The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 144: It's not easy to do business!


When the words were over, the door opened, and a greasy man with a big belly appeared in front of Lin Su.

He has a smiling face and looks very easy-going. But if you look carefully, the smile in your eyes is very imaginary, not from the heart.

"Mayor Shang, it's been a long time." Boss Xie greeted with a smile.

Shang Yutian glanced at Xie Jiaping, then at the woman next to him, "Ha ha..." said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, boss, why are you free to come over today? Come, come in and talk."

"Hey, good." The Xie family responded and led Lin Su into the house. "Mayor Shang, it's not about Mid-Autumn Festival. The proprietress of Musu Inn asked me to take her over to see the mayor. She couldn't find a place."

When Lin Su heard this, he knew that it was time for him to come forward.

Put the things you brought on the round table, slightly blessed your body, and said.

"I wanted to visit the mayor for a long time, but the autumn harvest was just around the corner. Knowing that the mayor was busy with taxes and grains, he didn't dare to bother."

"Haha..." Shang Yu laughed, looking at the woman in front of him, but looking at her with a little admiration.

To forget is to forget.

It just happened to be able to find such a reason why people can't pick and prick, but he is a wise man.

He waved his hand indifferently and said.

"Lady Ling is too polite. Sit down. It's okay to have a heart, but it's okay to come."

"That's not okay. The mayor has helped our couple so many times, so no matter what, I have to visit the house. Now I admit it, and I won't need my brother to bring me next time."

"Your brother?" Shang Yutian was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect them to have relatives.

Xie Jiaping narrowed his eyes with a smile, and hurriedly agreed.

"Mayor Shang, you'll know when you deal with their husband and wife more. The two are really good people. We are the relationship we built from buying things, from last year to now."

"Oh, that's fate." Shang Yutian said very face-to-face.

Lin Su sat aside and nodded with a smile.

She is still not good at this, really can't do it to chat with strangers.

At this moment, she had only one idea, and ran away quickly.

Seeing that Lin Su didn't say anything, Xie Jiaping took a sip from his teacup and said.

"Mayor Shang, there are no outsiders here, let me ask something. Are we going to mention this year's taxes and grains?"

"Yeah, mention it." Shang Yutian sighed heavily, and shook his head a little helplessly. "Listening to the above, this matter is supervised by the prince this year, so taxes and grains in various places have increased. Last year's situation was good, and this year's situation is good. The deduction is made up."

"Oh, I see… "

The two of them chatted, and Lin Su listened again. When I heard that there was a need to make up tax food, I really wanted to scold the street.

I have never heard of such a regulation, but I have to pay for the food

No wonder Ling Muchuan said that many good officials have been killed when the court is in action now. This is obviously unrealistic. How many proper officials can tolerate it

It's a fantasy!

"From Chuanzi's family, what do you think?"

Realizing that someone was touching her, Lin Su slowed down, and saw that the eyes of both people were on her, shook his head hurriedly, said.

"I didn't think about anything, just... I don't know how to speak."

"What are you talking about?" Shang Yutian asked casually, serving tea and drinking water. "Just say what you have, and there are no outsiders, you don't need to be cautious."

Lin Su nodded pretentiously, and pursed his lips in embarrassment.

"Yes... That's the case. Originally, when I opened a business there, I should have called the mayor over to eat. But

All the people invited were from the village, because they were afraid that the mayor would be uncomfortable in the past, so he never let the mayor come over to eat. "

"I just thought about talking to the mayor, but... but... but I can't open this mouth, sorry. I really neglected the mayor, it's the little woman's fault."

Talking to get up, salute again.

Originally Shang Yutian was unhappy about this, but now Xie Jiaping brought her here, she is also so sincere, if she is holding on to it, it is his problem.

He gave Xie Jiaping a quick wink and asked him to help round the game.

Xie Jiaping understood, and quickly stood up to stop Lin Su's salute, and said.

"Well sister, the mayor is not an outsider, he is a good brother of brother. You call me brother, he is also your brother, not an outsider, don't be so polite."

Shang Yutian didn't want to recognize the sister, but Xie Jiaping's "unintentional" action put him here and refused to recognize it.

Putting down the tea cup amused, watching Lin Su nodded and said.

"Yeah, yeah, you call the boss "brother", and I am your brother too. Don't think I am the mayor, and I have no real power at all. I am not an official. Don't be afraid."

Lin Su pretended to be surprised when he heard the words, then sat in a chair and said.

"The mayor's eldest brother is an official in my heart. When I didn't see the mayor's eldest brother, he was a great official in my heart."

"Haha... Hahaha..." Shang Yutian was amused by Lin Su's exaggerated words.

Seeing him smile, Lin Su let go of his hanging heart, and after looking at each other with Xie Jiaping, said.

"Then eldest brother, I'm not welcome. One day you have time, go to my place and I will cook myself."

"Hey, I have to go for this too. You still make the sweet and sour pork ribs last time. By the way, I haven't eaten pot meat, so I have to make it for me." Xie Jiaping said in a hurry.

Lin Su naturally had no objections and nodded in agreement.

Shang Yutian was so confused and compelled to recognize a girl.

After the butler sent Xie Jiaping and the others away, the original smiling faces gradually closed, and then the fruit box on the table was opened.

Knowing this fruit box, you can see that it is from Shuqizhai.

The first layer was taken out, and as expected, fifty taels of silver lay on the corner of the second layer.

The stiff face laughed again, and happily collected the money.

"Master, do you still do that?" The butler asked in a low voice after sending people back.

Shang Yutian waved his hand, patted his waist, and said.

"The things Xie Jiaping brought, and the things that moisturize the hands also understand the rules, forget it."

"Yes." The butler clasped his fists and responded...

Lin Su and Xie Jiaping went back to the grocery store, Xiao Nizi shook her head with a wry smile, and said.

"It's not easy to do a business."

Xie Jiaping understood what she meant, poured her a cup of tea, said.

"Nothing is easy, this kind of thing will be indispensable in the future. Anyway, how do you say... Let's make money and avoid disaster. Fortunately, I met people in Chuanzi County, otherwise he would have done it early."

Lin Su took a sip with the tea cup, sighed heavily, and said.

"That's all right, big brother, I'll go back first, and there are still goods to pick up in the evening. When he is going to eat, big brother asks the six sons to tell me in advance."

"Don't worry, no problem. Go ahead."

Lin Su was sent out of the grocery store by Xie Jiaping, but did not go home. Instead, he went to Tianxiangju and took back the things she wiped her face.

The house is almost out of use, and it’s almost time to count it.

. No matter how annoying things are, this face can't be delayed.

Back at the inn, butcher Zhang had already delivered the things.

Ding Guangcheng sat in the inn, and when Lin Su came back, he quickly got up and said.

"Come here at noon for two people to have hot noodle soup. Wule made it. The noodles were made by Ersao, which is not bad."

"Okay, you sit down, I'll go back and rest for a while." Lin Su was not in a high mood, and after speaking, he walked through the lobby and went straight back to the room.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, arranging the bottles and jars he brought back, looked at the person in the mirror, and sighed heavily.

Dealing with a Shang Yutian today is enough to make her respond. In her previous life, Lin Qian had to deal with so much, she should be very uncomfortable.

Since it is uncomfortable, just say it, why do you harm her? She thinks she is good to her, salary, bonus, house, car...

Which one was not given by her

Lin Su held his forehead with one hand, looked at the red painted tabletop, and touched it.

Facing Shang Yutian today, it really hurt her a little. That kind of flattery, she just responds from the bottom of her heart, but you can't help it, you have to do it.

I took a nap in the room and woke up again, full of energy.

Meimei stretched a lazy waist, full of vitality.

Coming to the front, it was still Ding Guangcheng himself. Going out of the front door to the wasteland not far away, waved to Wule and said.

"Go, teach you how to cook."

Wule glanced at his second brother after hearing this, Dai Quan shook his head amusedly, and said.

"See what, hurry up. Go hurry up."

Wu Le put down the sickle, and Le Dian came to Lin Su and said.

"sister in law."

"Let's go." Lin Su finished speaking and turned to go first. "I'm going to entertain a friend in the evening, so I do all the dishes that are a little bit particular. You just look at it, don't learn it in detail, just understand it."

"Well, I know my sister-in-law." Wu Le replied smoothly.

Dai Liang said while cutting the soybeans while looking at the back of the two of them.

"Second brother, would you say that one day, our Wule family will become a cook, and who will find us Wule for errands?"

"How impossible, possible." Dai Quan was full of confidence.

Song Jinhua tied the cut grains, looked at Dai Liang, and said.

"Enough for a car, quickly pull it over there to dry it, don't delay."

Dai Liang nodded when he heard it, picked up the sickle that Wule had thrown there, and sent it away together...

In the back kitchen, the master and the apprentice began to get busy, and Wule's current sword skills were okay.

Shredding, slicing, and cutting knives are all good.

Help lay hands, just right.

Cut small pieces of ribs into a pot under cold water, add ginger and aniseed to remove fishy.

Debone the fish and let Wule do the job of slicing.

While doing it, Lin Su also explained to him the points of attention of the steps and the things to be done next.

The young man listened carefully, and didn't dare to lose his mind for a moment.

Lian Qi came back from outside, watching Lin Su speak out.

"My boss, the second and third brothers have cut all the grain in the field. I will pull back a cart, where should I put it?"

"On the north side of the chicken coop, bluestone slabs were deliberately thrown over there to dry the grain."

"Okay, I see." Lian Qi should go out, and Lin Su continued to work.

Wu Le looked at the prepared dishes on the long table in the back, and said softly.

"Sister-in-law, there are already ten dishes."

Lin Su turned around when he heard the words, nodded at the ready, and said.

"Okay, that's about it. Just do it when someone comes."

Just as they were talking, Song Jinhua and the others are here too, and they will meet each other by the hour...

(End of this chapter)