The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 147: Ling Muchuan knew how to be a gangster!


Lin Su walked quickly back to the backyard, closed the door, and sat on the kang under the window, opening the letter.

Looking at the vigorous and powerful handwriting, the heart that had been hanging for many days finally came down.

There was no news for a whole month and a half. She really missed him, and missed him especially.

Can't tell why, just reading the letter made her feel the urge to cry.

He took a deep breath, relieved, and began to read the letter silently.

In the letter, he gave a plain account of what he had done recently, as well as some things that suppressed corrupt officials and bad gentry everywhere.

Whenever she saw the poor people get money, the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Since the court can't count on it, his Jianghu organization acts as a justice messenger, full of positive energy.

Seeing the back, the corners of Lin Su's mouth rose slightly, his expression uncontrollable sweetness.

After talking about business, it was time for Ling Muchuan to be a gangster.

I have to say that this guy is really a master of sultry, she can blush and heartbeat just across the letter paper.

Especially when he saw that his house was built and he wanted to come back right away and slept with her, his heart became flustered.

As if he was coming back soon, and then... after the meal...

Smelly Ling Muchuan knows to be a hooligan.

I read a letter from the beginning to the end, a total of three times. Finally, I was willing to put it down. Looking down at the letter paper, the ghost took the letter paper to his mouth and kissed it.

God, the plot in the TV series, she can actually...

What a shame, what a shame!


Uncontrollable anger, he quickly buried his face in the quilt.

Although there is no outsider in the house, she is the only one, but the shame can't be restrained from the inside out.

It took a while before I adjusted myself, and tried to burn the letter.

This letter must not be kept!

Especially the above mentioned in detail who they dealt with and who they dealt with.

As long as these things are caught, Ling Muchuan's safety will be threatened.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid, this guy is too bold, and he wrote it like this.

What if the letter is robbed or dropped

Thinking of this, Lin Su didn't dare to delay, so he burned the letter and tidied up his clothes and went out.

In the yard, everyone lined up and was fetching water to wash.

Looking at it this way, the prepared pots are still not enough, so we need to add a few more.

In the lobby on the first floor, except for Ling Muyang, Ling An, and Ling Wu who were still eating, everyone else had already withdrawn.

Ding Guangcheng and the others are wiping the table and sorting the tables and chairs.

Lin Su came to Ling Muyang's table and sat down, looked at him, and asked.

"How is it, but it's delicious?"

"The things you make are naturally delicious." Ling Muyang praised him without hesitation.

Lin Su chuckled, watching him actually drink and burn a knife, remembering that there is really no good wine in the store, and then said.

"Do you have any good drinks to introduce? I will prepare some when the time comes. If the big guys come to stay overnight, they can also have a drink and have a good night's sleep."

Ling Muyang shook his head, drank the burning knife in the cup, and said.

"It's in the Ling family. I'll let the steward come over and talk to you when that happens."

"That's OK, then I don't care, wait for your housekeeper to come and talk to me."

When he finished speaking, he turned to look at Ding Guangcheng's figure going out to take out the trash, whispered again.

"Remind Dachuan, don't write everything. If the letter falls into someone else's hand or is lost, he is in danger."

Ling Muyang paused when he heard the words, looked at her puzzledly, and said in a low voice


"What did you write?"

The seal of the letter was intact, and he had no idea what was written in it.

Lin Su briefly and quickly explained what she was worried about, and Ling Muyang immediately understood her intentions.

This Ling Muchuan is really brave!

Take a deep breath, nod slightly, and say in agreement.

"Don't worry, I will remind him."

"That's good, don't forget." Lin Su breathed a long sigh of relief.

She made no secret of her worry, which made Ling Muyang feel at ease.

He can consider everything for his brother, maybe he should trust his brother's judgment and don't be too wary of her.

He pulled off the last bite of rice, looked at Lin Su and said again.

"This year's tax and food increase, you just give it, don't question it, understand?"

Lin Su nodded and said with a funny tongue.

"I just made you feel uneasy?"

"you guys".

Ling Muyang knew that Ling Muchuan must have said in the letter, waved his hand indifferently, said.

"Give as much as you should, and it won't let you fill your stomach."

"Well, I understand." Lin Su nodded.

Dai Liang and Dai Quan and others packed their things, and when they heard Ling Muyang's words, you look at me and I look at you, everyone's expressions are very solemn.

This year I rented land again, and came to work in the inn again, just to make more money, so that I can live a more relaxed life.

But it's okay now, but I have to increase taxes and grains again. Why

Although they were puzzled, everyone could stand their temper. Only after Ling Muyang and the three of them got on the second floor, they surrounded Lin Su and asked.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Lin Su was stunned for a moment, looked at the big guy's serious look, and said in wonder.

"What's the matter?"

"It's tax food, what's going on with tax food." Dai Liang explained hurriedly.


Lin Su was really dumbfounded, so he pulled a stool to sit down and said.

"Boss Du said this when he came that day, didn't you hear it?"

Everyone shook their heads, even the Sixi, who was on the night of the day, shook their heads.

Lin Su glanced at Lianqi, took a deep breath, and said.

"It's nothing, but the situation was not so good the year before, when everyone paid less tax and food. Now that the situation is better, the court asked to make up for what was paid the year before.




After saying this, no one said anything. Both Song Jinhua and Jiang Ju's angry eyes were red, but they didn't say a word.

Lin Su could understand them in particular. After all, after so long, he was tired for the joy of the autumn harvest.

Now that I haven't waited for the autumn harvest, I have been taxed and grained. Who can feel good

Seeing that everyone was so heavy, she was quite uncomfortable, squeezing Song Jinhua's hand, and said.

"Don't be like that. As the saying goes, the word'official' is justified. How can we ordinary people control the affairs of the court. But Chuanzi wrote a letter saying that the renters of wasteland will not be accepted this year and will be collected next year. , You don't care."

"Don't worry, the wasteland will not increase rent this year. After all, there was no farming the year before. The tax increase was given by everyone, not only by us. As for the old house of Dai's house... there will always be a solution."

On Ding Guangcheng's side, she was not worried at all. Both brothers can do it, and Jiang Ju is an expert at saving money. Now he doesn't want to rent wasteland. They pay some coarse grains as tax food, no problem.

The difficulty lies in the old Dai's house.

The Dai family originally expected the food to come down this year and sell some to Sixi to marry his daughter-in-law, but now it seems...

Dai Liang looked at his younger brother, put his arms in his arms, and said.

"Don't worry, even if you smash the pot and sell iron, you still have to let you marry your daughter-in-law."

Dai Quan didn't speak, but he also patted Si Xi on the shoulder. The implication would not delay him.

Sixi's age is indeed here, and there are Wule below, so I can't find both brothers, because in the future, good girls won't be able to pick them.

Lin Su looked at the big guy, looked at Dai Quan, and murmured.

"If Sixi wants to marry a daughter-in-law, she must be alone first, otherwise... it will be difficult!"

In a word, the four brothers of the Dai family immediately understood what Lin Su meant.

Yes, it is time to come out alone.

Otherwise, the mother should be thinking about the dowry of Sixi's wife. More likely to serve the clothes of a large family.

Nowadays, the clothes in the old house are said to be washed by Sixi and Wule. The eldest daughter-in-law gives them the family and the old couple, plus Dai Ni, to wash the clothes.

Sixi was a little dazed, Dai Quan squeezed his shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, brother won't let you be bad, I must make arrangements for you to understand."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Su didn't make so much noise upstairs and the backyard. Then he looked at the big guy and said again.

"That's it. As for what's going on, let's take your time. Let's go to bed first. I'll be busy tomorrow."

When everyone heard this, they didn't insist anymore. They stayed at night, and the others packed up and went back.

Lin Su and Lian Qi were at the end. After Dai Quan and his wife entered the house, they looked at him in wonder and said.

"I didn't tell them how to increase taxes and food?"

Lian Qi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head indifferently and said.

"It's nothing to say. If you don't say they have to make up, I said they were making trouble. Why bother."

Lin Su chuckled softly when he heard the words, looked at Lian Qi and nodded slowly, and said.

"I can't tell, you kid will take care of their emotions."

"It doesn't count, just thinking that it is better to know later than to know earlier." Lian Qi said, returning to the door of his house, punched Lin Su, and pushed the door into the house.

Lin Su went back to the room and washed briefly, and then lay down.

There was also Xinzhantun in the Musu Inn that night, and some people couldn't sleep.

The old farmer has worked hard for half a year to get more food for the autumn harvest and feed his family.

It's not bad now. Before the food was fully recovered, I was told to pay more tax on the food. This result is really hard to accept.

There was no word for a night, and when he went to work, Lin Su found that the big guy's eye sockets were all blue.

Since there are people from the caravan in the inn, the ugly time is here, regardless of the hall or the back kitchen.

Lin Su called people to the back kitchen, lit a candle, and said.

"The tables on the east side of the lobby on the first floor are vacated and reserved for the caravan people. When that time, porridge, steamed buns, and steamed buns will be placed there, so that everyone can take them freely. The pickles are still placed in the old position, and the workers on the mountain come down to eat. Arranged on the west side, a row of tables from the east side..."

Lin Su talked in detail about what she was thinking about before going to bed yesterday. After hearing that, everyone nodded and went to work.

For steamed buns and steamed buns, Lin Su deliberately made pie with leek boxes.

This time it’s not made of leeks meat, but made of leeks and eggs.

There is no shortage of eggs at home, and occasionally anyone in the village does not sell eggs in the town, but sends them directly to the inn.

Today is Wule mixing pickles. The young man’s cooking skills are as good as Lin Suzhen’s biography.

After studying for only half a month, although the sword skills are still average, the weight of the materials is very comprehensive...

(End of this chapter)