The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 18: Strong woman


Lin Su looked at him like this, burning with anger. Obviously, I can still...

It's not a thing!

"There are no beasts in the old forest in the deep mountains. He risked his life to go hunting. You don't appreciate or thank you. Why should you divide it? Just give a small house to grow farms and real estate for five years."

"Every day a wild rabbit, you give three black steamed buns and a piece of pickles, you really give it. Old Dingtou, let me tell you, starting next year, paddy fields and dry fields will not have your share. We will grow our own. Don’t even want to take this thing."

At this moment, Lin Su finally understood why she just woke up.

Because she was worried about Ling Muchuan and didn't want him to go hunting in the mountains again.

People have compassion. In such a dangerous place, it doesn't matter if they eat a few bites of meat. If something really happened, it would be a life, a life sparkling with blood!

Thinking of this, Lin Su pulled Ling Muchuan behind him, looked at Ding Zhu and continued.

"In the future, he will not go hunting in the mountains, and I will not let him go up the mountains. So, let your daughter-in-law get used to it. She can't be replaced."

After finishing speaking, he took Ling Muchuan to stride and walked home. Ding Zhu stood there, without any response for a long time. After all, he didn't say what he said.

Back in the small courtyard, Lin Su stood in the courtyard, sculpted Ling Muchuan's arm, and said solemnly.

"From now on, you are not allowed to go hunting in the mountains without my consent."

Ling Muchuan was stunned, looking at such a powerful woman, and then clasped her wrist, took her hand away, and said.


"Why?" Lin Su exclaimed, pointing in the direction of Dawang Mountain, and continued unhappily, "How far is that place? How far? What if you have an accident, what should I do? I..."

Lin Su sensed something was wrong, and suddenly dropped his hands like a frustrated ball.

He was caught by Ling Muchuan and couldn't get it back. He just shook his head pretentiously, said.

"Anyway... Anyway, the mountains are dangerous, so don't go. I'm not greedy for meat, and I can't sell it for a lot of money, so don't fight."

Ling Muchuan stared at her looking down, although he was also very confused, but he could see the situation more clearly than she could.

This girl is not here, for her, he is her only partner. If he changes to the place where he stayed before, it should be the same as her.

Take a deep breath and nod slightly. After realizing that she couldn't see, she spoke.

"Well, where to go from now on, I'll tell you."

Lin Su raised his head "violently", his eyes gleaming, and he asked cheerfully.

"Are you serious?"


"Don't lie to me?"

"I won't lie to you!" Ling Muchuan replied solemnly.

Seeing his attitude like this, Lin Su suddenly bit his lip and smiled with a smile.

Perceiving his deep eyes, dodge uncomfortable eyes, and said.

"Um... I'll pick up sauerkraut in the house, you clean up and rest, wait for the spring and the warm weather to discuss other things with us."

"it is good."

Receiving a response again, Lin Su quickly slammed the door and entered the house.

I can see that I am very happy. I walk with wind!

Ling Muchuan stood on the spot looking at the rabbit, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and began to do things...

As winter goes to spring, the snow on the ground melts, the spring breeze gusts, and the weather gets warmer.

You can see ice slips and dripping water everywhere on the eaves, so I don’t dare to walk under the eaves to prevent

The ice slipped and hit himself.

The spring is covered in the autumn. At this moment, people have not removed their thick cotton clothes, but every household frequently comes out to drain the water in the yard.

During this period of time, Lin Su completely integrated into the life of the farmer family, and got rid of those previous habits.

I don't think about the past anymore, and I rarely mention it, and I don't think about it much.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day, living with the sun.

Learned how to set fire, learned how to chop chicken food, realized how to take apart and wash quilts, and how to tell the time by looking at the sun.

This is really interesting in ancient times. A cup of tea is ten minutes in modern times. A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes in modern times, and a half hour is an hour...

Every day, her job is: get up early to cook, then clean up the house, clean up in the yard, and cook at noon.

The typical fire head army, three meals a day, all meals are her.

Because they bought winter vegetables, their family wouldn't eat pickles at this time. They had potatoes, radishes, and so on, and they had a pretty good life.

After Lin Su came back after going to the mountains that time, Ling Muchuan never went hunting in the mountains again. Instead, he stayed at home every day either to set up the yard or clean up the backyard.

The backyard of the small party house is almost twelve square meters in size. The wooden slats are packed out, and the soil is filled in spring. It is best to plant some vegetables.

Lin Su once asked him why he was not so diligent before. I still remember that at that time, Ling Muchuan stared at her, then said "has a daughter-in-law" and left.

Thinking about it now, I still feel a little blush.

Although he keeps saying that she is his "daughter-in-law", the relationship between the two is still the same.

Good or bad, not close or far away.

Occasionally, if he said a word, it would still make Lin Su feel that he was teasing her, but it didn't matter. The important thing is.

Every morning when she woke up, Ling Muchuan held her arms in her arms, the kind of sleeping position clasped tightly in her arms.

If it weren't for him to get up normally every day, she really thinks he did it on purpose.

It was so helpless. It was the first time I saw a person who sleeps so dishonestly. If it weren't for heads out and feet in, I guess they would both have to fall to the ground.

How can you toss so much, why can you toss so much.

Putting a few pieces of firewood into the stove, Lin Su's face was a little red, he put a sticker on the back of his hand to cool down, then got up to look at the pot.

"Why is your face so red?" Ling Muchuan walked in from outside.

At this time, he just finished feeding the three chickens outside. On the third day after the purchase, the two hens laid an egg every other day, very punctual.

Lin Su heard that his face turned redder, cleared his throat and replied.

"It's grilled in the stove, it's a bit hot."

Ling Muchuan didn't doubt that he was there, and nodded as knowing. He tapped her on the shoulder a few times and said again.

"I want to go up the mountain after breakfast."

"Why are you going?" Lin Su asked vigilantly. Although they haven't eaten meat for a long time, she can bear it without being greedy.

Looking at the dignified Nizi, Ling Muchuan waved his hand hurriedly, said.

"Enlightened, it's not easy to walk in the yard. Before spring plowing up the mountain, get some bricks and tiles, and pad the yard."

Lin Su thought for a while and nodded, watched him pursing his lips, and said.

"That's fine, I'll go with you."

"What are you doing with you?" Ling Muchuan frowned and asked with an unhappy expression.

Lin Su took a look at him, lifted the lid of the pot, stirred and stirred the millet porridge in the pot with a spoon, and said.

"I'll help you. Let's go together

Pick up things up the mountain, fast. "

Covered the lid, looked at Ling Muchuan who was unmoved, and said again.

"If you don't let me go, don't go either."

"I know." Ling Muchuan responded and turned and went out.

Lin Su raised his eyebrows triumphantly, took the porridge out, and fry a hot and sour potato shreds.

There are still some winter vegetables at home, but I can’t always eat these youngest.

Spring is beginning, and there must be a lot of wild vegetables on the mountain. Digging some back can be considered as a taster and change the taste.

After the dining table was set, Lin Su came out of the house, looked at the muddy yard, twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and said.

"Don't make it anymore, come back for dinner. When we get back some bricks or something, we just spread out from the door of the house to the door of the courtyard."

Ling Muchuan put the shovel aside and asked as he walked.

"Why don't you spread it all?"

When he got closer, Lin Su pouted her lips proudly and said.

"Are you stupid? Didn't we say that we are going to do business on our own? We must rebuild the house when that time comes. This little house does not leak rain in summer?"

"Not leaking." Ling Muchuan finished speaking, pushed her into the house with his body, and then closed the door.

This kind of affection was not done once or twice, but Lin Su blushed every time. Seeing him pouting, said.

"You can't talk, you have to do that."

Ling Muchuan didn't speak, and washed his hands and entered the house on the Kang. Now the house is different from before.

Some time ago, they cleaned up thoroughly, swept all the gray dulu out, and bought cement to paint.

After all I have to live for a while, I have to be like a family.

Ling Muchuan drank the fragrant millet porridge, looked at Lin Su and said again.

"Take the saw away in a while and go up the hill to cut some good pine. Don't you want to be a quilt? Let's do it all today."

Lin Su twitched twice when he heard the words, then looked at him and said.

"Hurry up and pull it down. How do you cut the pinewood? Who will help you!"

There are only two of them, and that thing is obviously not for two people. No matter how good and strong Ling Muchuan is, it is impossible for him to do it alone.

It would be great if someone helped, but it's a pity that they cheated. Even if Lin Su wanted to pay, no one would bring it.

Ling Muchuan thought about drinking porridge and eating steamed buns, but stopped insisting.

Tianxiangju ate one-third of the food that he took. At this rate, the autumn harvest will definitely not be available. Fortunately, she still has some money at home. When that happens, she thinks of a way to make money and buys food first.

What sells recipes to make money in novels. She... also wanted to sell it, but she didn't seem to have a chance at all.

Traveling to the present, they went to town the first two days they woke up, and they never went there again.

Ling Muchuan can be said to be a super otaku.

I wandered back and forth like this at home, in the yard, in the backyard.

She is in the house during the day and he is rarely in the house. Why she understands, she understands.

"What are you thinking about and stupefied?"

Lin Su calmed down, looked at Ling Muchuan and shrugged, and said.

"Nothing, just think about how to make money again."

"Don't think about it, I can't let you out." Ling Muchuan finished speaking and served himself porridge again.

"... Why?" Lin Su puzzled. "Didn't you say it at the beginning? It's warm in spring, you let me do it."

"Have you heard of the strategy of slowing down?"

"You—" Lin Su was speechless. She had never seen such a rascal person.

I'm so embarrassed to ask if she has heard of "Relaxation Strategy"

She has heard of "no word for words"!

(End of this chapter)