Guangcheng are heads of the family. The things we send and receive at home are kept by ourselves. ."

"This table or something, naturally we have to prepare. Guangyu does not separate the family, and naturally can't move other people's wages. Brothers have to settle the accounts clearly, and Guangcheng and I will also save money when the wife enters the door in the future. Complain."

When Lin Su heard this, he gave her a thumbs up and said.

"Yes, yes, you are a sensible and sensible person. Okay, I will settle all the wages to you the day after tomorrow. You just need to remember to say it whenever you want."

"Yes, thank you sister-in-law."

After Lin Su saw this, everyone was in a good mood. Taking a deep breath, he took out the blueprints he had drawn out earlier and put them on the table.

Song Jinhua was impatient, and when she saw her holding something, she couldn't help but leaned forward and said while watching.

"What is this?"

I don’t quite understand, but I can understand

, Is a house.

Lin Suxiao looked at the three of them and said calmly.

"This is the drawing I want to build an inn."



"Sister-in-law, you want to build an inn?"

Facing their three doubts, Lin Su nodded again.

These few nights, when Ling Muchuan came back, I painted when I was bored. Pointing to the drawing, I told them the whole layout in detail.

The originality of the entire inn refers to the courtyard house.

There are two floors in the front, the lobby on the first floor for meals, and the second floor for guests to sleep.

The left and right sides at the back are also guest rooms, right on the side of the pavilion, where the staff of the inn lives.

"... With this arrangement, Brother Dai Quan and his sister-in-law can move out and live here. By the way, they can also help the inn by the way, which will do two things with one stone."

Lin Su talked about his plan in detail, after the three women listened.

Jiang Shulian didn't respond.

Jiang Ju is even more difficult to place.

As for Song Jinhua, she put on her shoes at once, and then left the house quickly.

Lin Su didn't know what she was doing, and of course he didn't ask.

Looking at the two dull women in front of them, they asked softly.

"What's the matter, can you give me a letter? I don't plan to build a house for myself. I just live here, the backyard is a row of houses, and I just pick one."

Jiang Shulian slowed down, grabbing Lin Su's arm, and said.

"You... Are you serious? Can Erquan and I really live here?"

"Of course, so many houses, let's live."

Jiang Shulian almost cried.

These days, she is in a hurry to get angry about the house.

Sanliang's family has a good relationship with Chuanzi's wife, so he pressed this party room long ago.

The couple had no choice but to find a place to buy a house and build it bit by bit.

Now that Lin Su said that, she was really happy.

Living in an inn, helping with work, saving three meals a day, how great.

Just thinking about it, footsteps came from the yard.

Soon, Dai Liang and Dai Quan entered the house.

Dai Liang looked at Lin Su in disbelief and asked.

"Sister, really? Is it really going to be built?"

"It's really Brother Liangzi." Lin Su said, knocking on the drawing, and asked them both to come over and take a look.

Dai Quan stepped forward and looked at the picture for a long time before speaking.

"Some things are wrong, so you can't do this. Liangzi, you go find Lao San Yang, I think he is back. He is a special building house, let him advise the staff."

"Okay, wait, sister, this matter is clearly done for you by our brothers!" Dai Liang patted his chest and packed the ticket.

Lin Su told them that the purpose was to let them also advise them.

She didn't study architecture, and she didn't understand the data of building houses.

She just draws out the style she wants, as for the others, professionals have to take care of the aftermath.

Dai Quan looked at the drawing over and over again, putting it down after a while, with a little excitement on his face.

The third younger siblings just said that the Chuanzi family asked him to go over and give them a house to live in.

Good thing, great thing.

Soon, Dai Liang brought Yang Lao San over. He is a well-known person who can build houses in ten miles and eight villages.

Anyone who builds a house will look for him. He is very good at installing beams, panning kangs, and setting up stoves.

Dai Quan saw Lao San Yang coming, and hurriedly said hello to him.

"The third child is here, hurry up, sit down, sit down."

Lin Su just sat aside, said nothing, and said nothing...

(End of this chapter)