The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 130: You just want me


That night, Ling Muchuan held the person tightly in his arms and said that he was going out tomorrow.

What should come is always coming, and even if Lin Su is reluctant to give up, he can't stop it.

The little hand got into his shirt and said pitifully.

"Ling Muchuan, or... you just want me."

When the man heard this, his mind suddenly "buzzed—", he turned over to hold him down, looked at her in disbelief, and said.

"you sure?"

Lin Su blinked, looked at him firmly, and nodded.

She felt his urgency, and took the initiative to fit her, indicating that he can continue.



Ling Muchuan just kissed her lips loudly, smiled and shook his head, said.

"Don't worry, my father said that if I want you in the new house, I will definitely not wrong you. Waiting for half a year, half a year later, you will not be able to spare you crying."

When the words fell, the man turned over and lay down, holding him tightly in his arms, inexplicably satisfied.

It's not that I don't want it, but I'm not willing.

What he wanted was her willingness, rather than demanding in order to cater to her as she is now.

He really loves her, he loves her in his heart.

Lin Su couldn't tell what it was like, she was already relieved, this guy actually...

Say he is staid? Or is it that he is clean

Regardless of what it was, she gave up for such a principled man.

No matter how persistent they are, they can't agree, it's better to be quiet and enjoy this last tenderness.

The little hand pressed against his heart, feeling his strong heartbeat, murmured.

"Ling Muchuan, what should I do if I miss you? There is no cell phone in this place, and I can't even call you."

He has long been used to her new vocabulary. He held the person tightly in his arms and said calmly.

"I will ask people to send you my news on a regular basis. It won't be really silent. By the way, what do the married men and women on your side call each other?"

"Husband, wife." Lin Su said softly.

When Ling Muchuan heard such words, it took a while to say amused.

"Add one more word, but it's worse."

"Huh?" Lin Su was surprised, and after trying to understand, he squeezed him and said, "So annoying."

He said "annoying", but the body burrowed into his arms very honestly.

I found a comfortable position and closed my eyes.

Anyway, she will wait for him anyway, and keep waiting.

The next day, when the shop was finished early, Ling Muchuan left.

Lin Su didn't send it off, so he sat in the house without even going to the helper meal.

She was uncomfortable, and she also knew that Ling Muchuan was also uncomfortable.

So, in front of him, she did not cry.

There was a sound of pushing the door in the yard, Lin Su quickly wiped his eyes, put in money, and went out to greet him.

Jiang Ju put the eggs in the cart and said with a smile while watching Lin Su.

"Sister-in-law, let's go."

"Okay." Lin Su nodded gently, closed the door, and went to Changming Town...

Ling Muyang, the inn's plaque, had promised long ago that he would give it.

The name is Lin Suding, and it is Musu Inn.

As for the other upgrade procedures, Ling Muchuan had already completed it before he left.

Xie Jiaping and Zhao Yinghao have been here several times, and they also said that they would come to join us when they opened.

Everything was in order and orderly.

There were a few rains during the construction of the house, but I continued to work after the weather cleared without delay.

On this day, Lin Su came back from the town and took the fish and bones

Throwing her head to Jiang Shulian, carrying two catties of burning knives and a box of trough cakes, she went to Jiang Tao's house.

In the yard, Father Jiang was chopping wood. Lin Su couldn't believe it when he saw it, so he walked to the front and said.

"Uncle, you chop wood."

Hearing the words, Old Man Jiang turned his head and saw Lin Su immediately understood her intentions.

He smiled and put down the axe in his hand and turned back.

"Aren't the two sons on your side! If they are not at home, I can move my muscles and bones, otherwise... they won't let it."

Let's just say that Jiang Tao and Jiang Hai are filial and never let their father do heavy work at home.

"Come on girl, let's go in and say."

"Okay." Lin Su responded, picking up things and following into the house.

Mother Jiang passed away a few years earlier. Father Jiang lived with a few children. He married three daughters and married three daughters. Jiang Tao is now the only one left. .

Jiang Hai's wife is not at home, so I heard from Father Jiang that she was going to wash the clothes.

In fact, Lin Su also understood that her husband and younger uncle were not at home, and it was inconvenient for her and her father-in-law to be at home.

It was the first time Lin Su came to Jiang's house, and he could smell a little sandalwood scent when he walked in.

It should be dedicated to Baojiaxian, and incense comes on weekdays.

The house is not big, but it is very clean.

Father Jiang lives in his own house with three tiled houses, and he lives in the middle. The two sons live in two rooms.

"Come here, the girl sits on the kang, and sits on the kang." Daddy Jiang said while pouring her water with a teacup.

Seeing this, Lin Su shook his head hurriedly and said.

"Uncle, don't be busy, don't drink water."

"It's okay, it's okay." Father Jiang put on the Kang table, brought up the tea set, and said, "Ten miles and eight villages have asked me to see a doctor and evocation, so this tea set has been bought a long time ago."

Lin Su nodded when he heard the words, and understood that Old Man Jiang would have a tea set.

It must be a little outside to make people look comfortable.

Although the tea set is very old, it is very clean.

It can be seen that the Jiang family is a neat person.

Lin Su put things on the table and spoke straightforwardly.

"Uncle, don't come here for anything else, help me pick a day, I want to go to the beam."

"Just know you have to come." The old man finished speaking, looked at the things on the table, pushed the stale cake back, and said, "Two catties of wine will do. Uncle doesn't have a hobby, so he rarely drinks."

"That's why I gave the uncle a drink." Lin Su said, holding a water glass and said again, "Uncle don't be polite to me. These days, the two of them have been very helpful. To tell the truth, I can't get this thing. I... don't have much money anymore."

When Father Jiang heard this, he waved his hand and said.

"It's a confession to say this. You girl is a nice person. The helper's meal is either meat or fish. If my two boys don't work hard, I'm sorry for this meat."

He glanced at the gaozi cake, no longer insisted on accepting it, and said.

"All right, since you said that, my uncle won't be polite to you anymore. Uncle has to go to the ceremony on the day of Liang Liang, you remember to set the table.

"That's okay, it's in the shop. It's definitely good." Lin Su promised.

Daddy Jiang smiled and got up, walked to the kang quilt, and opened the curtain.

Inside is the enshrined Baojiaxian, this is the first time Lin Su has seen it.

A lot of names were written in red cloth and black letters.

She doesn't believe this very much, but she doesn't talk nonsense, which is annoying.

Father Jiang burned incense, kowtowed, then knelt there and said a lot of big things.

In short, Lin Su said

I didn't understand the words.

Later, she learned that Old Man Jiang was talking about the above words.

To put it simply, the above language is also called cosmic language. It is a kind of communication language in Xianmen.

Many disciples who go on horseback can speak immortal language, which is a language that disciples communicate with immortal masters.

It can be interpreted as the words spoken by Xianjia World, just like Chinese speaking Chinese and foreigners speaking foreign languages. All have their own language programs in it.

After a while, Father Jiang finally stopped talking, got up after kowtow, and drew the curtain back.

Return to the previous position and sit down, look at Lin Su who is calmly drinking tea, and say.

"You girl is not an ordinary person. People will be surprised when they see this. You have nothing to express."

Lin Su put down the tea cup, took a deep breath, said.

"Don't understand! If you don't understand, just listen honestly and don't disturb."

"Yes, you girl is very sensible. The date is set, July 18th, that day is auspicious, and both the beam and the table are fine."

"Okay, thank you, uncle." Lin Su thanked happily.

"Also, your store opened on July 19, a long time and a lot of money."

Lin Su suddenly smiled and squinted when he heard this. Busily took out a copper plate from his waist and put it on the table, and said.

"Thank you, uncle, you have to take this one."

"That's right, if you buy me, I can't take it." Old Jiang said, taking a copper plate.

The two looked at each other and then smiled tacitly.

While joking, the door opened, Jiang Hai's wife stood at the door and said.

"Father, I'm back."

"Ah, I see. The Chuanzi's come to pick the day, come over and say hello."

"Yeah, my younger brother and sister are here, I will put down the basin and come here." After Jiang Hai's wife said, she quickly entered the house.

He asked with a smile while wiping his hands with an apron.

"Why did you come here? Have you picked it up well?"

"It's ready." Lin Su replied with a smile.

"Someday, my father and Jiang Hai and their brothers will come to join in. If you need someone, just say, I will help." Jiang Hai's wife asked actively.

If it hadn't been for the shop to have no need for people, she would also like to go over and help.

It’s a great thing to count wages once every ten days and give them cash.

"I have booked for July 18. I will come to see my sister-in-law in advance when that time comes. I really need my sister-in-law's help."

"Then you just say, I must..." Before she finished speaking, Jiang Hai's daughter-in-law stopped speaking, and quickly helped her father-in-law who was sitting down to lie down.

Lin Su was stupid when he saw this, this... How sleepy is this

Didn't you talk to her just now

After Jiang Hai's wife helped her father-in-law to lie down, she winked at Lin Su, and the two went out one after the other.

"I'm sorry, my dad... That's it, every time he sees a doctor, he says he goes to sleep."

Lin Su was a little nervous when he heard her and asked worriedly.

"But is your health bad?"

"No, it's not." Jiang Hai's wife shook her head and said while drying her clothes, "Listen to my father-in-law, every time he sees a doctor, the fairy family will be in front of him, and the two will talk and spend their minds, so he sleeps."


Hearing this answer, Lin Su shrank his neck, a little afraid to answer.

I really don't dare to pick it up, there is always a feeling in my heart.

"Scared?" Jiang Hai's wife asked with a smile.

Lin Su thought for a moment, nodded without hiding, and said.

"It's kind of. Sister-in-law, aren't you afraid?"

"After a long time, I won't be afraid."

(End of this chapter)